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00Journal of
Judgments in Mason County
District Court Judge Victoria
Meadows' jurisdiction during
the past week include:
Driving under the influence:
Timothy T. Griese, 1623 SE Ar-
cadia Road, Shelton, and driv-
ing with license suspended in the
third degree, $1,525, 365 days, 363
suspended, and obstructing a law
entbrcement officer, $100, 365
days, 335 suspended.
Driving while license sus-
pended or revoked: Stephen M.
Dinsmore, North 180 Mallard
Way West, Hoodsport, third de-
gree, $200, 90 days suspended;
Ray T Bartroff, 320 SE Crescent
Drive, Sheiton, third degree,
$200, 90 days, 88 suspended; Oar*
en G. Depoe, 250 East Auseth
Lane, Shelton, two counts second
degree, $500, 365 days, 350 sus-
No liability insurance: Gary
Edward Hicks, East 90 Pine
Park Lane, Shelton, and open
container, $551.
No liability insurance and
FTA: Francis R. Scuka, 1720
Jefferson Street, Shelton, and
fbllowing too closely, $646; How-
ard P. Riggins, 2458 SE Lund,
Port Orchard, $527; Jessica M.
Maurer, 948 Nell Street, Olym-
pia, and speeding, $617; Kimber-
ly P. Ledgerwood, South 16740
State Route 106, and failure to use
seat belt, $669; Gary M. Keene,
615 Trails End Lake, Belfair,
and expired vehicle license,
$684; Fred S. Wood, 243 171st
Avenue SE, Tenino, and speed-
ink, $674,
Unlawful fishing: Joseph
Jungheung, 9001 Steilacom
Street, Olympia, second degree,
undersized Dungeness crab, fe-
male Dungeness crab, over limit
l)ungeness crab, $300; Patrick
A. Chadwich III, 371 Crutcher,
Port Hadlock, second degree, no
license, and giving a false state-
rnent to a public servant, $100;
Len P. Lutero, 3316 Pear Street
SE, Tumwater, second degree,
over limit oysters, $76; John P.
Pollack, 18840-290 NE North
Shore Road, Tahuya, second de-
gr:ee, over limit oysters, $76;
}Clark S. (artenBen, NE 501 Mls.
sion (:reck Road, Belfair, two
counts second degree, barbed
hooks, $94.
Other offenses: Jeffrey A.
Arndt, 6680 SE Arcadia Road,
Shelton, reckless endanger-
ment, $1,925, 365 days, 275 sus-
pended; Kris A. Saeger, SE 1070
Arcadia Road, SheIton, violation
of a no-contact order (domestic
violence), 365 days, 360 suspend-
,ludgments in Shelton Munic-
ipal Court Judge Carrene Wood's
jurisdiction during the past week
Driving under the influence:
Amy M. Pagel, East 41 Sycamore
Place, Shelton, $1,105, 365 days,
364 suspended.
Third-degree theft: Jennifer
Ann Meyer, 1.4004 134th Street,
Gig Harbor, $570, 365 days, 355
suspended, 10 communit ser-
Divorces Granted
Lisa A. Devine and William
E. Devine.
New Cases
Lake Cushman Company
against F. Warren McMasters
Jr., Elna E. McMasters, Gregory
J. Fisher and Patricia Fisher,
quiet title.
Washington Department of
Revenue against Gary L. Filhart
and Debbie K, Filhart, tax war-
Daniel J. Vara against Robert
Sobota and Jane Doe Sobota, tort
motor vehicle.
Sears Roebuck & Company
against Theresa M. DeYoung,
Mary C. Simpson against
Will remodel
to suit
Melissa Rose Hainse and the
Washington Department of Li-
censing, miscellaneous.
Fairway Collection Services,
Incorporated against Edward
Rodius and Susan Rodius, tran-
script of judgment.
Lake Cushman Maintenance
Company against Eralow Kro-
pelnicki and Esther Kropel-
nicki, quiet title.
