September 24, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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24 1964
Junior Fail',
by thc Ever-
for the North
pupils was held
the chairman
and distri-
Child on which
choice of seed
and veg-
en then are giv-
choice witn
as to planting
products. The
the second
]eptember and
d judge. Blue
yea r bV
Criss, ana
Icurubcrs; IRon
Joan Siagle
Cindy Raines,
and Con-
Cook and
lpkins; Todd
for room with
by Mr. Vet-
were 79
of Brem-
The Fair
the children
and were
Punch from a
an ar-
by mem-
3how this year
chairman and
ars. On Thurs-
and arrange
at the Puget
in Bremer-
to last week's
by Kathie
~es and Doug
the 4-H Chuck
the Kitsap
ribbon winners
¢ blues with
Plus 3 blue and
raft and 2 blue
;, Yankee, plus
white in sew-
took 2 blue and
horse, Stormy.
tool{ 2 red anct
horse, Smokey.
Gipsy took 4
Johnson won 1
eathercraft and
6 red and 2
ldging ribbons
Collier, Doug
and Sharon
Kathie Riedle
tdy Johnson
Linda Great-
Connie Sid-
Club leader
with Mrs
leader in
~TALLED offi-
High BYF
Marsha Tip-
vice pres.,
Peggy Calloway, secy., and Vickt
Barber, treasurer. The State BYI,'
will sponsor a Prc-Mililary Semi-
nar Sept.~ 25, 26, and 27 to help
High School boys face their mili-
tary obligations as Christians. The
Seminar will be held st PSNS in
Bremerton with Chaplin Peter
Bakken "is one of tile leaders. Res-
erwttions for the Seminar may be
made by contacting the Rev. Well-
dell Harder.
The Guild Girls of the Comnmni-
ty Church will host a Tea Sept.
27 to which all girls of the Com-
munity and their mothers arc in-
vited. The Guild is for any school
ffirl 12 years old and older. Sept.
27, will be Rally and Promotion
Day in the Sunday School. Bibles
will be awarded those graduating
from the third gTade. The Fire-
side Circle will meet Sept. 28 at
7:30 p.m. at the South Shore home
of Mrs. Dorothy Stokes. Mrs.
Izetta Dean will hold a Greeting
Card and Gift Sale Oct. 1, from
9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. in her South
Shore home located about 1.,./, mile
from the Y. The Senior BYF will
have a swimming party Sept. 26
at the Pool Noutare from 9 to 12!
p.m. to which they have invited the~
BYF group of the East Bremerton
Baptist Community Chm'ch.
Sept. 26, from 3 to 8 p.m., the
Beachcomber Garden Club will
sponsor its annnal Pancake Dinner
to raise funds for a Scholarship
which is given to a North Mason
Graduating Senior. The dinner wil
be held at the Community Church,
with donations of $1 for adults ant
65¢ for children.
AN IMPORTANT meeting ot
the Belfair Businessmmfs Associ-
ation has been set for Wednesday
evening, 8 p.m. at the Belfair
Fire Hall, Sept. 30 to which all
Belfair, Bear Creek, North ana
South Shore Businessmen are in-
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Butts ot
Seattl (Bonnie Matson) announced
__ V7n'?,et,?rt,etn?r,?, rr.g.A " hdton, Wa hin on -
fiI LTON--MA,q0N COUNTV ,lOlTRNATJ Pld)li hed in r: . . ,
Ily Mabel liidd
I)AYT()N' The l~ryan Ilqrts
of Calgary. CamLda, h>ft Tuesday
ln()rning for their home after be-
ing houscgue.~ts of Mrs. A. E. Lem-
ke. Tlw group had spent the week-
end in Yakima qnd altcndcd lhe
Puyallup Fair' Monday.
A |'eccnt ,)vernight ouest of Mr.
and Mrs. Jnmes Hickson and girls
was Miss l,'rances Tobia of A1-
Mrs. Gertrude Scott att.cnded
the candlelight cercmony Satur-
day night when Miss Candis Avey
and Stanley J,)hnson of Hoodsport
were wed ill the Seventh Day Ad-
ventist chlu ch,
Dorothy Moore hosted lhe Lad-
ies' Chlb which met Wednesday of
last week. Tile next meeting will
be Sept. 29 with Becky Jacobsen
an hostess.
Walt and Bill Chappell motored
to Sunnyside and Yakima over
Friday and Saturday.
Sheila Hickson modeled a dress
in tile dress revue at the Puyallup
fail" Sunday.
Sunday dinner guests in the
home of Mrs. A. E. Lemke were
Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Stornes of Se-
attle, the Cecil MeLain family of
Kent, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth WoN
den, Mrs. Bill Wolden and Shawn
and Bonnie Kelly of Shelton.
