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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 24, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 24, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 6 ' ',,,, I ' I Mason County stands at the threshold of a brand new era in its history with the dedication next Tuesday of the Washington Corrections Center. A new chapter in our community history is about to begin with the growth which will be stimulated by the sev- eral hundred families whose presence in the community will be due solely to the existence of the Center. In addition to the more than 200 families whose bread- winners will be directly employed at the Center, several hun- dred additional families will move here (some have alr¢ady) to fulfill accessory and service roles of various types. There is opportunity for our community to benefit greatly from their presence, not only from the addition- al economic base which their paychecks and tax pay- ments will add, but from the many talents these new neighbors will make available to the civic, cultural, ed- ucational and athletic endeavors of what has always been an active and energetic community. How willing our new friends will be to contribute their time, energies and finances to their new community will de- pend greatly on the manner in which present residents make them feel welcome and wanted. Service, fraternal and social organizations within the community have a wide-open opportunity to enhance mem- berships and enrich abilities to carry out their respective objectives. We feel confident the community, through both its clubs and its individuals, will recognize this opportunity to make new friends and will be as warm in the welcome it accords these new neighbors as it was when the last great growth chapter began nearly forty years ago with the construction of the Rainier Pulp Mill which later became Rayonier In- corporated. We know this will be so because Mason County has a long-established and continually proven reputation for being a warm and open,hearted community. So we feel we are only speaking the mind of our citi- zens when we say, through these columns, WELCOME all you new neighbors o/ the Washington Corrections Center staff, we're mighty happy to have you with us. Free Pin Inslrudion Offered Youngsters Free bowling instruction for boys and girls eligible by age to compete in the bantam and junior ]eagues will be given this Satur- day at |he Timber Bowl. For juniors (13 U~ru 18 years) the instrnelion will begin at 10:30 a.m., for bantams (9 thru 12 yrs.) Lira class starts aL 1:00 p.m. The bantm~ and junior loague~s will begin their schedules Octobei. 3, a('c(mimg Io Timber Bowl pro- prietor L. L. McInelly. Too Lal----eTo ]i'()/~. I{I~N'I" .-. One b*'droom furnished a|)arl ln(?nt,(lowlltown, lib(Ill(! 426- 3134. l] 9/24 tin ]:94 i}- P]~Tg{() {TTqT-r~G do d-i:iifi - I)(!l', IleW lllotol', lllttke off(!r. 1316 W, tt:u'vard, I'ht)ne 426-6698, C '~/e~ 10/1 L-iS:q~--::--i~iii ~V-7";Uii~5 ~ ii7i},7 - w ~i:i r i n g bhtP (!~dl;tl' with pillk rhillestollctL Oll lHilhwosl. An,~wers Lo "Candy". Ph. 426-,130& H 9/24 iig::~NeH 7:AS- rgXN(;~JT-Y~i~ /;v,,ns one oleclric with rotisserie,. Griddle. $60. ]'hone 426-3706. T 9/24 10/1 CARl) OF TIIANK~ We Wi,~h IO deeply thltllk Illl (if Ollr :['l'](!lld,q gln(] relatives for their khldnes- ,~ms, In,'ssag'es (,f sympathy and assist- lille,) ~Jv~'n us dtlFJllg t}l~ |(~8s or' o111' lml(:¢~'d dllllght(!r D_lld also for tim bl'RtllIflll fJol'ltl offOlqllgd, and dona- lions lo th(! ()rlhopedh: ho,'q)ihil ill Smtttle. W~: ,~xpr( i4,q gratitude to lhe d )oh rs and staff of the hospital for doing all they could during her illness. MI'. an(| ~I1'8. Chester Avery egai Pubiieations NOTICE OF (:ROUNI) M;A~TElt ltlGllT APPLICATION NO. 7291 STATE ()F WASttINGTON, OFlVlCI~ (iF SUPERVISOR OF WATER IRE- S( HTRCES, Olympht. TAKE NOTICE: ThRI. ,Jtlltall Beclc of F, remexton, Wa.