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September 23, 1971 |
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Vicki Stracke
Rainbow Girls Will Install
New Officers On Thursday
Vicki Stracke will be installedLove; JoAnn Miljour, Religion;
as Worthy Advisor of the Cheryl Nault, Nature; Laurie
Rainbow Girls of Shelton Lund, Immortality; MarthaSmith,
Assembly No. 19 at an open Fidelity; Kathy Martin,
installation to be held at 7:30Patriotism; Mary Painter, Service;
p.m. next Thursday in the Ann Howerton, Chaplin; Patty
Masonic Temple. Brewer, Outer Observer;Dana
Baugess, Drill Leader; Ilene
Also to be installed are Malloy, Musician; Sharon Smith,
Colleen Hamlin, Worthy Associate Choir Director; and Sana Brewer,
Advisor; Jeanee Nutt, Charity; treasurer.
Diane Bourgault, Hope; Michelle Families and friends are
Drengson, Faith; Patty Dunbar, invited to attend.
Starr Named Semifinalist
In Scholarship Competition
Ronald M. Starr of Shelton Corporation. "'From this group
has been named as a semifinalist will come many future leaders in
in the 1971-1972 National Merit business, industry, and the
Scholarship competition in which professions," he said.
A double ring ceremony in
the United Methodist Church on
August 29 joined in wedlock
Donna Reed, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Reed of Bremerton
and Michael Young, the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Youug of
The Rev. Andrews officiated
at 3 p.m. before 250 guests at an
altar adorned with a bouquet of
white gladioli and yellow daisies.
Yellow bows accented green
candles and decorated the pews.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride was attired in
floor-length, long-sleeved,
flower-embroidered satin with
white pearl daisy trim. A
headpiece of fresh white roses
held her elbow length veil and she
carried white rosebuds with
camille leaves.
Evy Young, matron of honor,
was gowned in full length bright
yellow crepe with yellow chiffon
overlay, olive green velvet trim,
and matching accessories•
Identically dressed were
bridesmaids Rosie Gribaudo,
Ellen Maurer and Peggy Nedved.
All wore headpieces of scattered
daisies, and bouquets were
fashioned of daisies in shades of
yellow and orange.
Street length versions of the
bridesmaids' gowns were executed
in apricot and yellow floral whip
cream fabric with olive green
velvet trim for flower girl Jackie
Young and candlelighters Jenny
Hildebrandt and Josette
Townsend, who wore yellow
daisy wrist corsages.
Myron Young was best man,
and ushering were Steve Wescott,
Klayton Baskins and Ben Myers.
Vocalist Cindy Rice sang
"Twelfth of Never" and, after
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Young
approximately 15,000 of the
nation's most intellectually
talented high school seniors will
compete for about 3,000 Merit
Scholarships to be awarded in the
spring of 1972.
The Semifinalists were the
highest scorers in their states on
the National Merit Scholarship
Qualifying Test, which was given
last February to more than
.655,000 students in about 16,600
schools nationwide. They
constitute less than one per cent of
the graduating secondary school
seniors in the United States.
They are representative of the
country's most intellectually able
young people, according to
Edward C. Smith, president of the
National Merit Scholarship
first vows, "Now We've Just
The bride's step-mother chose
mint green bonded knit with shoes,
gloves and purse in the color of
bone. The groom's mother wore
apricot bonded knit with
matching accessories and the
corsages of both were fashioned
of yellow roses.
Rooms of the church were
decorated with yellow and green
bows, white gladioli, yellow
daisies and matching candles for
the reception held at 3:30 p.m.
Yellow roses and daisies and a
Jan Danford, Society Editor
miniature bride and groom
ornamented the five-tiered white
cake served by Leslee Bailey and
Alberta Woods.
Also serving were Linda
Myers, Dor Sturtivant and Phyllis
Gray, with Cheryl Cowan
attending the guest book, and
Thelma Linn and Alice
Hildebrandt presiding at the gift
After a Hawaiian honeymoon,
the couple will reside in
Bellingham where both are seniors
in Western Washington State
MARCIE HENDERSON often prepares
family. Another favorite is Orange Angel
Women's Association of the combined
United Methodist Church. Mrs.
She sews and knits and does makes
"These students bring honor Zonta International "Lita Bike"P Slat d crewel embroidery. She plays butshedoeS
not only to themselves, but also " rogrom e bridge "just for fun". foods
"Cooking is not really a
hobby with me," states Marcie
Henderson. "It's not as much fun
as it used to be because everyone
is now watching weight."
Nevertheless, she still enjoys
t he p re par a tion of attractive
meals, and takes well-justified
pride in the many special dishes
she prepares.
Although at one time she was
most contemptuous of box mixes,
she now likes them.
