September 23, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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124 N. First
Spick and span inside and out describes this 2 bedroom home on Hillcrest. Just a few
uIOcks from school and supermarket. Small down payment and owner will carry
Three bedroom home in downtown Shelton. Concrete foundation, good condition.
OWner will carry contract.
Neat older 2 bdrm. bungalow with carpeting, concrete foundation, dining room &
fenced yard right in Hillcrest. A real rent-beater. Call now.
BaChelor Pad -- completely furnished down to the vacuum cleaner, carpeted, fireplace.
With a modest down payment assume a low interest real estate contract.
Zero down GI 4 B R double corner lot in town. Newly renovated, new roof, new
Nint. A rent beater'and investor special.
~aiting for a bargain? We have an excellent one in this immaculate 2 bedroom, home
Hillcrest. Large carpeted living room, partial basement, ana parhalW Tmlsnea attic.
L~.w gas furnace garage and large lot with fruit trees. Why not see th s home today --
oetore it's sold.
• t'
.~'s another basement home w~th 3 bedrooms & garage. I s on sewer, paved streets.
Buy on any Government-type loan -- FHA or VA. Easy payments.
Angleside three bedrooms, 2 baths, surrounded by trees. Assume a contract with a
modest down payment.
~t. View -- 5 yr. 3 bdrm. rambler with garage. Nice dining room, vanity bath & loads
extras. Carpeting etc. Easy terms on FHA or G.I. -- Existin,g low interest loan can
aSSUmed at only $117 total per month. Room for 2 more oearooms.
Jble wide modular home on 5 acres. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, large 15x24' living room.
a barn built to accomodate 30 cows with a meat cutting shop attached to the
Cost of living & building prices still going up. Better buy now.
M~Outstandina countrv home w th como ete seclusion and only 2 miles north of
leary. FIVF__~ACRES'in a beautiful setting with a creek thru it. 3 bedroom modern
e, plus a den, fireplace, and electric heat. Has a double garage and includes a barn
r Your horses.
Our search is over when you see this immaculate 3 bedroom house on Hillcrest.
akwood dining room, large kitchen partial basement, and new double garage. Lots
,' ~urniture included. Owner will carry a low interest contract with a moderate down
RETI Beaut fully landsca ed lar e corner
I^, REMENT SPECIAL with an accent on view. " P g
,.,,t Overlookina Island Lake. Well cared for mobile home with newly carpeted 17 x 19'
;vLng room w~'th a Franklin fireplace. Paneling and cabinets have to be seen to be
r~'fPrreciated. Enclosed patio. Separate guest house with half bath, range and
0~.'.r_lgerator. Also used as rec room. Double car port. Reasonable down payment,
•,ner Will sell on contract. You had better hurry!
~!signed for haDnv livina Two bedrooms, rec room with fireplace, beautiful w/w
~e.ting, 1'/2 bat-t~s', & do~J'ble garage. Just 3'/2 miles from town on 21/2 acres with more
,able. Outstanding value.
Home With a view of the canal. 1 bedroom on the main floor, 2 bedrooms upstairs.
i~_c room includes a pool table. Furnace with an electronic filter & air conditioning.
=dCh access with dock and clubhouse privileges.
cUal.!ra'Modern contemoorarv 3 bedroom with family room finished ll/z baths, plush
re- .~-. . . . .
tmg & range budt-m. This beauty is just a few years old on over a half acre with
~Uslon yet located in town. Trade up today!
cbedroom tri-level plus guest house, huge barn. This is a real show place with fenced
reage. Call for an appointment for a private showing.
bedroom, furnished, Phillips Lake. Immaculate compact home Mt. View, furnished.
k 235 (low income), FHA, VA, AND FARM HOME LOANS. CALL AND
h$200 total costs moves ou into this 3 bedroom rambler wall to wall carpet range &
UOd . Y -- . . '
$T 5;:_ stone fireplace, and carport. One catch! Only those wtth incomes under
, uu.00 yr. can qualify. This is a complete home with a third acre lot.
CHRISTMAS TREE LAND. Large and small producing tracts. Terms available.
Beautifully wooded 75' waterfront lot in the Agate area.
Level low bank 100 ft. frontage and over 500 ft. to road. Best waterfront lot
in Mason County. Can subdivide.
3 bedroom, basement, double garage and shop on 90 ft. low bank waterfront
With fabulous view. Raised hearth fireplace, sundeck, dining room, kitchen
With modern built ins and large breakfast room. All this plus wall to wall
carpeting and drapes. Easy assumption with low payments.
80 x 227 waterfront lot on Island Lake. Contour of tot makes it ideal for a
daylite basement home. Probably the best building lot on the lake. Call
Waterfront lot on Lake Limerick with best unobstructed view. Brand new
rambler -- 3 bedrooms & 2 baths. You finish the inside. Water & septic tank
in. Outside is complete. Perfect for handyman.
Fabulous permanent year 'round home designed & built by master cr~ftsm.en.
Huge liv ng room cozy f replace 2 bdrms., 2 baths plus .gu s ca.Dm.
Landscaping in natural state with tall firs & cedars, all buH[ ms mc~uaect.
