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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 23, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 23, 1971
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..... ....Harstine i~i~ii~ill '/~i ~'i ¸?¸¸¸¸4¸¸ = i!~i!i~Li~!i~ii~i~ 2 I:::UBMASTER JOHN COOK and his wife, Sally, den mother of Pack 155 enrolls David Taylor as a new Cub Scout, while Webelos Cub John Cook, Jr. Watches, in advance of School Night, to be held this year Sept. 23, at 7:30 P.m. Scouters will be at all elementary schools in Mason County to sign up new Cubs and Scouts this evening. Any boy wishing to join should take his Parents to his school on Thursday night. I ana, District at 7:30 p.m. at all elementaryAccording to Brigham, plans 2ounty Boy schools, with Scouts present to are to enroll approximately 130 Gordon sign up new members, new Cub Scouts, and 70 new Boy Shelton area Craig will be joined by SolScouts in Mason County. New School VanderWegen, Tumwater Council Cub packs will be organized at event held president, Dean Pahner, Couucil Southside and ttoodsport boys ages8 commissioner, Dick Thompson, Elementary schools, which will 3rtunity to Mason District Commissioner, and make scouting available to all school, local scouters for this evening's boys at every elementary school Year Sept. 23 signup, in the Shelton area. le After relaxing in her yard Claire Bearden was chauffered with iced tea, they all returned to to her friends residence on Queen ;opt. 16, Mrs. be guests of Miss (;ladys Peterman Anne tlill the Mrs. Opan by of Park Shores and her three lady Whitsell and Mrs. Olevia Warren - to Seattlefriends, all meeting at 6 p.m.sisters whom she met in Pahn near Beach llene says "from then on weSprings,Calif. where all three r e t h e y were living high. Dinner at the winter. ; of Miss Erna Space Needle with Champagne and her home individual accordian music! The llene returned with Erna to t, after which panoramic view is most spend the night. Gi By CARMEN YATES The first part of this week Beuhla Etitchcock was on hand in Des Moines when her granddaughter, Melanie Carnes big day arrived. After spending the whole summer confined to a body cast the teenage girl at long last the first part of this week was at long last anticipating finally being really able to scratch where it itches. The next step, if my memory serves me correctly, is to fit Melanie with supporting braces for a short time to take over the job the cast has been doing for almost four months. But after the long ordeal this gal has been through going to braces should be a snap. And sometime next month she'll be able to return to classes at school. Sunday afternoon Mirja Bridges was eastward bound for Pasco to attend a two day Drug Seminar for L.P.N.'s. The meeting was held in the Lion's Motor Inn in that eastern Washington city. And with traveling in the news we understand that Ethel Rigney, too, headed eastward the first of this week. Bright and early Monday morning she left the Island with Michigan her first destination. This is where her folks live and she plans to stay there for several weeks before heading on to Connecticut to visit old friends. Then she'll return to Michigan for the winter holidays. After the first of the year she'll head south to call on friends in Florida before heading back to good o1' Harstine. Ethel's father-in-law, Ben Rigney had planned to accompany her on this jaunt, but at the last minute changed his mind and decided to keep the home fires burning while Ethel is away. Recent callers at the Martin Goetsch home were the four brothers and sisters of the Cowan family who once lived on the Jack Johnson place on Sunset Hill. The two brothers, Ted and his wife from Olympia and Clarence and his wife, from Santa Barbara, Calif. were accompanied on their visit to the Island by their two sisters, Carrie McClellan from Willits, Calif, and Nora Batem and her husband. The 'little city' that has recently moved in at the gravel pit in the center of the Island has been busy laying asphalt mat at several of the Island's developments. Dr. Carson's them to interesting as the re~tauranl Gladys Peterman and Erna development called Canyonwood Curiosity revolves and more 'plea~fire was Jorgen~n are both childhood opposite McMicken Island on the ases. They added as the city lights frlend~ ~ llene s, yet the two had east side has had its roads appeared." never met before, blacktopped