~hJngt(m on Augu,uL 12, 1,(}64, filed ~tDpJ h:¢ttiOIl for I)el'Ylltt tO withdr~tw ]}ul)lh: gt'911ll(l watevs lhrough It well Mhmted within Governluent Lot 1 of Section 17, Towllshtp 22 N., Range 2 W. W.M., in Mason {.:(runty, in th,.' lllllOl.lllt of 10 gallons per lllinll~e, sub- .teet to existing rights (:ontinuously, (qt(:h year for 111o, ])lll't)OS(] O~ dolnestic ::upply. All3' obje(:li(ms Int~sl. be accompanied by a two (hfllar ($2.00) recording fe, e and filed with the Stale SupervL~or of Wllt¢!l- ResOlll'ceH within 'thirty (30) days from Seplenllwr '2N. 1964, Witlmss my hand and official ~tl |his 191h day of August, 196.l. M. (I. WALKER Stal(¢ Supervisor Og WaterRe- sources. 9/17-24 2t SHERIFF'S CAR WREGKED Cars driven by Sheriff Sam Cl.ark and Florence Judson were involved in a collision at Fourth and Pine about 8:30 p.m. Monday. The sheriff's car was going West on Pine Street when it was struck on the left side by the Judson ve- hicle which had not stopped at ~he ~toD sign on Fourth Street at 'Pine. T'he sheriff's car wets totally damaged and the Judson vehicle received several hundred dollars darnage. LANNY SLATER tnd THE TRIUMPHS are back again with MARY and ELMER your hostess and host SI-TELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAE-- Published in "Chrlstmastown U.S.A.", Sheldon, Washin lgI{OTIIERS-IN-LAW BUY BILL'S SIIELL SEICVICE Shelton's busy business scene underwent another change recent- ly when Rod Williams and Dick /VlcNamara, who are brothers-in, law, purchased the Shell service station at First and CoLa Street from Bill Johnson, its owner and operator for the past 10 years. McNamara, a native Washing- ton|an, has lived in Shelton since 1950, attending junior and senior high schools here until 1957, after which he served 5~ years in the Army Reserve and worked as a railroad conductor for Simpson Timber Company. He was a foot- ball and track letterman. His partner and brother-in-law came to Shelton from Colorado in 1951 and also worked for Simpson Timber as a carpenter• Both have three children, Dick, two girls and a boy, Rod three boys. Johnson is taking an extended vacation while considering which of several local business opportun- ities to .accept. Graves|de Rite For Baze Infant A graves|de service for Gerald Ivan Baze, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baze, will be held at 11 a.m. today in the Shelton Memorial Park. The baby, born September 19 in Shelton General hospital, passed away there Mon- day, September 21. Survivors besides the parents include five brothers, Steven, Michael, Larry, Joe and Marty, at the family home; two sisters, Vicky Lynn and Karen, at the family home; maternaJ grandpar- ents, Mr •and Mrs. Warren. Ban- croft, Qui]cene, and paternat grandmother, Mrs. Ethel Baze, Shelton. Belfair Resident Taken By Death The funeral service for Earle Arthur Holden of Star Route 4 Box 357, Belfair was held at 11 a.m. today in the ButLm~vorth Fa- mily Mortuary in Seattle. Crema- tion followed. Mr. Holden was 69 at his death. He was bona in Seattle and lived there until two years ago when he retired and move~l to Belfair. He was with Berliners, Inc. for 34 years, retiring as retail sales manager of their Cutlery and Gift Shop. He was a member of BeN fair Community Baptist church and University Lodge No. 141, F &AM. Survivors include his widow N[rs. Nits Holden, Belfair; a