Dynamic Collections against
Alan R. Zelinsky and Priscilla
Zelinsky, transcript of judg-
New construction over $5,000,
shoreline work and other major
projects receiving permits dur-
ing the past week include:
Craig Schafer, 32220 Highway
101, Lilliwaup, guest room and
bath above garage, $13,112; Jerry
Peterson, 161 East Watson L/me,
Belfair, mobile home, $20,500;
Gary Lukenbill, 15 East Sprague
Avenue, Union, garage with loft,
$40,952; Donald Bauer, 516 West
Bambi Farms Road, Shelton,
mobile home, $9,000; Gall Finu-
can, 10071 NE North Shore Road,
Belfair, replace deck, $5,472;
George Laymen, 261 East Old
Foss Road, Shelton, replace fire-
damaged home, $114,155; Benny
Mitchell, 6113 East Brockdale
Road, Shelton, mobile home,
David Boling, 200 SE Phillips
Road, Shelton, residence,
$147,245; Dacy Peppers, 512 West
Gallagher Road, Shelton, resi-
dence and garage, $97,967; Kathy
McMahon, 131 NE Lennie's
Loop, Belfair, residence and ga-
rage, $80,224; Wesley Whitish,
1131 East Phillips Lake Road,
Shelton, deck, $12,436; Greg
Wilhelm, 80 NE Captain Hook
Drive, Belfair, garage, $19,071;
Jeffrey Anderson, 91 East Mari-
sa Place, Shelton, storage build-
ing, $19,071; Ronald Graham,
2161 East Phillips Lake Loop
Road, Shelton, canopy with
eaves, $14,803.
Terri Hauser, 20 East Sea
Vista Court, Grapeview, mobile
home, $42,840; Mike Amick, 393
East Alta Drive, Belfair, garage,
$16,347; James Terhune, 1018
West BUlb Farm R0adl Shelton,
addition and repair, $15,289; Ste-
phen Berndt, 870 East Gosser
Road, Shelton, bulkhead, $16,730;
Brian La.wler, 4170 East Mason
Lake Drive West, Grapeview,
replace dock, $5,301; Carmen
Ainsworth, 12630 West Shelton-
Matlock Road, Shelton, dock,
No value was listed for the fol-
lowing projects: Troy Faulkner,
61 NE Collins Drive East, Ta-
huya, mobile home; Skookum
Lumber Company, 780 State
Route 108, remove underground
gas and diesel storage tanks and
install commercial 500-gallon
tank; Michael Farr, 40 North
Discovery Place, Lake Cush-
man, preinspection and com-
pliance for permit renewal.
September 14:6:04 p.m, Shel-
ton Springs Road, brush fire.
September 15:12:50 p.m, 425
West Franklin Street, smoke in-
vestigation; 3:44 p.m with Medic
One, Olympic HighwayNorth,
injury; 5:39 p.m., East Wallace
Kneeland Boulevard, vehicle
September 16:5:01 p.m., 125
West Delanty Road, fire.
September 17:4:06 p.m., 920
West Railroad Avenue, citizen
assist; 6:29 p.m., 1203 Fogarty
Avenue, Shelton, smoke investi-
September 18: 6:23 p.m.,
Mountain View, smoke investi-
gation; 6:42 p.m., West Cota
Street, smoke investigation.
September 19:7:07 p.m., 1112
West Railroad Avenue, illegal
Tuesday, September 14
A caller reported that a wire
was hanging low over the road-
way from a utility pole at the cor-
ner of Seventh and Franklin
Wednesday, September 15
Allegations of cat neglect were
made by a caller from the 1000
block of Cascade Avenue.
Thursday, September 16
A burglary was reported to a
home on the 800 block of Fair-
mount Avenue.
Police were asked to inves-
tigate allegations of sex offense
involving a child.
Friday, September 17
A two-car crash was reported
on the 300 block of Wallace
Kneeland Boulevard.
Four young males were said to
be committing indecent exposure
in the 1600 block of Laurel Street.
Saturday, September 18
A caller from the 700 block of
Cascade Avenue reported a sus-
picious person with a guitar.
A car crash was reported on
the 700 block of West Franklin
A caller reported that several
teenagers were jumping out of
the second-story window of a
house on the 600 block of West
Pine Street.
Sunday, September 19
A caller from the 3000 block of
Johns Prairie Road reported the
theft of a bicycle.
Five juveniles were said to be
molesting salmon in Shelton
A burglary was reported by a
caller from the 200 block of West
Seattle Avenue.
Monday, September 20
A burglary was reported to the
log scales on Mill Street.
Police were asked to inves-
tigate the alleged forgery of a
$3,000 check in the 2300 block of
Adams Street.
The MasOn County Jail, which
was designed for 45 inmates and
refitted in 1989 to house 65,
recorded populations as follows
during the past week:
Wednesday 99, Thursday 98,
Friday 102, Saturday 103, Sun-
day 104, Monday 107, Tuesday
Efforts are currently under
way to increase the capacity
Tuesday, September 14
Fire District 11 responded at
1:14 p.m. to tha report of a vehicle
fire on East Johns Prairie Road
and at 7:54 p.m. to the report of an
illegal burn on East Woodland
Fire District 16 responded with
Medic One and the Shelton Fire
Department at 11:47 p.m. to the
report of a car crash with an in-
jury on West Stoner Road.
