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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 24, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 24, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PA E , ,qWELTON--MAgON ITNTTX J(3ITP NAL Published |n tr ,.. . , ........... , , O , " ,,, --- Oh stma. lau}7, T T.R..TIY, helton, Washin#0n Thursday, O ( Tile Shelton Port Commission last week adopted a 1965 budget of $54,120, $7,762 loweP than the 1964 budget of $61,982. Included in the 1965 budget are $5,000 for improvenw~nts at the Navy Annex on Johns Prairie; :$4.000 fur {loci( imt}:'~,vements and epairs; $6,734"~fl)r in:provements awl }epairs at the Airport and $3,000 fop improvements to the Arcadia ramp and parking facil- ities. The largest difference in the budget is a difference of $14,000 in the estimated anleant {}f cash on lmnd which was estimated at $24,000 a,t the end of last year and $10,000 at the end of this year. Two large expenditures, moor- age lenewal at the city dock, $17,- 000 and $4,000 for industrial park promotion, were in the budget for thi.~ year but have been complet- ed and not listed for the coming year. "Estimated income for the 1965 budget is $25,100 from property taxes; $10,500 fiom airport rent- a/s; $3,000 from dock moorages; $1,520 for annex rentals; $1,000 from car loading at the mmex; $3,000 from races and $10,000 cash on hand 3an. 1, 1965. Rosellini Aide Address Demoorals Here Dr. Paul Herbold, administra- tive assistant to Gov. Albert Rosen lint will be the speaker at the meeting of the Democrat Central Committee at 8 p.m. tonight in the courthouse. Roy Ritner, chairman, will ap- point the Dollars for Democrats Drive chairman ~nd the Patron- age Committee. Carmer Sarkowitz is in charge of the Democrat Headquarters which are open from noon to 5 p.m. each day. Anyone willing to donate a few hours time to worR in the headquarters may call Mrs. Sarkowitz at 426-6045. Georgia Miller has been ap- pointed chairman of President Johnson's 4 for 64 program. This program originated to give anyone willing' to work an opportunity to do so even though they never have been active in a campaign before. Carmen Sarkowitz is co-chair- man. Cards are available at Dem- ocratic headquarters Mondays and Wednesdays. Cdfformb Arc~dent Kills Matlod Man James 11. Avery, 22, Matlock, was killed in a traffic accident last Thu|'sday at l,'airfiehl, Calif., as he was going f~(}m h~s home to Travis Air Force Base, Calif., where he was,~stationed. Details {if the accidenl were mmvailablc. Funeral sePvices were hehl at 2 p.m. Wednesday ill Balstone Fun- ePal ttome hePe with burial in Shelton VclePan's Cemetery. A full military aervice was conducted hy McChord Alp l;'orce Base person- nel. MR. AVERY was horn in Shel- ton Nov. 29, 1941, the s(m i)f MP. atl{l Mrs. Noehm Avery, Math)ok. He was a graduate of Mary M. -Knight High School and worked fro' Simpson Timber Company ,as a hool¢tcndeP before cntel'ing the Air Force. He had served in the Air Force the past fern' years. Sm'vivors include his widow, Diantlm, Fairfield; his parents, Mr. and MPs. Noelen Avery, Matlock; two brothers, Jack, Shelton, arid Terry, in the Army at Ft. Oral, Calif.; and two sisters, Gloria and Helen, both at the family home. Two Defendants Dismissed From Libel Suit Action An order dismissing the case against two of the 13 defendants named in the $325,000 libel suit filed by Charles Savage against six Mason County Conples and a Seattle couple was signed Sept. 14. The order, signed by Judge James Mifflin in Seattle, dismissed Mr. and Mrs. O'Dell Richey of Shelton as defendants in the case. Arguments will be heard at 1:30 p.m. Friday in court here on a I motion by the other defendants toe son and John W. Bennett. Mason County 4-H members and leaders t{}taled re,ire than 100 for parlicip-tii{m in \¥estm~ Washing- ton Fair activities last Saturday and Sunday. Meal preparati(m teams filled the ldtchcns Sunday. They inchtd- ed Pat and David Maeombet' of Tahuya; Susan Schiller and Sue Allen o~E Tahuya; Sanely Lyman v.nd JalMce Blake of Skol¢omish Valley and Union; Joan