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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 23, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 23, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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99z9- NoJ.s3ua mnr xg ...... 7-- lrll e JE - qiR , f14#' Instead of the regular editorial this week I am printing a fantasy written by a teen-ager which originally appeared in the "Tiger Tattler," a high school newspaper. A reader of the Herald called it to my attention, believing it to be worth a reprint in this paper. I agree. If just one local teen-ager reads it and "gets the message," it will have served its purpose. "IN LOVE WITH LIFE - or HOW IT WOULD BE IF I WERE KILLED IN AN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT." Agony claws my mind. I am a statistic. When I first got here I felt very much alone. I was overwhelmed with grief and I expected to find sympathy. I found no sympathy. I saw only thousands of others whose bodies were as badly mangled as mine. I was given a number and placed in a category. The category was called "Traffic Fatalities." The day I died was an ordinary school day. How I wish I had taken the bus! I remember how I wheedled the car out of Morn. "Special favor," I pleaded. "All the kids drive." When the 2:50 bell rang I threw my books in the locker. I was free until 8:40 tomorrow morning! I ran to the parking lot, excited at the thought of driving a car and being my own boss. Free! It doesn't matter how the accident happened. I was goofing off, going too fast. Taking crazy chances. But I was enjoying my freedom and having fun. The last thing I remember was passing an old lady who seemed to be going awfully slow. I heard a deafening crash and felt a terrific jolt. Glass and steel flew everywhere. My whole body seemed to be turning inside out. I heard myself scream. Suddenly I awakened. It was very quiet. A police officer was standing over me. Then I saw a doctor. My body was mangled. I was saturated with blood. Pieces of jagged glass were sticking out all over. Strange that I couldn't feel anything. Hey, don't pull that sheet over my head. I can't be dead. I'm only 17. I've got a date tonight. I'm supposed to grow up and have a wonderful life. I haven't lived yet. 1 can't be dead. Later I was placed in a drawer. My folks had to identify me. Why did they have to see me like this? Why did I have to look at Mom's eyes when she faced the most terrible ordeal of her life? Dad suddenly looked like an old man. He told the man in charge, "Yes, he is our son." The funeral was a wierd experience. I saw all my relatives and friends walk toward the casket. They passed by, one by one, and looked at me with the saddest eyes I've ever seen. Some of my buddies were crying. A few of the girls touched my hand as they walked away. Please - somebody - wake me up! Get me out of here. I can't bear to see my morn and dad so broken up. My grandparents are so wracked with grief they can barely walk. My brother and sister are like zombies. They move like robots. In a daze. Everybody. No one can believe this. And I can't believe it either. Please don't bury me! I'm not dead! I have a lot of living to do! I want to laugh and run again. I want to sing and dance. Please don't put me in the ground. I promise, if you give me just one more chance, God, 1"11 be the most careful driver in the whole world. All I want is one more chance. PLEASE GOD. I'm only 17. New officers installed Installation of officers for the Belfair Kiwanis was scheduled to take place at Myrhe's in Port Orchard September 22 in a joint meeting with the Port Orchard club. Officers for the coming year, who will assume duties October 1, are: President, Ralph Lackey; 1st V. Pres., Sven Gunnarson; 2nd V. Pres., Kenneth Anderson; Secretary, William Butler; Treasurer, Harry "Pete" Peterson. Board members are Frank Springer, Harry Lohman, Francis Cornell, Rev. Wendell Harder, Lowell Gunselman and Guy Brislawn. Serving as president this past year has been the Rev. Wendell Harder. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair, Allyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore and North Shore. Post Office Box 587, Belfair, Washington 98528 Telephone CR 5-6680 LOU DONNELL ............................. Editor BARBARA NELSON .......... Advertising Representative Published by Shelton Publishing, Inc., Post Office Box 430, Shelton, Washington 98584; telephone 426-4412. Subscription: $5.00 per year in Mason County; $6.00 per year elsewhere. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ re-instated hot lunch p~og~am has i4ea beca~as~ o[ ir, e~ease(! Costs;in not been supported as well as had been hoped for according to Superintendent Norm Sanders at last week's School Board meeting. Hot lunches were not served last year in the schools because of failure of a school levy but, although they were not budgeted in this year's successful levy vote, it was decided to give them a 60-day trial period to see if the program could be self-sustaining. At the time of the School Board meeting, school had been open only four days and the number of participating students had varied from 197 to 240; a high of 248 was reached a few days later. This compares to an average of 271 daily hot lunches served when the program was in effect two years ago. School attendance is up just a bit from last year, it was reported by Sanders. School opened with 907 students as compared to 905 last year. There were 892 students when school closed in June. Consideration of moving kindergarten classes from the Belfair Elementary School building, where conditions are reportedly over-crowded, to the old Allyn school building, was Two local youths pleaded guilty to charges stemming from the robbery discovered Jan. 4 of mail containing checks from boxes in the Belfair Post Office and received six month suspended sentences in Magistrate Robert E. Cooper's federal court in Tacoma. The youths, Michael Lee Valley of Allyn and Richard Lee Squire of Belfair, were arrested in June by a U. S. Postal Inspector and a member of the Secret Service. They were released the following day on a personal recognizance bond. Theft of four specific checks were named in the charges, which had been reported taken from Post Office boxes which had been broken open in the Belfair Post Office. The amounts of the U. S. Treasury checks were $48, $119.53, $64 and $126.70. The checks were subsequently forged and an attempt was made to cash them. The boys were tried separately before the magistrate; one on Sept. 2, the other on Sept. 9. Both received one year's probation in addition to the building heat and maintenance and bussing, was heard in the ensuing discussion and the Board voted to table the discussion until its special Sept. 23 meeting where the preliminary budget for the next year will be adopted. That meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the High School library. In other business: -Nancy Miller, head of the NM Citizens for Schools group, said she had been unable to find the personnel to provide a regular volunteer teacher aide program in the district, but that non-regular help could be offered. Following the report, the board hired an aide to work in grades 1-3 for three yours a day. -Sanders reported that the wage freeze would have the same impact on North Mason teachers as elsewhere, with educational increments permitted, but no other raises to be allowed. Those educational increments would be at last year's rate, rather than the newly-adopted 1971-72 rate, he observed. -Sanders' attendance at the Washington Association of School Administrators' meeting in Yakima Oct. 25-26 was approved. suspended sentence and they were ordered to make full restitution, each paying half of the total amount stolen. According to a clerk of the court, Squire pleaded guilty to knowingly, without authority, taking material from the U. S. mail and opening it. Valley pleaded guilty to knowingly, without authority, willfully obstructing and retarding passage of mail by endorsing the above-mentioned checks, which were listed in the charge. Sleepy driver has one-car accident Falling asleep at the wrong time and wrong place was the cause of a 2 a.m. accident just 300 feet north of Belfair on the Old Belfair Highway Sept. 16. karayne Ellis, 35, driver of the '65 Rambler which left the roadway while headed north, was uninjured but her car damage was estimated at $300. a~Oxessed to'loath pa~p¢'t~ laxxt i_t was decided more people in Huckleberry Herald territory would know the writer so we will run it in the Herald. Editor, Huckleberry Herald: Just when I decided that I would not renew my subscription, along comes the recent two papers with my favorite Huckleberry Herald tucked inside full of news of old friends that I do remember. You see, that's one of the reasons I wasn't going to take the paper; so many new people living in the community now that I felt I'd seldom hear about the old residents except for an occasional obituary. I was born and grew up in Belfair and have been gone more years than I'd care to mention. I'm the former Kate Foster, daughter of the late Lucy M. Foster of Belfair. There was a lump in my throat as I read they had demolished the old Chalet School and saw myself in the picture of the stage with four other• girls. Such memories it brought back! If you have room in the Herald I'd