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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 23, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 23, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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® HELP WANTED HELP WANTED FOR sale, complete shop. A,N N cherry wood: armoire, lairs, $175 each. Desk, ble/chairs $500. Coffee w Fi ter Queen vacuum, lenerator, $650. Love- $50. TV, $75. VCR, VlOments nativity, $200. r file cabinets, $50 each L C9/16-23 'up to 50% off. Septem- ) vsl lth to plant perennials. es from $1 to $3.50. a.m Saturdays, and Sun- 5 P.m. or call for an 427-5930 Storybrook , 18 E. Cresiview Drive, off Agate Road, near .'6-9/30 table and 8 chairs. Oak, to 96". Excellent con- 426-3161. $9/23 Gateway Center. 1/2 price. mce. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. $9/23 dryer, $100. Portable 426-5930. T9/23 HER block counter- Wide, 6'3" long, leave message. lED Cedar mill ends. U- We deliver, $65 Agate Road, 426- For product call Metabolife inde- N4187100499. 40,000 BTU propane gas stoves, in- stalled $2,300, includes tank. Natural Gas also available. 482-5200. G9/2-23 BEAUTIFUL OLDER maple dining room set, 2 leaves, 5 chairs, $375. Call 426- 8965. G9/9-30 ALUMINUM CANOPY, windowed for full-size Chevy pickup. $100. 426- 2366. $9/23 NEWSTRIPE PARKING lot striper, $700 OBO. 432-9727. R9/23 1975 TANDEM axle step-through horse trailer, $800 OBO. 427-1611, after 5 p.m. M9/23 STEEL BUILDINGS, new, must sell. 40x60x14 was $17,500, now $10,971. 50x100x16 was $27,850, now $19,990. 80x135x16 was $79,850, now $42,990. 100x175x20 was $129,650, now $78,850. 1-800-406-5126. M9/23 i 14" DELTA bandsaw with extras, excel- lent shape, 427-8784, leave message. N9/23 HAMBURGER, 501b boxes, $1.49 a pound. Call 426-2411. T9/18 tfn STAINED GLASS - the perfect gift for that discerning person. Call Koleen, 426-0824 evenings after 6 p.m. and weekends for information and esti- mates. W9/2tfn SEPTIC DESIGNS and install - we try harder for gravity - get our bid too. Lux Design, 426-0820. LUXDE**033CJ. L12/3tfn 34TH ANNUAL Harvest Swap Meet will be held at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds between Centralia and Chehalis, September 5, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. and September 26, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Ad- mission $2 (under 12 free). Stalls $30 for the weekend. Sponsored by the Centralia/Chehalis Vintage Auto Club. C9/16-23 BUY, SELL, trade, Rodeo Drive-Inn swap meet, Sundays 8 a.m.-3 p.m., near Bremerton Airport. Information, 360-698-6031. R5/20ffn T(:)p S00O I L I Answers to Super Crossword q !ality sandy loam Jr:-L .° NO Rocks. No Clay I lsl'll'l'°l"l=k''='] 00t)SCAPING I S • Sprinklers I : lants. Barker / Iaq ',khoe. Doz _ 3CK WALLS / Ulkheads. Ripraps Anywhere 000A$CAPERSt426.9922 IORTHWEST / i c,ass, ' Display Advertising I I Deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. J BUILD 'EM START TO OR DO-IT-YOURSELF designed in any size to fit your needs... r convenience, at competitive prices. II Art today 241 1 • 32'x24'x10' kr Garage and Storage 20'x36'xS' Horse Stable with Feed end Tack Room .... :411'X11, ;torage 20'x24'xS' I1/,. Two-Car Garage 16'x7' Roll-Up Door Usllty years of service to the Pacific Northwest with thousands In Mason County. competitive prices, any width, length or he ght required range of buildings... • Airplane hangars • Carports • covers • Warehouses • Horse arenas and stables • and shops LIc. #TOZIEBI024PK 426.4373 or 426.2411 Rental houri: Men-Sat 7-S, Sun 9-5 BUY OR consign one item or an entire estate. Serving the local area since 1963. References available, Lic. #193. Ken's Auction Service, 3707 Marvin Road NE, Olympia. 491-6804. Kl/14tfn MOVING SALE, Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 926 W. Wyandotte. Wall hangings, plants, furniture, stereo, camping gear. H9/23 5 FAMILY sale Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. On Hay Street on Hill- crest. Lots of everything, follow neon signs. Antique furniture. M9/23 MULTI FAMILY garage sale. Something for everyone. Housewares, tools, baby stuff, clothing for the whole family, ping pong table, tires, exercise equipment. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 115 Poplar, Northcliff, Shelton. Mc9/23 9 A.M.-4 P.M. Saturday. Kingsize wa- terbed, computer desk, TV, lots more stuff. E. 430 Emerald Lake Drive. J9/23 4-FAMILY garage sale. Lots of treas- ures, some furniture. 504 Terrace Blvd. Saturday, 9 am.-3 p.m. No checks. M9/23 CURTIS MATHIS TV, $50. 1985 Dodge Charger, $1,250. Lots more. Friday/ Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 1405 E. Ellinor. P9/23 ST. EDWARD'S rummage sale. Friday, Sept. 24, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 25, 9 a.m.-noon. 322 North 3rd Street. $9/16-23 YARD SALE, 24th, 25th, 26th, 10 a.m. to dark. Lawn mower, some tools, etc. 271 E. Skookum Drive. M9/23 CLOTHES, HOUSEWARES, 5th-wheel hitch, toys, collectibles, old stuff, new stuff, guys stuff, baby stuff. Some- thing for everyone. Comer of "G" & Pat- terson. Mt. View area. Saturday, 9 a.m. No earlies. Cancel if raining. 19/23 ESTATE SALE. Lots of tools, house- hold items and furniture. Saturday and 1/2 price on Sunday. 