Auseth and Tam/ Craig, Agate; Christine Flint and Carolyn Rhodes of Southside and Bette Cowan and Sylvia Sand {}f lJnion and l-tl}ods- port. Mrs. Martin Auseth was chair- man for all of the activities Sire- day. Judging teams who participated Satm'day were' 4-H JI!!)GIN(I CONTESTS Junior Clothing: Linda Williams, Sharon Evms, Patty Bourgault, and Joan Auseth. Senior Clothing: Terry Shrum, Beth Ann Crumb, Paula "Wood, and Aleca Ruddell. Junior Foods: Linda T,'otzer, Lee Anna "Whitmarsh, Susan Swayze, and Kathleen T'rotzer. Senior Food,~; ChePyl Chambers, Ruth Ann Trotzer, Colleen Shrum, and Carolyn Auseth. Junior Garden: Don Johnson, Becky Chapman, Mike Bourgault, and Cinlck Brown. Senior Livestock: David Milten- berger,Faye Fischer, and Joe Brown. Junior Livestock: Eddie Fischer, Kenny Selvidge, Scott Miltenberg- er, and Clifford Hicks. Participating in demonstrations and dress revues were: Karen Smith, Diane Frank, Pat- ty iV[ell, Rita Swearingen, Etta Swearingen. Colleen Shmlm, Sally Wolf, Jerri Lee Hill, Pamela Robb, Carolyn Auseth, Kathy Mell, l~ob- in Bakke, Kathy Dickinson, Linda Williams, Linda Trotzer, Ruth Ann Trotzer, Paula Wood, Sue Al- len, Susan Schiller, Gail Bailey, Kathy Bolender and Shiela HoD tmff. ON DISPLAY Thurs., Fri. & Sat. open 'til 9 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. FREE , (Vallantloo4-Dr. Sea.} Coffee & Donuts KIMBEL MOTORS INC., 707 So. First ((£',fJlltillllo(l l't',}lll 1)age 1 ) el' resenlhlallco t. a college eanl- ] }us than to a penal inslilulion. Each inmate, even (luring tlle lime he will spend in the maxi- lllUlT1 security seclion during clas- sification, will have a view uf the outside lh|'ough the wai fir-Ilk,.' e(}llel'(~l.e panels that have I}econw a trade-marl{ of the institutitm. Youthful first-offenders who willingly enter into the treatment program designed to rehabilitate them will be given added privileges as they learn to accept responsi- bility. Eventually they will be per- rattled to, carry the key Lo their cell doors. For a long time the Corrections Center was only a dream of the men of the Slate I)epartment of Institutions. Today, where (race lowing cattle trod and tall tips pushed against the sky, the gleam- inK buihlings bear testimony that this dream has hecome a reality. ...the family store .22 SHORTS 48' box SPRAY PAINT I I SCREW- DRIVERS 9¢ each BRAKE FLUID 12 oz. can III FAT elljOV y tIP lIle you ' likl,, bat tile Ill'go |'O1' ODRINI!]X d(~(~roase.~ yotll" weight must yOUl" OWll doctor you oat los& of excess fat NEX eosls GUARANTEE : filly l'O,'lS II1 jUSt your druggist back. No qtle is sold with McCONK SPARK PLUGS each Teflon SAUCE PAN a3 Model R-5900 OIL FILTERS Bushel LAUNDRY BASKET 'u / I O Fabulous selections of plain knit nylons, seamless micro mesh, double loop dress sheers, cotton-soled service weightsI Proporti,oned and contoured to your leg-lengthl Short, aver- age or long, 8V2 to 11! ,, Flattering colors . , . there's a shade perfectly suited for everything from casual to formal] ! WHAT A BUY! PRE-SCHOoLERS' KNIT POLOS COTTON • CORDUROY TWO-SOMES ! SLEEP WARM IN SANFORIZED® FLANNELETTE / SAVE! ELECTRIC WITH FLUFFY .o,,oo.s,zo single control dual 72" 72 X 84 2-YEAR REPLACEMENT Penney's low price for settings for even, all-night 'n cotton blanket, bound cock, pink, green, primrOSe ...... ] ¢ SIZES 2 TO 7 Long or short sleeve polo shirts are fine combed cot- ton --- machine washable, color fast. Cheery stripes 'n solids. Real value! So specially price--you couldn't sew them and save so much! Wee jumpers com- plete with perky blouses. Tricky trims• Primary colors. 4.14 Get these pajamas f, or-real sleeping comfortl Get a real buyi Sanforlzed® cotton flannelette full cut to Pen- ney's specifications. Many colors• REALLY GREAT OF "SCIIOOL-BIJY ..:~!~i?:i~i.,'.~!~?i'"'"::!:"""i" "~.*.'" ::.?""':::'.'.'.'.".'.::::::.'.'.:::::.'.',.'.;::.'......,; ...,....:~......,, '"."'"*'~i ''. .......... **'.m ........ 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' 7-14 Something to rave about! coats in the important fau laminated to foam back twill and cotton wc collar or hooded styles. ,!