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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 23, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 23, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Red Estate Red Estate Real Estate Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal NOTICE OF CLOSING SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE OF SALE NOTIC RURAL OF REGISTRATION BOOKS No. 10871 ON MASON COUNTY BUDGET OF REAL PROPERTY OF VALU~ NOTICE IS HEREBY IN THE SUPERIOR COURTOF NOTICE IS HEREBY BY NEGOTIATION ON GIVEN: That the Registration THE STATE OF WASHINGTON GIVEN: That the Commissioners No. 4230 STATE O We at HOME PLACEMENT SERVICE, a payments on a new three-bedroom home with w/w Books for Mason County and the IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF of Mason County have completed TH E SUPERIOR COURT OF DEPARTMEI division of BeI-Kirk Realty, are Specializing in the carpeting, built-in range and oven, large eating barCity of Shelton will be closed for MASON. and placed on file their WASHINGTON FOR MASON RESOURCI saleSdlrectOfloana neWfromPrOgramttle federalin whiChgovernmentYOU can at°btaina Iowa andbe underreCesSed$1 ]8.001ightingperinmonth.the kitchenlf youand garage willearn less than ORIGINAL Registrations on PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK OF preliminary budget for Mason COUNTY. Commissionel interest rate. $8,000.00 per year your monthly payments could October 3, 1971, and thereafter, WASHINGTON, a National County for the fiscal year of IN THE MATTER OF THE Notice is YOU can own a beautiful three or four be under $100.00 of which includes property until the day following the Banking Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. 1972, a copy of which will be ESTATE OF GEORGE W. Monday, t bedroom home for less than rent if you can taxes, fire insurance and principal and interest. General Election, to be held on R IC H A R D E. W EBBER and furnished any citizen who will call WELANDER, Deceased. October, 19; qualify. There if, no clown payment and We are building three and four bedroom homesTuesday, November 2, 1971, in CATHERINE M. WEBBER, at this office for same. NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN ten o'clock approximately $1OO of clOsing costs are required at in this area with double-wall construction, 3" of conjunction with any Special husband and wife; RICHARD C. NOTICE IS FURTHER that the personal representative said day, at has negotiated a sale of the Headquarters, closing.owning your$50"00own willhome.Start you on the road to theinSulati°nceilinginandtheguaranteedSide walls qualityand 6" construction°f insulation ofin theEtecti°nsballot.Which may be placed on R U S S E L L d / b/a R US-CO G IVEN: That this Board will following described property: County of Your monthly payments are based on the size which you have your choice of lots with towering R EALTY; NATIONAL BANK meet at the Court House in of your family and the price of your home. For evergreens and your choice of colors within your HOWEVER, Registrations will OF COMMERCE OF SEATTLE; Shelton on the 4th day of Situated in Mason County, Washington, example: if you earn $9,000.00 or under per year home. remain open for TRANSFERS L I N D A B A H M ; A . O. October, 1971, at the hourof State of Washington: That part of Administrator and have one or two children, your monthly ONLY, through October 18, ROSELLINI: and HAWAIIAN 2:00 p.m. for the purposeof vacated B Street lying southerly tmber on the 1971. INSURANCE & GUARANTY fixing the final budget and of Block 33 of Mountain View state land will ................. Send This Coupon ............... Ruth E. Boysen COMPANY, LTD., Defendants. making tax levies, and any Addition to Shelton as recorded auction to the Auditor & Registrar for THE STATE OF WASHINGTON taxpayer may appear at said in Volume 2 of Plats, page 41, wit: Mason County, Washington. TO CATHERINE M. WEBBER