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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 23, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 23, 1971
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Editorials: The ebullient Martha Mitchell had some advice this week for her American sisters-under-the-skin. "Go out and spend your money and enjoy yourself," said the wife of Attorney General John Mitchell, who revealed she is doing her part in support of President Nixon's efforts to stimulate the economy by ordering eight new dresses from a New York designer. "1 think everybody should have a good time," she said. "Entertain as much as they want to and buy as much as they want to, but just keep it at home. Let's have America for Americans for a change and forget the rest of the world." "I think that the average housewife should now appreciate that President Nixon's the best friend she's got," said Mrs. Mitchell, who also revealed that her buying abroad is restricted to antiques and French perfume. Fired up by this patriotic call to action, we chastised a woman we spotted buying a Japanese-made blouse in a supermarket. "It's splendid that you are following Martha Mitchell's advice by buying as much as you want, but you should remember to keep it at home." "Martha who?" "Martha Mitchell, the wife of the Attorney General of the United States. She says you should go out and spend your money and enjoy yourself to help President Nixon stimulate the economy. She's ordering eight new dresses from a New York designer as her contribution." "Well, pin a rose on her! I haven't had eight new dresses in the last three years. I've got three bucks out of my husband's last unemployment check to buy a blouse for my daughter to wear to school. If that's stimulating enough for Martha Mitchell, great; if it isn't, to hell with her." "That's a cruel thing to say. Martha Mitchell is a patriot. She's doing her part to save our country and all she's asking is that you do your part. You've got to quit hoarding the money you have in savings and start spending if the country is to get out of the doldrums." "Hoarding! My husband brought home ninety-three bucks a week when he was working, and he hasn't worked in months. We've got four kids in school. We couldn't save enough to buy a postage stamp. We had a battle every week over a six-pack of beer on Friday night. How much does Martha Mitchell's husband bring home?" "That's really not important. What is important is that you must recognize that your country is suffering from an economic recession and high unemployment..." ,6c¢ • 9, 9.9,t,Z ¢1" -/O~l.~. i.,~/~/,.ll. "Don't get so excited and please don't interrupt. It's important that you realize your country is suffering from an e onoraic recession and ¢ihterta~:~ore a~ s~lbend more And you must buy American - except for antiques and French perflinw, which Martha says are okay to buy abroad. Now, wouldn't it brighten up your home if you bought a Spanish refectory table? "The only antique we have is our car. But that doesn't matter because we can't afford to buy gas at forty cents a gallon anyway. If the president wants to stimulate the economy why doesn't he bring down the price of gas so we can afford to buy it?" "i'm afraid you don't understand economics. The president and his advisers have determined that the economy will improve if corporate profits are higher." "You mean, like maybe somebody will be able to order eight new dresses from a New York designer?" "No, not just that. Everybody will have more money to spend because more jobs will be created if corporate profits are higher. But they're not going to make higher profits if they lower prices. For instance, in the oil industry, Standard Oil of New Jersey made a net profit - after taxes - during the second quarter of 1971 of $352,000,000. That was an increase in profits of thirty-four per cent over the $262,000,000 for the second quarter of 1970. Isn't that nice?" "That's nice if you happen to own Standard Oil stock, but how did it help the economy? While net profits went up thirty-four points, unemployment also went up." "Maybe we picked the wrong industry. Let's take the automobile industry. Employment always goes up when the automobile manufacturers make a big profit. That's why President Nixon is asking for special incentives for the car makers. I've got a little chart here in my pocket that should show automotive profits nosediving while unemployment climbs. Let's see - Chrysler Corporation had earnings, after taxes, of $31,400,000 during the second quarter of 1971, compared to profits of $10,100,000 for the second quarter of 1970. Good heavens, that's an increase of 211%!" "Yeah, just like the oil company. I knew it would be even before you told me. Profits buy designer dresses. Unemployment checks buy Japanese blouses." "Tell me, have you studied economics?" "No." "You're sure?" "Yes, I'm sure. Hey, where are you going?" "I'm going home and drink a bottle of French perfume." Mailing Address: Box 430, Shelton, Wa. 98584 Phone 426-4412 Published at Shelton, Mason County, Washington, weekly, except two issues during week of Thanksgiving. Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Post Office, Shelton, Wa. EDITOR AND PUBI ISHER ..................... Henry G. Gay t By ROBERT C. CUMMINGS A week before the state's four-year institutions of higher education were scheduled to open for the fall quarter, at least one feat had been pretty well dispelled. No students apparently would be turned away, except of course at graduate schools which traditionally have more applicants than they can accept. Concern that the institutions wouldn't be able to accommodate all first-year students had been expressed frequently during the last legislative session. But in contrast, a representative of the Council for Higher Education informed the Legislative Budget Committee that two of the four-year colleges might fail to reach their budgeted enrollments. He named Western and Eastern State Colleges, but a later report indicated a last-minute surge might bring Western up to the projected level. An-Encouraging Sign The fact that a college- education was losing its prestige and status among many high school graduates was one of the reasons listed for the apparent enrollment sag. Other factors included increases in tuition and student fees, advance deposits and, of course, sagging economic conditions. But despite the economic situation, there was one bright spot. Enrollments in __ _ A 1 Editor, The Journal: "Hey, you, 549-34-7654; I know exactly who you are! I don't have to waste your time sorting you out from the hundreds of other Smiths in our files, as I would if you had given me only your commonly shared name. Rather than degrading and dehumanizing you, a machine allowed me to find your highly individual record instantaneously instructions. aren't allowed grades; limitations!) machine has interests, skills against local identified two may wish to also schools and college, from so I could get right to my most are within important job; serving you asyou specified, quickly, knowledgeably and range and personally as possible. Because it specialized has such a good memory, I don't requested. have to waste your time asking you to fill out a form with the one, same information you've written machine has down for us dozens of times to send before. Instead, we'll spend your you apply, time working out an havean individualized educational Dehuma program which reflects your Degrading? unique interests, capabilities and Definitely! needs. Then we'll let the machine We have, search through all of the society which thousands of possible class high degree schedule combinations to find the service from one you like best. It will only people) that take a minute and then we canassist as confirm your schedule in the we require. classes you need. While we are We, the waiting, here is a complete copy And we are of the information the machine increasing has recorded for you. Look itsystems todaY. over, bring it up to date and we will re-enter it according to your i Editor, The Journal: Your article, Huckleberry Herald section re George Jones behaved .just quarter of the 1 grovel on and his gardening. I'd sure lika a way up, verY chance to ,weep-on-his-shoulder', I would s "Harry's making a personal statement against President Nixon's especially bout pole beans! My by the vegeta main trouble, getting the fool Especially: spend-spend-spend philosophy." things to climb poles provided! some indiVi' circumstances. Dormitory Doldrums Meanwhile, at the community college level, some dormitories at Too many reach over, climb other gracefully poles, others crawl along ground, their lives. And so-forth! and bottom, Think I've found an Some explanation -of sorts , producingzer° behaviour my garden by the That's the reading of an item, news, about a behave, some young lady-schollar planting two curve and on (2) rows of pole beans, she gave produce, each equal water and fertilizing ground to -etc-, but one row, she allways of the way spoke-kindly to, even provided Nill!! Mid Choppin music. The other row,tying my she scolded, frowned at -etc.p o 1 e, privately-endowed colleges and B u t this was offset at universities are up an average of 5 numerous privately-endowed per cent. Some credit was given colleges by a $100 increase in the scholarship program enacted tuition fees. While this provided a for private institutions by the shot in the arm for financially 1971 Legislature. This amounted strapped private institutions, it to $1.7 million to provide $100 hardly could account for each for 1,700 students, increased enrollments under such Well-, the .beans .she ,loved,up the two-year institutions find performed beautifully, climed I-, themselves in financial difficulty fight ~ uS: theit'*lbTlesl~ p~3duced because of a low occupancy rate. abundantly! The un-loved row ~ll~lll~l~l~l~l~l~llll~lll~llll~l~l~l~ll~lll~l~l~l~l~l~l~l~l~l~lll~lll~l~l~ll~ll~ll~lll~ll~l~l~l~l~l~l~ll~l~l~llll~ll~l~l~l~ll~l~lll~ll~l By JOSEPH C. HARSCH The American President and the American Congress are in confrontation over whether it is better to prime the American economic pump by cutting taxes on corporations and on the rich or by sustaining the buying power of the poor - and it all happened before. The great debate over whether one builds or encourages a sound American economy from the top or from the bottom has been rejoined in the Congress. But it is only another round in an argument which was opened during the debates in the federal convention which drafted the American Constitution. Alexander Hamilton was the original proponent of the Nixon point of view, but presented it in terms which would not be deemed politically adroit in these less candid times. "All communities," Hamilton said, "divide themselves into the few and the many. The first are the rich and well-born; the other the mass of the people.., turbulent and changing, they seldom judge or determine right. Give therefore to the first class a distinct, permanent share in the government." As first Secretary of the Treasury Hamilton did his utmost to put into practice this doctrine. He believed that the government should favor the interests of the old families, the merchants, bankers, shipowners, etc., and thus tie them to the interest of the federal