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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 24, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 24, 1970
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Rules ol conduct aimed at protecting freedom of expression and, at the same time, assuring the rights of all members of the University community and the maintenance of a peaceful atmosphere on the campus were adopted by the University of Washington Board of Regents in its meeting here Friday. The rules specifically prohibit the following types of activities on property either owned, controlled or operated by the University .for University purposes: 1 . Conduct which intentionally and substantially obstructs or disrupts teaching or freedom of movement or other lawful activities on the University Campus LOWREY ORGANS RENT or BUY on Easy Terms ules or 2. Physical abuse of any person or conduct which is intended unlawfully to threaten imminent bodily harm or to endanger the health or safety of any person on the University Campus: 3. Malicious damage to or malicious misuse of University property, or the property of any person where such properly is located on the University Campus: 4. Refusal to comply with any lawful order to leave the University Campus or any portion thereof: 5. Possession or use of firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals or other dangerous weapons or instrumentalities on the University Campus, except for authoirized University purposes; unless prior written approval has been obtained from the Vice President for Student Affairs; or any other person designated by the President of the University; 6. Intentionally inciting others to engage immediately in any of the conduct prohibited herein, which incitement leads directly to such conduct. (Inciting is that advocasy which prepares the group addressed for imminent action and steals it to the conduct en rule, President Charles E. Odegaard said: "It is obvious that the vast majority of students and others on the campus do not need the guidance of such rules and hence can hardly be said to be directly affected by them. ttowever, it should be clear to others who may be inclined to engage in such activities that there are sanctions, both in the University's disciplinary regulations and in the criminal law, that can and will be applied to this kind of conduct." President Odegaard also observed that most of the prohibitions contained in the revised rules have been implicit in earlier University regulations. "In the light of recent experiences here and elsewhere," he said, "it is increasingly apparent that colleges and universities must be very specific about the kinds of conduct that will and will not be tolerated." The revised rules of conduct also codify and more carefully define the authority granted in 1968 to the President of the University and his designated representatives to impose interim suspension on students and members of the faculty and staff pending formal disciplinary UC proposed last spring and were the subject of an open hearing on a preliminary draft by a sub-committee of the Board of Regents in June. The rules, as finally adopted, incorporate a number of changes suggested in written and oral comments by students, faculty and staff as well as most of the suggestions made by the Student-Faculty Joint Council on Student Conduct and Activities. Mr. George V. Powell, President of the Board of Regents, said that the Board will continue to welcome suggestions for further improvement of the rules. For Satu The Mason County Hunt Club (Pony Club) will sponsor a horse show at the Silver Stars Arena at the Mason County Fair Grounds Sept. 26. The activities will start at 9 a.m. and include 21 equitation and game classes with a strong Meeting Officers were elected at the September 14 meeting of LANCE, held in the PUD conference room in Shelton. Mrs. A. W. Celestine, Lilliwaup, was elected president: Mrs. Carmelite Shackleford, Belfair, vice president, and Mrs. Jean Moore, Union, secretary-treasurer. Although LANCE is affiliated with the Hood Canal Environmental Council and the Washington State Environmental Council (both as a group and through individual memberships) decision