Hearing and be heard for or and between the extended MASO Home Placement Se~ice P,ease Register with the and LINDA BAHM, Defendants: against any part of said budget,easterly and westerly lines of Lot Applicati 123 Lake Street South Kirkland, Washington 98033 Officer in your Precinct, listed YOU ARE HEREBY DATED at Shelton, 6insameBIock. Shumachel The sale is for a cash price of located apprc, below: SUMMONED TO APPEAR within Washington, this 20th day of TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS by road nor] Yes, I am interested in more information on this program, including Qualification, Airport, Leah Anderson, Rt. sixty (60) days after the date of September, 1971. Plans, Prices and Location. Please have a representative contact me. 5, Bx. 39, Shelton ; AIlyn, first publication of this Summons, Board of County AND NO/100 $2,000.00). This The sale s con Courthouse, 4th & Alder, to-wit: Within sixty (60) days Commissioners of Mason sale shall be confirmed after the marked with l OWN A HOME BUILT WITH PRIDE AND QUALITY IN ALL PRICE RANGES Shetton; Arcadia, Leila May after the 16th day of September, County, Washington 4th day of October, 1971. by sale area Hootman, Rt. 3, Bx. 364, 1971, and defend the above By Ruth E. Boysen This Notice is made pursuantproperty lines NAME .... PHONE ~ Shelton; Belfair 1,2,3,4 Sheriff's entitled action in the above Mason County Auditor to R.C.W. 11.56.100. part W1/2 SE Office at Belfair; Capitol Hill,entitled Court; andanswer the and Ex-OfficioClerk Dated this 16th day of Township 21 ADDRESS .... CITY ~ STATE C o u rthouse, 4th & Alder, Complaint of the plaintiff and of the Board September, 1971. West, W.M., c! Shelton; Cloquallum, Helen M. serve a copy of your Answer on 9/23-30-2t /s/John C. Ragan m o re o r I ZIP__Area Desired ~ Price Range: From: __To:_ Morrow, Rt. 1, Bx 292, Elmaf the undersigned attorneys for ~-- Attorney for approximately Personal Representative Douglas fir, Dayton, Vivian Buechet, S.R. 2,plaintiff at their office belowNOTICE OF HEARING John C. Ragan white pine ar Bx. 176, Shelton;. stated, and in case of your failure P R O POSED VACATION -- Attorney At Law Iodgepole pil - 40 ACRES, all or part on Jorsted Cells, Carmen Sarkowitz, so to do, judgment will be PORTION OF OLD COLE ROAD Shelton, Washington 98584 340,000 bd-ft Creek, only 3 miles from HighwayS.R., Shelton; Grapeview, Miltonrendered against you in NO. 1583 Minimun 101, near Lake Cushman. Wild J. Jennings, P. O. Bx. 112, accordance with the demands of NOTICE IS HEREBY Telephone426-2061 9/23-1t $10,030.00. Grapeview; Marjorie C. Jennings,the Complaint, which has been GIVEN: That on Tuesday, TimberW and timbered but with an easy ----~_~_____ I I ~ access. Great place to establish a P. O. Bx. 112, Grapeview; filed with the Clerk of this Court. ~'~11~ ~ ([ /~| II ~ colony of friends clustered Harstine, Emily M. Babcock, Rt. The object of this action is to September 7, 1971, the Board of or installment Am rJTJ~ ~ ~,~.~ • • ~ around a wilderness estate of your 2, Bx. 35, Shelton; Hoodsport, quiet title in plaintiffs to real County Commissioners went on NOTICE TO CREDITORS must be ram record with their Intention to No. 4221 30, 1973. ~IP'J[~}'W~~ ~ own. Flexible terms, great Joy W. Kilbourne, Hoodsport; estate in Mason County, Vacate a portion of the Old ColeIN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF On or b Isabella, Alice Bariekman, R.R. 5, Washington, described as: I~ m ~- potential. $20,000. Askfor parcel Bx. 618, Shelton; Kamilche 1 &2,That part of Tract 4 of Sunny Road No. 1583, which was THE STATE OF WASHINGTON 1971 at 10:( mB B'~ ~ No. 105. Lake Cushman Sales Co. Norma A. Taylor, Rt. t, Bx. 124,Beach as recorded in Volume 2 ofrendered unused by relocation inFOR MASON COUNTY• must'make a ~W~ , , i~_lrllBiI ~ 4 miles west of Hoodsport, Wn. Shelton; Lake, Lela Rodewald, Plats, page 34, lying northerly of 1968, located in Section 32, In the Matter of the Estate of $1,003.00 .in ~,~l~'~,~,il~l~~ w~w' ~ Phone 877-5233 collect. Open 7 Mason Lk. Dr., Bx. 695, State Route No. 106; Township 20 North, Range 3 A R T H U R L E R O Y money order I~LAL I daysaweek. 