140 5th St., Union, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Mc9/23 HELP! HELPI Make an offer sale. Help us clear the gym floor so we can play basketball. Commercial popcorn ma- chine, computers, printers, furniture, books, clothing by the bag. S.O.C.K. Youth Center across from Safeway, Saturday only, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. $9/23 GARAGE SALE Friday/Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 1005 N. 8th Street (Northcliff). Snow skis, boots, drums, clarinet, clothes, household goods and more. F9/23 SATURDAY, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 2016 King Street. Wine making equipment, 1 bike, old golf clubs, stereo turntable, reel-to- reel, airless compressor (needs work). Military cookstove, old porcelain footed bathtub, some fishing equipment and household items. D9/23 A GREAT garage sale. You don't want to miss it. Washer, dryer, bike, size 9 snowboard boots, clothes, lots of misc. Saturday only, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., no early sales. 50 W. Shadow Valley Court off Cloquallum Road, follow signs. N9/23 MOVING SALE. Everything must go. Black futon frame pad and table, chain- link fence and poles, stereo speakers, exercise equipment, CDs, tapes, movies, cordless phone, animal items, TV trays, books, linens, toaster oven, coffee pot, dishes, tools, ohainsaw, gas dryer (convertible), garden tools, 14k jewelry (please ask), misc. 31 E. Oak Place, Oak Park. Friday/Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. J9/23 MULTI-FAMILY SALE. Children's and adult clothing, toys/stuffed animals, decorative glassware, small household appliances, misc. household articles and a lot more. Off Hwy. 101 south on Ryan Road. Follow the signs to 30 SE Valley Lane, Saturday only, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. V9/23 SATURDAY, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. 917 Eagle- wood Way (Turner, left on 16th). Love. seat, highchair, exeraaucer, infant clothes and toys. T9/23 GARAGE SALE 2120 Madison Street, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday/Spnday. In the alley. B9/23 MULTI-FAMILY. 1506 Adams, Saturday only. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Riding lawn mower, riding golf cart, trailer hitch, Home In- terior decorations, crafts, sewing rib- bons, hip boots, computer and key- board, storm door, bathroom sink, knickknacks, and more. 09/23 SUPER GARAGE sale at 404 S. 16th, Friday/Saturday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Go to the top of Turner and tum right on 16th. We have glassware, bedding, lamps, tools, dishes, clothes and so much more. No junk. Pdced to sell. We're do- ing this rain or shine. G9/23 PROPANE STOVETOP and oven, max. imum width 22 inches. Please call 360- 372-2864. G9/23 CLOQUALLUM STUDENT needs ride, 6:45 a.m., weekdays for ROTC Drill to Shelton High or WaI-Mart. Will pay. Please call 426-3031. $9/23 HIAWATHA NOW buying Cedar boughs. 18"-20" length. No cones. 22¢ per pound. E. 681 Johns Prairie Rd., 426-4562. H9/9-30 CASH FOR large quantities of clean, dry moss. Will buy bales. 1-360-274- 8125, Castle Rock, WA. L9/2-23 VOCATIONAL DIRECTOR/Marketing Coordinator. The successful candidate in this key position will work indepen- dently, managing a wide variety of business functions. Desired qualifica- tions are a Bachelor's degree with major studies in Rehabilitative Sci- ences, Psychology, Social Work, or a closely allied field. Position requires a proven history of success in working with MR/DD individuals in a sheltered workshop environment, combined with strong marketing/sales ability, excel- lent oral/written communication skill, as well as a high degree of professional- ism and flexibility. Starting salary rang- es from $28,000-$32,000 annually. Resumes with college transcripts and 3 professional references to: EFI, W. 121 Development Road, Shelton, WA 98584. E9/23-30 HAIRDRESSER/BARBER or nail tech. Very busy shop. Clientele not neces- sary, but helpful. Call evenings 898- 4375. C9/23-30 SOUTHSIDE SCHOOL District has an opening for a Classified Paraprofes- sional for 3.5 hours per day for the 1999/2000 school year. Starting date will be October 1, 1999. Starting pay will be $7 per hour. Applications are available at Southside School, 161 SE Collier Road, Shelton. Closing date ie September 24, 1999 at 4 p.m. South- side School District is an equal oppor- tunity employer. $9/23 HELP WANTED: Part-time kitchen help and weekend night watchperson, avail- able immediately. Only friendly, caring people need apply. EOE. Apply in per- son at Holiday Park Retirement Center, 101 W. Railroad. H9/23-30 HOUSEWORK 2 days a week, 426- 9184. P9/23 RN - CLINIC Nurse for Mason County Personal Health Dept. Part time/On- Call, $15.64/hr. Provides clinic nursing services in support of a variety of pro- grams including travel clinic, pregnan- cy testing, immunizations, communica- ble diseases, HIV testing & counseling. Min. Qualifications: Associate degree in nursing with emphasis in community health courses and two years progres- sively responsible nursing experience. Valid Registered Professional Nurse Li- cense and WSDL. Position is open until filled. Application required and can be obtained at Mason County Human Re- sources, 411 N. Fifth St., Shelton, WA 98584; or call job line (360) 427-7265. M9/23 DRIVERS WANTED: Over-the-road truck ddvers with CDL and flat-bed ex- perience to drive late model truck. 48- state operation. Health benefits, good pay. 427-7652. U9/16-10/7 TWO CNA'S needed, experienced only. Apply at Allyn Retreat, Allyn, WA or phone (360) 275-4475. Ask for Sally or Chadea. R9/16-23 SAFEWAY,00¢. "NEW" BELFAIR SAFEWAY NOW HIRING Effective 9-20-99 Safeway will be accepting applica- tions for employment at the "NEW" Belfair store. Appli- cations may be picked up and returned to our job of- rice in the parking lot of the new store located at the cor- ner of Clifton Lane and SR3 M-F 9 a.m.-12 noon & 1 p.m.