Deputies were asked to inves-
tigate allegations of a sex of-
fense. ,
Wednesday, September 15
Fire District 4 responded at
9:31 a.m. to the repgrt of an ille-
gal burn, at 5:47 p.m. to the report
of a fire at 911 SE Arcadia Road
and at 7:34 p.m. to the report of a
brush fire off of SE Lynch Road.
A caller from Belfair said a
tree damaged his vehicle on NE
Hurd Road.
SOmeone reportedly dumped
more than 20 tires in the middle
of East Watson Lane, Belfair.
Saturday, September 25, 1999
Preregistration required Call today
State Approved Cbmplete outpatient services
Page 16 - SheltomMason County Journal, ThumcTay, September 23, 1999
Thursday, September 16
Fire District 4 responded at
5:35 p.m. to the report of a fire at
50 SE Rise Drive, Shelton, and
Fire District 13 responded at 6:52
p.m. to the report of a brush fire at
621 West White Road, Shelton.
Burglaries were reported to a
home a mile out NE Collins Lake
Road and at the First Baptist
Church in Allyn.
A caller said that 20 tires were
dumped behind some mail boxes
on SE Mill Creek Road.
Friday, September 17
Fire District 4 responded at
2:07 a.m. to a request for a smoke
investigation off of SE Lynch
Road, and Fire District 11 re-
sponded at 7:04 a.m. to the report
of a brush fire at 361 East Fir
Drive, Shelton, and at 8:30 a.m.
with Medic One to the report of an
injury on East Brockdale Road.
Burglaries were reported to a
home four miles out West Day-
ton-Airport Road, Shelton, to a
home near the one-mile point on
East Heartland Drive, Shelton,
and to a mobile home a mile out
NE Larson Boulevard, Belfair.
Saturday, September 18
Fire District 12 responded at
10:27 p.m. to the report of an ille-
gal burn off of West Ford Road,
Matlock, and Fire District 13 re-
sponded at 10:41 p.m. to the report
of an illegal burn at 120 West
Satsop Drive, Elma, and at 10:57
p.m. to the report of a brush fire
off of West Kalaloch Lane, Shel-
ton. Fire District 16 responded at
4:30 p.m. to the report of a brush
fire at 7530 West Shelton-Mat-
lock Road, Shelton, and at 8:30
p.m. to the report of an illegal
burn at 560 West Deegan Road
West, Shelton.
A caller reported a burglary
near the one-mile point on East
Lakeland Drive, Allyn.
Sunday, September 19
Fire District 4 responded at
12:20 p.m. to the report of a brush
fire off of SE Crescent Drive,
Shelton, and Fire District 11 re-
sponded at 4:19 p.m. to the report
of a brush fire off West Walnut
Street, Shelton. Fire District 13
responded at 2:41 p.m. to the re-
port of an illegal burn off West
Lost Lake Park Drive, Shelton.
Two juveniles were allegedly
"flashing" near Mill Creek.
A two-car crash with an in-
jury was reported to have oc-
curred near mile 9 of West Clo-
quallum Road, Shelton.
Monday, September 20
Fire District 11 responded at
12:31 p.m. to the report of an ille-
gal burn at 1109 Northcliff Road,
Shelton, and Fire District 12 re-
sponded with Medic One at 5:29
p.m. to the report of an injury at
1185 West Beerbower Road,
Elma. Fire District 13 responded
at 8:27 a.m. to the report of an il-
legal burn at 200 West Lost Lake
Road, Shelton.
Burglaries were reported to a
residence at 2040 West Highland
Road, Shelton, to a shop at 11730
Highway 101, Shelton, to a resi-
dence a mile out West Maple
Rock Road, Elma, and to a house
six miles out NE North. Shore
Road, Belfair.
Retired Shelton teacher:, !::
Abeleln is honored aft0000[
30 Yellowstone seasons J
Former Shelton teacher Dell
Abelein, who's spent most sum-
mers since 1970 working in Yel-
lowstone National Park, was re-
cently honored for his 30 seasons
of employment with a company
that operates stores there.
Friday the 13th proved to be
Abelein's lucky day last month
when he attended a Hamilton
Stores barbecue at Deep Well
Ranch, the West Yellowstone,
Montana, home of Ellen Povah,
chairman of the corporation's
board. In a surprise presentation
after the barbecue, Povah lauded
Abelein's decades of service and
then gave him a plaque and a
$1,000 gift certificate good at any
of Hamilton's stores.
