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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 23, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 23, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Driver alert: Head Start starts area drivers are reminded to two small school buses that g youngsters to and 0n County Head Start. The program started its new school year Monday. Dawn Erickson and her daughter Ashely, age 4, pose beside one of the Head Start buses. City&apos;s Crime Watch program is seeking vigilant volunteers Summer vacations may be just coming to an end, but the Shelton Police Department is looking ahead to the snowbird season and issuing a call for volunteers for its Crime Watch home patrol. Crime Watch service is provid- ed by community-minded volun- teers who patrol homes whose owners are on vacation. The volunteers, explained a spoke,person for the Shelton Po- lice Department, do the rounds in a specially marked vehicle the city provides. They go to each MMK board meeting is set for Monday A regular meeting of the Mary M. Knight School Board will be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Sep- tember 27, in the social-studies portable at the school. The meeting is open to the public. house on their vacation list, checking outside doors and win- dows, looking in to see that noth- ing is disturbed from the last time they checked the residence. By making the patrol rounds, they relieve regular police officers for more pressing duties. "They assist the police officers with their eyes," commented Lynn Boothe of the SPD, "and by join- ing forces, free up the officers to be at the disposal of citizens and to answer more urgent calls. "This service is especially im- portant for our local 'snowbirds' who travel south in search of sunshine and warmth during our colder months in the Northwest." Anyone interested in helping to provide the free service is asked to come to the lobby of the police department and fill out the Crime Watch papers. Those with ques- tions can call the Shelton Police Department during regular busi- ness hours at 426-4441. We deliver EATING IL COMPARE OUR W PRICES! We carry kerosene. UNOC.AL@ Located at Sanderson Industrial Park 427-8084 bonanza next week are in the ascendant With a double shot of Thrift Store, which General Has- will hold its an- Book Fair from i0 Friday through 1 through Octo- store at the comer of ad in Shelton. of new books, rare editions, hardback books, children's 'ence works, cook- books, military works will for one weekend only. of collectible records on sale, and addition- al bargains will be featured throughout the store. Funds from the thrift store benefit the hospital. Last year the book sale raised nearly $5,000 for the purchase of medical equip- ment. More information is avail- able at Treasures; the phone number is 427-3858. Meanwhile, Friends of the Wil- liam G. Reed Library will host the group's annual OysterFest Book Sale at the popular seafood festi- val at the Mason County Fair- grounds. Books of all sorts on all sub- jects will be available at the event, proceeds from which are used for scholarships, programs and equipment for the local li- brary. stry group ors Gorman was named re- Washington Agri- Education Bledsoe Leader- Award. COrporate forester for Company, for his lifelong he forestry indus- cndy Blackmer, the foundation, issued Sep- ;me to Shelton in Schmidt retired, resources Shelton in 1996 moved its cor- headquar- glven in the Bledsoe, State Director Speaker of the legislature and John German eadership accom- Blackmer, are in- )wners on Commissions in- Commission on for Forest Trust Sustain- and the Wash- er Oversight as ent of Protection on the boards of the Washington Agriculture and Forestry Education Foundation, of which he is a past chairman, and the Center for International Trade in Forest Products. "John is very