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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 24, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 24, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ili~ Sun dial Oouncil A! Me :: B o et Saturda' y IR] tri v t ,nn 0e r F ~ J~ ff I , ~1~ lip~ ~1 ~ 41~ O..=.~.,,Mk..-- IWA.~&|,**u Hosts for Otis _Saturday {fight's * , ' ..... ,: Daug'hteI'.S the lte'w gllardiltn coun- ."" . ' ,, ~ ~ "" g SGOET MEETIHGS BEGIN WITH ell wrm installed. Mrs, Ja, cl¢ Powell will begin at 8:o0 p.m. followed by ................ is guardian; George Howard, as- a potiuck supper a£ 11:30 p.m. F-. .,y 4." ~z ~k y#. ANNUAL HEED FOR AD LT ,LEADERS >, : i )i/¸ THE ANNUAL NEED for Girl Scout leaders was brought out at the first leaders' meetipg held last Thursday morning in the Girl Scout Little House in Kneeland Park. Discussing the situation in the above Journal photo are leaders IVIrs. Arden Pierce, Mrs. Sel VanderWegen and Mrs. Paul Steensen. Each year the number of girls interested in the program Increases causing a never-ending need for more interested adults to help with {he program. In the Bordeaux school area leaders and assistants are needed for two more troops. Anyone willing to help is asked to contact Mrs. Ar- den Pierce, 426-4365. Mt. View needs leaders for two Brownie troops. To help in this area call Mrs. Neil Dethlefs at 426-2268, or Mrs. Sel VanderWegen at 426-4346. Southside has need for an assistant leader and a meeting place large enough to hold about 20 girls. Anyorte who can help is asked to call Mrs. J. H. Hoff at 426-4210. Mrs. Louis Tylzak, 426-4505 will take calls from anyon~ sociatc gtm rdian ; Miss Cheryl Bead, dir2ctor (ff lntlsic; Mrs. Rob- ert Tin'net, gtl~lrdi:lll lream.u'er; Mrs. ~31iirley Cowalh guardiaia sec- retary; Mrs. Clyde Ruddell, direc- tor of para,pi/crnalia; Mrs. Kocll, director of sociability; M'rs. Les .Joslin, !sromoter of hospitality. The cerelnolly WaS condllcted by Mrs, George Howard, A meeting was held September 15. Sharon Watters was initiated attd Jobie candy was passed out to members living on the canal. Shel- ton gi:'ls received theirs Saturday. A money making project is planned for October 3. Members will meet at 9 a.m. at the temple to pick cones and will probably re- turn about 3 p.m. i October 4 will be Jobie Sunday at the Episcopal church. A silver tea was held in Tacoma Sunday and friendship night in Ol3"mpia was Tuesday. Gild Star Parents Honored At Recent VFW Dinner Meet Gold Star Parents were honor- ed last Friday evening with a pot- luck dinner served by the Veter- ans of Foreign Wars auxiliary. Gifts and corsages were presented to each Gold Star mother present. Color slides of Hong Kong were shown by Mrs. Frank W. Bishop and Mrs. H. A. McCann and certificate was presented to Molly Taylor for lionorable mention in the VFW Auxiliary writing contest from the Dept. of Washington VFW ~uxiliary. Dept. of Washington hospital chairman to Western State hospi- tal. Lydia Lynch, presented a cer- tificate to the VFW Post and its auxiliary for their participation in their carnival. The fifth district meeting was held Saturday evening in Aber- deen with the following attending from Shelton: Mr. and :Mrs. Larry interested in helping in the Evergreen area. Brownies include girls Godwin, Mr. and Mrs. DarrellI Sparks, Merve Smith, Moritz I in the second and third grades; Junior Scouts, 4-6th grades; Ca- Schmidt,Frank Kokett, FtorenzoI det Scouts, 7-9th grades; and Senior Scouts, age 15-17. Minoza, Florence Flamtlton, JessieI ....... Cox, Sue Weaver, Fae Robinsont //i , Rachel Knelt Guild Phyllis Moore. Mrs. Godwill I was installed as fifth district con-I duetress. [ GommiBee embers Named At First Meet BPW Convention [ ~.~,:~ ~ The, Rachel Knott Orthopedic Report Given Here [ ~~~,~/~'~\'~ ~i Guild held it~ first luficheon meet- ~~ ~k~i/', ~'~ B ing last Friday'at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Hoogeveen of Ho-I quiam, district director Of Busi-] \~ \-~j~ \ ~\ k~ ~ Mrs. Roy~Kimbel with Mrs. Win. hess and Professional Women's : ......c..: .......... Club, and MrS. Frances Elerding of e-'~'~ \ ""~....~t~ \ bdl,S "afld O}ie guest, Mrs. Louise Aberdeen, assistant district diree- V~ Collins, Were in attendance., tor, were guests of the Shelton BPW Club last Wednesday at a ~'~ff~'~,~,.,'~'~ ~--~"~:~ The newly elected president, dinner held in tile Colonial House. ~k}~ / ,,~"_ Mrs. Samuel Fritz, conducted theMrs. Hoogeveen gave a full re- business meeting. Mrs. Douglas port on the SLate Convention. Grout read the minutes of the last Plans are being formulated for Art Point Wedding Invitations THE ULTIMATE IN QUALITY. Invitations that express without words that you are a person of good taste and that your "once in a life- time" event will be correct in every detail. ZOO for $14.95 and up 3rd & Cota Streets j, ,, meeting and Mrs. Baker gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Fritz appointed M r s. Charles Allison, Mrs. Les Shelver and Mrs. George Cropper as a committee to look into a suitable memorial honoring Mis.