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September 23, 1971 |
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In, ItS
Basic Survival 3ass
Scheduled This Week
Punt, Pass
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~l~~~~~~~~~l~~l~~~l~~~~~~~~~l~m~u~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ll~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~ A ten-hour Basic Survivalinclude:
There is still time for local Competition is open to grade
Class will be conducted Friday The Psychological Aspects of boys to sign up for the 1971and junior high school boys, ages
SIMPSON MEN'S HOUSEWIVES SUNDAY MIXED 4's evening and all day Saturday, Survival; Effects of Cold on the Punt, Pass & Kick competition. 8 through 13, in the United
Stan Ahlquist232.Men's Hi Game: Die Ramsfield Women's HiGame:210. , Colleen Yorke 212.Men's Hi Game: Wayne Clary October 8 and 9 at the Colonial Body; Effects of Heat on the The local level of the States. Each entrant must be
Stan AhlquistMen s Hi Series: Troy West 554. Women s Hi Series: lone Visser Men's Hi Series: Jim Tobin 537. House, Thirdand Pine Streets, Body; Energy Use and Energy competition will be held Sunday, prepared to furnish legal proof of
Standings: Chippers 6-2; 554. Women's Hi Game: Glenda Ettlin Shelton. Loss; Improvising• October 3, at t p.m. on Shelton's his age, such as a birth certificate•
ts 5-1. Hidden Boom 5-3; IBP 4-4; Mill 34-4; Standings: Whiteys Auto 228. Sponsored by the Simpson For further information or toL o o p F ield, under the Seven-year-aids who will reach
~ 3-33"3; RaArctiCnier 3-5;Railr°adMil144"4;3-5.Shop 3-5; Loaders 8-4;B°dYskipper8-4; Sprinq,John sWaterRest• 7V2-41k;Tavern Women's537• Hi Series: Glenda Ettlin Recreation Association as a register for the course contact sponsorship of Jim Pauley's, Inc. their eighth birthday by January
dlblazers 2-4; Boom 2, Gale Albrecht 533; Witcraft & Swope Logging 7-5Standings: Sun Downers 7-1; learning opportunity for hunters, Norm Eveleth at Simpson Participants compete only 16, 1972 may compete. A
Mill 42, Troy West 554; Mill 3 3, B&R Oil 7-5; lahilJp Lake Gal's Moonshiners 7-1; Ding-a-Lingsthis course will also be appropriate Personnel. Enrollment is limited against boys their own age• There 13-year-old'boy who becomes 14
Ahlquist 611;Bob Brown 538; Railroad 1, 6-6; Dean s Gunshop 5-7; Manke 5-3; Farmers 5-3; Ranchers 4-4;
Norm Castle 546; Chippers 2,
gtr 532; Jess's for anyone, sixteen years of age to the first thirty people who is no entrance fee and no body on or before January 16, 1972,
& Sons 41/2-71/2; Hood CanalH2OK9S 4-4; Hooters 4-4; Pink
rredsonreds°n 534;541; BrownDale Neff456;480;iBP 4,L°aderSOleRamsfield2' Tom 3-9.Marina 4-8., Balls Food Center Elephants 4-4; Go-Getters 3-5or older, regardless of their register. Hours will be Friday contact during competition• No will not be eligible. Because PP&K
~b Wi es 528; 531; Shop 0, Bruce Williams 438. r-.. _Whit.ey'? Auto Body 2, Timber Ducks 3-5; Odd Balz 1-7; activity interest, from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and special equipment is needed and finals will be held on January 16,
:hapman 507; Prospectors 1-7. , Instruction will be provided Saturday from 8:00a.m. to 12:00 participation does not impair a 1972, age of entrant at that time
• -v,een YorKe 552; Philip Lake Pink Elephants 3, Ken Le through the Institute for Survival noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. boy's amateur standing, determines his PP&L age group•
~roldChurcnill SHELTON RECREATION Gals 2, Bea Brandt 484; Bresh 422; Farmers 1, Nancy
railblazers 0, Women's Hi Game: Bobble Springwater Tavern 4, Iona Visser Brewer 499; Odd Balz 1, Jean Education. Subjects to be covered
Bannett 230. 554; Hood Canal Marina 0, Emi Hartwell 488; Hooters 3, lan Any boy who misrepresents his
Women's Hi Series:Bobble Pleines 481 Bali's Food Center 1, Systma 495; Sun Downers 4, Jim actual birthdate or age will be
• Bannett 575. Muriel Mueller 502; B&R Oil 3, Tobin 537; Timber Ducks 0, • • • III disqualified.