committed to the continued education of our future natural-resource industry leaders," Blackmer said, noting that German has been a seminar coordinator for the foundation's forestry seminar since he came into the leadership program as a member of its eighth class. The program graduated its 20th class in May. ADVANCED HEATING AND COOLING, INC. :'  'Your comfort is our business!" eSidential and Small Commercial 'k. k.INSTALLATION 't. Free Estimates • Radio Dispatched "'"q ...... F "Fact°w Trained Tech nician ll0- ' as  r.,lecmc urnaces -- - "me--en-  " . '. ,line . . • z4 Hour a c cy ervlce ],, • Electnc Air Cleaners  Qerir .... • ",,rK . Systems Design/Duct Work a'" r- Yw_rvic, • . ,..aintenance & ...... anclng Available ,: I881&9335 ,42@1255 Paid Advcrtisemem AUTOMOTIVE INSIDER 24-25-26 1999 ' "An advertising supplement designed to give every consumer the 'Inside Scoop' regarding the very best automotive opportunities in the marketplace today." GATES OPEN AT IPM FRIDAY, 10AM SATURDAY & SUNDAY AND WILL NOT CLOSE TILL THE lASt CUSIDMER SAVESI THE UNDISPUTED CHAMPION OF ALL AUTOMOTIVE SALES EVENTS PUTS THE TITLE ON THE LINE AT THE CAPITAL AUTO MALL AND FOUR OTHER PUGET SOUND LOCATIONS THIS FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OLYMPIA. WA. Have you ever noticed that the biggest events of the year happen at the end of the season? In football, the a)llege Ix)wl games come at the end of the regular season. In the NFL. the suDerbowl ftdh,ws the playoITs ... st, does toe world series in baseball ...the NBA finals in basketball ...and in boxing the feature bout of the night is always last and it's called "The Main Event". At the beginning of these events a very famous phrase is often heard .... "Let's Get Ready To Rumble" When you see Michael Bulfer electrify a world wide audience, you know something very exciting is about to haPrls" Friday. Saturday. and Sunday the undisputed champion of the automotive sales event is going on at five huge Puget Sound locations ... and Michel Buffer can again be heard all over the radio and TV. It's the automotive sales equivalent to all of the aforementioned events. It's "The Main Event" MICHAEL BUFFER "lt'z Get R#ady To Rumble"® "When Michael Buffer is involved you know it's a major event." -- Evens Producer Mike Conley This Friday. Saturday. and Sunday. nearly 70(10 vehicles willbe on display and knockout sale priced at these lave Puget Sound h, cations (North to South). I-S Auto World - Burlington Everett Mall - Everett Kltsnp Mall - Sllverdale Cheney Stadium - Tacoma Capital Auto Mall - Wt Olympia The Capital Autn Mall in West Olympia is the largest auto mall in the Nortbwest and yet still ,,fiefs a be.autilul, relaxed park like setting to shop. A total of 24 new vehicle manufacturers are represented at the Capital Auto Mall with over 3000 vehicles on display every day. Acc(wding .................. ' "'At A Glance'" Event : " The MAIN EVENT rM', Dys : Friday, Saturday and Sunday i A o II st • and Dates : September 24. 25, 26. 1999 }  (:> tl rl. ; :L Friday IPM - 10PM, Satorday 10AM .. 10PM 8= Sunday 10AM -- 7PM It,:)vv,ve t:lte 9at,:,, will not clost,, ttwitil the= M,,I customer saves ..... Visit our.web site atwwW,pitalautomallacom to Alicia Nelson. Executive Manager of the Capital Auto Mall. the total inventory has never been better than rigl,t onw! The Capital Auto mall oow offers a Texaco station and convenience store that is the "Coolest on the Planet"... featuring A&W f(xl ,uervice and Peppy's Espresso Care, and [hi,re. Stop by lor a "lill up" -. for your vehicle or your belly Ynu ca,, visit the Capital Auto Mall web site @ www.eapitahtutlnnall.cnm , "Make no mistake alut it. this is a competitive envir(lnlnent for the participating dealerships." "lltis is whal makes lifts event snch It customer fiuscd evenl. When a group of dealerships . L In this case over 40 de • , alerships bring