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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 23, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 23, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Shelton High School's girls' tennis team dropped another two matches last week. Thursday, Shelton played Centralia and lost 4-I. Val Sparks lost her match 0-6, 6-3, 6-4. Suzi Gruver also dropped her match 6-0, 6-3. Patty Barnett grabbed her match 9-7, 7-5, and 6-3. In doubles competition, Debbie Witcraft and Dena Stracke lost their match 6-3, 6-8, and 6-3. Roxie Wilson and Barb Brigham h~t their match 7-5 and 7-5. rop in the match against Olympia, Shelton again lost 3-2. Val Sparks lost her singles match 6-2, 4-6 and 1-6. Roxie Wilson was defeated 2-6 and 0-6. Barb Brigham lost her match I-6 and 1-6. In doubles, Debbie Witcraft and Dena Stracke 6-3 and 6-3. Patty Barnett and Suzi Gruver were victorious 6-0 and 6-0. Thursday's meet is an away match against Chehalis. REGULAR UNION 76 Have you checked the Price of your gas latelyl Check Our Prices SUPER UNION 76 OLYMPIC HWY. S. & CASCADE UARTERBACK NEAL WHITE hands off to Steve Settle during a drive to e North Thurston goalline. Settle picked up 35 yards during the Friday ght contest. @ larify the new are not required to obtain an11. No person shall operate an law which ATV registration, all-terrain vehicle in such a way as 9, the 5. Motor Vehicles is to receive to endanger human life or to run ~Ynopsis of the 25% to cover expenses incurred in down or harrass deer, elk, or any ~lelaw. the administration of the Act. other wildlife, or any domestic lle.nt of Motor The county general fund is toanimal, nor shall he carry, t Slble for the receive 20% to defray costs transport or convey any loaded _ titling of necessary for the enforcement of weapon in or upon, nor hunt inn~,Lc°llecting the Act. The Outdoor Recreation from, any all-terrain vehicle• a's ,~le. county Agency is to receive 55% of the Violation of this section shall ;5°~t~etr agents, monies collected and this amount constitute a gross misdemeanor. ~L"uu plus 50c shall be distributed to the 1 2. A present Game ~ue Vehicle has Deoartments of Game Parks andD e a r t m e n t 1 a w (W AC 'een tit " - ' ' P - i • led m Natural Resources on a prorated 232-12-400) provides for usage of ars- to be anbasis determined by the number vehicles on Game Department ge. of miles of maintained ATV trails lands~as follows: ...... ' vetaicles are per department All monies areVehicles - Usage of well .Pelled vehicles earmarked to be used for defined roads on Department of ?OUntry travel all-terrain vehicle trail relatedGame lands It shall be unlawful :,,.Wheel drive expenses, for any person to operate a motor J~,es. 6 . T h e I n t e r a g e n c y driven vehicle on any lands owned ,~e~, 50 cubic Committee for Outdoor or controlled or managed by the ne.elbase of 42 Recreation is charged with Department of Game except: (1) iATV vehicle developing a plan for a well defined existing roads; (2) on uCrtes or less recreational trail system within such lands as may be authorized the state, by the D'irector of Game or his ~,__. 7. ATV registration is not authorized agent. frees I~a~ll~- the owner has permission to ~I .... P_.-..m, 7o7''=' °Plera/2te7 A:VuVie;hi~e'Cn I~ =Ima IS rir=r off. to aVarbilY r°adya~/'oadwa s are defined to Blazer Foe Its first game mean any. roadYgenerally capable Junior as; She on meet mma. Highltf°°tball sbegin-s alo,,_ of belne traveled on by a Thursday ,sth~?.re came conventional two wheel drive Coach Harlen Buitenveld ~Y mare a ...... r hi footban ~le. T~-- • passenger car - not includingclaims that m jumo gh berdeee extraprivate roads, abandoned railway it is nearly impossible to assess a - mare grades or skids, etc. team's chances at the beginning oi two - 9 All agencies who are the season, since the players on an • on,~Cores in charged with enforcing any of the these ninth-grade teams are all r. co m the laws of the State are herein new talent. ld t~n)ragascharged with enforcing the Buitenveld says, however, !hat "~ other IS bl er ana raster man Second • ~ provisions of this ATV Act. his team " 'gg ..... s lett ar s team wnlcn won hve ['he p* 10.It shall be unlawful tolast ye ' , , A T lost only one game rest year ~sfm .... operatean ATV vehicle in any and .... • ". . uarteroacK BOb :h,~ ,~ area or m such a manner so as to Q ........ Us,J" yard exposethe underlying soil, or to Christianson, tunoacK t~oo Davis, Cure back Marry Settle and flanker j ~, • create an erosion condition, or to tail " .. .v. team injure dama-e or destroy treesPaul James are all expected to -ere on growing crops, or other contribute a lot to the Shelton vegetation, attack. i ._ Register today. Boys between 8 and 13 t. SUN., OCT. 3 at 1 on LOOP FIELD Come in and register with your Mum, Dad or guardian. Get your free PP&K Tips Book with pointers from the pros, complete competition details. You can win one of the 18 trophies in our local competition . • • Punt, Pass and Kick your way to the NFL Super Bowl Game in New Orleans! JIM PAULEY'S ..... MT. VIEW AT KNEELAND CEN" 426-8231 Ii " " ' thing goes wrong with one d our 72s may JLJL "' ' " " Any and ltS our fault, well fix 11: free. AMERICAN MOTORS 1972 Every car (not one of 50, one of 5, every one) BUYER PROTECTION PLAN. is road-tested for starting, handling, braking __For years, car buyers in this count have and overall performance. When the service- n sa in that instead oI snm new chrome n corn letes the test he sx ns Dee y" g " " Y . ma p , "g his report and every year, what they really want is a good car slides it over the sun visor, where you can see it. they can count on. And, when a man signs his name to some- That's wh American Motors and its dealers ...... ....... thinz you can be put together their i972 Buyer Protection Plan. |! sure he's done his Here's how it works: J job. And done it :" right. A STRONG GUARANTEE IN PLAIN ENGLISH. A LOANER CAR WHEN YOU NEED IT. FREE. Ii ................... Not only do we ot er you a strong guarantee, :' ' U " " r"I i we ve set p a system to back It up without ........ inconveniencing you. \\'hen rot buv a ~ew 1072 car from an American i 1"~ ~tn xt~l,r' " ...... vu have to leave 72 overm ht for Motor~ dealer. American Motor~ Corporation guarantee~ : 2 . . g to .you that. except for tirt~, it will pay lor the repair or re- ii euarantee repmrs, over 2,000 dealers placement of any part it ~upplie.~ that is delecttve m matenal ' '=' .tl 1 .......... ~ ,i-~...; ..... ~'ql~¢/~ or orkman hip. WIll roan you on*:: ux tz,c. Lal the car is first u,~.w.I or 12,000 miles, whichever come~ |irst. ! .t s. =';""'"= t ' ~ • "--_.,,,~d~ All we require is that the car be properly maintained equipped car ~ and cared Jot under ,,ormal u~ and service i,, the litty :! :~.',,,^,~,,-I ....,,A;,-;,,n Free. rUeti~2ed States or Canada and that guaranteed repairs or " ......... ~/ p cement~ lot- made by an Anwrican Motors dealer, ili This guarantee gives you I2-month or A ,DIRECT LINE TO DETROIT.TOLL-FREE. 12,000-mile coverage on a lot of things most We re making some big promises, and we car warranties don t. It covers air conditioning, fully intend to keep them. But, just in case you battery, radio, wiper blades, tront end align- have a "ro ......1_ . v uxcm, we nave a way oI ment, light bulbs-literally everything we put handling it. When you buy a '72, on the car except fires. . . :Vr f you get the name and toll-free num- In other words, if something we did .... goes ber o| a r e_rson m" DetroL.'r wrong with one of our 72 s, you won t have I I If yOU call, we promtse you you 11 to pay for the parts or the labor. We will. I i get results And fast A MORE THOROUGHLY-CHECKED CAR. FROM THE FACTORY AND THE DEALER. Naturally, we wouldn't be backing our cars like this if we weren't more sure of them than 9 L,o,e- we've ever been before. For I972, we've put in more quality control steps, more tests and more people to see that every car leaving our factory is as perfect as man and machine can make it. At the dealer's, it's checked over again. These aren't just fancy words. We mean it. Nobody in the business does as much for you after you buy a car, and it takes a lot of time, men and money to do all these things. But we think it's worth it. Since we're giving American car- buyers exactly what they say they want, we should sell more cars than we've ever sold before. STARTING TODAY, THESE AMERICAN MOTORS DEALERS WILL DO MORE FOR YOU AFTER YOU BUY A CAR THAN ANY OTHER DEALER IN TOWN. 233 South Fi ton, h@ Thursday, September 23, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15