9/16-10/7 " Grapeview. EXCEPTING therefrom public West, W.M., more fully describedDUNSWORTH, Deceased. Said deposit Lilliwaup, Mattie Backlund, roads, if any; TOGETHER with as follows: The undersigned is the opening bid - _ ~_111~i~ ~ DELUXE A.FRAME near Hood P.O. Bx. 58, Lilliwaup; Matlock,all tidelands as conveyed by State "That portion of the Old Cole appointed and qualified personal price, upon a~ ~r~l~~'~l~r~ ~IIF IIIF ~ Canal two bedroom. Lots of Dora Hearing, Rt. 1, Bx. 242, of Washington lying in front of, Road No. 1583 located in theNE representative of said estate, respective ~ ~ extras. Large lot. Ideal full-time Lima; Mill Creek, Edythe Bedell, adjacent to and abutting on said of the SE, Section 32, Township Persons having claims against the returned t( home $14,500, terms. Dean Rt. 3, Bx. 170, Shelton; Miller, property. Said tidelands are 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M., deceased are required to serve the bidders. On t beginning at Engineers' Station same in duplicate, duly verified, purchaser rnL Hanson owner -- agent Olympia Cod rthouse, 4th & Alder, SUBJECT TO reservation of oils, 50+00 through Engineers' Stationon the undersigned or the between the1 ~li~T.~r~ll~~ 491-3232. Anytime.-H7/29t:fn ' Shelton; Mt. View, Courthouse, gases, coal, ores, minerals and 58+00 and lying thirty (30)feet attorney of record at the address full bid price 4th & Alder, Shelton; Northside,fossils, together with right to northeasterly of the center line of stated below and file the same sale fee or rf ~~ "- 120FT., 3 bedroom modern home Patricia A. Gronseth, 261 St. enter and explore for same, etc., the existing road as constructed in with the Clerk of this Court, so elects at tl on Mason Lake, appraised for Andrews Dr. N., Shelton; Betty and reservation of right to acquire 1968, and shown on the official together with proof of such an additional ~~l~~Iv~~m~IIIIr~,ill~B'~ $34,500 free and clear. Take Moran, Rt. 2, Bx. 96, Shelton; rights of way for private railroads, map for this project on file in the service within four months after the total arnc ~'~lril~H~V~r~jL'~l~rl~~ income or acreage trade Pickering, Emily M. Babcock, Rt.skid roads, flumes, canals, office of the Mason County September 9, 1971, or the same excusiveoffl ~" ~ ~ 11w ~ 426-89 1 5, 1210 Mason Lake 2, Bx. 35, Shelton;. watercourses, etc., with provision Engineer." Drive, Grapeview. P9/2-23 Potlatch Mamie Kaare, for compensation for damages Situated in Mason County, will be forever barred, the full bid Anna D. Dunsworth cru se estirn Potlatch; 'Satsop Melba caused by the exercise of such State of Washington. Route3, Box 132 such deposit! Many home owners have learned, by sad ~ ANTIQUE HOMESTEAD! Trenckmann, Rt. 1 'Bx. 206, rights, etc., made by State of NOTICE IS FURTHER Shelton, Washington 98584 $5,000.00. TI experience, the pitfalls of trying to sell it ~-~jj,~t~. Past, ure~ fir trees, Mgood.Trooad, Lima; Skokomish, 'Courthouse, Washington in deed dated March GIVEN: That a public Hearing Robert L. Snyder paid by perso themselves. More often than not, the costs [~, Jll~'~ ~ermsU~l~l~n[eU,~al~ev=~Ea~c~,an~ 4th & Alder, Shelton; Tahuya, 20, 1928 and recorded in Volume will be held on the proposed Attorney for Estate must alsO fur incurred at trying to sell your own home far ~,1~] Homes ~,26-1203 evenings Phyllis Fixemer, P. O. Bx. 21, 51 of Deeds, page 70. against the abandonment in the Office of the 125V2 N. 5th of date of sa! saleeXCeedfor theyou.feeDonWe t chargetake thatf°r chance--callneg°tiating thuds ~'~J~t .