-4 p.m. Candidates must have excellent cus- tomer skills. Wage DOE. Benefits package and ad- vancement opportunities available. Safewsy is an Equal Opportunity Employer NOTICE OF classified job opening. Hood Canal School District No. 404 is now accepting quality applications for the following classified position: Posi- tion: Pre-School Teacher Assistant, temporary position (for a leave of absence). Posting date: September 20, 1999. Closing date: Open until filled. Rate of pay: Based on PSE negotiated rate. Hours per day: 6 hours per day, 3 days per week. The position is a tem- porary position for a staff member on Leave of Absence and the position ends on/before December 17, 1999. General qualifications: minimum: High School Diploma or equivalent. College course work and ability to use technol- ogy preferred. Experience working with Early Childhood preferred. Successful experience in working with children and ability to work with parents and staff is required. A valid First-Aid/CPR card is required. Applications may be picked up at the District Office: 111 N Highway 106, Shelton, WA 98584. For informa- tion call 360-877-5463. Only complete applications will be considered. Appli- cation Requirements: 1. A completed district application. 2. Resume. 3. Cov- er letter. 4. Three (3) letters of refer- ence with (2) relating to work site skills. Washington State Law requires that any person newly hired by a school dis- trict must be fingerprinted for State and National Background check. Hood Ca- nal School District is an equal opportu- nity employer, and it shall be the policy of Hood Canal School District No. 404 that no person shall be excluded from employment on the basis of age, race, sex, creed, color or national origin. An Equal Opportunity Employer. $9/23 MOTEL CLERK, interesting, active po- sition for responsible, detail conscious, mature person. 360-426-0821. $9/23- 10/14 EXPERIENCED FRAMER helper. Call (360) 275-2197 after 6 p.m. B9/23-30 IF YOU enjoy people and coffee, and are looking for a position of responsibil- ity, this may be your opportunity. Kim's Espresso at Fred Meyer is hiring part- time baristas. Pick up your application today at Kim's Espresso. K9/23-30 EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS, Inc. has P/T and F/T evening and weekend staff positions open. Starting wage $6.85 houdy. Pick-up applications at 121 W. Development Road, Shelton, 426-0077. E9/23-30 SCOTT HILBURN Auto Center in Shel- ton is currently seeking a supervisor for its detail department. Previous ve- hicle detail experience required. Along with some supervisory experience. Benefits. Please apply in person. Ask for Todd or Dick, 360-426.5585. EOE. H9/23 SCOTT HILBURN Auto Center in Shel- ton is currently looking to fill a position in its vehicle detail department. Previ- ous detail experience Preferred. Full- time position. Please apply in person. Ask for Todd or Dick, 360-426-5585. EOE. H9/23 PART-TIME KITCHEN/household help- er needed at small retreat center for some evenings and weekends. Flexibil- ity and reliable transpodation required. $6 per hour. Please send resume to: Harmony Hill, 7362 E. St. Rt. 106, Union, WA 98592. Attn: Cindy. H9/23 DOUGLAS FIR Christmas Tree Comps ny is accepting applications for sea. sonal employment. Positions include customer service representatives and receptionists. Applications can be picked up at 2621 E. Johns Prairie Road, Shelton. D9/23-10/14 ,,,,, ,qllk__ Providence I SoundHomeCare q I and Hospice CLINICAL STAFFING COORDINATOR Providence SoundHome Care & Hos- pice is currently seeking a supple- mental Clinical Staffing Coordina- tor to work provide coverage in the Mason, Lewis and Thurston County Offices. Requirements include mini- mum three years experience in of- rice environment, or any combina- tion of exp. and education, excellent written and verbal communication skills, demonstrated initiative and interpersonal skill. Medical records, medical office or clinical exp. pre- ferred. Qualified applicants can send resume to or apply at: 3706 Griffin Ln. Rd. NE Olympia, WA 98501 or call (360) 459-8311 for an application and additional information. Equal Opportunity Employer OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR to manage and maintain order in a small, rapidly growing "business-to-business" sales organization. Responsibilities include scheduling, bookkeeping, customer service. Salary DOQ. Resume c/o The Journal, BB# 600, P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. 9/9-30 NEWSPAPER CARRIERS needed in the Shelton area, youth or adult. Call Lisa at the Olympian, 754-5415. O9/9- 30 SCOTT HILBURN Auto Center is cur- rently looking for a full-time grounds and maintenance individual. This posi- tion involves building maintenance and cleaning. Some prior maintenance and grounds experience is preferred. Apply in person. See Todd or Dick. EOE. 426- 5585. H9/16.23 PART-TIME HELP: maintenance, land- scaping, some construction, manual labor, $8-10/hour. Must have car, 426- 2814. B9/23 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES needed. Truck drivers with CDL-B required. Forklift drivers and general warehouse labor. Apply in person: 2896 29th Avenue SW, Tumwater. 