their linch, mventory together m,tl display hem against each other "l'he best prices win! ]'his I't,ices d,,wn the prices." Explained event producer Mike Conley. "See:redly, when hx:al, regional, and national lending institutions _ includir second chance linancing orgmliz.atiuna, are all repsesented at one place, at one time. they I'K'.eorrle a.s competitive as the dcaletshlps. The IIIOSI ct)snpetitive rates in the irlarkel place is the result. Plus, the custolner "apptaval" l'a'c,lage gUtS way up! Ahnost everybody get's approved for financing (with proot of steady employrm / income I residence and ou.,difvmi down)• Ctmtinucd C, mley. in add,,ion, your trade w, II never bc worth more than Ibis weekend at "The Main Event". Roughly bale t)l at| automotive i ransa/cllOns InChld t, u'ade These dealerships shunt be aggressive with trade-in allowances. Aglla Ihc customer wilts! [I dt)esn'l Inalter hOW much is owed fir wl,t t:olldition the trade is to. The dealerships will pay ,,ff the loan balallCe of the trade tt the end of the tnmsacti,,n," said C,mley Finally, perhaps the IiggeSt reason to attend this event IS because it's FUN! "The Main I.:.vent" has all the same atmosphere .utd cxcitcncltt 01" a nlalOf spttrliniY , CVtOt It". an clc:ltllyiltg It:cling t,, M" tlli,usands d vchit lea dl sale i,si¢cd iuld lluudleds el pet)pie ins.king great deals• There's great food, Inusse. and it)ore. It's a whole lot O| ILJN? CondudrAJ Conley• The hears are: Frldly, Sept. 24, Ipm-10pm Saturday, Sept. 25, 10am-10pn, Sunday, Sept. 2, lOans- 7pro IIowever the gates will not close until the last 'ustillller suves! Free Parking. l.'rt Adolission Call the Automotive insider lie,line for ntore Information. 1-877-996-AUTO 2.4 houra a day I:-5 AUTO BGTON EWERETU MALL EVERETr KITSAP MAIA00 SILVEBDALE Sq00ADIUM: TACOMA CAPITAL AUTO MALL OLYMPIA i];!::.::/< : m::; :¸ 4, ¸ :: />: ::: . :i:iii ii! ii!::ii!!i!i! i!:!i:iiii:iiiiiiii!:!iiiii!!iiiiii! .!::I:  ii ;!&;i:!!i!:! Thursday, September 23, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Joumal- Page 25 Driver alert: Head Start starts area drivers are reminded to two small school buses that g youngsters to and 0n County Head Start. The program started its new school year Monday. Dawn Erickson and her daughter Ashely, age 4, pose beside one of the Head Start buses. City's Crime Watch program is seeking vigilant volunteers Summer vacations may be just coming to an end, but the Shelton Police Department is looking ahead to the snowbird season and issuing a call for volunteers for its Crime Watch home patrol. Crime Watch service is provid- ed by community-minded volun- teers who patrol homes whose owners are on vacation. The volunteers, explained a spoke,person for the Shelton Po- lice Department, do the rounds in a specially marked vehicle the city provides. They go to each MMK board meeting is set for Monday A regular meeting of the Mary M. Knight School Board will be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Sep- tember 27, in the social-studies portable at the school. The meeting is open to the public. house on their vacation list, checking outside doors and win- dows, looking in to see that noth- ing is disturbed from the last time they checked the residence. By making the patrol rounds, they relieve regular police officers for more pressing duties. "They assist the police officers with their eyes," commented Lynn Boothe of the SPD, "and by join- ing forces, free up the officers to be at the disposal of citizens and to answer more urgent calls. "This service is especially im- portant for our local 'snowbirds' who travel south in search of sunshine and warmth during our colder months in the Northwest." Anyone interested in helping to provide the free service is asked to come to the lobby of the police department and fill out the Crime Watch papers. Those with ques- tions can call the Shelton Police