~ #/ ~'-;-426"696'1" 9/9-30 .... -~---C---T--.' Madaline&Tahuya ;Aider,Union,Quinn,SheltoniCOurthouSe,s.R. 2,Westside'Bx. 4th28, one of them.Claim of the defendants and any a.m.,C°untYMonday,C°mmissi°nerSoctober at4, 11:001971, Shelton, Washington 985849/9.16.23_3t compliances 1 ,000.uuw - • , ~ PARSUN S POND, LaKe Gordon, Thomas, Honeywell, and any interested person may bill of sale. M)oay. ~ Cushman, golf course lot near the Shelton; Shelton 1 thru 16, City Malanca, Paterson, O'Hern & appear at said Hearing to be heard orders etc. ~ 7th green overlooking our pesky Hall or Courthouse -- Shelton. Johnson either for or against said proposal. NOTICE TO CREDITORS p_ayable' to tt IB .... • little water hazard that elk think 9/23-1t By: Valen H. Honeywell DATED this 8th day of No. 4226 Public Lands. U | JkA | | ~ ~ ~ A | l=V | L,|~ ~ is just for them. You'll love it... ~-- Attorneys for Plaintiffs September, 1971. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF A C C E • II111111111[ KIr/4LI 1. II1%. I especially at $4 900 with LawOffices Board of County THE STATE OF WASHINGTON REVOLVING • .==w•~m==•== •~=--n==• • • =,,w,we ~ minimum down. AsI~ for parcel NOTICE OF REAL ESTATE Gordon, Thomas, Honeywell, Commissioners of Mason FOR MASON COUNTY (IN tobepadon == ............. • No. 104. Lake Cushman Sales Co. AND TIMBER SALE Malanca, Peterson, O'Hern & County, Washington PROBATE) Accessibil • 1717 Olympic Hwy., North II 4 miles west of Hoodsport, Wn. SEALED BIDS will be Johnson ~ Phone 877-5233 collect. Open 7 received by the Public Utility 2200 One Washington Plaza By Ruth E. Boysen IN T H E M ATTER OF THE Department e ~ days a week. 9/16-10/7 District No. 1 of Mason County at Tacoma, Washington 98402 Auditor & Clerk ESTATE OF EVELYN MAC access. its office at Potlatch, Wash. until (206) 383-4311 of the Board Purchaser 8:00 p.m., PDT, Tuesday, 9/16-23-30-10/7-14-21-6t 9/23-30-2t WOOD, Deceased. Road Use Pe The undersigned is the Co. and ! appointed and qualified Executrix Company. October 12, 1971 for the ~ NOTICE OF GROUND of said estate. Persons having purchase of real estate, and all C o m ple Paldkations Legal Publkations b gal PuMications timber thereon, described as FOR BIDS WATER RIGHT claims against the deceased are follows: , , NOTICE TOCONTRACTORS APPLICATION NO. 12012 required .to serve the same in specificatiOnshelton 13 --------~------~--------------------~------- -_-_-_-_-_-_---...-._=-_C_~--~.---~,r~--~--. ~ L, ot#,,~l 7~;Lhrough 20, 22 Sealed bids will be received by S T ATE OF' W ASHIN, GTON duplicate, duly verified, on the County A through 29 ahd 31 through ~34t the Port of Shelton at their office iDEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY, , undersigned or the attorney of office of .t! = NOTICE OF NOTICE Tg CREpITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Block 50, HOQd Canal Land and a't 105 South 4th Street, or ifOLYMPIA. ~ record at the address stated below Public Land'. BUDGET HEARING N(~. 4230''~ No. 4229 Improvement Addition to Ur~ion; wa.mailed98584,t° :P.O,untiiBox11:30517, SheltOn,a.m. on TAKE NOTICE: " and file the same with the Clerk To be sc Notice is hereby given that THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF City as the same is of record in T h a t S T A T E o f of the Court, together with proof Headquarl the Commissioners of Fire WASHINGTON FOR MASON WASHINGTON FOR MASON the office of the Auditor of the Friday, September 24, 1971 forWASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT of service within four months Protection District No. 3, COUNTY. COUNTY. County of Mason, State of the furnishing of the necessary of NATURAL RESOURCES of after 9 September 1971, or theOctober 18, a.m. Grapeview, have completed theirIN THE MATTER OF THE IN THE MATTER OF THE Washinqton; toqether with all labor and materials for the Olympia, Washington on July 7, same will be forever barred. Any s~ preliminary budget and a public ESTATE OF GEORGE W. ESTATE OF DORIS E. NELSON vacated portions of streets and construction of: Repairs to 1971 filed application for permit LaWandaWaters, Executrix hearing will be held in the