19/9-30 ADOPT-A-PET KENNELS are in need of volunteer help. From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., 1 day a week. But, these hours can be adjusted. Your help would be greatly appreciated, please call 426-2610 or our new web site at for more details. A4/30tfn VOLUNTEER AND Student Coordina- tor. F/T paid position at Mason County Literacy. Will recruit, interview and match new students and volunteers, and provide instructional support to one-on-one and small group tutoring teams throughout Mason County. BA degree plus 1 year volunteer or work experience in Adult Education or Hu- man Services required. Applications accepted until Sept; 24th, 5 p.m. Phone 426-9733. M9/18-23 I AM looking for an experienced stylist with excellent color capabilities and possibly nail experience as well. This is a special salon looking for a special person. This is a unique work situation located in Shelton, Mail applications to POB 1841, Shelton, WA 98584 or fax to 360-426-2595. $9123-30 HIRING TEMPORARY office worker for / Christmas season, October thru mid December. Must have basic office skills. Team worker, who works well un- der stress. Please bring resume to The Hiawatha Corporation, 681 E. Johns Prairie Road, Shelton. H9/23-30 SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS - must have Washington State Teaching Certificate. Current rate of pay is $100 per day. (We are not a part of the Olympia ESD 113 Co-op.) Application packet avail- able from the Shelton School District. (360) 426-1687, 207 N. 9th Street, Shelton, WA 98584. EOE. $9/23 CAREGIVER NEEDED for adult family home, CNA preferred. Part-time, week- ends, 24 hour shift. 427-4133. W9/16- 10/7 MEDICAL BILLING. Immediate open- ings FT/PT. No experience needed. Will train. Data entry for doctors. PC re- quired. Up to 50k per year, 888-587- 2624 ext. 616. M9/16-10/7 THE HIAWATHA Corporation is hiring temporary truck drivers for production season, 40 plus hours weekly. Must have CDL. Quality Control workers needed for production season. Prior experience preferred. Team worker. 40 plus hours weekly. Bring resume. Apply in person, 681 E. Johns Prairie Rd., Shelton, WA 98584. H9/2-23 PART-TIME HOUSEKEEPERS and gar- den maintenance person. Apply Mon- day-Thursday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Blue Her- on Condos, 6520 E. SR 106, Union. B8/19-10/7 A HAIR Affair is looking for a full-time, motivated, enthusiastic stylist. Experience a plus, but not necessary. Please inquire at 118 N. 2nd Street, 426-2141. H9/9 fin LPN/RN/NACs Needed at SunBridge Care and Rehabilitation for Shelton. Full-time, day and evening shifts, LTC experience pre- ferred. Fax resume to (360) 427-2563 or call (360) 427- 2575. Or come by the facility at 153 Johns Court in Shelton. W23 nl i iii iii II I i iii I I iiii I The Hiawatha Corporation I E 681 Johns Prairie Road Shelton,WA 98584 360.4264562 800-4214791 Hiring for Christmas production season starting September 27,1999 and ending approximately De- cember !, 1999. Will pay piece- work for making Christmas wreaths and decorator items. O13- portunity to make good hourly wages. Payday every Friday for the week ending the Saturday before. Indoor work in unheated build- ings. Bonus [or staying through the season. Must have proper identifi- cation [or I-9 torms. HANDYMAN: $15 per hour. Call Larry, 427-0636. M9/23-30 WILL RUN errands, clean house, wash windows, clean yards/garages/base- ments. Will help with garage sales. Reasonable prices. 426-1290, Anne. If I miss your call, please call again. $9/16-10/7 LICENSED, IN-HOME daycare. Imme- diate part-time or full-time opening, ref- erences available. Bordeaux, Angle- side area. Dawn, 427-1687. M9/16-10/7 MT. OLIVE Lutheran Daycare/Pre- school has expanded our programJ We have some rare full-time openings for 3, 4 and 5 year old children. Please call quickly as openings don't last Iongi Call Margarete or Eve, 427-3165. M9/16- 10/7 BELFAIR, LICENSED chUdcare has full-time openings, ages 0 and up. (360) 275-5794. Cg/16-23 SUNRISE IN-HOME licensed daycare has a full-time opening for ages 0-5 426-8908. $9/2-23 RAINBOW PLACE Childcare has part- time openings available. Please call Stephanie at 427-3582. R9/16-10/7 PANDA BEAR Childcare. Licensed home with preschool program is enroll- ing for fall. Lots of love and excellent references. Great location for Olympia commuter. Bordeaux School District, 426-4103. N8/19fin JOHNSCREEK COUNTRY Kids, li- censed eleven years. Fun, loving envi- ronment, excellent ref., USDA meals, Mt. View School District. Laud, 426- 7669. N8/Sffn i COLORFUL CREATIONS Childcare Development Center (formerly Bright Horizons) New owner and staff Colorful Creations is a. qual  licensed daycare which offers a woe vartet'y or services. • Programs for children 1-12 years of age • Before and after school care • EVENING CARE • Open from 6:30 a.m.- Midnight M-F Accept DSHS • Bilingual program _ . O (60) 42]-1382- Ask for Reoecca utdoor games and outings, arts and crafts, _ nutritious dinners and snacks PIANO LESSONS: Classical, Pop, Gospel, Country, Blues, Jazz. Belfair, Port Orchard, Silverdale studios. Adults, children. Larry, (360) 275-3699. K9/16-10/7 DANCE ARTS Academy in downtown Shelton at 109 S. 2nd Street now en- rolling for Fall classes. Ages 2-adult welcome. Pre-dance, Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Gymnastics, and Swing. Call Donna for details, 432-0660. D9/2-23 LOST CAT, Vinky. Long-haired, neu- tered male Siberian, black/pale orange striped with lots of white. Black eye lin- er, dot on nose. Desperate to find. Re, ward. Susan or Rick, 426-9453. cg/23tfn LOST CAT, gray tabby, answers to name "Innocent." Was last in Shelton Library area August 19th. Lip is half white, half black. Has white feet. Call 877-0630. $9/16-23 FOUND. A boat, gas can at Lake Isa- bella. Call 426-9572. Z9/23-30 FOUND 9118: Two male dogs, Wynwood Drive. Shepherd mix, cropped tail and small elk hound. 426-2857, leave mes- sage. $9/23 SNOW SKIS, two pair found in Hi,crest area. Descdbe them and they're yours. 