September 24, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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V, .
24, 1964
SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Ch, ristmash)wn, U.S.A. ', Shelton, Washington
Once again
rightfully proud
last week's pri-
|to. than 80 per-
ered voters came
an active part
,=nt. Inspector of
was Irene Fred-
sted by judges
Clayton as
Seiners and
~1 of whom were
day'S supply of
~d Ruth Wells.
46 voters from
a strong ma-
of our $25,000
new fire truck
enlargement and
the present fire
Voters opposing
to exercise
was Don Penne-
to move back in-
28. Congratula-
for Don and his
Were wed Aug.
al Church in
where Den's
Mr. and Mrs.
their home.
Puesday morn-
argaret) Rice
Ted Linde and
down from
With the family,
tel., Mrs. Jim
little Deanna
~day night from
about the same,
Other than the
being permitted.
Is, are following
With sincere
to learn that
condition nec-
to the Brc-
last Tues-
Puget Sound
and Mrs. Mich-
three sons
Kelly drove up
spend the past
}lr "grand and
ents, Mr. and
here each
nine and a half
two 12-inch-
netted no
in Grapeview
ige of her par-
L. Gurney,
~d to the Univcr-
McCarty HM1
ag by her
ers, was
Present Liz plans
languages and
and Mur-
Rapids, Minn.
Mrs. Charles
on a vacation
from Vancou-
their acquaint-
local scenery.
first met in
~nded the U.S.
S, Md.
this weekend
[~ Mrs. Florence
Wonder after
weekend which
was centered about her grandson
and his tan]fly. With them, the
Gary H. Jones brought their four
chihhen as well as Gary's dad
Walter Jones and Gary's step sis-
ter Betty, of Peck, Ida., wire are
on a visit to ~he Jones', Gary he-
ing stationed at McChord Field.
Coming over from Tacoma to join
them for Suuday dinner were the
I1 a Palms family as well as daugh-
ter Pat.
Eighteen members of the Grape-
view V.F.D. Auxiliary met at the
fire hall last Wednesday evening
for their regt:Inr monthly meeting.
Main topic of ~nterest for the eve-
ning was the reception being
planned to celebrate the arrival
of our new fire truck. Don't forget
that the beautiful oil seascape
painted and donated by Mrs. Ada
Grigg will be given away at this
time. Contributions for it will be
accepted at the Grapeview Grocery
up until that time.
Note for the future: The Grape-
view V.F.D. Auxiliary will hold an-
other dry-cleaning project Nov.
i., so sa~;e up your cleaning and
)atronize these hard working lad-
eFiveS, of our 4-H'ers appeared at
:he Western Washington State
Fair at Puyallup Sunday to give
demonstrations of some of the
things they have lcarned in their
projects. Jerri Lee Hill partici-
pated in the dress review model-
ling the attractive three-piece out-
fit that she made while Alice
Hicks gave a demonstration on
how to make a Sunshine Salad.
A tossed green salad was Georgia
Clayton's choice. Exhibiting their
versaltility, Art Nicklaus showed
how to make a bed and Bucky
Query demonstrated how to iron
a pair of jeans. Proud leader Mrs.
Art Nicklaus chauffeured them
with a morale assist from her
cousin, Mrs. Alma Fredson, who
accompanied her.
THIS YEAR'S 4-H Achieve-
ment Night will be held from 7:30
to 9:30 p.m. in Shelton at the
Evergreen School this Saturday
The weather has msde Mrs. Joel
Bengson's sister and her husband
Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Carlson, of
Seattle, Grapeview fans. On sev-
eral occasions they have left the
city in heavy rain and havc found
the sun shining warmly here. Re-
flecting their love of our area
their eight-acre place near the
Highlands in northwest Seattle is
partly landscaped and the rest
left in the natural state with
huckleberry and dogwood plenti-
ful, much the same as around
here. They do have a view of the
Solmd but like better our view
and the proximity to the water
with no railroad to spoil the beach-
The 15th wedding aniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clayton Sr.,
was quietly celebrated Sunday by
enjoying a family dinner at the
home of their son and family, the
Walt Claytons Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Nicklaus re-
turned home last Tuesday after
having spent a week's wmation in
points southward. Accompanied by
Ernestine's mother, Mrs. Ruby
Crane of Shelton, they first went
to Las Vegas to atte~ld the wed-
ding of David Myers, a foster bro-
ther. While staving at the home
of Dave's brotI~er, Bob, Art and
Ernie were able to get a few
glimpses of that famed city's night
life. Among the many wcll-known
] Lawns, rockeries, trees
I hrubs
I , Top soil, tilling, leveling
J , Free estimates
I Herbert Baze " 426-4718
Sand, Gravel
Top Soil
| Peat Soil
! Custom Tractor Work
| Johns Creek Sand & Gravel
[ 426-3552 Norm Anderson.,
Sewing Machine
[ Sales, Service Rental
I New and Used
Free Pickup & Delivery
| Singer Sewmg Center .
