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***************************** Beginning Square Dancers
Meet With Salty ashayers
squash was grown by Burl Laney.
Beginning square dancers met
with members of the Salty
Sashayers at 7:30 p.m. Monday in
the fairgrounds hall for the first
of a series of lessons to be taught
by Ed Mathews, caller and
Mathews is assisted by his
wife, Shirley, and veteran dancers
are in attendance to partner single
students. Basics will be repeated
for the next two lessons to enable
late-comers to join the class.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Cress,
president couple of the Salty
Sashayers, state that interested
persons of all ages are welcome.
Participants include children as
well as adults.
The course will consist of 16
to 20 lessons to be presented
from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. each
Shelton Students
On Honor Roll
Grad uate students Denton L.
Bailey and Wayne Robertson and
senior John L. Killeen, all of
Shelt0n, were listed on the
summer quarter honor roll of
Central Washington State College
in Ellensburg.
Monday in the fairgrounds hall.
After graduation students will
automatically become eligible for
membership in Shelton's Square
Dance Club, the Salty Sashayers•
A donation of one dollar per
student is requested for each
lesson, proceeds to be used for
rent of the hall and other
The Salty Sashayers meet on
the second and fourth Saturdays
of each month in the fairgrounds
hall. Students, guests and all
interested persons are invited to
attend as spectators.
Further information may be
obtained__by.calling 426-4195.
Winners Named
By Bridge Club
Winning for North-South at
the Monday evening meeting of
the Shelton Bridge Club were Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Quimby; Vic King
and Norm Hulburt; Eva and
Charles Aamondt.
East-West winners were
Shirley Byrne and Lynn Rust; Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Stock; Ann
Batchelor and Etta Rector.
Burl Laney's Garden Yields
Mighty Big Zucchini Squash
Missouri-born Burl Laney, in
spite of arthritis that has affected
his hands and necessitated surgery
on a leg, grows a great garden in
the limited space around his
Mountainview home.
An old-fashioned trailing
nasturtium plant that threatened
to take over the premises has
surrounded and almost
completely covered a wooden
frame especially constructed for
it. Dahlias, Laney's favorite
flower, are now in full bloom.
Green beans-Oregon Giants
and Blue Lake varieties - are
bearing heavily, and sweet corn is
ripe. There are carrots and
cucumbers and, according to Burl,
"a little bit of everything".
But perhaps the most unusual
specimen in his plantings is
"poke", the start of which was
Missouri. The tender young
shoots of the husky perennial are
used as "greens".
"It's used like Swiss Chard,"
Laney explaines, "but it has a
very distinctive flavor - you
know you're not eating chard!"
The plant, more than six feet
tall, produces racemes of white
flowers which are followed by
purple berries•
Burl Laney came to Shelton
in 1942 and is now retired
from Simpson Timber Co. His
wife, Grace, taken by death in
1965, was employed by Dr. B. N.
Collier in his clinic.
Laney has three daughters,
Linda Nichols and Ruby Johns of
Shelton , and Sharon Marcy of
California. There are five
grandchildren including
eight-year-old Sheila Marcy who
came from California for an entire
summer's visit, returning to her
home only a few days ago.
His Shelton daughters help
him with the canning and the
freezing of his produce. Two large
freezers are now filled to the
"1'11 have to get another
freezer to hold the deer I expect
to get this fall," declared Laney,
an enthusiastic hunter.
quarters pounds.
"My daughters bake the big
ones," he says, "with a stuffing of
sausage, green peppers, tomatoes
and other things. They're
"I'm now building a carport,"
he states "and I'm getting in a
supply of wood."
House plants keep his green
thumb in practice throughout the
Jayettes To Meet
The Jayettes will meet at 8
p.m. today at Inn Quest for a tour
of the center to be conducted by
director Mike Gibson, who will
explain its function. A regular
business meeting will follow.
School Dinner Set
A potluck dinner for Mt.
View school families will be held
at 6:30 p.m. Monday in the
school multi-purpose room. For
further information call Barbara
Webber, 426-2684•
Meeting Slated
Welcome Chapter OES Social
Club will meet in the Masonic
Temple on October 5 for a noon
potluck luncheon.
Autumn Chores
The daughters of a weather man
Had names that were inane -
"Cyclone" and "Tornado" and
"Typhoon" and "Hurricane".