.rnOson212. Standings:Trail Blazers Stella Howard 470; Witcraft & Mabel La Belle 502; Ding-A-Lings S II
am Fossmaier 6V2-11/2; Dairy Queen 6-2; Harpers Swope Logging 3, Merge Witcraft 4, Jerry Pyle 511; Prospectors 0,
Those eligible may register at
5-3; Hoodsport Cafe 4-4; Puget 498; Dean's Gunshop 1, Betty Mike Hughes 404; H2OK9S 1 | Jim Pauley s.
Lois Simpson Sound National Bank 3-5; D&E uean 474; Manke & Sons 1/2, Toni Glenda Ettlin 537; Moonshiners
Trophies 3-5; Shelton Recreation Matson 432; Skipper John's Rest. 3, Art Pleines 468; Go-Getters 0, • • •
Lois Simpson 21/2-5V2; B&J Mart 2-6. 31/2, Margaret Bibbee 526. Carl Goodburn 472; Ranchers 4, KNOWLEDGE IS more than
Shelton Recreation 1, Donna Russ Clary 472. equivalent to force•
ey 7-1;
Coleman 448; Hoodsport Cafe 3,
Shirley Hi(:ks 430; Harpers 4,
Bobble Bannett 575; D&E
Trophies 0, Dana Roberts 471:
Dairy Queen 3, Marlis Monger
436; B&J Mart 1, Marg Beat 473;
Trail Blazers 4, Maxine Waite 430:
PSNB 0, Adair Neau 448.
lPSon 493;
imons 411; GUYS & DOLLS
ler 556; Men's Hi Game: Leo Nault 212.
on 550. Men's Hi Series: Leo Nault 580.
Women's Hi Game: Mary Lou
Nault 210.
Tony Musgrove Women's Hi Series: Pat Brown
Tony Musgrove Standings: Morgan Transfer
7-1; Riot's 6-2; Straf 5-3;
ares 3-1; Sandbaggers 5-3; 4 B's 4-4;
:rs 1-3; Bullheads 4-4; Newcomers 4-4;
Outcasts 4-4; Woodchucks 4-4;
Kinfolk 3-5; 4 Lovers 2-6;
Carpetbaggers 0-8.
236. 4'B's 4, Pat Brown 553;
;on 586. Kinfolk 0, Muggs Ogden 483;
Jess' Outcasts 3, Bob Yates --Char
"a 5-3; Murr 448; 4 Lovers 1, Skip Karch
479; Sandbaggers 1, Lionel
Hawks Leman 511; Morgan Transfer 3,
Tahara Norm Schimschat 507;
Oil 3-5; Carpetbaggers 0, Linda Tibbits
s Clams 424; Bullheads 4, Bill Fredson
549; Woodchucks 1, Mel Hughs
)b Olson 450; Riot's 3, Ray Rice 474;
Loren Newcomers 0, Kathy LaBresh
L. C• 490; Straf 4, Leo Nault 580.
Women's Hi Game: Tuey WOMEN'SCITY
Schumacher 202. Women's Hi Game: Sonja
Women's Hi Series: Louise Clary Cochran 233.
480. Women's Hi Series: Sonja
Standings: Clary Trucking Cochran 499.