| 117 5th Ave. East - Olympia
Ph. 357-7586 ,,
Ph. 426-8231
Ph. 426-3327
Tire Service
New OK Tires
Mt. View Ph. 426-4832
WOrk ! Air - Rail - Steamship
| Bu - Hotels - Tours
Ind| I No Extra Charge For
I Our Service
IJRN Angle Travel Res. Center
401 Railroad Ave 426-8272
hone 426.’412 I 420-4134
--------TV Service
~0r~, p I . Radio - 'IV
eatin ', umps I Phonographs
a~e ' I CB 2-way raulo
L Cl'RIc co.122'f" View Ph. 426-3172
Pit. 426-6283
Heating i
I . Safety check I
[ Clean-up I
I Minor & major repairs.I
I Sales & Service I
1514 EIIInor ' 426"467H
personalities of tile entertainnlellt
world appearing tllere, they s~w
Eddie Fisher, Louie Primo and
the Mary Kay Trio. Taking leave
of all this, thcir northward jour-
ney led them through Tahoe and
Reno and they arrived honle Sept.
WlllLE DAD, Monl and Grand-
ma were foot-lo(me and fancy-free,
sons Art. Kim and Kristofer staye(t
ill Shelton with friends and Mrs.
Nornla Olson nlOSt cooperatively
chauffeured Art and Kim back
and forth to school. What a won-
derful world !
And speaking of s(:hool, tile 10
much-needed new desks finally r-
rived at the Grapeview School and
were promptly put into service
Monday morning.
Our Fire Colnnfissioners wish to
Ihanlr. otn' votm s for fheir fine
turnout and overwhehning snpport
of the Fire District Bond Issue.
Tiley met Monday evening with
the V.F.D. building committee to
further pl'm toward the proposed
addilion 1o tile fire h:tll an(t now
expect delivery of ()Ill' III!\V fire
truck about Oct. 1.
Fire Sclu)ol will atsin bc held
Tuesday night :it 7 p.m., Set)l. 29,
at [he Gral)evie\v Fire Hail. All
Vo]llnteer fircnlen and ally others
who al'=~ interested are urged to
St. Challes Winery hegan its
1964 proeessiug with the arrival
of grapes fronl the Yakima Valley
last Friday while the date of our
local grape harvest is estimated
to still be several \reeks hway.
ilOWli;VER, WE know that
grape harvesting season must be
upon us because Joim McGlotillin
has once again retnrned to onr
commnnity and the St. Charles
Winery! ,lohn, with failiffut wife
l~lnma, left their home, Sihmm
SI)rings, Ark, Sepl. 5 and, on tileir
way westward, fotlnd tinle to nlake
brief visits to some of Emma's
relatives in Tulya, Oldahoma, as
well as with some of John's rcla-:
tires ill AlwL In CMdwell, Ida.,
they spent an overnigizt with
John's sister-in-law and faintly,
the Cloyd Sersains. On their way
through Pendleton, Ore., they saw
a preview of the 1964 'Roundup
wilich is to start Sept.. 19. After
this pleasant trip the McGlothlins
arrived here Sept. 11, this begin-
ning his 3(ith year of being a part-
time Grapeviewile.
We ale sorry to Ileal' lhal Car)
Izeti is cmlfined lo the tlarrison
Mem())'ial Hospital ill Bremerton
for a Iew days. \Ve certainly wish
this good neighbor "t speedy and
eonlplel e rec~)very.
Two enrloads of I,"lir l-larhor
Grange menlbcrs delivered the tra-
velling gavel to Harstine Gangc
Sept. 18, where they enjoyed an
inleresting and nnllsual p]'ograrn.
Put lhis note on yell, social
calendar for Oct. 10, just three
weeks away! The Grapcview
School Mothers' Chlb is sponsor-
ing Game Nigt~i witi] fun for all
the family. There \rill also he a
heals-made Kandy sale, l,~onfec-
tions from trhe Kitchens of Kluh
6% On Reducing Balances.No Commission
Mason Counly Savings & Loan Associalion
Fresh Washington Grown
n sticks
fr0rr~ Tradewell
If .You did not receive
free cOUpon book in
mail, ask at check.