Hamilton Stores is one of two
vendors in Yellowstone. It runs
all of the general stores and photo
shops and has half interest in the
park's service stations. Abelein is
the manager of the grocery de-
partment in the Hamilton Old
Faithful Upper Basin Store. He
and the dozen or so employees
under him are responsible for the
sale of groceries, sundries, maga-
zines and all sorts of beverages
from soda to milk to hard liquor,
and other parts of the store sell
gifts, film, camping supplies and
THE STORES also have soda
fountains, which is where Abelein
got his start with Hamilton clear
back in 1955. He began with Ha-
milton that summer as a soda
fountain clerk at the West Thumb
Store and put in a second season
there as shift supervisor for the
soda fountain the next year. At
that time he was in college; he
learned of Hamilton Stores
through a brochure he found in
the school's physical-education
Abelein completed college and
then served two years in the
Army as a military police clerk.
On his 24th birthday, September
5, 1959, the young man came to
Shelton and started 30 years of
teaching at Shelton Jnior High
School and Shelton Middle
School. He taught English and
journalism, reading, creative
ELLEN POVAH, head of the Hamilton Stores
that does business in Yellowstone National
counts the community service record of
dent Dell Abelein as she honors him for 30
work for the firm. For 30 summers since
has enjoyed a home away from home in Ye
writing and geography, retiring in
The young man is now 64,
although he prefers saying he is
"two to the sixth power."
After Abelein had taught for
six years, he returned to Hamil-
toffs Canyon Village store in the
summer of 1965 and worked in
the liquor, tobacco and candy de-
partment. He didn't go back to
Yellowstone until 1970, but since
that date he's only missed three
summers. In 1970 he started
working in the grocery depart-
ment of the Old Faithful Upper
Basin Store and has returned
there ever since.
HE WAS a grocery clerk until
the late '70s, when he graduated
to shift supervisor. When he was
still teaching, he was only avail-
able for short summer stints, but
when he went back in 1992 for a
season of 21-23 weeks, he was
promoted to grocery manager, his
title for the last eight years.
In Shelton Abelein is head ush-
er at the United
Church, where he also
in the food bank. you
find him volunteering iJ
boose visitor center on
Avenue. He's an
of 26 years standing.
very favorite thing
third-graders in
and Mrs. Baum
at Bordeaux
An avid jogger and
cut his weight
four years
exercise routine.
walks a lot during
Yellowstone. At
he enjoys running
Puff Trail and the
faces on all the newer
the Mountain View
Lake areas.
Future plans? "I
work in Yellowstone
milton Stores until I
80/he said. "Well, let
I would love to receive
35-, but also a 40-ye
Truckers cited in two
high-a3' safety cam
The Washington State Patrol
checked 291 commercial vehicles
and their drivers in Washington
during a 48-hour safety campaign
that ended last Thursday.
Officers from Washington and
Oregon worked together on the
first two-state commercial-vehicle
inspection aimed at curbing driv-
er impairment, equipment non-
compliance and substance abuse
by commercial drivers.
A total of 633 trucks were in-
spected in the two states, and 118
of those trucks or their drivers
were placed out of service for
various violations. Inspectors ar-
rested a total of 11 drivers for
driving under the influence of al-
cohol or drugs
In Washington, 291 vehicles
were checked, resulting in 33
drivers and 30 vehicles being
placed out of service. Five drivers
were arrested on DUI charges,
another was cited as alcohol-im-
paired in violation of the commer-
cial driver's license, and eight
were arrested for driving with
suspended licenses.
Lack of a
license accounted
fractions. The
Patrol reported a
fractions, including
for faulty equipment,
of-service violationS.
The patrol took
ples in the course
and did 268 vehicle
according to a P
issued at the end
emphasis patrol.
Energy efficient wood fires?
The entire Regency line of woodburning fireplaces ex-
ceeds the emission standards laid out by the EPA. This
means you can erljoy the snap, crackle and aroma of
your Regency wood fireplace every day of the year!
Stop by today and see our full display of Regency
woodstove products.
Capital City
Stove & Fan Center
2118 Pacific Ave., Olympia 943-5587
Mon.-Fri. 8:30-6:00 p.m. Sat. 8:30-5:30 p.m.
co. ,No
Mushroom Compost
Beauty Bark
(several varieties)
Screened Topsoil
Driveway Rock
Pit Run Gravel
Cedar Ground
Landscape Rock
Lava Rock
Play Chips
Brady Trucking Co. Inc. 920 East Johns
00Journal of
Judgments in Mason County
District Court Judge Victoria
Meadows' jurisdiction during
the past week include:
Driving under the influence:
Timothy T. Griese, 1623 SE Ar-
cadia Road, Shelton, and driv-
ing with license suspended in the
third degree, $1,525, 365 days, 363
suspended, and obstructing a law
entbrcement officer, $100, 365
days, 335 suspended.