7-1; Mikes McCulloch Sales 7-1;
Shelton Veterinary 6-2; Nye Co•
5-3; Arnold and Smith Ins. 4-4;
Olympic Paint 4-4; Servicemaster
4-4; B. Fuller Custom Builder
4-4; The Hut 2-6; D. Makoviney
Const. 2-6; Wingards Sport Shop
2-6; M. and O. Logging 1-7.
B. Fuller Custom Builder 3-1,
Bunny Orr 426; Wingards Sport
Shop 1-3, Mary Olson 341;
Servicemaster 1-3, Colleen Yorke
427; Nye Co. 3-1, Dorothy
Ahrens 437; M and O Logg. 0-4,
Cindy Barnes 384; Clary Trucking
4-0, Louise Clary 480; D.
Makoviney Const. 0-4, Barbara
Nolan 422; Mikes McCulloch
Sales 4-0, Velda Skipworth 443;
Arnold & Smith Ins. 2-2. Millie
Nelson 47-; Olympic Paint 2-2,
Barbara Gorman 429; Shelton
Veterinary 4-0, Tuey Schumacher
479; The Hut 0-4, Jackie Brown
Doug Richards
Jess' Women's Hi Game: Kathy
568; Motherwell 202. Doug Richards placed the best
Don Women's Hi Series: Donna of the six members of the Shelton
3, Coleman 504. Trailblazers Motorcycle Club
ann 1, Standings: Loaders 5-3; Shops competing at Everett Motorcycle
)47;" Airport B&R 4-4; ShopsRailr°ad 1,4"4;joLoggerSHein3-5"442; Club's annual cross country desert
.Morgan Railroad 3, Kathy Motherwell race at Mattawa, Washington, as
Imschat 491; Loaders 4, Marlis Monger he finished ninth out of a field of
451; Loggers O, Donna Coleman six hundred.
504. The only other Shelton
Sharon MR.,*., MRS. finisher was John Castle who
Men's Hi Game: Del Stormo 197. finished fifty-first• Terry Brocha,
Pearson Men's Hi Series: Del StarreD 561. John Cookson, Charlie Laity, and
Women's Hi Game: Margaret
~rn 5-3; Bibbee 202. Jim Wiley were all overcome by
Time Women's Hi Series: Margaret the tough desert course and did
Bibbee 560. not finish.
Standinqs: Lake Cushman 8-0: .
)orothy Mason County Credit Union
~ern 2, 7-1; Tyee Well Drilling 6-2;
Nell's Evergreen Florists 6-2; J&J IN TIIE cause of freedom we
=kinson Service 5-3; Dicks Diggers 5-3; have to battle for the rights of
Sargents Oysters 4-4; Allyn Shell people with whom we do not
3-5; Van's Floor Coverine 2-6:
Hoodsport Texaco 1-7; Eacrett agree; and whom, in many cases,
212. Lumber 1-7; Johnson & Johnson we may not like... If we do not
553. 0-8. Les Collins picked up a 5-7 defend their rights, we endanger
split. Apologies to Phyllis Bibbee our own.
for missing her 188 game last
1-3; week. Harry S. Truman
Van's Floor Covering 0,
rd 553;
~oon S
Vernon Beeson 456; Sargents
Oysters 4, Toni Matson 412; Lake
Cushman 4, Margaret Bibbee 560;
Hoodsport Texaco O, George
Wright 414; Johnson & Johnson
0, Bill Johnson 431; Tyee Well
Drilling 4, Del Stormo 561; Allyn
Shell 3, Harvey Griffey 450;
Dicks Diggers 1, Nine Dishon 445;
, Bob
Evergreen Florists 3, Lee Elmlund
~arne: Allene 405; Eacrett Lumber 1, Eldon
Todd 467; Mason Co. Credit
;: Mabel LaBelle Union 3, Jim Pennington 478;
• 7-1;
Jerry Mallory
Gerry Geist
Gerry Geist
J&J Service 1, Lucille Chapman
; Women's Hi Game: Mary Lou
Nault 193.
517; Women's Hi Series: Dot Ahrens
455; 520. Kathy Motherwell 6-7-10
548; split.