government. In Hamiltonian theory the welfare of the "rich and well-born" would trickle down among the "mass of the people." The contrary point of view was put forth by Thomas Jefferson who had both more interest and more faith in the "mass of the people," although he tended to think of the lower classes in terms of a rural yeomanry rather than an industrial proletariat. Neither Hamilton nor Jefferson seemed to have had much awareness of what the Industrial Revolution was about to do to Western civilization at the time they crossed their verbal swords in the constitutional convention. But they did set forth conflicting doctrines about the relative importance to society of the upper class versus the masses, and Americans have been rearguing the same subject ever since. Insofar as American political parties have significant differences they date back to that original debate between Hamilton and Jefferson. The Democrats take their philosophy, such as it is, from Jefferson who openly preached "democracy," although in his time it was a most radical concept and usually regarded as heretical. Republicans have not consistently followed the Hamiltonian line. Indeed, from their reorganization under the "Republican" label at Ripen, Wisconsin, in 1854, down to the great (Teddy) Roosevelt-Taft split in 1912, they were Populist and defender-of-the-peer the then rather aristocratic But the reform or pushed out decisively by the to be later incorporated into Franklin Roosevelt formed in 19-" to the present day the think and act along th philosophy lines of Alexander Hamilton would have the economic recovery problem Hoover administration which was at stimulating the economy tr theory was openly presented would then "trickle down" amOng unemployed. And Hamilton could the formula Mr. Nixon is Congress which seeks welfare, family income clearance, etc., while industry and the income tax various forms of tax relief. Jefferson woud, on the the Democrats who cc about recovery from the wrong stimulating the purchasing of the rich. The moral of the story has always seemed to Hamiltonian and jeffersonian ec probably what will emerge froth the old, old American debate. from the ~~~~~~~~l~~~~~l~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~l~l~~~~~~~l~~l~~l~~l~~~~~~llllll~l~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~l~llll~l~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~l~l~~~~~~l~~~l~~l~~~~~~l~~ They're really demonstrating support for a jagged splinter By STEVE ERICKSON of their generation which lives off handouts from a society it They were very earthy looking girls, these two. Their professes to despise. Mien suggested dandruff and perspiration, but their When they can employ cheek to goad straight citizens spokesman pretended fine manners as she approached a into ignoring their outstretched palms, they're being fulfilled in necktied pedestrian downtown, a perverse, contrary way they can call their own. "Parden me, sir," she said, tossing back oily, uncultivated tresses that cascaded down her shoulders in a frizzy avalanche. "My friend and I here, we just got into town from Cleveland, Ohio." Ohio, yokel. Cleveland is in Ohio. Make a note of that. "Our car has broken down," she continued, pointing with a finger that needed soap. "That's it over there by the bus depot. It's sick." She smiled at her footweary victim, a smile she should have left in the car, unless pity were her ploy. Hers was an elabora[e story as such solicitations go. Maybe it was even founded on fact. But half-truth or whimsey, what difference the fabric of any particular fabrication? The bread-and-butter line remains invariable: "Have you got any spare change?" There's really no end to the cavalier arrogance these pubescent pariahs reflect in their mismatched clothes, misfit attitudes and misguided motivation. They usually don't need money, either, or even want it. They could work, of course, but most of these alienated adolescents are parent-sponsored and don't need to. Who'd want to anyway, in their place? Work is notorious for consuming playtime, occupying the revolutionary mind with bourgeois trivia, and replacing philosophical banana oil with physiological elbow grease. These grim and-homely facts oI life ao not, however, discourage considerable enterprise - even ingenuity - in the mini-world of the moocher. There's still room at the top of their heap for bigger, better beggars. For example, one floppy-coiffured vagabond with an Italian comic's mustache still in.its peach-fuzz stage, leaned out the window of a moving micro-bus recently and inquired of an establishment fink standing on a street corner, "Got anY spare change?" Another such parasite leaned across the table of a slumming pillar of society in a subculture saloon and hoarsely droned, "I'm broke. Got any spare change?" As a rock-bottom horrible-but-true social oxen (who disgraces himself was surprised - you could even say embarrassed - in a public men's room an adjacent facility offhandedly aske etc., etc." The fact that none of these enriched for his efforts made them no only slightly more entertaining. Tolerance, while a wonderful mankind, becomes increasingly force whose objective is creatin It finally reaches the absurd citizen openly welcomes - embraces, fly-infested dreg from skid road stumblebum wanders up and mutters o' wine, gov'nor?" The candor of such an approach, human vulnerability and warmth, such The panhandlee gladly forks over afterthought, a grateful gesture, the And smiles as he realizes soothsayer has tapped his pockets drY, have any spare change, now. Not that anybody ever did. Page 4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 23, 1971