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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 24, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 24, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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2#, 1964 ~- This is a view of a typical cell block in the min- .Section of the Corrections Center. The total number trite maximum security section is 240. Each cell cells, 10 on the lower level, and 10 on the upper be housed one man ta a cell, in this section, for five to six weeks, while undergoing Classification he may remain at the Corrections Center for i¸/ r WA,qIIINCTON COI RECTION CENTEA% ZUPPLEMENT TO Z;IELTON--MAgON COUNVI , 501 P NAE Page E : ::i:i i: training, or he may be sent to one of the other institutions within the state penal system. Across the corric~or from the one-man ceils, behind the guard rail, is a steel reinforced panel of pullet-pro0f glass. Beyond the glass is the waffle-like, reinforced concrete, pan- eling.which forms the unique design seen by the passer-by from outside the building. ONS County 1694 Wash. of the Wars Post Oct. 16, was the Veterans t' No. 1694 en- of to se- Diagnos'Ac for the Comm.nder , Adjutant 21, 1959 '~ssion at a of the of Shel- was vote: be built by Institutions ngton was pre- eeting of the' of unanimously institu- the sent of Institutions and shall therefore be a credit to the com- munity in which such an institu- tion is established; that the cornmunlty chosen shall receive the additional benefit of a stab- ilizing effect upon its economy; that the community chosen should provide excellent living conditions and that Shalton is such a community, NOW THEREFORE; "BE IT RESOLVED on this 21st day of October, 1959, that the Shelton Retail Credit Associa- tion fully endorses the Shelton Chamber of Commerce in its ef- forts to interest the Department of Institutions in choosing a site within the Shelton area for the establishment there of the re- habilitation and diagnostic cen- tel;, and the Secretary is instruc- ted to transmit this re.~lution to the Shelton Chamber of Com- metre." ' Very trtfly yours, .Retail Credit Association of Shelton R. R. Bouliere, See'y. October 21, 1959 The Democratic Central Corn- mlttee of Mason County ' goes on record in favor of the establish- ment of the proposed corrective institution in the Shelton grea. Harry Elmlund, Chairman Democratic Central Comm. , Shelton, Washington October 21, 1959 Dr. Garrett Heyns Dept. of Institutions, Olympia, Washington Dear Sir: Regarding the placement of a diagnostic and rehabilitation cen- ter in the area near Sl~elton, the Shelton Business and Professional Women's Club wish to express their willingness to have the cen- ter located in this area. Your very truly, Shelton Business and Pro- fesslonal Women's Club Mrs. Pearl Gaffney, Pres. Agatha Morrissey, Sec'y. CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS.. October 21, 1959 Chamber of Commerce Shelton, Washington Gent' - men: After discussing the advisability of a diagnostic and rehabilitation center being brought to Shelton, the board of the Shelton-N[ason County Zonta Club adopted the fol- lowing resolution: Be is resolved that we give our wholehearted support to the Shelton Chamber of Commerce ifl their efforts to secure a diag- nostic and rehabilitation center for the community. Shelton-Mason County Zonta Club Signed: Audrey Preppernau President Mr. Joe Alderson October 17, 1959 Asst. to the Governor ' Washington State Capitol Olympia, Washington Dear Sir: reement a very definite need ex- ists for such an institution as the proposed Diagnostic and Reha- bilitation Center and. this Union feels it would be greatly advan- tageous to this community and to the State to locate this institu- tion in the Shelton area. Therefol~, we strongly rage that this Center be constructed in the Shelton area. Thank you for your attention. Very truly yours, Earl E. Jagn0w Secretary, Local 3-38 Interuational Woodworkers of America. October 18, 1959 Dr. Garrett Heyns, Director Dept. of Institutions Olympia, Washington Dear Dr. Heyns: The "Mason County Democratic Club in regular meeting Thursday Oct. 15, went on record in favor of the establishment of a State Penal Institution in the Shelton are.a. In view Of the closing of the Rayonier, Inc. mill and mindful of the fact that there are no state institutions in this locality, this increase in payroll would be very beneficial to Mason County. Sincerely yours, Mason County Democratic Club Phyllis Ritner, SecT. Copy: This Local Union is in full ag- Gov. Rosellini & multi-purpose building, which is easily I hyperbolic parabol,oid roof, Is the largest build- Center. The structure covers three-and- all under one roof. Housed in this build- ,mnasium-theater, a 1,000-man capacity dining hall, kitchen, bakery, laundry, 30-day storage area and 12 vocational shops where inmates will learn the following trades; Brick and Dry Wall, Carpentry, Plumbing. Machine Shop, 6heat Metal, Paint Preparation, Body and Fender Repair, Drafting, Elec- tronics, Small Enfiine Repair, Welding and Maintenance. O ASSOCIATE SUPERINTENDENT OF CUSTODY --- Floyd E. Powell, 51, has had more than 24 years experience in the adult correctional field. Powell was formerly Supervisor of Classifi- cation and Parole at the Washington State Penitentiary at Walla Walla, having spent tw, o years at this post. Prior to that he was Warden of the Montana State Prison at Deer Lodge for 3~/2 years. I~efore entering the Montana prison system, .Powell spent more than 18 years in responsible positions in the Wisconsin prison system. Before entering prison work, Powell attended the Univer- sity ,of Wisconsin. PoweM is married, and he and his wife, Dorothy, are the parents of a daughter, 25, who is employed at Tacoma; General Hospital. The Powell's are making their home at 410 LafJrel St., Shf~lton. Lent's gas ms lmes Ifl AS GENERAL CONTRACTOR for construction of the Washington Corrections center we were privileged to have had a key role in establishing this facility. It is exceedingly rewarding to assist in the attainment of this concept of positive social rehabilitation for those less forttmate than ourselves. We congratulate Mason County for providing the site for this great new institution and join with its citizens in extending best wishes to the Department of Institutions and the staff of the Center for the successful operation of thi s bold program. MECIIANICAL DIVISION takes this opportunity to express its appreciation for this latest opportunity to assist in Mason County progress and to congratulate the people of your lively community for their alertness and aggressive- ness in bringing this great new institution to the Shelton area. 1725 PENN. AVE., BREMERTON, WASH. (