"They have improved a great
deal since they first came on the
market," she explains.
Marcie's husband, Ken, is with
Seattle First National Bank, and
they came to Shelton in 1970
from Seattle, where Mrs.
Henderson had lived since 1943•
Marcie, whose parents came
from Sweden, was born in a
Swedish community in North
Dakota. She spoke Swedish
before she learned English.
"It was rough when I started
schooL" she admits. "I didn't
learn English until then."
The Hendersons have four
children. Michael lives in Bellevue;
Marjorie Hayton has recently
moved to Salem, Ore.; Gary
attends the University of
Washington; and Ross is a seventh
grader. Their grand-daughter is 16
months old.
Marcie Henderson is a
part-time employee of Bob's Shoe
"I work occasionally to help
out," she says, "and I thoroughly
Oriental Pork
1¼ lbs. lean pork, cubed
2 C. diced celery
2 C. sliced onions
1 green pepper, diced
Brown pork using no shortening.
Add vegetables.
Add 3 C. canned bouillon
1Vz C. water
Simmer 1 hour,covered, then add:
3/4 Tbsp. sugar
2 Tbsp. soy sauce
Thicken with2 Tbsp. corn starch in
¼ C. water.
Add 1 can bean sprouts
1 small can button mushrooms
Serve over chow mean noodles or
enjoy it. I like people, and the
ones I meet are very, very nice."
She is a member of Georgine
Reed Orthopedic Guild, and the
group is busily preparing for a
rummage sale to be held next
Thursday. She belongs to the
to their their teach , Fall Conference
and their communities ~ The .
Degrees Received
Robert D. Kieburtz received a ~ GET READY FOR
Master of Science degree and Dazy Mays 4-H club met An International Dinner will
"I quit the game for many Her faJ
.... The VF~V Post with Boy District 5 will hold a dinner in yearsi" she declares. "because the Pork,
To Convene Today Scout Troop No. 112, who are Westport on Wednesday beginning people who played were too the
sponsored by the Kiwanis Club, at 7:30 p.m. Officers from serious about the whole thing. I the rec:
When the Zonta International will conduct their annual Shelton are Mrs. William Gephart, like to play cards with friends for her
Fall Conference convenes in "Lita-Bike" Program on Saturday president, and Mrs. Wayne enjoyment only." years.
Medford Oregon, today until from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Robinson, secretary-treasurer. Antiques interest Marcie "It's a lit
September 25, the Shelton-Mason All bicycles are eligible to Henderson, but she wants only Marcie. "It
County Club will be represented receive safety tape as a free those that are family heirlooms, a dietician
by Mrs. Elmer P. Smith. service of these organizations, or have belonged to friends, the dish in a
Zonta International is an Bicycles must be taken to either Model Meeting ',i don't admire things just
organization of executive women Evergreen, Mt. View or Bordeaux because they are old," she Orange
in business and the professions, School. Held By Chapter maintains. "They must have a
organized for service and Gold Star Parents of Mason sentimental value as well." 1 pkg.
fellowship. County were guests at a dinner Monday Evening Vickie Judd Joins She assists in the care of the 1 C. boiling
On their agenda will be plans served on Friday by the VFW Post beautifully landscaped lawns and 1 C.
for an International Convention and auxiliary. Each mother was The Model Meeting of Epsilon Her College Choir the colorful flower beds that V2C. sugar
to be held in Portland, Oregon in presented a gift and color slides Omicron Chapter of Beta Sigma surround her Shelton home, but ~A C.
June, 1972. were shown byChester Valley. Phi was held at 8 p.m. Monday in Vickie Judd of Shelton has she gives full credit to her 1 C.
O t he r 1 o c al Z o n tia n s Past auxiliary presidents of the home of Nancy Dunnington. been selected as a member of the husband. Dissolve
attending will be Mrs. Lillian President Ruth Anglin explained Ricks College Women's Choir, "Ken is the gardener," she Add oran
Updyke and Mrs. Lucille Blake of Beta Sigma Phi. which will present concerts and states, sugar.
Union and Mrs. Lucille McBride Guests were Sue Kimmel, perform for devotionals as well as Her house pet is a pure white whi
of Shelton. 4-H NEWS Janet Drebis, Toni Ruhl, Vicki other college and community cat with one amber eye and one pieces o
Mrs. Updyke will serve as ~ ~ ' - ", ..... L Clark, Dorthee Gregg, Cheryl functions in the area of Rexburg, blue one, deaf as so often is the and re
alternate delegate. Kimberling and Sue Dirkland. Idaho during the school year. case when white feline fur is serve.