fireball WELANDER, Deceased. Deceased. ,-, alleys adjacent thereto and Existing Floating Walkway atto withdraw public ground waters Address: Rt. 10, Box 74, offered, and at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE IS HEREBY GiVe.m4 adjoining thereon; all in Section the Shelton Marina. through well situated within NWV4 Shelton, Wash received sh~ September 23, for the purpose ofthat the undersigned has been that the undersigned has been 32, T21N, R3W, W.M. Bids will then and there be NWV4 NE1/4 of Section 10, B. Franklin Heuston, allUntilsalesit canhas publicly opened and read aloud.Township 23 N., Range 4 W.W. Attorney for Estate, the speci adopting said budget, appointed and has qualifiedas appointed and has qualified as No bid will be accepted for Bids received after the time fixed M., in Mason County, in the Angle Bldg., less than $14,100.00. Each bid for opening cannot be considered, amount of 3 gallons per minute, Shelton, Wash. 98584 Any taxpayer may appear and personal representative of this personal representative of this advertised be heard on any matter relative to estate. Persons having claims estate. Persons having claims shall be accompanied by a deposit Separate general, electrical s u bj e c t to existing rights 9/9-16-23-35 continue c said budget, against the deceased are required agains the deceased are requiredin the form of cash or a money between th Arthur F. Zehe, Secretary to serve the same, duly verified, to serve the same, duly verifiedorder or a certified check made and plumbing bids will be continuously, each year for the a.m. and fo received, purpose of community domestic Said tir Fire Protection on the undersiqned or the on the undersigned or the payable to the District in an Specifications, including supply for public park. District No. 3 attorney or record at the address attorney of record at the address amount equal to ten per cent ORDER FIXING TIME be sold f( Grapeview, Wash. stated belOW and tile the same stated below and file the same (10%) of the bid price. Within 30 contract documents and drawings Any objections must be OF HEARING apprased ~ 9/23-1t with the Clerk of this Court, with the Clerk of this Court, days after being notified of bidmay be examined and copiesmay accompanied by a two dollars FINAL ACCOUNT the Comrni~ together with proof of such together with proof of such acceptance, the successful bidder Portbe obtainedof Sheltonat thebetweenOffice Ofll:00the with($2'00)the recordingDepartmentfeeofandEcologyfiled No. 4164 in the man~ service within four months afterservice within four months aftershall pay the balance between the and 12:00 a.m. at 105 South 4th within thirty (30) days from IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF notice of v THE STATE OF WASHINGTON the office q ~-r~r= -r,~ ~-~=~,,-~,-,~ September 16, 1971, or the same September 16, 1971, or the same bid deposit and the full bid price. Street, Shelton Wash., and at the September 30 1971. FOR MASON COUNTY. c o u n t y The district reserves the right office of Plarold Sargent, Witness my hand and official ,,v.,,.,. ~,., ~n~,.~,na will be forever barred, will be forever barred, to reject any or all bids and toConsulting Engineer, 603 Capitolseal this 8th day of September, In the Matter of the Estate of Administra' I ,~u..~:~:o /s/Dorothy L. Demlein Virginia Wainhouse CLARENCE LATHAM, Bert L. N THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Personal Representative Persona Representative waive any informality in the Center Building, Olympia, Wash. 1971. Deceased. .. commi! THE STATE OF WASHINGTON John C. Ragan John C Ragan bidding. Plans may be obtained upon Glen H. Fiddler A Final Account and Petition FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. Attorney for Estate Attorney for Estate Bidding documents and the deposit of $5.00 for each set of Department of Ecology - -- for Distribution having been filed IN THE MATTER OF THE Title Insurance