Joe Brown, Jr. attended the Pu-
yallup fail' on Saturday and was
one of the Senior Livestock Judg-
ing team. Chuck Brown was on
the Junior Garden Judging team.
Barbara Brown did a demonstra-
on "How to make jelly".
aonstrations on Sunday, one
on child care and she showed how
to make a blouse.
Rocky Howard, whose 4-H pro-
ject is Swine, demonstrated Sun-
day how to build a good type hog
the birth of a daughter, Kimber-Chuck and Frank Brown are
ly Joy, Sept. 3. Jackie Matson is starting the 4-H new year off with
especially happy to welcome his a couple of Herefords. Chuck has
niece, as Sept. 3 is also his birth- a heifer, Hazel and Frank a steer
day. named Homer, for their beef ,,pro-
Crestview 5-2000 is the new tele- ject.
phone number in tile Belfair Area Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hulbert me-
for the Fire Dept. and Ambulance. tored to Federal Way Saturday to
For those people who would like to visit daughter, Donna.
register in order to vote in No- Mrs. Thelm.a Howard was week-
vember, registration books will be
located at the Allyn Grocery, Hap-
py Hollow, The Clothes Line, Becks
Shell Service Station, the Lewis
residence in Grapeview, the Miles
Staley residence in Tahuya and
the Watemvheel Grocery at Union
Kings To Provide
Scientist Text
Y~ncldents from the lives of the
prophets Elijah and Elisha (I and
II Kings) will be featured in the
Bible Lesson on "Reality" to be
read at Christian Science church-
es throughout the world on Sun-
Readings from "Science and
Health with Key to tide Scriptures"
by Mary Baker Eddy will include
these lines: "The fading forms of
matter, the mortal body and ma-
terial earth, are the fleeting con-
cepts of the human mind. They
have their day before the perman-
ent facts and their perfection in
Spirit appear . . . Mortals must
look beyond fading, finite forms,
if they would gain the true sense
of things" (pp. 263-264).
end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle
Howard and boys.
Tile James Einarsson family en-
,erl Sunday at Westport where
the children had a great time skin
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Hulbert
altended a reception ill Tumwater
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Lozier honoring Mr. and Mrs. Dou-
glas Lozier who were recently wed.
8 \
: 9 ..
Little Things
I cou : , !} •
, o . • • . " .
A e Sol v t ns are alwa s socially correct m every acts,l,
"nt in itat'o y " . . . "
u w our friends as marks ou
as ill be proud to send them, to y y
a person of extreme good taste. , _ _ _
t.,,A price and a style for every bride-to-be; Item $14.95. for 100
,ta U I :noteS on the weomn no
t ra P. Reception or At Home foe g--
' . charge. '
,. *-et our Society Editor have all the details about your wed-
*tag plans.
By Joaml Tul,iwr
Tuesday afternooll 40 nlel) Of tile
554th Engine(w Coral)any ( float
bridge) of Fol't Lewis, c, bnllnlln,lcd
by Lt. Ha.rvey Minsky, picnicked
at the Bcsort. Their outfit was
on a trial run before a It) Yak-
inla for lllanollVCl'S.
The trial trip was fl COllVOy of
25 vehicles inchlding one set of 60
ton floating bridge and tyro
of light tactical rsfts. ()11 lheir
maneuvers to Yakimn tht~y will
have a convoy containing 50 l.imes
as nluch equipment.
Last Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs.
T. A. Tibbetts and family of 1lay-
ton Oalled on the Alhm Hicltsons
to help celebrate the birthdays of
Bill and John Hiekson. CaRe and
ice cream were served. Satur(lay
afternoon the boys enjoyed celt..
brating their birthdays again wilh
an Indian party phumed by their
mother. Enjoying the party were:
Tim, Lori and Lance Trimble, 'and
Bruce Haddock, all of Matlock;
Randy Reeve, Ray Henry, of tile
lake; and Snzy, Chris and Charles
Hickson, the boys' brothers and
Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Reeve last ,Sunday were Edward
Clancy and children of Olympia.
Last Thursday Mrs. Everett Sel-
lers was dinner guest at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Hector Barbour.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Donaldson and
grandson of Shelton visited the
Barbours last Sunday.
Visiting Mr, and Mrs. Archie
Kelley last Sunday were Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Johnson of Deckerville.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McClanahan
of Shelton visited Mr..and Mrs.
Frank Cooper last Tuesday. They
enjoyed a dinner celebrating Mrs.
Cooper's birthday.
Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Amel
Tveit last Saturday evening were
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Evers and
children of Shelton.
Ft. Lewis
Spending a fc;v days ",\'iltl Mr.
and Mrs. l{~,(~ l~h:ml