Driving while license sus-
pended or revoked: Stephen M.
Dinsmore, North 180 Mallard
Way West, Hoodsport, third de-
gree, $200, 90 days suspended;
Ray T Bartroff, 320 SE Crescent
Drive, Sheiton, third degree,
$200, 90 days, 88 suspended; Oar*
en G. Depoe, 250 East Auseth
Lane, Shelton, two counts second
degree, $500, 365 days, 350 sus-
No liability insurance: Gary
Edward Hicks, East 90 Pine
Park Lane, Shelton, and open
container, $551.
No liability insurance and
FTA: Francis R. Scuka, 1720
Jefferson Street, Shelton, and
fbllowing too closely, $646; How-
ard P. Riggins, 2458 SE Lund,
Port Orchard, $527; Jessica M.
Maurer, 948 Nell Street, Olym-
pia, and speeding, $617; Kimber-
ly P. Ledgerwood, South 16740
State Route 106, and failure to use
seat belt, $669; Gary M. Keene,
615 Trails End Lake, Belfair,
and expired vehicle license,
$684; Fred S. Wood, 243 171st
Avenue SE, Tenino, and speed-
ink, $674,
Unlawful fishing: Joseph
Jungheung, 9001 Steilacom
Street, Olympia, second degree,
undersized Dungeness crab, fe-
male Dungeness crab, over limit
l)ungeness crab, $300; Patrick
A. Chadwich III, 371 Crutcher,
Port Hadlock, second degree, no
license, and giving a false state-
rnent to a public servant, $100;
Len P. Lutero, 3316 Pear Street
SE, Tumwater, second degree,
over limit oysters, $76; John P.
Pollack, 18840-290 NE North
Shore Road, Tahuya, second de-
gr:ee, over limit oysters, $76;
}Clark S. (artenBen, NE 501 Mls.
sion (:reck Road, Belfair, two
counts second degree, barbed
hooks, $94.
Other offenses: Jeffrey A.
Arndt, 6680 SE Arcadia Road,
Shelton, reckless endanger-
ment, $1,925, 365 days, 275 sus-
pended; Kris A. Saeger, SE 1070
Arcadia Road, SheIton, violation
of a no-contact order (domestic
violence), 365 days, 360 suspend-
,ludgments in Shelton Munic-
ipal Court Judge Carrene Wood's
jurisdiction during the past week
Driving under the influence:
Amy M. Pagel, East 41 Sycamore
Place, Shelton, $1,105, 365 days,
364 suspended.
Third-degree theft: Jennifer
Ann Meyer, 1.4004 134th Street,
Gig Harbor, $570, 365 days, 355
suspended, 10 communit ser-
Divorces Granted
Lisa A. Devine and William
E. Devine.
New Cases
Lake Cushman Company
against F. Warren McMasters
Jr., Elna E. McMasters, Gregory
J. Fisher and Patricia Fisher,
quiet title.
Washington Department of
Revenue against Gary L. Filhart
and Debbie K, Filhart, tax war-
Daniel J. Vara against Robert
Sobota and Jane Doe Sobota, tort
motor vehicle.
Sears Roebuck & Company
against Theresa M. DeYoung,
Mary C. Simpson against
Will remodel
to suit
Melissa Rose Hainse and the
Washington Department of Li-
censing, miscellaneous.
Fairway Collection Services,
Incorporated against Edward
Rodius and Susan Rodius, tran-
script of judgment.
Lake Cushman Maintenance
Company against Eralow Kro-
pelnicki and Esther Kropel-
nicki, quiet title.