427-5487. P9/16-10/7 9/9-23 ii i ii i Thursday, September 23, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page 27 ® HELP WANTED HELP WANTED FOR sale, complete shop. A,N N cherry wood: armoire, lairs, $175 each. Desk, ble/chairs $500. Coffee w Fi ter Queen vacuum, lenerator, $650. Love- $50. TV, $75. VCR, VlOments nativity, $200. r file cabinets, $50 each L C9/16-23 'up to 50% off. Septem- ) vsl lth to plant perennials. es from $1 to $3.50. a.m Saturdays, and Sun- 5 P.m. or call for an 427-5930 Storybrook , 18 E. Cresiview Drive, off Agate Road, near .'6-9/30 table and 8 chairs. Oak, to 96". Excellent con- 426-3161. $9/23 Gateway Center. 1/2 price. mce. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. $9/23 dryer, $100. Portable 426-5930. T9/23 HER block counter- Wide, 6'3" long, leave message. lED Cedar mill ends. U- We deliver, $65 Agate Road, 426- For product call Metabolife inde- N4187100499. 40,000 BTU propane gas stoves, in- stalled $2,300, includes tank. Natural Gas also available. 482-5200. G9/2-23 BEAUTIFUL OLDER maple dining room set, 2 leaves, 5 chairs, $375. Call 426- 8965. G9/9-30 ALUMINUM CANOPY, windowed for full-size Chevy pickup. $100. 426- 2366. $9/23 NEWSTRIPE PARKING lot striper, $700 OBO. 432-9727. R9/23 1975 TANDEM axle step-through horse trailer, $800 OBO. 427-1611, after 5 p.m. M9/23 STEEL BUILDINGS, new, must sell. 40x60x14 was $17,500, now $10,971. 50x100x16 was $27,850, now $19,990. 80x135x16 was $79,850, now $42,990. 100x175x20 was $129,650, now $78,850. 1-800-406-5126. M9/23 i 14" DELTA bandsaw with extras, excel- lent shape, 427-8784, leave message. N9/23 HAMBURGER, 501b boxes, $1.49 a pound. Call 426-2411. T9/18 tfn STAINED GLASS - the perfect gift for that discerning person. Call Koleen, 426-0824 evenings after 6 p.m. and weekends for information and esti- mates. W9/2tfn SEPTIC DESIGNS and install - we try harder for gravity - get our bid too. Lux Design, 426-0820. LUXDE**033CJ. L12/3tfn 34TH ANNUAL Harvest Swap Meet will be held at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds between Centralia and Chehalis, September 5, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. and September 26, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Ad- mission $2 (under 12 free). Stalls $30 for the weekend. Sponsored by the Centralia/Chehalis Vintage Auto Club. C9/16-23 BUY, SELL, trade, Rodeo Drive-Inn swap meet, Sundays 8 a.m.-3 p.m., near Bremerton Airport. Information, 360-698-6031. R5/20ffn T(:)p S00O I L I Answers to Super Crossword q !ality sandy loam Jr:-L .° NO Rocks. No Clay I lsl'll'l'°l"l=k''='] 00t)SCAPING I S • Sprinklers I : lants. Barker / Iaq ',khoe. Doz _ 3CK WALLS / Ulkheads. Ripraps Anywhere 000A$CAPERSt426.9922 IORTHWEST / i c,ass, ' Display Advertising I I Deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. J BUILD 'EM START TO OR DO-IT-YOURSELF designed in any size to fit your needs... r convenience, at competitive prices. II Art today 241 1 • 32'x24'x10' kr Garage and Storage 20'x36'xS' Horse Stable with Feed end Tack Room .... :411'X11, ;torage 20'x24'xS' I1/,. Two-Car Garage 16'x7' Roll-Up Door Usllty years of service to the Pacific Northwest with thousands In Mason County. competitive prices, any width, length or he ght required range of buildings... • Airplane hangars • Carports • covers • Warehouses • Horse arenas and stables • and shops LIc. #TOZIEBI024PK 426.4373 or 426.2411 Rental houri: Men-Sat 7-S, Sun 9-5 BUY OR consign one item or an entire estate. Serving the local area since 1963. References available, Lic. #193. Ken's Auction Service, 3707 Marvin Road NE, Olympia. 491-6804. Kl/14tfn MOVING SALE, Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 926 W. Wyandotte. Wall hangings, plants, furniture, stereo, camping gear. H9/23 5 FAMILY sale Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. On Hay Street on Hill- crest. Lots of everything, follow neon signs. Antique furniture. M9/23 MULTI FAMILY garage sale. Something for everyone. Housewares, tools, baby stuff, clothing for the whole family, ping pong table, tires, exercise equipment. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 115 Poplar, Northcliff, Shelton. Mc9/23 9 A.M.-4 P.M. Saturday. Kingsize wa- terbed, computer desk, TV, lots more stuff. E. 430 Emerald Lake Drive. J9/23 4-FAMILY garage sale. Lots of treas- ures, some furniture. 504 Terrace Blvd. Saturday, 9 am.-3 p.m. No checks. M9/23 CURTIS MATHIS TV, $50. 1985 Dodge Charger, $1,250. Lots more. Friday/ Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 1405 E. Ellinor. P9/23 ST. EDWARD'S rummage sale. Friday, Sept. 24, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 25, 9 a.m.-noon. 322 North 3rd Street. $9/16-23 YARD SALE, 24th, 25th, 26th, 10 a.m. to dark. Lawn mower, some tools, etc. 271 E. Skookum Drive. M9/23 CLOTHES, HOUSEWARES, 5th-wheel hitch, toys, collectibles, old stuff, new stuff, guys stuff, baby stuff. Some- thing for everyone. Comer of "G" & Pat- terson. Mt. View area. Saturday, 9 a.m. No earlies. Cancel if raining. 19/23 ESTATE SALE. Lots of tools, house- hold items and furniture. Saturday and 1/2 price on Sunday. 