"npic Standings: Ming Tree 9-3;
87; Timber Towl 9-3; Kelly's
458; Furniture 8-4; Ogden's Radio &
489; TV 7-5; Brown Logging 7-5;
Certified Manufacturing 7-5;
Lumbermen's 6-6; Fuller
Construction 6-6; Jim Pauley's
5-7; hells & Valley 3-9; Arco 3-9;
Gott's Oilerettes 2-10.
Timber Bowl 4, Barb Holt
496; Jim Pauley's 0,,Sara Watkins
414; Lumbermen s 1, Muriel
Mueller 469; Brown Logging 3,
Rea Brown 484; P_ells & Valley 1,
7-1; Glenda Ettlin 465; Certified
Manufacturing 3, Millie Nelson
ty's 462; Kelly's Furniture 3, Terry
oys Stewart 463; ARCO 1, Betty
Gray & Cindy Anderson 384;
567; Ming Tree 4, Dot Ahrens 520;
621; Ogden's Radio & TV 0. Marv Lou
501; Nault 500; Gott's Oilerettes 0,
Freda Christy 430; Fuller
Construction 4, Lorraine White
I Glass Replaced Promptly
Claims Handled
Sheet Q Thermopane • Mirrors
Tub Enclosures • Table Tops
Windows -- Screens -- Storm Doors
Olympic Hwy. N.
;ervice Phone 426- 1152
Dale, Owner
3 "R's" OF DRUGS
• The three "R's" applicable to
the manufacture, prescribing, and
dispensing of drugs today are:
"Reading, 'riting, and research,"
but not in that order.
Research is the first step, which
leads to the development of new
drugs. Chemical compounds which
preliminary studies have shown
may be of therapeutic value are
subjected to a long series Of
investigations before marketing. It
has been estimated that only one
out of 3000 compounds Originally
synthesized survives as a useful
drug. Even after the drug has Passed
the preliminary tests and is deemed
safe and efficacious, the testing
continues. It is tested in various
forms (tablets, capsules, liquid) and
in various formulas involving Other
ingredients, all to justify its safety
and effectiveness. Years may elapse
before a drug is eventually
After a drug is Placed on the
market continuous testing is Clone
to insure standardization and
potency from batch to batch.
Stability studies are carried out to
assure that the Product remains
stable and potent Over a period of
time. These continuous sl:udies
insure that the Product is up to
From the data derived from
these and Other special
investigations reports are compiled
and printed for dissemination of
information on the drug for
members of the medical and
para-medical teams -- doctors,
pharmacists, hospital staffs, etc.
They study the literature and
determine the need for the drug in
their regimen of health care.
Thus we see that the three
"R's" of Pharmacology are essential
In providing a Scientific foundation
for effective therapy in the art of
Nell's Pharmacy
Emergency Ph. 426.2 165
Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327
Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30
Saturdays --- 9:30 to 6:00
Standings: Millo's 15t-gr~
Lumbermen's 5-3; She
Recreation 4-4; Morgans 2-6.
Lumbermen's 2, Eleanore
Stephens 467; Morgans 2, Char
Tobin 452; Shelton Recreation 3,
Sonja Cochran 499; Millos 1, Pat
Wells 494.
Batstones Win
Two-Ball Event
A potluck dinner and social
hour highlighted the September
19 two ball foursome played at
Shelton Bayshore Golf Course.
Prizes for the event went to
Bill and Gert Batstone for low
gross. Low net went to Jim and
Joan McComb. Bob and Kay
Ellison took second while Keith
Simpson and Hazel Durand took
third. Fourth low net to Frank
Travis and Martha Cole.
Prizes for closest to the pin
went to Clarence and Ann Sawers
for their shot on number three
while Keith and Doris Simpson
took the closest to honors on the
seventh hole.
October 17 is the date of the
next scheduled two-ball. Tee off
time is four o'clock.
An important first step in
enacting reform and
modernization of the Washington
State Legislature occurred
recently with bipartisan adoption
of a time limit for consideration
of bills during legislative sessions.