Truly an artists & models hide-a-way!!
The answer to your dreams. 3 bedrooms, 1V2 baths, fireplace, 100' frontage
in a beautiful setting on Los:t Lake. Boat ramp and 3 room guest cottage.
Don't wait. See us today.
PHONE 426-1654
• " " ................ Asso. Broker 426-8584
.................. Associate 426-6582
• " ................. Asso. Broker 426-6597
Real Estate
Real Estate
FIVE SECLUDED acres. Spacious
house needs handyman. Good
well, septic, heat. By owner
$19,000.426-6618. D9/16-23
OLDER 3 bedroom home on 23/4
acres. About V4 mile off Arcadia
near No. 4 Fire Station 426-8331.
LAKE CUSHMAN, one full acre
with 300 ft. waterfront. First
time ever-west side of Lake
Cushman. $12,900 with
investment terms. Call collect
877-5233 and ask for parcel No.
101. Lake Cushman Sales Co. 4
miles west of Hoodsport, Wn.
Open 7 days a week. 9/16-10/7
15 ACRES pasture, 5 bedroom
farm home. Barn plus 350 ft.
saltwater, 6 miles from Shelton
on State Hiway, $35,000 Ask for
Doc. Maple Valley Land & Homes
426-1203 eve. 426-8460.
Cushman. Near our wilderness
golf course, minutesfrom the
lake. All utilities are underground.
Fish in the lake. Full price $2,700
for now. Low down. Ask for
parcel No. 102. Lake Cushman
Sales Co. 4 miles west of
Hoodsport, Wn. Phone 877-5233
collect. Open 7 days a week.
THIS IS it! Three bedrooms, 1Vz
baths, loads of storage and closet
space. Beautiful cabinets, fully
carpeted, impeccable house and
grounds. Believe it or not,
$13,500. Terms. Maple Valley
Land and Homes, 426-1203,
evenings 426-2707.9/9-30
Join The Wise Ones...
I nvest I n Property!
1618 Olympic Highway South
Close to town, 4 bedrooms,
basement, 1 acre. All this for
Carpeted living room, formal
dining room, breakfast area,
gourmet designed kitchen, tiled
bath, 3 bedrooms, utility room
with 1/2 bath, large recreation
room, plenty room for pool table.
New roof, new gas furnace. The
cleanest home in town, FHA
financing $18,000.
5 lots, just outside the city limits,
will trade for down payment on
home in town. $3,500.
Excellent location, stores and
school, 3 bedrooms, bath and V2,
carpeted living room, fireplace,
small family room, patio, fenced
yard, extra lot, $25,000.
2 acres, small 2 bedroom home, 2
bedroom mobile home also, close
to town. All this $15,500.
2 bedrooms, living room, oil wall
furnace, large kitchen, utility
room, corner lot, new outside
paint job. $1,000 down Purchase
price $10,000.
NEAT 2 BEDROOM near grade
school. This beautiful little home
is immaculate in every way.
Honestly -- they just don't make
them like this anymore, cute
kitchen. $13,000.
INTERIOR This 2 bedroom
Hillcrest home is on a corner lot
and only $9,200.
Lake -- Choice lot, good view,
good well and lots of potential for
year round residential location.
10 ACRES -- Two nice ten acre
tracts, just six miles south-east of
Shelton. Priced at $11,000.00 and
$9,000.00 One tract mostly
cleared, partially planted in small
noble Xmas trees. Terms
ANGLESIDE -- 3 bedroom home
in excellent neighborhood area.
Home has fireplace in living room,
1V2 baths, TV room, double
carport, and private patio for
outdoor enjoyment. This home
shouldn't last long at $22,500.
3 BEDROOMS well cared for
Mountain View rambler. Family
room, fireplace in carpeted living
room, new washer and dryer;
range and refrigerator included.
home has been newly decorated.
Its cheerful rooms are large and
well arranged. Has fireplace, bath
and half, separate dining area,
attached garage. $21,500.
OLD, OLD HOME downtown.
House isn't much but lot is
worthwhile and located in area
for building. Asking $7,500.
Real Estate & Insurance
Since 1890 ~ • ....
Walter George Associate BOB HARVEY
Broker -- 426-3530
Evenings 426-4134 or 426-6188
401 Railroad Ave. Ph. 426-8272
"1 hear
things are
hoppin' in
Hood Canal
SKOKOMISH VALLEY -- 5 to 20 acres of fertile farmland
in secluded Skokomish Valley, with river access.
From $550 per acre.
HOODSPORT -- 2 bedroom home, good condition --
Priced to fit your budget -- $10,850.
HOODSPORT -- 1+ bedroom home on large lot with 2 car
garage. Close to shopping area -- $11,500 terms.
HOODSPORT -- Beautiful 3 bedroom home with attached
2 car garage and shop. Ready-to-move-into at
$22,500 terms.