140 5th St., Union, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Mc9/23 HELP! HELPI Make an offer sale. Help us clear the gym floor so we can play basketball. Commercial popcorn ma- chine, computers, printers, furniture, books, clothing by the bag. S.O.C.K. Youth Center across from Safeway, Saturday only, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. $9/23 GARAGE SALE Friday/Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 1005 N. 8th Street (Northcliff). Snow skis, boots, drums, clarinet, clothes, household goods and more. F9/23 SATURDAY, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 2016 King Street. Wine making equipment, 1 bike, old golf clubs, stereo turntable, reel-to- reel, airless compressor (needs work). Military cookstove, old porcelain footed bathtub, some fishing equipment and household items. D9/23 A GREAT garage sale. You don't want to miss it. Washer, dryer, bike, size 9 snowboard boots, clothes, lots of misc. Saturday only, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., no early sales. 50 W. Shadow Valley Court off Cloquallum Road, follow signs. N9/23 MOVING SALE. Everything must go. Black futon frame pad and table, chain- link fence and poles, stereo speakers, exercise equipment, CDs, tapes, movies, cordless phone, animal items, TV trays, books, linens, toaster oven, coffee pot, dishes, tools, ohainsaw, gas dryer (convertible), garden tools, 14k jewelry (please ask), misc. 31 E. Oak Place, Oak Park. Friday/Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. J9/23 MULTI-FAMILY SALE. Children's and adult clothing, toys/stuffed animals, decorative glassware, small household appliances, misc. household articles and a lot more. Off Hwy. 101 south on Ryan Road. Follow the signs to 30 SE Valley Lane, Saturday only, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. V9/23 SATURDAY, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. 917 Eagle- wood Way (Turner, left on 16th). Love. seat, highchair, exeraaucer, infant clothes and toys. T9/23 GARAGE SALE 2120 Madison Street, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday/Spnday. In the alley. B9/23 MULTI-FAMILY. 1506 Adams, Saturday only. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Riding lawn mower, riding golf cart, trailer hitch, Home In- terior decorations, crafts, sewing rib- bons, hip boots, computer and key- board, storm door, bathroom sink, knickknacks, and more. 09/23 SUPER GARAGE sale at 404 S. 16th, Friday/Saturday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Go to the top of Turner and tum right on 16th. We have glassware, bedding, lamps, tools, dishes, clothes and so much more. No junk. Pdced to sell. We're do- ing this rain or shine. G9/23 PROPANE STOVETOP and oven, max. imum width 22 inches. Please call 360- 372-2864. G9/23 CLOQUALLUM STUDENT needs ride, 6:45 a.m., weekdays for ROTC Drill to Shelton High or WaI-Mart. Will pay. Please call 426-3031. $9/23 HIAWATHA NOW buying Cedar boughs. 18"-20" length. No cones. 22¢ per pound. E. 681 Johns Prairie Rd., 426-4562. H9/9-30 CASH FOR large quantities of clean, dry moss. Will buy bales. 1-360-274- 8125, Castle Rock, WA. L9/2-23 VOCATIONAL DIRECTOR/Marketing Coordinator. The successful candidate in this key position will work indepen- dently, managing a wide variety of business functions. Desired qualifica- tions are a Bachelor's degree with major studies in Rehabilitative Sci- ences, Psychology, Social Work, or a closely allied field. Position requires a proven history of success in working with MR/DD individuals in a sheltered workshop environment, combined with strong marketing/sales ability, excel- lent oral/written communication skill, as well as a high degree of professional- ism and flexibility. Starting salary rang- es from $28,000-$32,000 annually. Resumes with college transcripts and 3 professional references to: EFI, W. 121 Development Road, Shelton, WA 98584. E9/23-30 HAIRDRESSER/BARBER or nail tech. Very busy shop. Clientele not neces- sary, but helpful. Call evenings 898- 4375. C9/23-30 SOUTHSIDE SCHOOL District has an opening for a Classified Paraprofes- sional for 3.5 hours per day for the 1999/2000 school year. Starting date will be October 1, 1999. Starting pay will be $7 per hour. Applications are available at Southside School, 161 SE Collier Road, Shelton. Closing date ie September 24, 1999 at 4 p.m. South- side School District is an equal oppor- tunity employer. $9/23 HELP WANTED: Part-time kitchen help and weekend night watchperson, avail- able immediately. Only friendly, caring people need apply. EOE. Apply in per- son at Holiday Park Retirement Center, 101 W. Railroad. H9/23-30 HOUSEWORK 2 days a week, 426- 9184. P9/23 RN - CLINIC Nurse for Mason County Personal Health Dept. Part time/On- Call, $15.64/hr. Provides clinic nursing services in support of a variety of pro- grams including travel clinic, pregnan- cy testing, immunizations, communica- ble diseases, HIV testing & counseling. Min. Qualifications: Associate degree in nursing with emphasis in community health courses and two years progres- sively responsible nursing experience. Valid Registered Professional Nurse Li- cense and WSDL. Position is open until filled. Application required and can be obtained at Mason County Human Re- sources, 411 N. Fifth St., Shelton, WA 98584; or call job line (360) 427-7265. M9/23 DRIVERS WANTED: Over-the-road truck ddvers with CDL and flat-bed ex- perience to drive late model truck. 48- state operation. Health benefits, good pay. 427-7652. U9/16-10/7 TWO CNA'S needed, experienced only. Apply at Allyn Retreat, Allyn, WA or phone (360) 275-4475. Ask for Sally or Chadea. R9/16-23 SAFEWAY,00¢. "NEW" BELFAIR SAFEWAY NOW HIRING Effective 9-20-99 Safeway will be accepting applica- tions for employment at the "NEW" Belfair store. Appli- cations may be picked up and returned to our job of- rice in the parking lot of the new store located at the cor- ner of Clifton Lane and SR3 M-F 9 a.m.-12 noon & 1 p.m.