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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 23, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 23, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE 15 words or less -- $1.50 • ! O cents for each additional word over 15. • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday . Garrett model Call -23 piece, after 6 igerator '16 T and sold. IPpraisals. By Olympic Booth, bike. B flat excellent SCuba outfit. 3:30 p.m. carport Dodge Sedan, good reasonable. $95 I e i $ "'. $89 of Shelton 5/6tfn new Pool Selection desirable • + 426-4702 9/lOtfn Materials rk Street In: TANKS FRoM 9/Jtfn For Sale GARAGE SALE -- Electronic parts, old bottles, books, clothing, miscellaneous. Saturday October 2 10 a.m. 1902 South Second. D9/23-9/30 NEW X-ll reducing plan, 42 tablets $3.00 Money back ~uarantee. Evergreen Drug. 116-11111 1954 JEEP pickup, 4 x 4 with hubs. 81/2 ft. cab-over camper, 2 airpowered grease guns. Manual tire changer, 426-6604. W9/9-30 1969 OLYMPIA desk typewriter $35., girls 26 in. bicycle $15, ukelele $5. Call 877-5474 after 4 p.m. Mc9/16-23 GRAVENSTEIN APPLES $2.00 per pear box. Rosenbergs on Highway 101 Rt. 5, Box 578. Phone 426-6084. R9/23 GARAGE SALE Thursday and Friday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Clothes and misc. Out Arcadia Rd. 2 miles then watch for signs. 426-4242. N9/23 MODERN STYLE davenport -- chocolate brown color, foam rubber, light weight, very comfortable $35. Can deliver, 426-2347. [99/23 TESTED AND approved by millions of homemakers. Blue Lustre carpet cleaner is tops Coast to Coast Store. 9/23 VINYL COATED chain link fencing installed. $1.32 per foot. Call Norm at Sears, 426-8201. S8/26tfn FREE -- ONE chicken basket to Adolph Kopperman, 1615 Olympic Highway No. at Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mt. View. 9/23 SUPER 8 movie projector, new, never used. Approximately 200 steel fence posts. 426-6203. K9/23-10/14 TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cote. 4/16tfn FIVE 6-HOLE 15-inch split rims and tires, $135. 5:70x8 trailer wheel and tire, new, $15. Simplex mini bike, $125. I.E.L. chainsaw, $75. 426-6870. W9/9tfn GARAGE SALE! 23, 24, 25. Portable stereo, record albums, furniture, clothes, vacuum cleaner, misc. items 404 Laurel. B9/23 USED THOMAS 2 manual organ. Good condition, $260.00. Johnny's Music Box, 205 W. Cote 426-4302. J8/2tfn JHIRMACK, ALL natural vitamins at Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Laurel. Phone 426-4582. 8/5tfn FOR SALE -- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Fells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/5tfn GRASS AND clover hay for sale. Barn open Saturday only. Call 426-8615 evenings. T8/26tfn SWIMMING POOL supplies for maintenance. Algae control chemicals. Muratic acid. Chlorine etc. Nye Company 426-8224.5/6 tfn PORTABLE SAWMILL and edger, $1500. Write Ethel B. Dinning, 31 1 Cookson St. Shelton, Wash. 98584. D6/10tfn GEM POTATOES for sale. Phone 426-8390. No calls after 9-'00 p.m. please. C9/23tfn WINTER SOUTH in 26 ft. Traveleze Trailer. Lots of extras. $2400. Also deluxe truck box 6 x 8, curtains etc. $400. Call 426-6692. D9/23-30 SHAKLEE PRODUCTS -- orqanic food supplement, vitamins, cleaners, toiletries and baby care. Call 426-1259. C9/16-10/7 FREE ONE gallon of root beer to Carl Johnson, 818 South 14th from Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mt. View. 9/23 CHAIN LINK fencing installed $1.18 per foot. Call Norm at Sears, 426-8201. S8/26tfn DILL CUCUMBERS -- order now, 20c per lb. delivered in Shelton. Phone 426-3667. G9/16tfn YOUNG GRAIN fed steers, cut and wrapped. Expert cutting and Foods. wrapping. Shelton 426-6523. S3/27tfn ~ . MOST POPULAR sizes of tires and batteries now in stock. Call Sears, 426-8201. S6/24tfn_______ CORD WOOD for sale. AnY length. Call Exceptional Foresters 426-1550. E10/ltfn Used Cars 1963 RAMBLER, 770 deluxe sedan, mechanically good, clean red vinyl interior, phone 426-8814. A9/23 1968 CAMARO, 396, 325 hp. four-speed transmission, deluxe interior. CAll 426-2402 after 5 p.m. R9/23 Used Cars Used Cars Wanted Services Cards of Thanks For Rent 1967 3/4 ton International with 1969 CATALINA Pontiac 32,000 WANT TO buy -- antique dolls, Emil would like to extend a T H R E E B E DROOM house new 30" canopy. 2 gas tanks, miles. Like new. By private party. 