Dynamic Collections against
Alan R. Zelinsky and Priscilla
Zelinsky, transcript of judg-
New construction over $5,000,
shoreline work and other major
projects receiving permits dur-
ing the past week include:
Craig Schafer, 32220 Highway
101, Lilliwaup, guest room and
bath above garage, $13,112; Jerry
Peterson, 161 East Watson L/me,
Belfair, mobile home, $20,500;
Gary Lukenbill, 15 East Sprague
Avenue, Union, garage with loft,
$40,952; Donald Bauer, 516 West
Bambi Farms Road, Shelton,
mobile home, $9,000; Gall Finu-
can, 10071 NE North Shore Road,
Belfair, replace deck, $5,472;
George Laymen, 261 East Old
Foss Road, Shelton, replace fire-
damaged home, $114,155; Benny
Mitchell, 6113 East Brockdale
Road, Shelton, mobile home,
David Boling, 200 SE Phillips
Road, Shelton, residence,
$147,245; Dacy Peppers, 512 West
Gallagher Road, Shelton, resi-
dence and garage, $97,967; Kathy
McMahon, 131 NE Lennie's
Loop, Belfair, residence and ga-
rage, $80,224; Wesley Whitish,
1131 East Phillips Lake Road,
Shelton, deck, $12,436; Greg
Wilhelm, 80 NE Captain Hook
Drive, Belfair, garage, $19,071;
Jeffrey Anderson, 91 East Mari-
sa Place, Shelton, storage build-
ing, $19,071; Ronald Graham,
2161 East Phillips Lake Loop
Road, Shelton, canopy with
eaves, $14,803.
Terri Hauser, 20 East Sea
Vista Court, Grapeview, mobile
home, $42,840; Mike Amick, 393
East Alta Drive, Belfair, garage,
$16,347; James Terhune, 1018
West BUlb Farm R0adl Shelton,
addition and repair, $15,289; Ste-
phen Berndt, 870 East Gosser
Road, Shelton, bulkhead, $16,730;
Brian La.wler, 4170 East Mason
Lake Drive West, Grapeview,
replace dock, $5,301; Carmen
Ainsworth, 12630 West Shelton-
Matlock Road, Shelton, dock,
No value was listed for the fol-
lowing projects: Troy Faulkner,
61 NE Collins Drive East, Ta-
huya, mobile home; Skookum
Lumber Company, 780 State
Route 108, remove underground
gas and diesel storage tanks and
install commercial 500-gallon
tank; Michael Farr, 40 North
Discovery Place, Lake Cush-
man, preinspection and com-
pliance for permit renewal.
September 14:6:04 p.m, Shel-
ton Springs Road, brush fire.
September 15:12:50 p.m, 425
West Franklin Street, smoke in-
vestigation; 3:44 p.m with Medic
One, Olympic HighwayNorth,
injury; 5:39 p.m., East Wallace
Kneeland Boulevard, vehicle
September 16:5:01 p.m., 125
West Delanty Road, fire.
September 17:4:06 p.m., 920
West Railroad Avenue, citizen
assist; 6:29 p.m., 1203 Fogarty
Avenue, Shelton, smoke investi-
September 18: 6:23 p.m.,
Mountain View, smoke investi-
gation; 6:42 p.m., West Cota
Street, smoke investigation.
September 19:7:07 p.m., 1112
West Railroad Avenue, illegal
Tuesday, September 14
A caller reported that a wire
was hanging low over the road-
way from a utility pole at the cor-
ner of Seventh and Franklin
Wednesday, September 15
Allegations of cat neglect were
made by a caller from the 1000
block of Cascade Avenue.
Thursday, September 16
A burglary was reported to a
home on the 800 block of Fair-
mount Avenue.
Police were asked to inves-
tigate allegations of sex offense
involving a child.
Friday, September 17
A two-car crash was reported
on the 300 block of Wallace
Kneeland Boulevard.
Four young males were said to
be committing indecent exposure
in the 1600 block of Laurel Street.
Saturday, September 18
A caller from the 700 block of
Cascade Avenue reported a sus-
picious person with a guitar.
A car crash was reported on
the 700 block of West Franklin
A caller reported that several
teenagers were jumping out of
the second-story window of a
house on the 600 block of West
Pine Street.
Sunday, September 19
A caller from the 3000 block of
Johns Prairie Road reported the
theft of a bicycle.
Five juveniles were said to be
molesting salmon in Shelton
A burglary was reported by a
caller from the 200 block of West
Seattle Avenue.
Monday, September 20
A burglary was reported to the
log scales on Mill Street.
Police were asked to inves-
tigate the alleged forgery of a
$3,000 check in the 2300 block of
Adams Street.
The MasOn County Jail, which
was designed for 45 inmates and
refitted in 1989 to house 65,
recorded populations as follows
during the past week:
Wednesday 99, Thursday 98,
Friday 102, Saturday 103, Sun-
day 104, Monday 107, Tuesday
Efforts are currently under
way to increase the capacity
Tuesday, September 14
Fire District 11 responded at
1:14 p.m. to tha report of a vehicle
fire on East Johns Prairie Road
and at 7:54 p.m. to the report of an
illegal burn on East Woodland
Fire District 16 responded with
Medic One and the Shelton Fire
Department at 11:47 p.m. to the
report of a car crash with an in-
jury on West Stoner Road.