was made at this meeting novice hunter, team jumping, back alley jumping, knock down and out, onion race saddling race, double barrels and gambler's choice. Hard hats will be required for all jumping classes but may be borrowed at the grounds. to continue their work as a local action council. The need for small groups alert to their area problems was stressed in the discussion. A ten-dollar annual membership fee entitles organizations to two voting delegates. Individual LANCE membership dues are two dollars, students one dollar. Meetings will be held q uarterly and will feature educational programs open to the public. Renewed efforts to secure state legislation to control pollution from the watercraft is high on the council's project list. LANCE had previously initiated such legislation and anticipates cooperation from the larger councils in proposed revision and promotion of a bill to be presented to the next legislative session. Such state control legislation is considered necessary while awaiting implementation of federal control of watercraft pollution. Mrs. Celestine explained the program and asked the council members' cooperation in the Puget South Coalition. A series of # Mt. View Alliance Church Sunday School .... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship . . 11:00 a.m. A.Y.F ............6:00 p.m. Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (Wed.) . 7:30 p.m. EAR L EVERS, Pastor Church 910 East LEWIS B. Sunday School .... Morning Worship • • C.Y.'s & Cadets • • • Evening Service : Bible Study (Wed NORTHSlDE BAPTIST CHURCH Phone 426-2488 123 W. C. St. at Olympic Hwy. Rev. Bible Study ........................ i iilii ;i;ii" Worship ........................... Tu Midweek Service .......................... J FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard ED CHAMBERLAIN, Minister Bible School ....... 9:45 a.m. Family Service • Worship . Wedne;ci;y --'Bi;ie Siu(iy an(~ i~;ayer"- ~ :30 b.111" Child Care Service Available at First Church of Christ, Scientist Johnny's Music hx 302AIderSt.,Shelton,Wash. 205 Cote 426-4302 prohibited herein.) hearings whenever there is emphasis on English equitationJumping can be with English eight half-hour documentary Sunday School ll:OOa m --Church ll.00a.m" --------------------------------- .......... ------ Commenting on the conduct reasonable cause to believe that and jumping, of saddle, bareback or saddle pad. television films on Puget Sound Wednesda evenin testi'mony meetinas "7:30 P.~" such persons have committed and The Pony Club is made up Additional information can be area problems, ranging from water Reading ro~oYm~ dealed n church Reading roomhOUn lib ,~lm, ,Op ,limb ,~, ,O, ,OD ,Oh ,~D ,~b 'I~P 'O, '~lm~ ~ O ,~D ~i~ I may reasonably be expected to a group of teen-age girls interested obtained from Jenifer Cheney at pollution to social welfare, are to 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Mon. & Fri. thereafter commitany of the in English riding. Leader of the 426-8426. be shown, starting 6:30 p.m. YOU Shouh~ Know . . . ~ prohibited acts. group is Debbie Shawver. September 27 over KING. Groups CLINT WILLOUR I Violation of the rules will Classes which will be included of from ten to 15 people will view make students and facultyand in the show are Western Pleasure, the films and discuss the problems /I sta ff members subject to 17 and under and 18 and over; hermen's rClUb&cola !~ It's better to have your II disciplinary action, including Western Equitation 13 and under The field of politics always presented in the program being F is deceased associate's stock thanv dismissal. Violations of the rules, and 14-17; hunt seat equitation; presents the same struggle. There sponsored by colleges,P.T.S., have his lawyer for a partner. I it is pointed out, may also saddle seat equitation; hacking are the Right and the Left, and in environmental and other P.U.D. AUDITORIUM--3 d I 717 Olympic Highway N°rth 0 criminalC°nstitutelaw violatiOnSand may Ofsubjectthe clasSpleasureWith andn° jumping;versatilityEngliShclass theswampmiddleis madeiS the upSWamP'of knowThe organizations. From 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. every Sunday Sunday, September 27, 1970 N/W NATIONAL t