-4 p.m. Candidates must have excellent cus- tomer skills. Wage DOE. Benefits package and ad- vancement opportunities available. Safewsy is an Equal Opportunity Employer NOTICE OF classified job opening. Hood Canal School District No. 404 is now accepting quality applications for the following classified position: Posi- tion: Pre-School Teacher Assistant, temporary position (for a leave of absence). Posting date: September 20, 1999. Closing date: Open until filled. Rate of pay: Based on PSE negotiated rate. Hours per day: 6 hours per day, 3 days per week. The position is a tem- porary position for a staff member on Leave of Absence and the position ends on/before December 17, 1999. General qualifications: minimum: High School Diploma or equivalent. College course work and ability to use technol- ogy preferred. Experience working with Early Childhood preferred. Successful experience in working with children and ability to work with parents and staff is required. A valid First-Aid/CPR card is required. Applications may be picked up at the District Office: 111 N Highway 106, Shelton, WA 98584. For informa- tion call 360-877-5463. Only complete applications will be considered. Appli- cation Requirements: 1. A completed district application. 2. Resume. 3. Cov- er letter. 4. Three (3) letters of refer- ence with (2) relating to work site skills. Washington State Law requires that any person newly hired by a school dis- trict must be fingerprinted for State and National Background check. Hood Ca- nal School District is an equal opportu- nity employer, and it shall be the policy of Hood Canal School District No. 404 that no person shall be excluded from employment on the basis of age, race, sex, creed, color or national origin. An Equal Opportunity Employer. $9/23 MOTEL CLERK, interesting, active po- sition for responsible, detail conscious, mature person. 360-426-0821. $9/23- 10/14 EXPERIENCED FRAMER helper. Call (360) 275-2197 after 6 p.m. B9/23-30 IF YOU enjoy people and coffee, and are looking for a position of responsibil- ity, this may be your opportunity. Kim's Espresso at Fred Meyer is hiring part- time baristas. Pick up your application today at Kim's Espresso. K9/23-30 EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS, Inc. has P/T and F/T evening and weekend staff positions open. Starting wage $6.85 houdy. Pick-up applications at 121 W. Development Road, Shelton, 426-0077. E9/23-30 SCOTT HILBURN Auto Center in Shel- ton is currently seeking a supervisor for its detail department. Previous ve- hicle detail experience required. Along with some supervisory experience. Benefits. Please apply in person. Ask for Todd or Dick, 360-426.5585. EOE. H9/23 SCOTT HILBURN Auto Center in Shel- ton is currently looking to fill a position in its vehicle detail department. Previ- ous detail experience Preferred. Full- time position. Please apply in person. Ask for Todd or Dick, 360-426-5585. EOE. H9/23 PART-TIME KITCHEN/household help- er needed at small retreat center for some evenings and weekends. Flexibil- ity and reliable transpodation required. $6 per hour. Please send resume to: Harmony Hill, 7362 E. St. Rt. 106, Union, WA 98592. Attn: Cindy. H9/23 DOUGLAS FIR Christmas Tree Comps ny is accepting applications for sea. sonal employment. Positions include customer service representatives and receptionists. Applications can be picked up at 2621 E. Johns Prairie Road, Shelton. D9/23-10/14 ,,,,, ,qllk__ Providence I SoundHomeCare q I and Hospice CLINICAL STAFFING COORDINATOR Providence SoundHome Care & Hos- pice is currently seeking a supple- mental Clinical Staffing Coordina- tor to work provide coverage in the Mason, Lewis and Thurston County Offices. Requirements include mini- mum three years experience in of- rice environment, or any combina- tion of exp. and education, excellent written and verbal communication skills, demonstrated initiative and interpersonal skill. Medical records, medical office or clinical exp. pre- ferred. Qualified applicants can send resume to or apply at: 3706 Griffin Ln. Rd. NE Olympia, WA 98501 or call (360) 459-8311 for an application and additional information. Equal Opportunity Employer OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR to manage and maintain order in a small, rapidly growing "business-to-business" sales organization. Responsibilities include scheduling, bookkeeping, customer service. Salary DOQ. Resume c/o The Journal, BB# 600, P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. 9/9-30 NEWSPAPER CARRIERS needed in the Shelton area, youth or adult. Call Lisa at the Olympian, 754-5415. O9/9- 30 SCOTT HILBURN Auto Center is cur- rently looking for a full-time grounds and maintenance individual. This posi- tion involves building maintenance and cleaning. Some prior maintenance and grounds experience is preferred. Apply in person. See Todd or Dick. EOE. 426- 5585. H9/16.23 PART-TIME HELP: maintenance, land- scaping, some construction, manual labor, $8-10/hour. Must have car, 426- 2814. B9/23 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES needed. Truck drivers with CDL-B required. Forklift drivers and general warehouse labor. Apply in person: 2896 29th Avenue SW, Tumwater. 