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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 24, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 24, 1964
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24, 1964 SHELTON---IvlASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published in ¢ Christmastown, U.8.. , Shelton, Washington PAGE 9 For ins Gla,wer The big news that the Grand Passage, dITdock in she could must have crew, Martin boarded started her of her regu- forth across her south, northwest Bet she was a she went under md Bud Glaser 7:30 p.m. on waiting Children to the main- on a a.m. to 10:30 and 4, 5, and 6 night ser- Sheriff's on stand- emer- arise. Mrs. Ann auxiliary mail cross on the get the mail mail and keep over night mainland the of time we em-y is de- of the repairs nec- the Harstine was manned nson, Mrs. Dot Glaser with coming in at Ha rstine reg- their ballots cast absen- ! tees, which are at this writing, not counted yet. The Bridge Bond issue was 76 for and six against. Cindy Waite alTived about 6 p.m. with a hot roast beef dinner for the election board and for which we are all grateful. On Sunday a week ago George and Maxine Waite entertained guests at their waterfront lot at Island Shores Estates. Honored guests were Mr. and Mrs. Win. Archer of Baltimore, Md. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. James Archer of Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tierney and Mrs. Dot Smith of Harstine. The honored guests and the host and hostess. Last Sunday Dot Smith and Jim Archer drove to Bellingham to take Kathy Archer to Westen~ Washington College of Education, where she entered as a freshman, majoring in education. Good luck, Kathy, from all your island lriends. Saturday and Sunday several Is- landers journeyed to Puyallup for the fair. Among tho~ were Na- oma and Jim Lohrer, John and Beulah Hitchcock; and son and daughter-in-law; Brud and Mar- [en; Mrs. A1 Pl-idham has entered several beautiful braided rugs but as yet we don't know if they won any prizes. HARSTINE ISLAND Grange met Friday night at the hall. Fair Harbor Grange brought the Tra- veling gavel here. Harstine will take the gavel Oct. 2 to South- side Grange. It was decided that Harstine Grange will sponsor a bowling team in the Grange league. Also the Grange will host a "Hunter's Breakfast" at the hall Oct. 11. Plans have yet to be completed. ! Sunday afternoon Islanders who are fortunate enough to have two cars began taking their extra cars over to the mainland so as to have transportation to town. Ferry tally for last week was 528, the week before was 669. Local Veterans Group Meet Three School Orga.nizations Elect Officers During The Past Week By Janet Nelson The regular sernimonthly meet- During the first week of school ing of Fred B. Wivell Post., Amer- Shelton High School students elec- ican Legion was called to m'der ted officers for three major clubs. by Commander Del Weston at 8 The Boys' Club, with advisor p.m. Sept. 15. Notices to thc members of this Chet Dombroski, elected Denny meeting, prepared and posted by Bailey president; Duane Fager- Mel Dobson, Post Adjutant, pro- gren, vice president; Jim Richards, mised reports by the boys spun- secretary, and Steve Archer, board sored to Boys State. Mel was a of control representative. bit premature--the reports will not Sandy Lewis will head the Girls' Club this year, with Patsy Wolfe sezwing as vice president, Sandy Gruver as secretary, and Pam Mc- Crumb is president; Sally'.Wolfe, i tire. The girls' advisor is Miss Margaret Baldwin. The Girls' Athletic Association elected its.officers also. Mrs. Ruth Willard is the advisor, Virginia Cumb is president; Sally Wolfe, vice president; Patty Mell, secre- tary, and treasurer, Carolyn Schwab. One checker was elected to each class. The checker takes roll for her class at.the meetings, and keeps .a record of the points each girl has earned towards her letter. These girls are Judy Rains, senior class; Cathy Olsen, junior class; and Penny Barnhard, sopho-. more cl a.~. The Boys' Club's first activity be made until next meeting, Oct. 6. Save the date. Mel says this was his first mistake in more than 20 years service as Adjutant--that he will admit to. Tile report by the Post Activi- ties Committee was very pleasing. Revenues from the "fun and games" endeavor allowed substan- tial contributions to the Legion's community welfare activities. Boys State and Junior Legion Baseball are major beneficiaries so far. Ernie Campbell, chairman of the Activities Committee, re- ported that "Fun and Games Night" daring the ensuing Legion year would commence at 8 p.m. every Wednesday, unless prior no- tice to the contrary is given, start- ing Sept. 16 and he hopes for a good attendance. Cmmander Weston reported that for this year was the sponsoring of a, dm~cc after Friday nighL;s game. The dance hegan in'maediate- ly after the game and ended a little after 12. There was live music, and quite a large crowd. ,' Smokey Says: ~oY! ;h REAL'u~ I I Carelessness ! Assembny Of God To Hear Missionary t¢ev. and Mrs. David Harrison retraining to the Shelton As- sembly of God ohm'oh for a chil- dren'$ Crusade beginning Scpl. 28 Io Oct. 2. The }tam'i~ons have just recent- ly returned from Brazil where they have hcen w()rking' with youth un- der the sponscn'ship of the Assem- blies of God in Brazil. Of special interest each night, will be puppets, Bible and flash- card stories, and group singing. I