Department during regular busi- ness hours at 426-4441. We deliver EATING IL COMPARE OUR W PRICES! We carry kerosene. UNOC.AL@ Located at Sanderson Industrial Park 427-8084 bonanza next week are in the ascendant With a double shot of Thrift Store, which General Has- will hold its an- Book Fair from i0 Friday through 1 through Octo- store at the comer of ad in Shelton. of new books, rare editions, hardback books, children's 'ence works, cook- books, military works will for one weekend only. of collectible records on sale, and addition- al bargains will be featured throughout the store. Funds from the thrift store benefit the hospital. Last year the book sale raised nearly $5,000 for the purchase of medical equip- ment. More information is avail- able at Treasures; the phone number is 427-3858. Meanwhile, Friends of the Wil- liam G. Reed Library will host the group's annual OysterFest Book Sale at the popular seafood festi- val at the Mason County Fair- grounds. Books of all sorts on all sub- jects will be available at the event, proceeds from which are used for scholarships, programs and equipment for the local li- brary. stry group ors Gorman was named re- Washington Agri- Education Bledsoe Leader- Award. COrporate forester for Company, for his lifelong he forestry indus- cndy Blackmer, the foundation, issued Sep- ;me to Shelton in Schmidt retired, resources Shelton in 1996 moved its cor- headquar- glven in the Bledsoe, State Director Speaker of the legislature and John German eadership accom- Blackmer, are in- )wners on Commissions in- Commission on for Forest Trust Sustain- and the Wash- er Oversight as ent of Protection on the boards of the Washington Agriculture and Forestry Education Foundation, of which he is a past chairman, and the Center for International Trade in Forest Products. "John is very committed to the continued education of our future natural-resource industry leaders," Blackmer said, noting that German has been a seminar coordinator for the foundation's forestry seminar since he came into the leadership program as a member of its eighth class. The program graduated its 20th class in May. ADVANCED HEATING AND COOLING, INC. :'  'Your comfort is our business!" eSidential and Small Commercial 'k. k.INSTALLATION 't. Free Estimates • Radio Dispatched "'"q ...... F "Fact°w Trained Technician ll0- ' as  r.,lecmc urnaces -- - "me--en-  " . '. ,line . . • z4 Hour a c cy ervlce ],, •Electnc Air Cleaners  Qerir .... • ",,rK . Systems Design/Duct Work a'" r- Yw_rvic, • . ,..aintenance & ...... anclng Available ,: I881&9335 ,42@1255 Paid Advcrtisemem AUTOMOTIVE INSIDER 24-25-26 1999 ' "An advertising supplement designed to give every consumer the 'Inside Scoop' regarding the very best automotive opportunities in the marketplace today." GATES OPEN AT IPM FRIDAY, 10AM SATURDAY & SUNDAY AND WILL NOT CLOSE TILL THE lASt CUSIDMER SAVESI THE UNDISPUTED CHAMPION OF ALL AUTOMOTIVE SALES EVENTS PUTS THE TITLE ON THE LINE AT THE CAPITAL AUTO MALL AND FOUR OTHER PUGET SOUND LOCATIONS THIS FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OLYMPIA. WA. Have you ever noticed that the biggest events of the year happen at the end of the season? In football, the a)llege Ix)wl games come at the end of the regular season. In the NFL. the suDerbowl ftdh,ws the playoITs ... st, does toe world series in baseball ...the NBA finals in basketball ...and in boxing the feature bout of the night is always last and it's called "The Main Event". At the beginning of these events a very famous phrase is often heard .... "Let's Get Ready To Rumble" When you see Michael Bulfer electrify a world wide audience, you know something very exciting is about to haPrls" Friday. Saturday. and Sunday the undisputed champion of the automotive sales event is going on at five huge Puget Sound locations ... and Michel Buffer can again be heard all over the radio and