violators to criminal sanctions in during the morning session, nothings, of them who are Ph. 426-8139 Life Insur, nee for ~ I additiOnby the University.t° any sanctions imposed workingAftern°°nhunters,ClasseSponyWilljumping,include withoUtalways withideaS'the Ofmajority.them who are Bond Stiles Bible Study: Gilbert O. Skaar • ~o~o~~,~,~,,,~P,,m,,,~,~D~oo,~ The conduct rules were tandem jumping, flag .jumping, August Bebel Are Reported Speaker: TO BE ANNOUNCED ESPERANTO SAUCE SET ......... BY 1847 ROGERS BROS. O Yes, this lovely hand crafted crystal boat with full-size gravy ladle is yours absolutely free when you open a new savings account of only $250 or more, or when you add $2.50 to your present TCF account. Or, if you prefer, you may choose a beautiful Esperanto bread and butter set, or a lovely Jam 'N Jelly set. Both by 1847 Rogers Bros. and In- ternational Silver Company... of course. (P.S. You may have your choice FREE, when you transfer your ac- count, too.) THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OLYMPIA- SHELTON e LACEY • OLYMPIA • LACEY • SHELTON Home Office Branch Branch Fifth &Capitol Way 4131 Mlrket Square $111 Roilroad Avenue ; ..... ' ~ "!i .... Series E and H Savings Bonds sales in the State of Washington for the month of August confirm the continuing depressed condition of our economy with sales of $5,058,655 compared with $5,942,976 a year ago ... a 14.89 per cent decrease, Volunteer County Chairman Harry C. James announced this week. Mason County sales were $8,923 he added. Tee Late to Classify, d NEED RIDE to Centralia College, weekdays. Call 426-2014. B9/24 FOR SALE 2 bedroom home 327 East "G" St. Phone 426-8107. L9/24-10/1 FOR SALE '58 Chev. $150. Call 426-2829 after 5 p.m. $9/24-10/I 350 BSA Enduro-extras $350. 426-2829 after 5 p.m. S9/24 -10/1 FOR SALE--Four 14"x8Vz" chrome wheels or trade for four 14"x5Vz" for Chevrolet. 426-3435 after 5 p.m. W9/24-10/1 FIREWOOD, $20.00 per cord, delivered. Call 426-3000. W9/24-10/15 Smok~ S~a: Protect our forests from destructive fires: WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON'T VOTE? THAT'S RIGHT--NOTHING, Don't let nothing happen. REGISTER TO VOTE--NOW. (See your county audHor by Oct. 3.) VOTE NOVEMBER 3. (This message brought tO you by this newspaper and by VOTER IVolunteer Orcanl=mlen to Encourage Registration) St. David's Church Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington 8:00 A.M.-- Holy Communion 10:00 A.M.-- Family Service The Church is always open for meditation and prayer. i CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTER DAY Connection & 12th Sts. Phone 426.2805 Priesthood Meeting ........................... Sunday School ................................ ': Sacrament Meeting .................. " SHELTON CHURCH t fe NAZ Located in Memorial Hall, 2nd and Lowell Keens, Pastor Sunday School .......................... 1~i Morning Worship ........................ ' Evening Service ...................... Prayer Meeting, Thursday ................. Faith Lutheran ChurCh 7th and Franklin WORSHIP: 8:30and 11:00 a.rn. CHURCH SCHOOL: 9:30 a.m. Christian Worship, Fellowship, Education, 5 Kenneth Robinson, Pastor United Methodist ChurCh G and King Streets REV-HORACE H. MOUNTS, Minister Ser4vices:9:OOa m & ll:00a.rn" Church School begins at 9:30 U.M.Y. at 6:30 MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN C MISSOURI SYNOD 206 E. Wyandotte .EDWIN C Sunday, September 27, 1970 Divine Service at 10:30 Sunday School and Bible Class at 9 Theme: "THE BELIEVER'S SUf First Baptist (CONSERVATIVE) Fifth & Cote Sts. Rev. Jerry Larson, Sunday, September 27, 1970 11:00 a.m. "RUN TO WIN!" I Cor. 9:24-27 9:30 a.m. Bible School 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups 7:00 p.m. "IDENTIFIED WITH CHRIST?" (Baptismal Service) SHELTON ASSEMBLY O$ 1521 Monroe St. MaSOn Sunday School ...................... ... Morning Worship .................... .. Christ's Ambassadors .................. Evangelistic Service .................. :" Wednesday -- Family Night ............. " SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday, September 27, REVIVALTIME, Sunday, 3: Radio Ministry of the As Page 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 24, 1970