Dazy Mays Greet The Valentine Queen will be
selected at the next meeting to be
One New Member held in the home of Alice Ogden
with Janna Baxter as co-hostess.
future success of these young
people will, however, depend
upon their ability to become
productive at the high intellectual
levels that they are capable of
Semifinalists must advance to
Finalist standing to be considered
for the Merit Scholarships to be
awarded next spring. Semifinalists
become Finalists by receiving the
endorsement of their schools,
substantiating their high NMSQT
performance on a second
examination, and providing
information about their
achievements and interests.
Donna Cronin ,,,~,~oa September 11 in the home of Mrs.
Mou,~.~,~ ..... s be held in Susan Merriman's home
received a bachelor's " • Homes. inure were nine memoer on October 9.
oegree in
summer uar ......... * present and a new member,
q ter co,,,~,~m~.t ..........
• o, u,~o,~... ~nannon ~toraaien joined me icsl I
exercises held ~ ,,~,,, ' ' ' i
Washington State College incmo.
• Donna Cormier and Karen
Belllngham on August 20. Both ....... t~ osmet
er ,e are t e ( OUj
are of Shelton. .-. ......
Ulllcers electeo were: r~aren
Fuller, President; Michele Moore, ~or Y
n ! ,-I , 1 vice president; Churl Moore,
Daroecue ~larea secretary; Donna Cormier, J WHAT FORM J a
A salmon barbecue will be treasurer. J OF DEPILATORY? J ..... ,Q79 -,== :-
/ O. What's the differencel ; ~,",i~:~.';i' ~/'~, "~[~~':;; i
sponsored by ElinorChapterOES The next meeting will be i between cream and lotionI ~ ~: ,~ "il
in the Masonic Temple in Union October 9, 1971. , I depilatories~ / ~ /;~
frOmsunday.4 p.m. until 7 p.m. on by Nancy Morkert, J A. Cre;,'m depilatories are| ~ ~- "~- ..... :-,- -'~'*
I easier to apply to a small/r,~larea ;"':";~ ................. : ~'"~ "
land are therefore ; aoreJ .... :":" ...... :-':""'" ¢
I convenient for underarm use. I
I They are also less likely tol ~-,-r;-~,~'r;-:~ ~l~l~ll, ~r~-*~'~--~"
I irritate the sk n. l ~-~ ':: ...... ; * "
/ Lotion depilatories arel __~i~{
I essentially linuids an,~ ,.,~.~ -~
I theref ........ , ~ ~i
It ure cover a arge area __| '~ ,~. ~-S./ Ct:r~s g=:t~ ngg f
I such as the 'egs -- more easi'y. [ .)[ • ~i'i
engagement of their daughter, Liz, to Robert Dunn, son of / DEPILATORIES / ting
Mr. and Mrs. A. Roy Dunn. All are of Shelton. Miss Grinnell
is a freshman in Highline Community College. Her fiance is a .0. Can use a regular ~-:--,,,= ~
I dep,'atory to remove the'~;I ., ..... , *
graduate of Green River Comm,unity College and for the next I on my ,ace; ..... - ~. making an "E I
/ A. We WOuld advise you to ! ~" ~ • e • ~_ ":
two years will attend Parsons College in Fairfield. Iowa. I remove your 'acia .........
Both are graduates of Shelton High School. No wedding date
, ,,air wire a .~,
I depilatory prepared especially "-~._. ~ ~ ..... .Ja_.~_~t~; ¢~-
has been set.
|depdatory on your fa.^lU/,arl " "i.. ; ;, Jeweled Cole
I sure to do a test area first. II
I Choose an area about the size II
LONG LAKEN ORGANS ,o,a dime and observe the 11
l reactions carefully. If th .... - r~
CONVALESCE T - l any s,gn of irritation. =,:~s I
~REPN II area' d° n°t-use the depilat°ry I
CENTER IANOS Ion the rest ot your face. -" ,J
r, for
Crew in Blue" will do the rest. / /
the FSLIC I nsurance~b ~ ll~
Dedicated ca e T or BUY on Nell's Pharma
elderly patient. We. Li. 93. E " ~Now Increased ~1]/ ei I ~1 •
To $ I .Q'll lllrCJII _ II 111"IIIII I'I I
asy terms
Country-Homesurroundings. I | EmergencyPh. 426-2165 I
I Fifth
& Franklin St.--426-3327 J
PHONE TR 1-1210 - - I * ,,,,. .,L . .
RL 1, Box 458-A, Port Orchard Jok..y $ Mum Box ~t~ ~¢, ~,/,/at~#4,,~, I Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 |
~rlllrm:. ~,, SHELTON -- First &,.t,,o.Ratlroad, 426-8211"~..,o~,,, ~ Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 J OLYMPIC HIMY. N.
Civil Rights Act of 1964 205 Cote 426-4302 ~'* s'~'~ ........ -- ~ ~. % .'77"~ ....
Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 23, 1971