September 24, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 24, 1970 |
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on the docket in
3Unty Justice Court
Glenn Correa during
State Patrol
Altman, Nordland,
right of center line,
suspended ; James
Rt. 1, Box 70,
to signal when
,qt; Gary Cornell,
Kent, speeding,
err,] Dishon, 1022
a, speeding, $15
:zhnm, 236 Nell
to stop at
$15 forfeit; Louis
St., Bremerton,
ing, $15 forfeit;
4006 42nd
no valid operator's
$15 forfeit;
St. Rt. 1, Box
eding, $15 forfeit ;
1, Box 599,
$15 forfeit;
214 E. Pine,
brakes no valid
on person, $30
d, 1904
rton, driving on
Paul Saeger,
, Shelton failure
center line' $15
105V2 N. 21st
s, Ore., improper
$10 suspended ;
Rt 1 Box 154,
g, $15 forfeil;
th, 217
to stay right of
$15 fine, $10
Sandsten, 2212
le, speeding, $15
Altican, 1331
erdeen, speeding,
nald Stotts, 819
ttle, physical
vehicle while
$ I 25 fine, $50
)ert Allen, 5219
e, no operator's
n, defective tail
2, Box 928,
stop at stop
Peter llill,
Ore., defective
ls in jail: James
$15 forfeit:
St. Rt. I, Box
$15 fine,
ed; William
SW 143rd Pl.,
$15 forfeit;
P.O. Box 123,
$15 forfeit;
5th Ave. NE,
ng, $15 forfeit;
an, 804 N. K St.,
ag, $15 forfeit;
Rt. 3, Box 462,
Vehicle license,
Fitch, 9020 S.
)ceding, $15
Box 84,
$15 forfeit;
19 Sunnyside,
g, $15 forfeit;
4007 40th SW,
$15 forfeit;
Rt. 2, Box
$20 fine,
in Hood, St. Rt.
, no motorcycle
HOVde' 1 $030( )
28-Oct. 2
rice, warm
sad, mixed
o9 on
i rolls,
With beef
rrn buttere~J
, milk.
Mason Lake Dr., Grapeview,
speeding, $15 forfeit; Kenneth
Martig, Rt. 1, Box 619, Shelton,
speeding, $15 forfeit; Kathleen
Mills Jr., P.O. Box 149, Port
Orchard, speeding, $15 forfeit;
Thomas Moore, Rt. 3, Box 1,
Shelton, failure to stop at stop
sign, $15 forfeit; James Morrow
J r., 1703 Langridge, Olympia,
speeding, $15 forfeit; Robert
O'Neill, Brandon, speeding, $15
forfeit: Marlowe Setwyn, P.O.
Box 198, Palm Desert, Calif.,
speeding, $1 5 forfeit: John
Venus, 17144 Van Nuys, Calif.,
failure to keep right of center
line, $15 forfeit; Barbara Ward,
1 539 Shenandoah, Seattle,
speeding, $15 forfeit; Shirley
Cameron, St. Rt. 2, Box 3,
Shelton, speeding, $20forfeit;
Robert Cauley, PacificBeach,
speeding, $20 forfeit;Marion
Doering, 1944 N. Callow,
Bremerton, speeding, $15 forfeit:
John Earl, 2533 Rocky Point Rd.,
Bremerton, speeding, $20 forfeit;
Richard Roberts, P.O. Box 592,
Belfair, speeding, $15 forfeit;
Roger Smith, 12700 101 St. S.,
Tillamook, Ore., speeding, $20
forfeit : lloctabiano Enriquez,
PSNS, Brcmerton, driving without
headlights, failure to keep right of
center line, $25 forfeit.
Sheriff's Office
tlenry McCurdy, 4818 N.
27th, Tacoma, hitchhiking, $15
forfeit: Fredrick Valley, 1724
Bloomington Ave., Bremerton,
illegal consumption of
intoxicants, $50 forfeit; John
Zetty, 13225 NE 83rd, Kirkland,
speeding, $25 forfeit; Frank
Carkhuff, 118 W. Birch, Shelton,
improper lane of travel, speeding,
$30 fine; Edward Kiehn, p.o. Box
421 . Belfair, speeding, $20
forfeit: ('harles Millard, P.O. Box
235, Betfair, speeding, $15 fine;
Alvin Thompson, 8222 Avalon
l)r., Mercer Island, speeding, $20
forfeit: ()liver Dickson, St. Rt. 2,
Box 351, Bell'air, no vehicle
license, no helmet, defective
equipment, $35 forfeit; Robert
Grahn, Rt. 3, Box 411, Poulsbo,
speeding, $15 forfeit: Carmen
Harmon, P.O. Box 396, Belfair,
speeding, $25 forfeit; Herbert
tteath, St. Rt. 2, Box 242, Belfair,
speeding, $15 forfeit. Leonard
Locas, 22103 Joliet Ave.,
ltawaiian Gardens, Calif., $25
forfeit: Warwick Mathews, Rt. 1,
Box 30, Belfair, speeding, $15
forfeit; Joyce Nixon, 7320
Johnson St., Bremerton, speeding,
$15 forfeit; Dennis Reanier, 235
Bellevue, Seattle, shoplifting,
$1 O0 forfeit; Edwin Renssler,
16444 Bolsa Chica, ttuntington
Beach, Calif., speeding, $15
Game Department
Gerald Clayton, Sherwood
Beach Motel, Allyn, possession of
loaded rifle in motor vehicle,
hunting deer with aid of artificial
light, $350 fine, $100 suspended;
Donald ELLen, 1141 Perry Ave.,
Bremerton, killing or possessing
grouse in closed season, $25
forfeit ; James Bain, USS
Constellation, Bremerton,
transporting loaded rifle in motor
vehicle, hunting deer with aid of
artificial light, $350 fine, $100
suspended; Roberta Noyes, Box
51, Allyn, hunting deer with aid
of artificial light, $300 fine, $100
suspended; Ray Swanson, Box
2533 Ollala, fishing for game fish
without a license, $25 forfeit;