15429 S.E. 21st. place, Bellevue, HAND SAWS thank you to our wonderful furnished on Benson Lake, $85. power steering and brakes, heavy 426-4563. Z9/2-23 Wash. 98007. Phone SH7-9085. & TABLE SAWS friends and neighbors for their Call 426-6705. P9/23 wheels and new 6-ply tires, H9/2-23 many cards, flowers and visits. traction rear end, hvy. rear FOR SALE 1970 Peterbilt truck, Especially do we want to thankTWO BEDROOM unfurnished bumper and easy-lift hitch, with Peerless trailer, 335 COINS BOUGHT and sold. Dist. 5 Firemen and the house, $8Q., minimum water, Excellent condition. $1,725. Cummins. Excellent condition.Estimate appraisal of coins. By1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Allyn-Victor Ladies Auxiliary. garbage, sewer paid. Call Cash. No trades. Phone Call Union 898-2870 after 6:00appointment only. Olympic Ph. 426-6687 6/lltfn MildredP. Gaetana 426-8390 before 9:00 p.m. C9/23 CR5-3110.9/23-30 p.m. M9/9tfn Gateway. George T. Booth, 9/23 426-4719. B8/26tfn ..... RENTALS: 2 B.R. waterfront May we extend to our many home $94.00. 4 B.R. waterfront 1960 THUNDERBIRD, good 1967 FORD LTD, two-door DAY & SONS friends and neighbors and home $75.00. 2 B.R. waterfront condition, best offer. Phone hardtop, 390 cu. in., $1,000. PAINTING AND small car fender CUSTOM home 426-1460. W9/23-30 Phone 426-4433 extension 333, jobs. Reasonable. Call 426-1571. especially to the Hospital Staff $100.00. 1 B.R. downtown between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. $9/23 Y9/16-23 ROTOVATING our deep thanks for the flowers apt. $50.00.2 B.R. A frame, Lake Lawns, Gardens, Farm work- 2 and sympathies given us duringLimerick $110.00. Deposit and 1969 BEL AIR, auto, Power WANTED ALDER logs 9" and machines no job too large or our bereavement, references required on all. Mann James H. Brown Real Estate -- 121 Railroad Ave. SAVE 7% ON steering. Radio. New tires. Low up. Prefer 10 ft. multiples. Top small. 426-6592. M9/23 NEW CARS AT m ileage. $1 ,950. Phone prices. Mason Hardwood Co. 426-8750 4/9tfn & Family CR5-3110.9/23-30 426-3464 days, 426-8109 evenings. 4/ltfn CARD OF APPRECIATION ONE BEDROOM house for rent '65 CHEM. super sport 4-speed. May we extend to ourfriends on Mason Lake, furnished. As is. Call 426-2386. TIMBER WANTED! Thin your U NE HOUSE MOVING and neighbors and especially to Available Oct. 1. Phone K9/23-10/14 timber before you sell! Two Houses Raised. Foundations Drs. Schumacher and Linkletter 426-4928. A9/16-10/7 checks are better than one. Call and to the Mason General .... MUST SELL due to death 1970 for free estimates. Highest prices and Leveling Hospital Staff our deepest thanks CheM. ~/z ton, 6 cyl. 3 speed, less paid. Selective logging, our for the many kindnesses shown MT. VIEW than 4,000 miles 426-3353. specialty. Taylor Bay Logging, Phone426-8147 our loved one. ~_~ $9/23-10-14 Longbranch, Wash. 884-3778. 1/27 tfn Mrs. Walter 5ivo 5/6tfn and family. Od O~ 1938 CHEVROLET four door 9/23 7-dr/17~-~ ~i2"~/'~'~PJIf.4~4~'" sedan, good condition with HIGH SCHOOL boy wants ride horseless carriage license from Alderbrook to North Mason BOB OGDEN 426-8808 after 5:00 p.m. High or junction. Union898-3393. 2 Bedroom -- Unfurnished D9/23tfn W9/23-30 Installation Service 1966 CHEVROLET pickup, 250 WANT RIDE to Olympia 8 a.m.-- For Rent Available NOW -- No Pets cu. in., 6 cyl., 4 speed, good 5 p.m. Call 426-6094 evenings. Carpeting- Formica- _~_______~____ CONTACT MANAGER rubber and spare. Radio, heater, A9/23-30 Ceramic and Linoleum 877-5253. M9/23 TWO BEDROOMS, furnished, all 426-3 1 00 WANT TO buy --good used electric, carpeting, carport, 1966 DODGE % ton pickup, good junior high and senior high letter Licensed, Bonded privacy. One child and/or small or 426-1391 trn condition, $1,300. Call 426-2558.jackets. Call 426-3164. K9/23 ~c Insured pet acceptable. $100.00 plus electricity. Call Rex Mobile 1971 Chrysler Corp. H9/16-23 Manor and Apartments. LeaseCars. 1968 CHEV Impala hardtop ~__________. Phone 426-3155 426-4560. Mc9/16tfn coupe, original owner, automatic, 3/6tfn SECLUDED TWO bedroom Save as much as $1500 on 396 V-8, power steering and I.stru(tio. - unfurnished house to dependable these cars. brakes, vinyl roof, good tires, couple, $135 per month. $50 young families and renters in excellent condition. $t895. ~ damage deposit plus one month the Shelton area. Let your One Polara Custom 4/Dr. Htp., Phone evenings or weekends, T O L E P A IN T ING lessons Water Problems ? rent in advance. Phone 426-6574. home town Realtors show you air conditioning. One Coronet Union 898-2177. H9/16-10/7 afternoon and evening classes. For N9/9tfn how easy it is to own your own information phone 426-4390. home thru a new type Custom 4/Dr. with air '65 CHEM. pickup truck, S9/2-23 C II TWO BEDROOM apartment for conditioning, automatic, excellent condition, a rent. Partly furnished. Available Government financing. As easy Phone 426-3058 after4 p.m. September first Phone 426-4541. as you are renting now. Ask us Many 72's on hand. C9/16-10/7 TYEE WELL for free information on how to Big savings on all 71's & 72's _~~-- ---_-~- own your home thru the 502 1961 BEL-AIR, runs good,new FOR RENT: Trailer space close plan. '72 DODGES IN STOCK! tires, good body, $300. Phone Pets, liveste