I have added yet another
precious paragraph to the
unpretentious pages of my pitiful
little scrapbook.
I was basking in the bubbling
flattery of a lady I admire
"I LOVE your poems!" she
enthused. "They're just the sort
of thing I really like!"
Ah, how I mellowed! How the
eager flower of my thirsting ego
expanded beneath the
dew-impearled sunshine of her
praise! And ~ow those poor, puny
petals withered and curled and
shriveled away as she continued:
"In fact, I write the same kind
~all f
A |
Lontront ~ardener of garbage myself, and so does my
October is the month in
which to divide old clumps of
rhubarb. When stalks get spindly
and there are fewer of them, it is
a sign that the clump needs to be
split into small pieces and
replanted in well-fertilized soil.
If winter squashes are to be
stored, they should first be
ripened in the field until their
shells are hard.
However, at the same time
they must be protected from frost
as frost damage will impair
When harvesting, handle
carefully so shells are not injured.
Store the squashes spread out
on shelves in a dry cellar where
temperatures range from 50 to 60
degrees Fahrenheit.
Erecting a "tent" of clear
plastic over your choicest annual
flowers will keep the first frost
from killing them but be sure the
plastic doesn't touch the flowers
for that is fatal.
mother, my Aunt Matilda, my
two cousins and my little boy
who just started kindergarten."
I hope that I shall never see
A poem that is like a tree -
A nest of robins in her hair
And sparrows in her underwear.
And then there's the very dear
friend of mine upon whose sturdy
shoulder I wept bitter tears of
wild frustration as I poured into
her sympathetic ear the lurid
details of my sudden shortage of
cash, brought about by the
simultaneous near-collapse of my
barn, rise of taxes and decline of
"As long as you're not doing
anything but writing," she
suggested, "why don't you get a
I recognize the miracle
Of each pay-check I see,
Admitting that Thanksgiving Day
Comes twice a month for me.
"POKE GREENS" GROW on tall plants, and the tender
shoots are eaten like Swiss Chard, but have a distinctive
Sunday Special
Open Daily: 5 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Phone 426-1861
Located on Olympic Hwy. N. at Kneeland Center
are now
on displayl
Coffee g Doughnuts
Mt. View at Kneeland Center
MR. AND MRS. DENNIS (PETE) DODGE will celebrate
their 25th wedding anniversary at the North Shelton Fire
Hall on Island Lake Road from 8 p.m. until midnight on
Saturday. Hosts and hostesses will be Mrs. Dodge's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Clive Troy, and the Dodge's five children. They
also have four grandchildren• Friends are invited to attend.
The following article was
written by Ron Lutz, Special
Features editor of Successful
Farming, and appeared in the
September, 1971 issue of that
magazine :
Nearly 4 years ago, in a
two-part series (October and
November '67 issues), we told
you that imitation meat products
had hit the market and were
edging their way toward dining
tables in homes, schools and
Today, there seems little
doubt. Vegetable protein, in years
ahead, will replace part of the
animal protein - red meats and
poultry - in most Americans'
Like it or not, it's already
happening. One example: The
meat patties, casseroles, and soups
your children eat at school likely
contain a soy protein extender.
The USDA earlier this year
announced that up to 30% of the
meat portion of a school lunch
can now be replaced by vegetable
Understanding the terminology
The ~0hrase "meatless meats"
is short ark, d sdapp~ enou~ ~o fit
into~ ~ ~h~rt'!~i~ g'ftC]~'S really
descriptive Only of the meat
analogs -'the vegetable protein
products meant to look and taste
like real meat.
In making analogs, liquid soy
protein is fed into a machine that
spins the material into bands of
tiny white fibers. These bands,
about 1½" wide, each contain
about 16,000 individual fibers. At
this stage, the fibers are nearly
colorless, odorless,and tasteless.
But a little laboratory magic soon
changes that.
If the processor wants a
chickenqike product, he adds a
bit of fat, some coloring, the
proper chicken flavoring, then
forms or shapes the material, and
pops it into a special cooker.
Presto, out comes chicken
hatched from a test tube.
The process is the same for
beef and pork analogs. Only thing
that changes is the flavoring• Once
fabricated, the analog can be
eaten as is or it can be processed
further into frozen, canned, or
dried imitation meat products.
More patties, less meat.