TV. It's the automotive sales equivalent to all of the aforementioned events. It's "The Main Event" MICHAEL BUFFER "lt'z Get R#ady To Rumble"® "When Michael Buffer is involved you know it's a major event." -- Evens Producer Mike Conley This Friday. Saturday. and Sunday. nearly 70(10 vehicles willbe on display and knockout sale priced at these lave Puget Sound h, cations (North to South). I-S Auto World - Burlington Everett Mall - Everett Kltsnp Mall - Sllverdale Cheney Stadium - Tacoma Capital Auto Mall - Wt Olympia The Capital Autn Mall in West Olympia is the largest auto mall in the Nortbwest and yet still ,,fiefs a be.autilul, relaxed park like setting to shop. A total of 24 new vehicle manufacturers are represented at the Capital Auto Mall with over 3000 vehicles on display every day. Acc(wding .................. ' "'At A Glance'" Event : " The MAIN EVENT rM', Dys : Friday, Saturday and Sunday i A o II st • and Dates : September 24. 25, 26. 1999 }  (:> tl rl. ; :L Friday IPM - 10PM, Satorday 10AM .. 10PM 8= Sunday 10AM -- 7PM It,:)vv,ve t:lte 9at,:,, will not clost,, ttwitil the= M,,I customer saves ..... Visit our.web site atwwW,pitalautomallacom to Alicia Nelson. Executive Manager of the Capital Auto Mall. the total inventory has never been better than rigl,t onw! The Capital Auto mall oow offers a Texaco station and convenience store that is the "Coolest on the Planet"... featuring A&W f(xl ,uervice and Peppy's Espresso Care, and [hi,re. Stop by lor a "lill up" -. for your vehicle or your belly Ynu ca,, visit the Capital Auto Mall web site @ www.eapitahtutlnnall.cnm , "Make no mistake alut it. this is a competitive envir(lnlnent for the participating dealerships." "lltis is whal makes lifts event snch It customer fiuscd evenl. When a group of dealerships . L In this case over 40 de • , alerships bring their linch, mventory together m,tl display hem against each other "l'he best prices win! ]'his I't,ices d,,wn the prices." Explained event producer Mike Conley. "See:redly, when hx:al, regional, and national lending institutions _ includir second chance linancing orgmliz.atiuna, are all repsesented at one place, at one time. they I'K'.eorrle a.s competitive as the dcaletshlps. The IIIOSI ct)snpetitive rates in the irlarkel place is the result. Plus, the custolner "apptaval" l'a'c,lage gUtS way up! Ahnost everybody get's approved for financing (with proot of steady employrm / income I residence and ou.,difvmi down)• Ctmtinucd C, mley. in add,,ion, your trade w, II never bc worth more than Ibis weekend at "The Main Event". Roughly bale t)l at| automotive i ransa/cllOns InChld t, u'ade These dealerships shunt be aggressive with trade-in allowances. Aglla Ihc customer wilts! [I dt)esn'l Inalter hOW much is owed fir wl,t t:olldition the trade is to. The dealerships will pay ,,ff the loan balallCe of the trade tt the end of the tnmsacti,,n," said C,mley Finally, perhaps the IiggeSt reason to attend this event IS because it's FUN! "The Main I.:.vent" has all the same atmosphere .utd cxcitcncltt 01" a nlalOf spttrliniY , CVtOt It". an clc:ltllyiltg It:cling t,, M" tlli,usands d vchit lea dl sale i,si¢cd iuld lluudleds el pet)pie ins.king great deals• There's great food, Inusse. and it)ore. It's a whole lot O| ILJN? CondudrAJ Conley• The hears are: Frldly, Sept. 24, Ipm-10pm Saturday, Sept. 25, 10am-10pn, Sunday, Sept. 2, lOans- 7pro IIowever the gates will not close until the last 'ustillller suves! Free Parking. l.'rt Adolission Call the Automotive insider lie,line for ntore Information. 1-877-996-AUTO 2.4 houra a day I:-5 AUTO BGTON EWERETU MALL EVERETr KITSAP MAIA00 SILVEBDALE Sq00ADIUM: TACOMA CAPITAL AUTO MALL OLYMPIA i];!::.::/< : m::; :¸ 4, ¸ :: />: ::: . :i:iii ii! ii!::ii!!i!i! i!:!i:iiii:iiiiiiii!:!iiiii!!iiiiii! .!::I:  ii ;!&;i:!!i!:! Thursday, September 23, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Joumal- Page 25