Building Title Insurance Building complete notice of sale may beplans and specifications. The full 9/23-3u-zt herein, it is . NO~/J ESTATE OF ETHEL GETRUDE 122 Railroad Avenue 122 Railroad Avenue obtained at the District's office in amount of the deposit for one set Potlatch, upon written request to of documents will be refunded to NOTICE TO CREDITORS ORDERED that said Account GREGORY, Deceased. Shelton, Washington 98584 Shelton Washington 98584 P. O. Box 5, Potlatch Wash. actual bidders upon return of the will be heard on October 22, APPLI( Notice is hereby given that 9/16-23-30-3t ' 9/16-23-30-3t 98574 or upon calling Ho'odsport documents unmutilated and the undersigned has been ~------- No. 4233 1971, at 9:30 a.m. in the STATE appointed and has qualified as __ Y PUBLICATION 877-5200. without annotations, within three IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Courtroom in the County DEPARTIV THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Courthouse of Mason County in OLYMPI Dated this of days after the time set for For the County of MASON. Executor of the above entitled SUMMONSNB 10846 openinq bids. Other deposits will IN THE MATTER OF THE estate; that all persons hay ng . September, 1971. Shelton, Washington. TAKE N claims against said deceased are NOTICE OF.URFACE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Public Utility District be refunded with deduction for the ESTATE OF ALFRED A. Lodga Fields That hereby required to serve the same, WA~'~ ~"~HT THE STATE OF WASHINGTON No. 1 of Mason actual cost of the reproducing the SNELL, Deceased. Mason County Clerk of LilliW auly verlrle~, on said DAVID D .~r~ ~,~= ,-,~n H^~*, ~',-,, ,,,Tv County, Washington drawing and specifications under By Betty Thompson 23 197 GREGORY or his attorneys of APPLICATION No. 23200 r~,r~D~v~'~'~.l~uu~ ~l r~'~ v~ o Harold Hunter, Secretary Notice is hereby given that record at the address below STATE OF WASHINGTON ~lai'n~'i~f~f'"vs "'j'p~t~l"E'S'-'l~' 9/23-30-2t the same condition, the undersigned has been Deputy Clerk permitt( stated, and f e the same with the DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY WInMYER 'Defendant " E a c h b i d m u s t b e appointed and has qualified as Robert L. Snyder of an Clerk of said Court, togetber with OLYMPIA ' :;;,% ,.~.^~ ,~ .... ;. ........ accompanied by a certified or Executor of the above entitledAttorney for Administratrix unname proof of such service, within 4 TAKE NOTICE: ~n~. ~.~ ~,4vv~n~.~.~ ~J~ cashier's check, or bid bond, with estate; that all persons having 1251/z N. 5th, Lilliwaul: .................. 0.25 c~ months after the date of first That RALPH LEWIS and WIE):MYER Defendant" . NOTICE OF HEARING State-licensed surety company as claims against said deceased are P.O. Box 396 publication of this notice or the PAUL LARDY of Seattle Y~" 'ARE H'EREBY NOTICE IS HEREBY surety in an amount not less than hereby required to serve the same, Shelton, Washington 98584 subject same will be barred. Washington on June 24 1971' u v . . GIVEN: That the Board of 5% of the amount ot each bid, duly verified, on said WILBUR E. 9/23-1t continuO Date of first publication filed application for per'mit toSUMMONED to .w~thm County Commissioners did, on conditioned that the bidder willSNELL or his attorneys of record purpose supply; September 9, 1971. Divert the, public waters of ~l~etY }bU~t OaYuS_?~teriotne oOfat~h~, September 7, 1971, direct the pay the district as liquidated at the address below stated, and f or i r Day d D. Gregory unnamed spring and/or stream ,. s .p .n .... is Clerk to prepare a Resolution'damages the amount specified in file the same with the Clerk of NOTICE OF f ,=~id F'~tate trloutary or -% in the am~,nt ~f . ~ummons, to-wit:wltnlnSiXty approxin Executor o ................ 