Deputies were asked to inves-
tigate allegations of a sex of-
fense. ,
Wednesday, September 15
Fire District 4 responded at
9:31 a.m. to the repgrt of an ille-
gal burn, at 5:47 p.m. to the report
of a fire at 911 SE Arcadia Road
and at 7:34 p.m. to the report of a
brush fire off of SE Lynch Road.
A caller from Belfair said a
tree damaged his vehicle on NE
Hurd Road.
SOmeone reportedly dumped
more than 20 tires in the middle
of East Watson Lane, Belfair.
Saturday, September 25, 1999
Preregistration required Call today
State Approved Cbmplete outpatient services
Page 16 - SheltomMason County Journal, ThumcTay, September 23, 1999
Thursday, September 16
Fire District 4 responded at
5:35 p.m. to the report of a fire at
50 SE Rise Drive, Shelton, and
Fire District 13 responded at 6:52
p.m. to the report of a brush fire at
621 West White Road, Shelton.
Burglaries were reported to a
home a mile out NE Collins Lake
Road and at the First Baptist
Church in Allyn.
A caller said that 20 tires were
dumped behind some mail boxes
on SE Mill Creek Road.
Friday, September 17
Fire District 4 responded at
2:07 a.m. to a request for a smoke
investigation off of SE Lynch
Road, and Fire District 11 re-
sponded at 7:04 a.m. to the report
of a brush fire at 361 East Fir
Drive, Shelton, and at 8:30 a.m.
with Medic One to the report of an
injury on East Brockdale Road.
Burglaries were reported to a
home four miles out West Day-
ton-Airport Road, Shelton, to a
home near the one-mile point on
East Heartland Drive, Shelton,
and to a mobile home a mile out
NE Larson Boulevard, Belfair.
Saturday, September 18
Fire District 12 responded at
10:27 p.m. to the report of an ille-
gal burn off of West Ford Road,
Matlock, and Fire District 13 re-
sponded at 10:41 p.m. to the report
of an illegal burn at 120 West
Satsop Drive, Elma, and at 10:57
p.m. to the report of a brush fire
off of West Kalaloch Lane, Shel-
ton. Fire District 16 responded at
4:30 p.m. to the report of a brush
fire at 7530 West Shelton-Mat-
lock Road, Shelton, and at 8:30
p.m. to the report of an illegal
burn at 560 West Deegan Road
West, Shelton.
A caller reported a burglary
near the one-mile point on East
Lakeland Drive, Allyn.
Sunday, September 19
Fire District 4 responded at
12:20 p.m. to the report of a brush
fire off of SE Crescent Drive,
Shelton, and Fire District 11 re-
sponded at 4:19 p.m. to the report
of a brush fire off West Walnut
Street, Shelton. Fire District 13
responded at 2:41 p.m. to the re-
port of an illegal burn off West
Lost Lake Park Drive, Shelton.
Two juveniles were allegedly
"flashing" near Mill Creek.
A two-car crash with an in-
jury was reported to have oc-
curred near mile 9 of West Clo-
quallum Road, Shelton.
Monday, September 20
Fire District 11 responded at
12:31 p.m. to the report of an ille-
gal burn at 1109 Northcliff Road,
Shelton, and Fire District 12 re-
sponded with Medic One at 5:29
p.m. to the report of an injury at
1185 West Beerbower Road,
Elma. Fire District 13 responded
at 8:27 a.m. to the report of an il-
legal burn at 200 West Lost Lake
Road, Shelton.
Burglaries were reported to a
residence at 2040 West Highland
Road, Shelton, to a shop at 11730
Highway 101, Shelton, to a resi-
dence a mile out West Maple
Rock Road, Elma, and to a house
six miles out NE North. Shore
Road, Belfair.
Retired Shelton teacher:, !::
Abeleln is honored aft0000[
30 Yellowstone seasons J
Former Shelton teacher Dell
Abelein, who's spent most sum-
mers since 1970 working in Yel-
lowstone National Park, was re-
cently honored for his 30 seasons
of employment with a company
that operates stores there.
Friday the 13th proved to be
Abelein's lucky day last month
when he attended a Hamilton
Stores barbecue at Deep Well
Ranch, the West Yellowstone,
Montana, home of Ellen Povah,
chairman of the corporation's
board. In a surprise presentation
after the barbecue, Povah lauded
Abelein's decades of service and
then gave him a plaque and a
$1,000 gift certificate good at any
of Hamilton's stores.