~ Rachel Knott who passed away in Tacoma June 10 at the age of 88 after a wonderful life of service to (~thers. The following Committees were announced by the president: Ways and means, Mrs. Richard Brewer, chairman, Mrs. Cliarles Allison and Mrs. Dorothy Jessup; n~embership, Mrs. Kenneth Frank, chairman, Mrs. Harold Nichols and :Mrs. David Harris; publicity, Mrs. George Cropper; " penny drive, Mrs. Grover Brewster; calendars, Mrs. Pearl Dutcher; hostesses, Mrs. Louis Van Arsdale. The hostesses were thanked by Mrs. Fritz for a delicious luncheon. the Heart Forum which is .spon- sored annually by the Shelton BPW Club. It will be held October 21 in the PUD auditorium. The subject to be covered this year will be "RheumaUc Fever". More information will be published at a later date. ROYAL NEIGHBORS PLAN MORNING MEETl~G Royal Neighbors of America wll: meet at 10 a.m. Monday in the Memorial H~all. The meeting will be followed by a potluck luncheon. Members are asked to bring either a hot dish, salad, rolls or dessert. The door prize will be furnished by Mrs. Johnson. All members are invited to attend. Adversity is the diamond dust Heaven polishes its jewels witl~. --Robt. Leighton For Your Home ,--- Economical, Practical For only,a few cer~ts a night you can light ,up yot~r front yard and driseway, 'yBu Can install a m0dern efftciefit light near your House or garage, you .can banish the darknes~ around ~our patio or recreational area. Here's What You Get: * An efficient and modern lighting lUml- naire designed for al outdoor areas. v~ahze YO~Jr~ nottt¢ w~tn (~ne or mo~ of these modern, efficient lights. Think o the ~any, advantages you will enl0y am the peace of mind you realize if yore property is effectively Illuminated aftra dark. * A built-in photoelectric cell which turns on the light as darkness approaches an0 turns It off next morning aut0maticall~,. " All brackets and hardware necessary for complete installation. * All electric power used during the oper- ation of the light. * Free maintenance and replacement ot burned out bulbs. The Low Cost Will Surprise You -- Get Details Today From JACK COLE TOM WEBB ED TAYLOR JERRY SAMPLES President Vice President SecreLa,:y Maria gel' LIVE BETTER ELEGTRIGALLY Bemlie Berncts, m of Olympia will !~e the caller. Square dance lessons aL Bord- eaux school ,.vil! continue with the next tWO ]'~'Ion(lay nights still opel) to registratiotL The lessons begin a.L 8 p.m. and last until 10 p.m. Anyone inLercsted in learning the baMes of sqtmle dancing is in- vited to attend. Mt. View FTA Meefi .g Scheduled Nexi IWenday Mr. View Elementary PTA will meet at 8 p.m. Monday iu the multi-purpose room. The flag sa- lute will be 'led by Mrs: Lyle Cole- man's Cub Scout Troop 3 Den 3 Pack 110. Invocation will be by Rev. Mason Younghmd. There will be a short business meeting when teachers will be in- troduced after which 'all will go to their respective rooms for open house of individual classes. Refreshments will be served by the executive board Members are urged to attend and support their PTA DPW MEETS NEXT WEEK Daughters of the Pioneers ot Washington will meet next Thurs- day at 2 p.m. at the home of Isa- bella Cole on Pickering Pass. MR. AND MRS. GLEN C. PARR announce the engagement of thsir daughter, Taralea, to Roy Sqhroeder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Schr'oeder. All are of Shelton. Miss Parr, formerly of .Kalispell, Montana, is attending Shelton High school. She has lived here the past six years. Her fiance attended Southside Ele- mentary school and graduated from Shelton High ~school in 1962. He now works for tile Cyclone Fence Co. in Seattle. A June wedding is being planned. WINNERS FOR MONDAY NIGIIT'S BI{II)GE CLUI~ Winners in Monday night's phty for the Shelton Bridge Club were: North-south. Bill Lueke and Bob Eliot Gordon Bennett and Bob Quimby, Jim Fletcher and Shirley Byrne. East-west winners were R. Per- ry and Lue Stewart ~Olympia~, ~tell.a Hillier and Ett.a Rector. Ann Correa and Katherine VanArs(hlle. I{EGUI.AR MEETING AND I)INNEi{ FON REI}EKAltS The reKuhu' meeting of the Ruby Rebekall Lodw_' will be held at 8 p.m this Friday in Lhe iOOF hall The birthday dinner for all Re- bekahs and Odd Fellows and their fanlilics will be held at 1 this Sunday in the IOOF hall Dinner will be a potluck with the )neat furnished by the lodge. 4 ½ X I gh f " enc ng SereenDoors • Sto =,w HILLCREST IS d \ / tl 1 as ~hrough its pipelines, ~E1 Paso ~latural pro~Ldas ~holesala natural gas ssl-v!ee. In ~/skLr~ton rstai~ &aa dJ~trLbutton companies are Cascade Nat~al (]as Corporation, Columbia Cal Company~ Northessb l(atural Gas Com~an~ ~/ash~ngton ~IaturaZ Gas Comlnm~ and ~he ~uht~ton Watel" l:'o~ez- Coml~, /i :?;!