60 d af r f declaring their intention to the bond or deposit unless he said Court, together with proof of SPECIAL MEETING located ' Address 1017 - 178th 0.01 cubic foot. persecond, (E) !ays ^fte the 19th day.o establish the roads of Highland enters into a contract in such service, within four months The board of Directors of plat of [ L...... nwooa wasnlngton suoiectj to existin'-~ ri-,.,o~,,~, ~ugus~, .t~J/~,. ann aetena me Estates, petitioned for and accordance with his bid within after the date of first publication Grapeview School Dist. No. 54 , " above.entitled action in the 19, ToW~ 9~036 continuouslyeach yearfor the ......... constructed to County standards ten days of the date upon wh ch of this notice or the same will be Mason Co. will hold a special W.M., in COrOrkell&E.C~okk P~rePoSaeppfrodOmmeSt~c S;poPlYtthoa~ ~eV~e~;~:~nt~o~rt~han~l:?S~if~r' by the citizens abutting said road he is notified that he is the barred. . meeting for the purpose of AnY Attorneys for Estate diversion is located within Lot43 aundnsertV~eaCOpy of your answer in Section 5, Township 19 North, successful bidder. Date of first publication reviewing the final budget for the accompa Range 3West, W.M. The right is reserved to reject September 23, 1971. 1971-72 school year at the ($2.00) 307 Dietz"---- of the plat of Totten Shores of .P , ....., attorney The description of said roads any and all bids and to waive Wilbur E. Snell Grapeview school, Grapeview, with the Bremert- n-- .u,.~. o=~c^~* u,,"" .~.,~ 1 --~'""~'"~'T ...... h;.. ~v,..,~nM for plalntlTr, at nls OTtlCe below as follows: informalities in connect on with Executor of said Estate Wash. Sept. 23, 1971 at 7:00 p.m. o , Washington ,~ .... .~, ~, ~ ;.. ~ .... stated; and in case of your failure All the roads of the Plat of said bid. within / rt a-u~~_vv .vv .,~, ....... ~ .... 10221 Bridgeport Way S.W. Hildred M. Bunch 9 9-16-23-3t.. . , so to do judgment will be Highland Estates No. 1& 2 as By order of Septernl~ L.ounty ' Tacoma, Washington 98499 Director-Clerk witnl ~ny" " objections .... must De- rendered against you according, to shown in Volume 8 of Plats, Pages Board of Commissioners Estes & Patois 9/16-23-2t ......... r the demand of the Complaint 52 & 54 and Volume 8 of Plats, PORT OF SHELTON seal this accompanied Dy a [wo DO a • " • ' By Spirro Damis NOTICE TO CREDITOR¢, ~¢~ nn~ ..... ,~i,,~ rod ~n,~ filo,~ which has been filed w~th the Pages 97, 98 & 99 except there Mason County Attorneys for Estate 1971. - ~" .... ~ ......... ~ ......... Clerk of said Court. from the extension of Evergreen BY: Oliver J. Ashford Glen No. 4227 with the Department of Ecology T h o ,, h i o ~ ~ O f t h e 10221 Bridgeport Way S.W. INVITATION TO BID p a I ......... ~ ~ ~ - Drive from the westerly boundary Secretary ' De N THE SUPERIOR COURT OF within thirty (30) days from ~ ..... entitle~ action is for a 9/9-16-23-3t Tacoma, Washington98499 Sealed proposals will be of Division No. 1 and the 9/23-30-10/7-3t received for the following Project: FoRTHE MAsoNSTATE OFcouNTyWASHINGTON Septemberwitness23,my1971han¢l and official treatment"~l~, ~,~'o on th'e grounds of cruel cul-de-sacs off this extension. ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC H---~-RING ~~---- Addition to existing School in the Matter of the "Estate of seal this 3rd day of September P-lenn'E Correa FURTHER said Resolution NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PUBLIC HEARING Buildings: For Office space & ~F DOROTHY J. ZlCKRICK 1971 ' -:, . • ...... did instruct the County Engineer that pursuant to R.C.W. record storage. Grapeview school The Deceased. ' G'lenH. Fiedler ,31enAt~r~eoY/OrP"a'nt'Tr to report on said road 70.05.060 on the 7th day of Shelton Consolidated School district No. 54, Grapeview, Southsid' The Seattle-First National Department of Ecology Attorney at Law establishment and request the October: 1971, at 10:30 a m atDistrict No. 309 Shelton, Washington. MasOn C Bank is the appointed and 9/16-23-2t 121 S 4th Street Prosecuting Attorney to reviewOlympia L.i.