Dick Endicott, Broker
Jim Shumate - Bill Smith - Mike Kirk
Real Estate
MUST SELL -- two bedroom
home, two lots, just outside city
limits, $5,500. Call 426-4772.
young families and renters in
the Shelton area. Let your
home town Realtors show you
how easy it is to own your own
home thru a new type
Government financing. As easy
as you are renting now. Ask us
for free information on how to
own your home thru the 502
Call Tom Townsend 426-6597
Ken Kuronen 426-6582
Tom Savage 426-8584
For that get-away-from-it-all Real Estate, we have
many acreage tracts. Here are a few...
20 wooded acres with winter duck pond. Only
$400 per acre. Terms.
2 acres -- 1 mile off freeway --toward Olympia-
$2,500 cash.
8 acres -- pasture, tall firs, good road access. Old
shack could be made liveable. $7,950. Terms.
10 acres -- end of Cole R d. Older home, close in,
timber. $12,500. Terms.
422 No. First (Hiway 101)
Open Weekends 426-1203 -- 426-8227
Even. Doc. Tokos -- 426-8460
Don Benson -- 426-8747
Vi Stickley -- 426-6961
$7,000 - SPENCER LAKE - Just a few miles from town. Cleared lakefront
lot ready to build on. -- Real easy terms -- you name it!
$9,950 - LARGE VIEW LOT - Southside of town, located inside of the
city on sewer. 2 bedroom with part basement & view of the bay. Nice
big fireplace & sloping lot for good drainage. Needs some "fixin" but
what a bargain at this low, low price -- Terms!
$11,950 -- 100% LOAN - Large 2 bedroom with 3rd possible in enclosed
rear addition. Automatic gas heat, extra deep lot with some view &
good privacy. Out of town owner wants quick sale. Payments will be
less than rent. Can get full price FHA or VA loan.
$12,950 -- 2 BR, DOUBLE GAR. MT. VIEW. Delightful corner grounds
completely fenced. Neat 2 bedroom rambler featuring good floor plan,
separate utility room, covered breezeway to huge double garage or
shop. This is a real special for mechanic or hobbyist. We can finance the
full purchase price FHA or VA. Call Today!
$18,000 - NEW 3 BDRM. - NO DOWN PAYMENT. If you are married,
have dependents or are an Ex-serviceman we can secure a loan for full
purchase price at 7V2% interest, 360 months (30 years) at $128 or less,
including interest -- plus tax and insurance reserve. New 3 bedroom,
built in range, deluxe bath, carpeting and garage -- Call now!
$18,500 -- TAKE OVER LOAN - Owner moving and you can assume the
payments on $16,800 balance payable at $159.00 mo. including tax &
ins. One year old 3 bedroom with oversize garage, fireplace, carpeting &
range. We will finance the difference. Fast possession.
$19,250 -- NEW REVERSE FLOOR PLAN -- CREEK FRONT• Delightful
new plan with living room, dining room. kitchen & master bedroom
overlooking creek & canyon at rear of the lot-- yet located inside city.
Low down payment, separate entry hall, full size garage and all deluxe
extras included in the price!! Low down pymt. GI or FHA.
$19,900 - 12 ACRES & 2 BDRM. HOME. Separate garage & other
outbuildings. Good spring, nice trees & only 15 minutes from town.
Also nice view of saltwater.
$20,800 - 3 Br. + FAMILY RM. - 3 bedroom rambler plus family room
and double carport. Beautifully carpeted, range & hood and the
somewhat secluded lot is just like a small park. Easy financing -- low
down pymt. City sewer & water. Terms.
$23,500 10 ACRES - 3 BDRM. - Good older 3 bedroom home with lots of
out-buildings And all fenced. 10 mostly cleared acres in pasture &
fields. Drilled well. Just about 2 miles from town.
$25,450 -- 3 BRS. - 3 BATHS - FULL BSMT. -- Custom built
contemporary home with full basement, finished recreation room, 2
baths on main level, 2 fireplaces & covered parking for 3 vehicles, boat,
etc. all this plus real nice view. Easy terms or trade. Vacant now!
$25,500 - 4 BRS. - BSMT. - ONE ACRE - Terrific for growing family.
Completely remodeled New England Cape Cod -- 2 baths, full
basement, drilled well &. just minutes from town. Terms of course, or
trade up today! Fenced and nice view.
$28,500 - LAKEFRONT CHALET. - Fabulous 3 bedroom, 2 bath
lakefront home. Custom built, big patio, permanent foundation, storage
bldg., dock & all level grounds with tall native trees. Easy financing.
$35,950 3 BR. LAKEFRONT.Easy contract terms. $3,000 down, $200 mo.
or option. Custom built full basement home -- 2 fireplaces, 3
bedrooms, low bank 65 ft. lakefront. Color coordinated appliances --
Beautiful garden, good water. Deep lot, less than 9 miles from Shelton.
$49,500 -- WATERFRONT FARM - 3 or 4 bedroom fabulous home on 4V2
acres of prime low bank Hammersley waterfront. Huge shop, barn, big
garage, fruit, berries. Selling $10,000 or more below value. We'll take
your trade. Owner will consider dividing property.
PHONE 426-4486
Trine "Doc" Moorhead -- 426-1369
R. "Cal" Hopper Asso. Agent-426-3582
Thursday, September 23, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 23