via this method. (]ran Torino 2-Door Hardtop Gran Torino. One of nine all-newTorinos. Only Ford, among all U.S. car makers, brings you a completely new line of mid-size cars. Newest mid-size value. The new Torino is the best built, best handling mid-size Ford we've ever made. New engineering. Better ideas like a steering system insulated against vibration. Ruled because Torino's new computer- tuned body- frame gives ~, ~, excellent support and rigidity. Smooth riding because Torino has a new coil spring suspension system that offers sure handling and road- hugging stability. Comfortable because you get extra riding room in all nine new Torinos for 1972. Quiet because it's a Ford. LTD Brougham 2-Door Hardtop You get a transmission. brakes. Power steering. All standard. Rugged S-frame is computer-tuned precisely for comfort, quiet. Aluminized mufflers, zinc-rich primer and underbody parts all help fight rust and corrosion. Cars shown with vinyl roofs, white sidewall tires and other options. Boys 8-13 register now at your participating Ford Dealer's 1971 Punt, Pass, and Kick Competition. Hurry, registration ends October 1. FORD Better idea for safety.., buckle up. Ford.TorinaMustang.Maverick.Pinto-See the 1972 Better Idea Cars at your Ford Dealer's. I 2804 Olympic Hiway. North Shehon, Wash. The development owned by Paul and Edna Lansky known as Grenidier Park which is located on the southern end of the Island and is an inland development opposite Island Shores has also been completed. And Island Shores is also scheduled to have their roads coated with the nice smooth black surface. This week the company has been busy trying to complete the roads at Harstene Pointe on the north end of the Island that are ready for the black topping. And speaking of roads, the one running down to Spencer Cove will soon be a lot less of a hazard to travel for the residents nat live at the end of it as well as friends and relatives of the residents that have occasion to drive its mile and a half length. For friendly husband and his father have been spending all their leisure time recently widening the road to accomodate the two way traffic which is such a frequent occurance with three (soon to be four) families who are permanent residents on the far end of the road. A couple of weeks ago Everett and tfelen Simons along with tlelen's sister, Dorothy Chapman and her family of Agate traveled to Mt. Pilchuck to pick mountain blueberries for their winter larders. Dorothy and Phil and their family also took advantage of being close by another sister, Etna Udahl and her husband, Jess at Arlington to visit, thus killing two birds with one stone. After the Chapman family headed home Helen and Everett hiked up a trail to the top of Mt. Pilchuck to survey the magnificent view that the end of the hike afforded them. The George Waite family as, hosted a huge clam bake a couple of weeks ago. The get together of more than 70 of their friends took place at the beach home of Maxine's uncle, George Howard. The wooded beach place looks across to the old ferry landing and somehow these clambakes just don't seem the same without the Grand Old Lady acting as chaperone for the festivities. But in spite of the missing element of ferry many of the hardier souls sat around the races beach fire to have a song test which was the highlight of a perfect day and evening. Overnight visitors at the Jim Olds home included his nephew and wife, Bob and Francis Calmon. Bob used to live with Jim many years ago and it has been sometime since the two men have gotten together for a good long visit. Monday evening the visitors drove into Shelton to call on Jim's mother, Mrs. Olds.- III II ! FOR WINTER Make sure your car is running at peak efficiency by letting us tune your car now before cold weather is here. Look to us for... Steam Cleaning... Brake Relining . . . and Major Repairs. 5th & Railroad 426-1424 ( 1 t Homelite 150 Automatic Chain Saw Automatic oiling for bar and c~Hh{ig chain adjustable for I~ght or heavy-duty cutting Automatic all-weather starter for qu~ck n easy starting. Automatic one-piece clutch - the industry's s~ ;)lest, most reliable clutch Come in and 3ee the 150 Manufacturers world's best \ M~r~[;,, prme w,th 12" 1 chain saw value~ 't has all the fea- tures you'd expect on more expensive models. SAEGER MOTOR SHOP 1306 Olympic Hwy. S. 426-4602 Thursday, September 23, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11