The services will begin at 7 p.m. nightly and will conclude at 8:30 P mL _ By dozen, rate or truokload As low as 400 dozen ,.,u..,,,,.. $ ¥ :,, , ert A JOHNS{ • Skokomish Valley MUSIC n¥ the ......... Phone 426-89"/4 tune ToppeRS the Post would have a membership in excess of 300 this year. First vice Commander "Joe" Rank, who came in late, won the door prize. Purely coincidental; don't adopt the practice. None of the owners of the six names drawn for the two attendance prizes was present so they were carried over to be drawn for again at next meeting. These prizes are getting~ quite large and the winners are going to be very happy with them. But you must be present at the drawing to have a chance to win. The meeting was duly adjoured and members joined the ladies the Auxiliary who served coffee and home-made cake. The next meeting is at 8 p.m. October 6 at Memorial-Hall. "69 dee Sl,ort roblem? Face? The By Mrs. Ray Krat,cha SOUTHSIDE --- Southside PTO first meeting of the new school year was held on Sept. 1.4. Exec- utive board for the year will be ~presidenb, Doris Jackson; vice- president, Virginia Mercer; secre- tary, Pearl Montgomery treasur: er, Jolene Bevis; hospitality com- mittee, Margaret Bacon and Max- ine M~ell ; program, Bai'bara Brown; Membership, Nadine Ho- vind; publicity, Louise Schmidt; ways and means, Veta Holtorf; cards and flowers; Marie Neal and ct~aplain, Marjoric Yule. New teachers for the:year were int~'oduced at the meeting': They are: Mrs. Elizabeth McLeod, see- end grade; Dave Whitener, fourth grade. For the program Miss Ruth Koenig told of her Mississippi summer project in Holly Springs, Miss. Mill Creek What Nots 4-H Club met at the Simpson home and corn- pitted tile year, the club started off with 13 members and ended door most of for the 4e6-2o57 the year with 12. Rita Swearinger is going to Yakima to be in tlm clothing judging. Achievement night is Sept. 26 from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the Evergreen school and all 4-H clubs will participate. Mrs. Ben Drake, leader of the Mill Creek What Nots is going to Yakima Sept. 29, Mrs. Drake is in charge of the demonstrations and will arrive home Sunday. SOUTH SIDE Homemakers Club members met on Sept. 15 at Mrs. Rex Hendrick's. Club ntcmbers made plans to attend the field trip to Tacoma on Sept. 22, which is sponsored by the Mason County Homemakers. Places they plan to attend arc Superior Biscuit Co., Upholstery factory and Nalleys products factory. Club members will h~ve hmch at Stove's Gay 90's. Plans were made to have two meetings ~t month, one to be for business and the other :t project meeting. Violct LaFond is a new member of the group. Welcome, Violet. The meeting was conducted by vice president Shirley Stites. Refreshments were served by Jane Hendricks. Don't forget the project meeting at Violet LaFond's Sept. 29, and bring all yotlr ideas for ChriStmas open house. The next meeting will be held at Shir- ley Stites'. LIVE WIRES 4-H club mem- bers met Sept. 17 at the South- side school. Club membms talked about ways to raise money and also talked about glass frames and anyone having old eye glass- frames contact 426-6728. Carolyn Brewer gave a demonstration on. how to make a dart in Clothing and how to take care of a cow. Patty Jo Moll gave a demonstra- tion on how to arrange bedroom furniture and Barbara Cook gave a demonstration on clothes for you. Club members decided on their projects for thc new year. The next meeting will be Oct. 1 at the Southside School. KEEP ItSHInGTOn * ~F -)'' It*s longer, lower, ~dJer--wlth coml'orts thaCll have many an expensive car wondering why it didn't think of lhem first. :Miorc shoulder room, mo~c leg room up froat. Curved side ~'iadow~, mx ere*s all marie C eveTte /hnerlca's most lmpular ncw-size(l car--plus some new surprises. Like those cleaner, hohlcr lines. I,ikc tlw, silky way it~ sew zido ekims over ~o choppiest reade. Like Jnstmment panel that*s a eonversaffon pieee.. In" £act, ju~st about cveryfldng's now right down to lhc road. And oven flaat'll seem newer ])eeauml the J t- mooth zid ia amoothcx than Vll power 'tlm'tql make tMnk we ole some Corvcuc's stuff--which we did. All told, five engines arc available from a Rui~te~ ~ to a ¥~ flaat c~mtm ~00 h~:ac~ el~onfI. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 4 It may be tim expensive-est looking thrift ear you've laid eyes on. But thrifty it, is. The big difference being that Chetiy 1]'s marvelous mechan- ic',d cfliciency now wears a debonair ncw look. And offers a new range of englne , induJ'mg a new 300-hp VS. You emdd get the idea that saving you money was the last thing we had in mind--if it weren't for that price sticker on the window. Special Group ItEGULAR PRIGE l liller,s First Complete Store ,ith ....... -.. ,, VALI. ES TO $1.00 WHILE THEY LAST Only Each Also MalW Other Special Prices On Many Items AT Nat rol .o.f. 7 e.liao C'orr & St, on co,,.Ve ]'row s ll Ts sport wlth an international tlalrI. q'hc hmgcr, ~ider &:sign gives all closed nmdels a luar,ltop roof, along with more shouhler au4 catra~tcc zoom..Mid to Go ~vi~ tk* racicJ: look, fl,ere% np to 180 hp avMlal,Ie in the new Co, sa ~crics, up to 140 hp in tkc Mon~ and 500 series. Also a flatter riding independent suspcnsion, mor~ zc /)ou vc tccdag aad a widcx road . taac . mrtments erve You A Subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co. 3rd & Railroad Shelbon FIRST & GROVE S PS. SHELTON t t t • 426-4426 -- I I I