~y Halli Olympia Washington. By: Grapeview School District meetin~ qualified Executor of said estate. ~ Shelton Washington 98584 and give approval to the stepsWashington, the Thurston.~,,~ Pursuant to law, notice is No. 54, Grapeview, Washington,reviewin~ Persons having claims against the ' 8/19-26-9/2-9-16-23-6t therein ordered. District Board of Heal;d~"=,'~,,l'; hereby given that School Time: October 5th, 1971 --7:301971-7' deceased are required toservethe N^TI .... NOTICE IS FURTHER consider for adopt!on Article'X'i Directors of SHELTON SCHOOL p.m., Place: Grapeview School,Southsid' same in duplicate, duly verified, u ~.¢-u~- GIVEN: That said Hearing will beof the Thurston~Mason Health DISTRICT NO. 309 will hold a Grapeview, Washington. 29, 1971 on the Executor or the attorney PUBLIC HEARING ~ held at the office of the CountyDistrict Sanitary ~o_de pertaining public hearing in said school Contractors may obtain plans Mrs. I of record at the address stated NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE OF Commissioners at the Courthouse to H u ~es and Regulations district at 8:00 p.m., Septerhber and specifications from the office princi below and file the same with the that the Directors of Pioneer PUBLIC HEARING in Shelton, Washington, at 11:00governing ambulance service in28th, 1971, in the Library of the of the Grapeview School District ---- Clerk of this.Court, together with School District No. 402 will hold A Special Meeting for the, a.m., Monday, September 27, Thurston and Mason Counties. Evergreen School, for the No. 54 -- Phone 426-4027 or proof of sucn service within tour achoUiBL_lC" HEARING in said purpose of reviewing the final 1971. All interested persons may Anyone desiring to speak orfollowing purpose: TO REVIEW 426-8389 upon a deposit of D months after September 3, 1971,b h °l DIst.r!ct in the Pioneer budget as proposed for 1972 of appear at said Hearing to be held give testimony for or against the THE FINAL BUDGET FOR twenty five dollars ($25.00) or the samewll! be forever Parred. ~cr~)oo MUltl-:~..rv~ce I~oom at Public Hospital District No. 1 of for the purpose of hearing the adoption of th~s Article XI should 1971-72. which will be returned upon the purs~ Arleigh I. Jones -u .p.m. on me z.~rd day ot Mason County Washinnton willEngineer's report on said Countyappear at the .aoove. time andAny taxpayer may appear and receipt of the plans and hereby • e #' ~ ' ' Trust Officer b p temper, 197], for the be held on Wednesday, Septemberroads. . place. I-(evlseo copies ot thebe heard for or against any part of specifications within ten (10)Hood fOllOWing pur ose FIN Se~toleal~il3Stnk BUDGET HEAR~4G FOR ~'~FL 29, 1971 at 10:30 a.m. in the DATED this 7th day of Article are aval/able as follows: thebudget, days after date of the bid 404 wi Na " Office of the District at MasonSeptember, 1971. Thurston County Health Louis R. Grinnell, openings, said scl P O Box 328 SCHOOL YEAR 1971-72. All General Hospital. Board of County Department, Thurston County Secretary The Board of Directors library ~'~ ,~,,i~ Wa~.hinoton interested taxpayers are invited An interested Commissioners of Mason courthouse ~nnex, Olympia, Board of Directors --,,~,,.~..-, =-, = . . . . y taxpayeris reserves the right to reject or Se pt Robert L. Snyder Richard.C. Marmttl, welcome to attend. County, Washington Washington. Directors of Shelton Schoo informalities. Hearir Attorney for Estate ~uperlntenaent Rnh~rtC~ H~it ByRuthE. Boysen Mason nCtO~?ttYanHealth By Order of the Board of accept any proposal and to waive follOW 125~/~N. Sth Pioneer School ~scretar~/ .... . Auditor & Clerk Departme .,. . d Birch, District No. 309, September 14, Hildred M. Bunch CI 1971 (Dir Clerk) Shelton Wash ngton 98584 D strict No. 402 Board ~f" C~mm ....... of the Board 9/16-13-2t " 9/16-23-2t "" 9/23-30-2t ' 9/9-16-23-3t 9/16-23-2t ................. '9"/23-1 t 9/16-23-2t shelton, washington. Distri( Page 24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 23, 1971