The Legislative Council,
chaired by House Speaker
Thomas A. Swayze, Jr. (R-Pierce),
approved a plan to limit
introduction of new legislation to
the first 45 days of a session for
each house to consider its own
bills; and to 55 days for a house
to act upon bills introduced in the
opposite house.
Two additional reform
measures were held for later
action, after attempts to
introduce amendments. Deferred
for later action were: I)Regular
annual sessions; and, 2) dual
sponsorship (both houses) of bills.
The annual sessions plan also
carried a provision which
empowered the Legislature to
convene itself. Now, only the
Governor can call a special
session. As introduced, the
provision would have required a
favorable vote by a two-thirds
majority in both houses. Rep.
Thomas L. Copeland (R-Walla
Walla), House Speaker Pro Tern,
said the proposal would be more
effective if the number required
to call a special session were
lowered to a 60 per cent majority
in both houses.
"As intended by the
Executive Committee of this
Council, this plan is supposed to
once again establish a balance
between the executive and
legislative branches of our state
government. If we make it too
difficult to convene ourselves, we
will be defeating the purpose of
the plan," said Rep. Copeland.
Also referred back to the
Council's executive committee for
further study was a
recommendation for joint
sponsorship of legislation. Under
this plan, a single state senator
and representative could sponsor
a single bill, which would then be
introduced in one or both houses
While the majority of the
Council appeared to concur in the
desirability of such a plan, there
were numerous questions about
the mechanics of the procedure to
be followed.
Swayze said, "This is an
attempt to cut down on the great
many duplicate bills now
introduced simultaneously in
both houses. It will greatly reduce
the costs for printing all these
duplicate bills. And, it provides all
responsible legislators with a
needed vehicle for ensuring that
good, needed legislation is
enacted quickly, without undue
delay and extra cost to the
With proposed identical
committee structure in both
houses, this dual sponsorship of
legislation could reduce the
number of bill printings by half,
and cut down the amount of time
spent in repetitive reviewing of
other-house sponsored legislation
even more significantly, according
to Rep. Swayze.
The major difference among
council members appeared to
center around the proposal's lack
of limitations. It would still
permit individual members of
each house to initiate separate
legislation without sponsorship by
a member of the other house.
This could result in three types of
bills for consideration: regular
house and senate bills (the two
that now exist), and new "Joint
Legislative" bills.
Both the annual sessions and
joint sponsorship proposals are to
be reconsidered at the November,
1971, meeting of the Legislative
Council, said Swayze.
power are synonymous.
Francis Bacon
Samuel Johnson
1st & Railroad
Sh I
.~1i ~J
Plymouth Sebring-Plus
Chrysler Newport Custom
He's coming through with great new Chryslers
and Plymouths.
From the newest idea in 2-doors--Plymouth
Satellite Sebring--to the brand-new Valiant
Scamp 2-door hardtop. From the small-enough
but big-enough Duster to the more-car-all-
around Fury. From the sporty Barracuda to the
all-new Road Runner.
From the easy-to-move-up-to Chrysler New-
port to the elegant Chrysler Imperial.
He's coming through with new options. Like
an AM/FM Stereo Cassette Tape System that's
..T.omzeo Oek,,.
available with a microphone (so you can record
your own voice or record directly from the
radio) and an electric sun roof that lets the
sun shine in.
He's coming through with engines that run
on regular gas, even our biggest. With Torsion-
Quiet Ride on Fury and Chrysler. A combina-
tion of torsion-bar suspension, unibody con-
struction and a Sound Isolation System. The
ideal balance of control, stability and quietness.
And a new headlamp washer system on
Imperial and Sport Fury. It literally scrubs
headlamps clean with miniature brushes.
He's coming through with factory authorized
parts and trained technicians for fast, depend-
able service.
He's coming through
with Chrysler-Plymouth,
the widest selection of
any line of cars in town.
He's coming through
for you.
Front & Railroad
Shelton, Washington
Thursday, September 23, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17