Hamilton Stores is one of two
vendors in Yellowstone. It runs
all of the general stores and photo
shops and has half interest in the
park's service stations. Abelein is
the manager of the grocery de-
partment in the Hamilton Old
Faithful Upper Basin Store. He
and the dozen or so employees
under him are responsible for the
sale of groceries, sundries, maga-
zines and all sorts of beverages
from soda to milk to hard liquor,
and other parts of the store sell
gifts, film, camping supplies and
THE STORES also have soda
fountains, which is where Abelein
got his start with Hamilton clear
back in 1955. He began with Ha-
milton that summer as a soda
fountain clerk at the West Thumb
Store and put in a second season
there as shift supervisor for the
soda fountain the next year. At
that time he was in college; he
learned of Hamilton Stores
through a brochure he found in
the school's physical-education
Abelein completed college and
then served two years in the
Army as a military police clerk.
On his 24th birthday, September
5, 1959, the young man came to
Shelton and started 30 years of
teaching at Shelton Jnior High
School and Shelton Middle
School. He taught English and
journalism, reading, creative
ELLEN POVAH, head of the Hamilton Stores
that does business in Yellowstone National
counts the community service record of
dent Dell Abelein as she honors him for 30
work for the firm. For 30 summers since
has enjoyed a home away from home in Ye
writing and geography, retiring in
The young man is now 64,
although he prefers saying he is
"two to the sixth power."
After Abelein had taught for
six years, he returned to Hamil-
toffs Canyon Village store in the
summer of 1965 and worked in
the liquor, tobacco and candy de-
partment. He didn't go back to
Yellowstone until 1970, but since
that date he's only missed three
summers. In 1970 he started
working in the grocery depart-
ment of the Old Faithful Upper
Basin Store and has returned
there ever since.
HE WAS a grocery clerk until
the late '70s, when he graduated
to shift supervisor. When he was
still teaching, he was only avail-
able for short summer stints, but
when he went back in 1992 for a
season of 21-23 weeks, he was
promoted to grocery manager, his
title for the last eight years.
In Shelton Abelein is head ush-
er at the United
Church, where he also
in the food bank. you
find him volunteering iJ
boose visitor center on
Avenue. He's an
of 26 years standing.
very favorite thing
third-graders in
and Mrs. Baum
at Bordeaux
An avid jogger and
cut his weight
four years
exercise routine.
walks a lot during
Yellowstone. At
he enjoys running
Puff Trail and the
faces on all the newer
the Mountain View
Lake areas.
Future plans? "I
work in Yellowstone
milton Stores until I
80/he said. "Well, let
I would love to receive
35-, but also a 40-ye
Truckers cited in two
high-a3' safety cam
The Washington State Patrol
checked 291 commercial vehicles
and their drivers in Washington
during a 48-hour safety campaign
that ended last Thursday.
Officers from Washington and
Oregon worked together on the
first two-state commercial-vehicle
inspection aimed at curbing driv-
er impairment, equipment non-
compliance and substance abuse
by commercial drivers.
A total of 633 trucks were in-
spected in the two states, and 118
of those trucks or their drivers
were placed out of service for
various violations. Inspectors ar-
rested a total of 11 drivers for
driving under the influence of al-
cohol or drugs
In Washington, 291 vehicles
were checked, resulting in 33
drivers and 30 vehicles being
placed out of service. Five drivers
were arrested on DUI charges,
another was cited as alcohol-im-
paired in violation of the commer-
cial driver's license, and eight
were arrested for driving with
suspended licenses.
Lack of a
license accounted
fractions. The
Patrol reported a
fractions, including
for faulty equipment,
of-service violationS.
The patrol took
ples in the course
and did 268 vehicle
according to a P
issued at the end
emphasis patrol.
Energy efficient wood fires?
The entire Regency line of woodburning fireplaces ex-
ceeds the emission standards laid out by the EPA. This
means you can erljoy the snap, crackle and aroma of
your Regency wood fireplace every day of the year!
Stop by today and see our full display of Regency
woodstove products.
Capital City
Stove & Fan Center
2118 Pacific Ave., Olympia 943-5587
Mon.-Fri. 8:30-6:00 p.m. Sat. 8:30-5:30 p.m.
co. ,No
Mushroom Compost
Beauty Bark
(several varieties)
Screened Topsoil
Driveway Rock
Pit Run Gravel
Cedar Ground
Landscape Rock
Lava Rock
Play Chips
Brady Trucking Co. Inc. 920 East Johns