like for you to mention that my husband, Remer Barnes, has retired from the Air Force and at present we are living in Florida. My dreams of true retirement center around living in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Nowhere is there beauty to compare. I am enjoying working in the local hospital part-time as a Registered Nurse. We took a memorable trip this summer with the first stop in Denton, Texas to see our first grandchild, Dawn Angela. Our daughter, Pam. and her husband left shortly after for Alaska where Jim has accepted the position of Junior High Coach at Eilson Air Force Base. After visiting many friends and relatives in Texas, we drove to Provo, Utah and spent a fun-filled week with our oldest daughter, Kathy. The main highlight was attendih5 Kathy's graduation from Brigham Young University. She received her Bachelor's degree in business and is now teaching high school in Dugway, Utah. We have four youngsters in school here with another little fellow who keeps wishing he were old enough. True retirement ts a long way off. Enclosed is a check for $6 for this coming year's subscription. Will be looking forward to the paper each week. Mrs. Remer Barnes (Continued from page I) One member of the audience stated that there should be some law to stop an outlandish building or someone from building a spite building in front of another's property. Commissioner Goodpaster was very firm in his denial of this request. The same type of building does not appeal to everyone and he felt it would be infringing on an individual's rights to tell him what style house he should build. Is there anything in the ordinance to protect a person's view? Is there anything to prevent people in secluded spots at surrounding lakes from installing glaring mercury lights which reflect brightly across the lake on other people's property who prefer darkness so they can observe the stars? The answer was "no" to both. Some time was devoted to discussing what should or shouldn't be allowed as a "home business" in a strictly residential at z0nmg area. One rule which will go into effect when the zoning ordinance is adopted seemed to bother one member of the audience. This is the law which states that if you already own a lot before the ordinance goes into effect, that you can build on it even if it does not meet the new minimum lot size requirements. But if you own two such lots adjoining each other, that you must put them together to form one lot big enough to pass minimum lot requirements; you cannot build on both.nor can you divide the combined property and sell one half as a separate lot. One owner of waterfront property thought there should be a separate zone for waterfront. "Only a millionaire can afford a 1000 sq. ft. waterfront lot," she declared. Connolly told her that tidelands would be included in the footage. One member of the audience said most waterfront had already been divided and sold meeting anyway, so the grandfather clause would cover them and they could be under the minimum lot size required in the future. Another meeting is scheduled for next Monday night at Hood Canal Junior High School to hear suggestions from that end of the Canal. Editor's note: I would say almost everyone at last Monday's meeting had "done their homework" and came prepared with questions and suggestions which they had formed ahead of time while reading the ordinance. REWARD OFFERED A $25 reward is being offered for information about the theft of a Stevens-Springfield double barrelled shotgun from a Jeep parked in front of Belfair Tavern around 10 p.m. September 16. Michael Dursteler filed the complaint in the Sheriff's Belfair office and offered the reward for information leading to the return of the gun. The MBC Club met Friday the lOth with a big turnout for fall. Elections of officers for the coming year dominated the two hour session. The new President, Sven Gunnarson (or should we say Sven Gunnarson Roosevelt, since he is a third termer); Vice President, Mr. Fricki; Secretary, Linda Malinowski; treasurer, Pat Lewis and three new trustees, Willard Lloyd, Don Welch and Pete Peterson. Congratulations! Remember the Salmon Bake last month? .Well, Dolores Zingier wants to thank the hard-working committee heads and every one who helped with the dinner and dance. Incidentally, 17 of those delicious fish were donated by Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks and Mr. and Mrs. Forbes. That's a lot of fish! The club bought 250 !bs. and most of that sold during the afternoon and the rest by the pound later. The club is sporting 100 new chairs to make the members comfortable. They sure are easier on hose than the benches! A new furnace is also ready to "be