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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 23, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 23, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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CONSTRUCTION WORK is progressing on the Simpson Timber Co. log sorting yard at Hanks Lake west of Shelton. in Leveling and grading is nearing completion on Simpson Timber Companys' new 105-acre log sorting yard, said Fred Snetgrove, logging engineer. Six earthmovers along with graders and caterpillar tractors will have moved over 200,000 cubic yards of earth within the sorting yard boundaries since August. The railroad spur lines are leveled and graded within the area with track to be laid by Simpson crews by early next year. These tracks will divert the logs from Simpsons two logging camps for sorting and bundling before they continue to the Simpson Shelton manufacturing plants. Large mobile timber stackers capable of handling loads of 120,000 pounds will be used in the sorting and stacking of lots brought into the yard. Completion of the dry land log sorting area is scheduled for May 1972. uple By ANITA DUGGER SKOKOMISH - Mr. and Mrs. Don Ragan and daughter Marie took the weekend off from the dairy to visit Roberta's 98 year old grandmother near Vancouver B.C. They found the old lady in good health and as spry and active as she was two years ago. Mrs. Jay Needham, Mrs. Ragan's mother and her aunt Margaret Newell accompanied them. While in Vancouver they visited the enormous shopping mall, but couldn't break a U.S. $20 bill to make a $5 purchase so didn't buy anything. Jay Needham batched with grandson Dan Ragan while the folks were gone. Another couple enjoying a Canadian vacation were Harold and Mable Hunter. They left Thursday and made the first stop in Bellingham where they visited Elsie Robison who lived in isi ela ives Skokomish Valley in 1914. Later they drove to Vancouver B.C. and visited Stanley Park which is about 400 acres of beautiful scenery, zoo, a marine land and bird sanctuary• From there they drove to Horse Shoe Bay and to the end of the road to Pemberton. Unable to find lodging they backtracked to a skiing resort to find shelter. Before returning home they ferried to Vancouver Island, visited the Buchart Gardens and Provincial Museum enjoying the Indian Art displays and Totem'poles and a lecture by an Indian girl college student. Members of the family of Cora Hulbert gathered to celebrate her birthday at a dinner in the home of Bill Lazier in ear Elma, Sept. 18. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Chet Valley, Mr. and Mrs. George Valley and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hulbert. Mrs. Joe Bourgault suffered a broken leg while hiking in the Olympics with a group of college students. Virginia, a person of many talents and activities will be grounded for several weeks as she is unable to drive. Carolyn Pierce, Mrs. Bourgaults sister, is visiting here now. Sunday guests of the Chet Valley's were Warren (Dub) Johnson and wife from Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lazier of Tumwater and Mr. and Mrs. Don Zurik, son Kenneth and daughter Brenda of Olympia. A tape from Edith Johnson 4-H Club Meeting Is Held ancouver who is with the Evangelic Alliance , and Helen King, Mission in Columbia will be residents was played this Thursday night in the Vicki Turner Skokomish Community Church at Museum Church 7:30 p.m. present Steven is Edith is the daughter of Mr. plywood plant and Mrs. Arvid Johnson of supervisor. His Skokomish Valley. After Mr. and Mrs. graduating from SHS Edith Shelton. attended the Bible Institute in Rev. Edwin L.A., Seattle Pacific University, Elaine, of the Seattle and taught school several visiting Mrs. years before entering missionary lssac Stenbergs work. The tape is about her work Valley. with the natives of Columbia, Mrs. Eric S.A. Ladies Grange Roy Spear of Topeka, Kan.was presented n visited his nephew and family the the Sjoholms Howard Spear's over the Springs, weekend. Steven King, son of Victor men By NANCY BLOOMFIELD ItOODSPOR'I The ltood (?anal Federated Women's Club held its first mcctmg of the year last Thursday, starting olf with a luncheon. I)uring tile business meeting Virginia Allison displayed a group of books on Northwest ttistory she plans to donate to the club, adding to the now existing library. The new additions will be made as soon as the club can purchase a locking bookcase. As special entertainment, John Dorn, scoutmaster of Troop I 1 1 and Fric Tokar, Institutional Representative ot the Women's Club presented the first half of the program by giving a brief resume of scouting through the first years to present day. John gave a short demonstration on how to properly use a compass, using the training compass used Ju as the weekend combining business with pleasure• They visited Tars' Parents Mr. and Mrs. Art Ellsworth and returned with a load of canning peaches. Recently, Art and Erma lndahl returned from a vacation trip to Canada, where they expected to meet, but missed their neighbors, Betty and Earl Abbot, when they returned from a trip to Alaska• A few days were spent in and around Quesnel and Cash Creek, sight seeing, fishing and waiting until word was received the Abbots were home at Blue Ox Beach. With days left of their vacation they saw the sights along the Fraser River, including the Fraser Canyon and spent a day at ltell's Gate. While there the Indahls viewed a complete history ing clays they spent in Reno, Tom and l)ottic were surprised by a visit from Marc and Carol. A day was spent on tile town and then good-byes were said again. From Reno, the llurleys and Meyers drove to Winamucca, then on to the Virgin Valley Opal field where they went gem hunting. No Opals were found but a few pieces of opalized wood were brought back. On the return trip the foursome stopped at Crater Lake. They were greatly impressed with the beauty of the lake. A Well Christening Party took place at the Jim O'Neils, Saturday evening. During the evening games were played and a pot luck snack, including pizza's, sandwiches and plenty of cool well water was enjoyed by all. The sun shined bright By MRS. RAY KRATCHA SOUTHSIDE - The Four Leaves 4-H club met recently at the ho~ae of leader Mrs. Helen Bakke for the last meeting of the year. All the members were present, except Leslie Boyd. They had a luncheon. The members were to decide and discuss things for next year and everyone turned in their record books. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Asche and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dawson attended the card party banquet last Saturday evening at Matlock. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Asche and Winston last Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Art Ketterling and daughters. Actions 4-H club met Sept. 14 at the home of leader Toni Matson. There were nine members present. Marilee Matson and Lennie Christensen of the Actions 4-H club are going as a team for "Meal ~. x>;:;:i:; by the boys. o[ the salmon's travel up river. Saturday, when Darrel and Irma Preparation" at the State Fair. --- the hi~ rT:g~* ~n!ou~nding f~atxa~¢ ~ttte; ~rtis and: J crilyn took ip the,~,;~ ::~. ~;:@~9t rWaltet o~,:,.!za~ j ........ ---~:'r"~'7. - , ~'~"~'~ ~a#%v~ ~tram ride *d0Wfi the Wr~t~rn:~Washt~gto{/'~a]r ~ Limerick Wednesday visit4d Mrs,7 camping trips taken ny the troop ,~ l~ast year, pomtmgout hillside to the building and fish Puyallup. Irma said it was Myrtle Kratcha. pictures on a dispta~ board of the ladder below, interesting as usual and the Friendship club met Sept. 15 various trip~. IIc showed an award the troop received for outstanding campship and presented it to Dorthy Gleason, P~esident of the club. "lhe second haIf of the program was presented by the ttood Canal tfi Riggers 4-tl Club. Leader Delores Drake and the On the return trip the lndahls stopped off in Ferndale to visit old friends, A Minerva Terrace weekend cabin will become the permanent home of Mr. and Mrs. Erring (Stan) Stannert in the very near tuture. Stan recently received a promotion and transfer to grandstand acts were exceptional. A seven year old trapeze artist took their eye. In his act he did a triple somersault but required aid when he landed as he was so small. Starting last week local college students began returning to classes. Don Bearden returned youngsters told the highlights of Bremerton, making it possible for to the University of Washington, their trip to Conservation him to commute to work from where he is studying under the Workshop held in August, at this area. Duncan Ross Professional Acting Camp Waskowitz. At the end of Last year, Mrs. Pill's third Program. their program they encouraged grade class put on a very the women to ioin them in song, successful fair. The children were singing Do Your Ears llang Low so eager to share their interests and Doodle-Dee-Do. and hobbies with everyone it was At the end of the program the decided to make the fair an ladies were invited to look over annual event. This Friday, ~d the display tables provided by the between noon and 2:30 p.m. all 4-H Club and Scouts. relatives, friends and other Spring weather has hit the interested persons are invited to ttoodsport area bringing forth visit and view the displays at the y,, wedding plans for two local Hood Canal School. couples. The Tom Hurley's had a visit Wedding bells will ring for from son Marc and his wife Carol, Sheryl James, daughter of Mr. and for the month of August. During | ~l Mrs. Tom James Oct. 2, when she their stay, Carol's parents Mr. and I ;~ marries [)ale Fassio. Dale is the Mrs. Roy Nelson drove up to visit, I son of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Fassio, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Tony I of Union• Schulenburg, all of Beaverton, / I Joy lnman, (laughter of Mr. Ore.I .... and Mrs. Vance lnman is engaged Labor Day, Marc and Carol I to be married to Ed Bating, son of left the canal for Portland and / Phillip Baling. No wedding date then on to San Francisco for a I has been set as yet. few days sightseeing beforeI / The Do Nothingcrs Club met leaving for Guam, where they will at Darrel and Irma Harris' be stationed with the Navy for | Thursday. The club members, Mr. the next two years. i i and Mrs. Jim Dean, Mr. and Mrs. In the meantime the Hurley's Merle IAndgren, Mr. and Mrs. and Margaret and Stan Meyers left Mick Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. for Reno, Nev. During the three | I:~ltllll Chuck Winne Mr. and Mrs. Dick / llU Laney, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver (;ray ,tqnnllnnlllllNiilUlUlllllnllllllllllllllllnllllM, and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ferrier enjoyed a Pot Luck Salmon Bar-b-que supper. Pauline Ferrier was head chef, cooking the salmon at home before time. 1 goofed again. My poor wording was misinterpreted, so try, try again. The Hood Canal Marina will be closed every Tuesday, through the fall and winter season. The Leonard Johnson family made a trip to Eugene, Ore. over _= = -- ..= _-= " The Dayton Community --= "Club held a special | i meeting on September 14, 1971. Trustees were _=" .E elected. It was decided to -'= = sell the hall to the " i Nimrod Club. .= ~lnUllulllllnlllllllnnuulllllllllllllllUlnlllllPt at the home of Gall Hurst. There were six members present. The next meeting is Oct. 13 at the home of Grace Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Weston and children were dinner guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Triplet of Puyallup. 4 x 8 x 3/8" / on all types of paneling and paneling acce 4 x 8 x V4" Regular $3.95 .................... NOW 4x8xV4" Chnamon Birc Value to $6.95 ................... NOW Assorted Panels - 4 X 8 X 3/16 YOUR CHOICE & 1/4 EACH - Prefinished ONLY We have Prefinished Paneling for all used SnU~l dMl~lry san~; a~i eS