September 24, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 24, 1964 |
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24, 1964
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Pnbli, hed in "'Chri t a. fn?m?. U.g.A.". ,qhMtnn. W,, l inm nn
Music by
King Trio
accompanied b3
The choice of a big-game out-
filter to lead and guidc you in
(and out of) lhat anticipated lnmL
of a lifetime can bc a lllonunlell-
tal decision.
"A good outfiLLer is many
th ngs," points out John .lobson,
Can]ping Editor (K Sports Afield
]Vi~agazine. First~. and foremost,
he .is a good self-taught execu-
tive, organizer and handler of men.
Usually he is blessed with Ior ad-
opts) a kind of net, tral personal-
ity. He is a good listener (very
important) yet he is always ready
with a wise and logical reply. Hc
is a shrewd judge of people, yet
he hides his feelings. He must be
at once adept at such assorted
professions as those of nurse, chef,
veterinarian, gunsndth, bartender,
father confessor, mediator, humor-
ist, harness maker, astronomer,
cartographer, navigator and wild-
erness expert-- to the point of
being a walking encyclopedia.
HIS APPARENT function is to
locate prime game trophies and
put the client within shooting
range. To do this, he must move
what amounts to a settlement ov-
er some of the toughest terrain
imaginable, maintain hm schedule
and do it all in spite of weather.
:His clients must arrive back at
!the railhead or airport sound of
wind and limb, well fed, full of
the dickens and "all'early ,planning
next year's t)ack trip.
'the Fish and Game DeparLmenL
(known by wtrious tilles, but this
will u.~¢ua.lly reach the right party)
in the capital city of ally state,
iprovinee or Lerritory will fm'nish
you the names and a(ldresses of
its licensed out-fitI ers/guides.
WRITE TliOSE of your choice,
and eheck their references. Al-
ways ask for a bank reference
and follow through on it. Weigh
and consider the replies from the
outfitters' references. Then make
your choice, and hope for the best
--remembering that any big-game
hunt is a bit of a gamble.
Beware of any outfitter who
writes and promises too much. If
he guarantees that you will get
any certain trophy---cspecially of
the rarcr type, such as grizzly or
sheep-- -be suspicious.
A pack trip into glorious wild-
erness county is among the most
rewarding of life's events, ranking
in import with birth, graduation
and your wertding day. If you
have a suitable outfitter.
Sweet are the uses of adversity;
Which, like the toad, ugly and ven-
omous, Wears yet a precious jewel
in his head. - Win. Shakespeare
(Belvedere 1 4-Dr. Sed.)
Thurs., Fri. & Sat.
open 'til 9 p.m. Thurs. & Fri.
Coffee & Donuts
INO., 707 So. First
Has 2 speeds plus
Soak cycle at a
• Special care for regulars--dell.
cates, Wash & Wears, too.
• Even soaks automatically.
• New Jet-Away lint removal. Needs
no lint trap!
* New Jet spin leaves clothes extra
dry--saves drying time.
• Clothes come out loose and easy
...even apron strings seldom
Deep I
agitator moves up and . .,.,. ....
down'jet currents help ] |
remove heaviest s0ill i
• % ....... :";,