installed, and up to 40 solid core doors ordered to make tables out of. We are going to be comfortable this winter... Lots of fun things are being planned for the next year, including dances, card games, game nights and potlucks. Sounds like a lot of good times in store for everyone in the coming twelve months. To start the year off, September 25th is the Birthday dance of the month. If you had a birthday this month, come along and celebrate. It is free, just bring your own food and refreshments. Birthday cake and coffee is furnished and everyone is urged to attend these monthly dances. October is a full month. October 8th is the monthly meeting of the MBC club. Oct. 23rd is Pinochle night with prizes and a potluck dinner to start off the evening. October 30th is the big one. Get out your costumes or think of a crazy new one. Birthdays for Oct. will be celebrated at this time too. A spaghetti dinner at midnight will cap the evening. Prizes for best costumes will be awarded too. Don't miss it. Don't forget dues are due. It is only $10 a year for anyone owning property on Mason or Benson Lakes. Where else can you get so much for your money? Tragedy stalked Harry Evan's family last month. His older sister had major surgery in Texas, and developed serious complications. His 38-year-old sister in Virginia had a brain hemmorage and passed away. Harry's mother then had a coronary brought on by the worry. Harry and Fern flew to Washington and then on to Virginia to the funeral of his sister. His mother is doing better now and his oldest sister is recovering from her surgery. When they returned home Fern had a birthday so, to unwind and celebrate, they flew to Las Vegas for a few hours of relaxation. Their daughter Katherine works at SeaTac Airport and when they returned from Las Vegas, she took Fern up in the tower at SeaTac and they watched the planes take off and land. Katherine is learning to fly too and will get her license before long. Sadness on the lake. Frank Johnson of Seattle and Mason Lake passed away the week of the 15th. He has had property on the lake for many years. He has a son and daughter-in-law, Dick and Judy, who are permanent residents on Mason Lake and a son Bill and family who live at Lakeland Village at Allyn. Mr. Johnson was always so helpful in teaching local people how to water ski. Always ready and willing if anyone needed help. Our deepest sympathy to his wife and family. Lady, Donna and Jack Harris's big black poodle, was hit by a car recently. She will be alright but this is the second poodle they have had. The first one was killed by a car a couple of years ago. We have always had a lot of tame ducks at Mason Lake; many of us feed them in the winter and they are very tame. Three years ago during the long snow and icy weather we begged for food for- them from everywhere. I received a very sorrowful letter from a Seattle resident about the ducks. "Let them die", he said "that's what caused Green Lake to become polluted". Well, 1 hope this year is not a winter of ice and snow for long periods of time because we really have the ducks at our end this year. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompson, former residents of Allyn, were entertained by Mrs. Thelma Estler of Benson Lake last week. Dan Sayan celebrated his 18th birthday with a full course turkey dinner at Tom Brokaws' last week. Nine friends and Tom pooled their talents and cooked the dinner. Even pumpkin pie (which Dan made the crust for) topped off the meal. A budding bunch of cooks we have around here! Congratulations, Dan. College is beginning this week and several young people from our Lakes will be attending college for the first time and some for their 2nd and 3rd year. Maxine Gunnarson is rattling around the house since both of their girls are attending Washington State College at Pullman this year. Dolores Cox is another lonesome housewife since Debbie is joining Don at Central Washington College at Ellensburg. Craig Tipple is also attending Central Washington. Mark Moore is attending the U in Seattle (he should be the envy of all the boys, he's to work in the kitchen at the Girls Dorm) and Dan Sayan starts the new Evergreen College in Olympia. Good luck, everyone! BUILDER-BRUCE WHITMAN NEW CONSTRUCTION--REMODELING--ROOFING DECKS--CONCRETE WORK FORMICA--CERAMIC TILE Free Estimates Call CR 5-2196 Collect _ A r .. m. - -- - - -- .., SUNSET BEACH and Union Oil Service REG. GAS 35.9 PREM. 39.9 Open 10 to 10 Daily (Mon. 10 - 6) _ A Oelima Albert Mrs. Delima Rose Albert, 63, of Newkirk Road north of Belfair, died September 15 in Fitchburg, Mass. where she had been visiting relatives. Funeral services were held last Saturday at Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church in Bremerton following a rosary Friday evening at Miller-Woodlawn Funeral Home. She was born Jan. 18, 1908, in Abaujagne, N.B., Canada. Mrs. Albert grew up and c~ath ia~ ~ay ot tlnis ~mut': "t3xe family lived in Keene, 1,1.1-I., until 1958, when they came to Tacoma. They moved to Belfair in 1960, which had been their home since. Mrs. Albert was a cook at the Belfair Cafe and Belfair Thriftway Store. Mrs. Albert was an active member of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Leo (Rachel) Novelli of Overton, Ney., Mrs. Edward (Jeannette) Smith of Seabeck and Mrs. Allan (Rita) Kadra of Belfair; three brothers, Emile Leger of Simi, Calif., and Alphee and Joseph Leger, both of Fitchburg; four sisters, Mrs. Napoleon (Alma) Brodeurand and Mrs. Carl (Albertine) McKenney, both of Fitchburg, Mrs. Henry (Eva) Boucher of Townsend, Mass., and Mrs. Edgar (Evelyn) LeBlanc of Leominster, Mass.; and seven grandchildren. Interment was at Woodlawn Memorial Park. By LENNIA CATES --CR 5-2245 Opening of grouse season found quite a few plowing through the heavy underbrush with fair results. One fellow said he saw the largest bear he'd ever seen up at Buck Lake, so he didn't spend much time in that popular area. The Ellisons, Bill and Doris, and Ray Hite hit the Hoodsport area last week with Bill and Doris picking up one 30 pounder and two 24 pounders. Ray lost a good sized one (sound familiar?) That same day with the fog thick as pea soup, we fished the area from Sandy's Resort all the way to James Point, and yours truly finally limited on small silvers - at an unbelievable depth. One was caught using 4 ounce lead, one with 6 ounces and the other with a "pink lady"!! Past experience has dictated using light lead for silvers when using plug herring and Cohos have always been good along with your U-2 flatfish, so this business of fishing deep and catching silvers have us scratching our heads this year. At James Point six huge Kings were swimming in pairs just below the surface and we circled the area trying everything but the tackle box itself to get them to hit, but "no luck!" Incidentally, it's the same old s t o ry - the smallest silver I caught had gill net marks on it! Bob Sills has fried for the position of Director of District No. l, and should do an excellent job if representing our area. Bob has had considerable experience in school affairs and was most recently Campus Service Director at Seattle Community We want to thank Ted Blair for his many years of dedication to the job, and to express our thanks to Bob for his interest in filling Ted's shoes. I see where fifty years ago the town Marshall of Zillah, Washington had asked the Secretary of State whether women could wear men's trousers. He complained that girls donned men's clothes to work on ranches during the fruit season and failed to change back to girl's clothing. Hillyer felt it made it hard to tell the ,girls [ram the boys, doubling his duties as a marshall. It's fifty years later and??? College. CAR RECOVERED A 1965 Mercury station wagon reported stolen to the Belfair Sheriff's office last June was recovered last week by deputies from a secluded spot off the ML~on Creek Road where it evidently had been abandoned in June. It was first discovered by the owner of the property who had come to the area to check his land. The car belongs to Jim Collier of Belfair. CAKE DECORATING The Office of Extended Education for Peninsula Public Schools announces a special class in Cake Decoration to be held at the Peninsula Lutheran Church. This class will meet Tuesday mornings from l0 to 12:30 beginning October 5 for six weeks. Child care will be available at a nominal fee for those who need it at St. Johns Episcopal Church. OUTBOARD STOLEN An 80 h.p. Mercury outboard motor, white in color, was reported stolen [rom a home near Treasure Island on Sept. 13 according to a report from the Sheriff's Belfair office. Tune-ups Minor Repair Work ~ -24 Hr. W~rvice t CR 5-2n-- ° BELFAIR MOBIL t , -- ~ ~ -- ~ -- ~ -- ~ --__--~--__-- --~-------~----v~~-~-- --- ----~-- BELFAIR SERVICES SEPTIC TANKS -- DRAIN FIELDS TOP SOIL -- SAND -- GRAVEL -- FILL DIRT INSURED -- LICENSED FRANK DeMI CR 5-6155 Beifair, Wash. i For Delivery | Seattle Times I / Phone I | CR 5-2402 i Ervin Furehert J I__ ......................... Announces the opening of his office for the General Practice of Dentistry In the Former Office of Ronald Offioe: Home: Harmon D.D.S. Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CR 5-2855 P.O. Box 467 ! CR 5-2984 Belfair September 23, 1971 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7 Page 2 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - September 23, 1971