daughter, Mrs. Jack L. Baker, Se- attle; and two grandchildren. Sheriff's Office ,' John It~wk reported he was badly stung by hornets at Rest Awhile Park. :Now For Sunday for families, groups, couples or singles IN OUR UPSTAIRS BANQUET ROOM Your Choice of: SALADS . HOT DISHES- DRINKS- DESSERTS Featuring This Sunday ROAST TURKEY SPAGHETTI and MEAT BALLS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Front & Railroad SATURDAY HIGHT '64 DODGE --NEW-- 4 dr. Sedan-$2338 '61 CORVAIR 700 4 dr ......................... =995 '59 PLYMOUTH Hdtp. Sharp ........... ---$895 '58 RAMBLER Stick Shift .................... '395 '57 FORD Fairlane 500 .......................... $595 '58 PLYMOUTII Club Sedan ................ $595 '5,t OLDS 4 door ..: ................................. '345 '56 FORD 4 door Stick .............. : ......... '295 '54 PLYMOUTH 4 door ........................ s345 '50 CHRYSLER 4 door ........................ $100 9:30 to 2:00 Open 8:30 Adm. $1.25 per person On the old Olympia---Tacoma H ighway FRIDAY, OCT. 2 CARL SMITH and entertainers Come & See he 965 Dedges Friday, Free Balloons on sticks for the ,children Front & Railroad Phone 4~6-8183 Thursday, 4' :. ' , i / / : ,. . / / ........ nly .= , QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, AND EASY This Rocker / " ._ ,. ,o..ou..,,, ! ..o, ,o ,o,, i ¢3 P P l oR' . , .: . ' V i • li,,, = -- A,! nylon or neavy.outy nauganyae cov-~ ,~',~_-=tZ?-~N~ ers, all foam latex rubber-'cushions: ~~==.~ Wouldn't you like to have this handsomelystyled, quality constructed ! quality constructi, on quaranteed for 5 ~~ Rocker in your home? Well you can! And for just $9.95. But you'll have ~o=~ years Save an honest $5000 net vour ~I i~.[~'-~l~-='~ For a limited time only we are offering this Biltwell Rocker in matohing c) " ' ' = ] ~ -:--~= • , gilt ................. ~k~~2~- only $9.95 with the purchase of any Biltwel, Sleeper sofa. Dent wall:! Con1 . ~ov.'Jo rocKer ,or only ~,.,~) With the ":~,~~Y £'. and select one of these day-or-night sofas in your choioe of the smart .,eW purchase of a B|ltwell sofa sleeper ~ an • " " ~--=---'~ ? d decorator colors now available or you may special order amy color OB¢~-w cover you wish. i):i~ i:i:i::i~i ?!:i~/:;:i:~ i i~=~ ill iiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiii~!!iiil; i ili::iii iiii:i i:: %!ii~i! ?i~ii~!:i~ii 4/!:i~ ! 5 ::: t RESI:;NTI N (: R 196g . ?:.'' :, ). ~121:: "- Above the Coupe do Ville: below, the Iong~ SO NEWt. SO RIGHT! SO OBVIOUSLY CADILLAC! .,¢ The 1965 Cadillac iS the most dramatically new Cadillac in--sixte-Ni / ii T-fi - 'from chassis to rooftop and new frora st,art to stop. Its remarkable styling--elegant, majestic and impressive as never before--establishes it instantly as art all.time Cadillac great. And not only is it an inspiration to look at--it is a revelation to drive! The marvelous responS of Turbo Hydra-Mafic is now standard on all eleven models. A new concept of frame and suspension gives the c~ Incredible steadiness and levelness of ride--even under tlac severest conditions of cornering and handling. And there is qtt, quiet beyond anything you imagined possiblc in a motor cat'! Cadillac's new and more spacious interiors ,are marvelously rich and luxurious--and inc]udc such personal options as an exclusive •tilt and telescope stceri g wheel. Cadillac owner or Cadillac admirer--you owe yourself a journey at the wheel without delay. You will know at once that this is--in every way--the new Standard of thc World! SEE AND DRIVE TIlE NEW21965 CADILLAC--NOW ON DISPLAY AT YOUR AUTIIORIZED CADILLAC )EtkLI I / MELL GHEVRoLET ,GOMPANY First and Grove • Phone 4264426 • i