In a second category, we'll
lump together several forms of
soy protein and call them meat
extenders. They're added to
ground meats to stretch the
quantity and, according to the
manufacturer, act as a binder
and reduce shrinkage during
Forms include soy flour, soy
grits, and soy protein concentrate.
Dr. Joseph Rakosky, a food
scientiest with Central Soya of
Chicago, sings the praises of his
company's soy protein
concentrate (SPC):
"Six lbs. of SPC are
recommended per 100 lbs. of
ground meat. Since 6 lbs. of SPC
will hold 18 lbs. of water, 100 lbs.
of meat is extended by 24 lbs.
"To carry this further, at
65c/lb. for ground meat and SPC
at 24c/lb., total cost would be
$66.46. For $1.44 added cost, we
extend the ground meat 24 lbs.,
reducir~g cost per,pound from 65c
' to 53.6c.~' ...... ~ ':' ....
"Besides a lower cost, shrink
is reduced 10%, and in addition
you get a tastier, juicier product."
Rakosky isn't directing that
sales pitch at you and me, the
American consumer - at least not
yet, Central Soya, and all other
companies that manufacture soy
protein products, sell primarily to
frozen and canned food
processors and to the institutional
Two USDA economists,
William T. Manley and William G.
Gallimore, recently predicted that
by 1980 vegetable protein
extenders "will probably displace
15 to 20% of the meat in
meat-type food preparations in
' both the institutional as well as
the retail market."
Non-private institutions that
operate on tight budgets, such as
hospitals, schools, and prisons,
"We can never
stand still. We either go
forward or back-
In keeping with this
principle, we have just
attended another
Beauty Show and have
many "new" things to
talk over with our
"Condition" is the "Pass-word" and "Basic Protein" is the
modern approach to "Custom Care" and shining beautiful
hair. For the balance of September we will give a regular $3.50
"Basic Protein"
Stella: Mon• thru Sat. (except Friday)
Alyce Caldwelh Tuesday thru Saturday
Kathy Gaskill: Tuesdays, Fridays & Saturdays
Arline Fullerton: Thursday & Friday
Candy Pauley: Mon., Thurs., Fri. & Saturday
Chris Buckley: Mort. thru Sat. (except Tuesday)
Linda (Jean) Trotzer: Mon. thru Sat. (except Wednesday)
Vacationers and newcomers welcome.
6 .fine onerators to serve you.
phone 426-6659 Open Mon. thru Saturday Evenings By Appt.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis (Pete) Dodge
Please Publi
appear to offer the best market
for the meat extenders, they said.
Who's in the business?
Among the several large
companies pumping millions of
dollars into vegetable protein
research and promotion is General
Mills. Four years ago, we told you
that General Mills was already on
the market with imitation bacon
bits called Bac*Os. This product,
used as a garnish in salads, soups,
and casseroles, has been so
successful that General Mills
recently added chips with
pepperoni and sausage-like flavors
to its consumer line.
And to food processors, the
institutional market,, plus hotels
and restaurants, the company sells
its Bontrae line of precooked
frozen crumbles and chunks.
They come in beef, ham, and
chicken flavors and can be mixed
with meat or used alone.
Worthington Foods,
Worthington, Ohio, and Loma
Linda Foods, Riverside,
California, both manufacture full
lines of meatless meats. Most of
their customers are people who
eat little or no meat because of
religious beliefs, health reasons, or
personal preference.
Worthington, which merged
last year with Miles Laboratories
(makers of Alka Seltzer), is
expanding its facilities to meet an
expected heavier demand for its
Loma Linda is owned by the
Seventh-day Adventist Church,
whose members are primarily
vegetarians. Sales of Loma Linda's
canned meatle!
jumped 34%
years, says E. L
treasurer of the
protein ban
familiar to
Ralston purina
The two US
we quoted
protein - to
share of the
that normally
m eats and po
And prim~
reasons: (1)
upgrading diets
Soy proteins
protein, but
the net
for example,
chicken, $2.47;
flour, $.31
toward meat
and impr~
(3) Ve
proteins• TheY
uniform, and
and eat - a
"fast foods"
In a real
are still a P
soybeans, also
into the
• he sh#
Great fall put-on • • • " .
that hugs,.vour foot, adds the zinc ,
mini-tie a sha ely. higher
• P -, .,b
• -oOIp'"
Every inch the lady. Pure Vitality in ffs m r
comfort, the fit that never lets your foot clara'
our Sh
Page 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 23, 1971