Stands for One.
Beautiful Courier and
Ires Pattern.
Plus Food Savings in
Coupon Book.
NECKS &. BACKS lb. 10’ WINGS lb. 25’
Fresh Boneless
PORK STEAKS Blade Cut ...................................... lb. 49’
:RIB STEAKS u.s.c.o,oo eo, ................................. ,b. 89’
SLICED BACON Rath's ................ .............................. 59’
Boneless -
Butt Cut ................................ ,b. 59’
Tra0eweH Sliced - 6 oz.
Clancy's Veal or - 2 oz. Size Vacuum Pkg. 5 Varietms
BEEF STEAKS ............. :.. 10/$1 LUNCH MEATS ............... 4/$1
County Fair
Ill II III l , i l I I I I I I l l Ill I I i l
. ! Gin.
lb. |
Tin l
Del Monte Golden Whole Kernel or Del Monte
I .......... q BUs, I~ ~'4.
Dcl Monte Early Pine- -- , ..4i
e |RIIEN PE IS " ,rl K ' ,o oz ,, v
] ] Del Monte
......... TinsI Imll Ilk ,4 Tins I
Del Monte Cut Monte Stewed
GIIEE'NBEAIIS 5 ,. n ’ ,, . . i,
(~ oo, .oo.o ~...,o .. ..... I !
BEETS .................................... 8 oz. Tins 6/39’
0o, Mo.*o.o.~ II r01!'' '
DILL SPEARS ................ 12 OZ. Tins 2/59’ 301;
Del Monte Yellow Cling - Halves or Sliced I )
PEACHES .................................... 303 Tins 5/$1
Del Monte Pine-Apricot or Pine- Tins
~ PEAR DRINK .................... 29 oz. Tins 3/$1 Red Ripe I " ,.
Del Monte Pine- III
ORANGE DRINK ............ 46 oz, Tins 2/85’ ' (Tube,) l
Del Monte Whole
Del Monte Italian Style Green
BEANS ......................................... 303 Tins 4/$1 Tubes
Del M,onte 3 '
ZUCCHINI ................................ 03 Tins 2/49’
Flame Red ....... .i, ..... "
Tradewell - 3 Bag Box
Prices effectivc thru Sat., Sept. 26, 1964. Limit Rights Reserved. ~~ lllA 'OZ.
t Equal opportunity employer. .~.i:::~:,:g~;i:!}~?:':::~t2~,=
Mix'm or Match'm
; Rutabagas - TUl'llips -
Ca'l'r°ts" l'arsnil's Oili0
! ,bs 29.’
Blue Mountain 1007~, Chicken , Snow Mist
DOG FOOD ........ 16 OZ. Tins 6/$1 Po~vd/ipaR:::~ Floral Print CHUNK TUNA .... No. ~; Tins 3/85’
(5’ off labcl)
CALGON .................. 2~/2 Tin 69’
MJB - (30’ off label)
INSTANT COFFEE 10 oz. Jar $1.59
(10’ off label)
KEN L- TREATS ..... 24 oz. Size 33’
NBC Oreo or Baronet
Creme Sandwich ........ 11 ,~z. Size 39’
Bla z, "-----
Crescent 5 OZ.
.e~ /~Vp~I Handi-Pac pkg. 39
Gcrber's Strained 4~ 2 oz.
BaSy Food .......... 10 ars 9'9’
SYRUP .................... 22 oz. Jar 35’
INSTANT MILK .... 14 Qt, Size 89’
INSTANT MiLK ........ 8 Qt. Size 69’
Choice of Flavors
SEGO LIQUID .... 10 oz. Sizes 3/85’
BATHROOM TISSUE .............. 3/$1
Powdcr Room Floral Print
FACIAL TISSUE 400 ct, Pkgs. 3/$1
GELATINE ........... 3 oz. Pkgs. 6/59’
Ken L Ration
DOG FOOD ........ 15~2 ozo Tins 6/$1
Ken L Ration
PET STEW ........ 15~/z oz. Tins 3/39’
3 lb.
Ccllo Bag -
Boiler ................... Ea.
NBC Lorna Doone
COOKIES ........ 10~,,~ oz. Sizc 39’
Ajax Heavy Duty Laundry
DETERGENT .............. Gt. Size 85’
CLEANSER ......... ,. 14 oz. Sizes 2/35’
Liquid Cleanser . ......... 28 oz. Size 73’
Ajax Floor & Wall
CLEANER ................ 16 oz. Size 31’