19/9-30 ADOPT-A-PET KENNELS are in need of volunteer help. From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., 1 day a week. But, these hours can be adjusted. Your help would be greatly appreciated, please call 426-2610 or our new web site at for more details. A4/30tfn VOLUNTEER AND Student Coordina- tor. F/T paid position at Mason County Literacy. Will recruit, interview and match new students and volunteers, and provide instructional support to one-on-one and small group tutoring teams throughout Mason County. BA degree plus 1 year volunteer or work experience in Adult Education or Hu- man Services required. Applications accepted until Sept; 24th, 5 p.m. Phone 426-9733. M9/18-23 I AM looking for an experienced stylist with excellent color capabilities and possibly nail experience as well. This is a special salon looking for a special person. This is a unique work situation located in Shelton, Mail applications to POB 1841, Shelton, WA 98584 or fax to 360-426-2595. $9123-30 HIRING TEMPORARY office worker for / Christmas season, October thru mid December. Must have basic office skills. Team worker, who works well un- der stress. Please bring resume to The Hiawatha Corporation, 681 E. Johns Prairie Road, Shelton. H9/23-30 SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS - must have Washington State Teaching Certificate. Current rate of pay is $100 per day. (We are not a part of the Olympia ESD 113 Co-op.) Application packet avail- able from the Shelton School District. (360) 426-1687, 207 N. 9th Street, Shelton, WA 98584. EOE. $9/23 CAREGIVER NEEDED for adult family home, CNA preferred. Part-time, week- ends, 24 hour shift. 427-4133. W9/16- 10/7 MEDICAL BILLING. Immediate open- ings FT/PT. No experience needed. Will train. Data entry for doctors. PC re- quired. Up to 50k per year, 888-587- 2624 ext. 616. M9/16-10/7 THE HIAWATHA Corporation is hiring temporary truck drivers for production season, 40 plus hours weekly. Must have CDL. Quality Control workers needed for production season. Prior experience preferred. Team worker. 40 plus hours weekly. Bring resume. Apply in person, 681 E. Johns Prairie Rd., Shelton, WA 98584. H9/2-23 PART-TIME HOUSEKEEPERS and gar- den maintenance person. Apply Mon- day-Thursday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Blue Her- on Condos, 6520 E. SR 106, Union. B8/19-10/7 A HAIR Affair is looking for a full-time, motivated, enthusiastic stylist. Experience a plus, but not necessary. Please inquire at 118 N. 2nd Street, 426-2141. H9/9 fin LPN/RN/NACs Needed at SunBridge Care and Rehabilitation for Shelton. Full-time, day and evening shifts, LTC experience pre- ferred. Fax resume to (360) 427-2563 or call (360) 427- 2575. Or come by the facility at 153 Johns Court in Shelton. W23 nl i iii iii II I i iii I I iiii I The Hiawatha Corporation I E 681 Johns Prairie Road Shelton,WA 98584 360.4264562 800-4214791 Hiring for Christmas production season starting September 27,1999 and ending approximately De- cember !, 1999. Will pay piece- work for making Christmas wreaths and decorator items. O13- portunity to make good hourly wages. Payday every Friday for the week ending the Saturday before. Indoor work in unheated build- ings. Bonus [or staying through the season. Must have proper identifi- cation [or I-9 torms. HANDYMAN: $15 per hour. Call Larry, 427-0636. M9/23-30 WILL RUN errands, clean house, wash windows, clean yards/garages/base- ments. Will help with garage sales. Reasonable prices. 426-1290, Anne. If I miss your call, please call again. $9/16-10/7 LICENSED, IN-HOME daycare. Imme- diate part-time or full-time opening, ref- erences available. Bordeaux, Angle- side area. Dawn, 427-1687. M9/16-10/7 MT. OLIVE Lutheran Daycare/Pre- school has expanded our programJ We have some rare full-time openings for 3, 4 and 5 year old children. Please call quickly as openings don't last Iongi Call Margarete or Eve, 427-3165. M9/16- 10/7 BELFAIR, LICENSED chUdcare has full-time openings, ages 0 and up. (360) 275-5794. Cg/16-23 SUNRISE IN-HOME licensed daycare has a full-time opening for ages 0-5 426-8908. $9/2-23 RAINBOW PLACE Childcare has part- time openings available. Please call Stephanie at 427-3582. R9/16-10/7 PANDA BEAR Childcare. Licensed home with preschool program is enroll- ing for fall. Lots of love and excellent references. Great location for Olympia commuter. Bordeaux School District, 426-4103. N8/19fin JOHNSCREEK COUNTRY Kids, li- censed eleven years. Fun, loving envi- ronment, excellent ref., USDA meals, Mt. View School District. Laud, 426- 7669. N8/Sffn i COLORFUL CREATIONS Childcare Development Center (formerly Bright Horizons) New owner and staff Colorful Creations is a. qual  licensed daycare which offers a woe vartet'y or services. • Programs for children 1-12 years of age • Before and after school care • EVENING CARE • Open from 6:30 a.m.- Midnight M-F Accept DSHS • Bilingual program _ . O (60) 42]-1382- Ask for Reoecca utdoor games and outings, arts and crafts, _ nutritious dinners and snacks PIANO LESSONS: Classical, Pop, Gospel, Country, Blues, Jazz. Belfair, Port Orchard, Silverdale studios. Adults, children. Larry, (360) 275-3699. K9/16-10/7 DANCE ARTS Academy in downtown Shelton at 109 S. 2nd Street now en- rolling for Fall classes. Ages 2-adult welcome. Pre-dance, Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Gymnastics, and Swing. Call Donna for details, 432-0660. D9/2-23 LOST CAT, Vinky. Long-haired, neu- tered male Siberian, black/pale orange striped with lots of white. Black eye lin- er, dot on nose. Desperate to find. Re, ward. Susan or Rick, 426-9453. cg/23tfn LOST CAT, gray tabby, answers to name "Innocent." Was last in Shelton Library area August 19th. Lip is half white, half black. Has white feet. Call 877-0630. $9/16-23 FOUND. A boat, gas can at Lake Isa- bella. Call 426-9572. Z9/23-30 FOUND 9118: Two male dogs, Wynwood Drive. Shepherd mix, cropped tail and small elk hound. 426-2857, leave mes- sage. $9/23 SNOW SKIS, two pair found in Hi,crest area. Descdbe them and they're yours. 427-5487. P9/16-10/7 9/9-23 ii i ii i Thursday, September 23, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page 27