John Watson, P.O. Box 64, Allyn,
hunting deer with aid of artificial
light, $300 fine, $100 suspended;
Richard Brammer, Rt. t, Box
1557, Bremerton, aiding and
abetting hunting game birds
without valid hunting license, $25
forfeit; Garry Johnson, Sherwood
Beach Motel, Allyn, hunting deer
with aid of artificial light, $300
fine, $100 suspended; Greg
Keller, 2065 N. Lake Way,
Bremerton, killing harmless song
birds, $25 forfeit; John Watson,
Sherwood Creek, Allyn,
possession of loaded rifle in
motor vehicle, $150 fine; Leonard
Wallintner, St. Rt. 1, Box 319,
Belfair, fishing for game fish
without license, $25 forfeit;
Benjamin Watson, Rt. 4, Box 262,
Port Orchard, hunting deer with
aid of artificial light, $300 fine,
$100 suspended; William Tabor,
706 Franklin, Shelton, possession
of deer in closed season, $300
forfeit; Eugene Dunbar, 1729
Washington St., Shelton,
possession of buck deer in closed
season, $250 fine; Peter Kruger,
621 S. 12th, Shelton, possession
of buck deer in closed season,
$250 fine.
Municipal Department
Rodney McAfee, P.O. Box 84,
Potlatch, speeding, $35 forfeit;
William Long, Rt. 1, Box 149,
Elma, driving while intoxicated,
$125 fine, five days in jail,
suspended; George Sanders, 425
Dearborn, Shelton, petit larceny,
$200 fine; Roger Deyette, Bells
Trailer Court, disorderly conduct,
$25 forfeit: Chet Smith, Hallmark
Inn, Shelton, drunk in public, $25
forfeit; James J. Anderson, 121%
Railroad Ave., Shelton,
vandalism, five days in jail,
suspended: Gerald Brown, 600
FairmonI, Shelton, failure to use
due ca~,,~and caution, failure to
appear on written promise, $30
David Berchott, summer
cabin, $3,000; Peter Dierick,
residence, $14,000; Lake Trask
Timber Trails, restroom, $3,000;
Obie Advertising, advertising sign,
$400; Obie Advertising,
advertising sign, $400: Joe
Pasquini, recreation cabin,
$1,500; Payson-Pettit, cabin,
$6,000; Reid Realty, cabin,
Robert Bale, 21, Seattle, and
KIM JOSLIN invites you to join the Robinettes.
Come to the membership party Monday, Sept. 28th
at 4 p.m. at the Bordeaux School Multi-purpose
room. Students and parents are invited. Refreshments
wilt be served. Please call 426-6373, 426-4214 or
Timothy Bunting, 21, Allyn, were
arrested on charges of picking
brush without a permit and
Ken Wolden reported
someone was camping behind his
service station.
Larry Watters reported a
license plate lost from a truck.
R. J. Nyhre reported a cabin
broken into.
Fair Harbor Marina reported a
cabin cruiser which had been
adrift had been been tied up at
their dock.
Donald Street reported a
DeEtta DeLano reported an
attempted break-in.
Ed Shade reported a
windshield broken.
Frank Daniels reported three
pigs lost.
The cold storage locker at
Walt's Marina was found open.
Lelvin Smith reported an
attempted break-in.
Bill Russell reported a tool
box taken.
Pacific Northwest Bell
reported a tool box taken from a
Two horses were reported
loose on Lost Lake Rd.
A house was reported broken
Jim Wyley reported a battery
Vehicles driven by George
Peterson and Lloyd Benoit
collided on Highway 101 N.
Gerald Olson reported a
parked car hit.
Dick Bostrom reported a pair
of golf shoes taken. They were
later recovered.
Vehicles driven by Denzil
Holt and Stanley Cole collided on
Highway 101 N.
Rand Peterson reported two
speakers taken from a car.
Vehicles driven by Gordon R.
Smith and Jerry Dickinson
collided on N. 1st St.
Billie Dillenberg reported a
tachometer and a gas tank cap
Mrs. Ernest Dahman reported
the head from a sewing machine
Vehicles driven by Elizabeth
Simpson and Harold Claus~n
collided on Railroad Ave.
------------- ----- ~-------------------------~ Applying for marriage licenses
in the Mason County auditor's
Mason General Hospital office this week were:
Mr. and Mrs. Guy M. Watson, Douglas Caesar, 22, Shelton,
Rt. 3, Box 414A, a girl, and Christine Needham, 25,
September 16. Shelton.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie S.
Daniel Dickey, 24, Shelton,
Pearson, Star Rt. 2 Box 183 B, a and Marcia Cole, 20, Shelton.
girl, September 16. Robert Rice, 18, Port
Mr. and Mrs. Steve W. Dessin, Angeles, and Sharon Collins, 18,
I 1 29Vz Railroad, a boy, Port Angeles.
September20. Gilbert Dumas, 38, Port
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G.
Orchard, and Gloria Mendenhall,
Anderson, 7007 Pamela Drive,25, Puyallup.
Lacey, a boy, September 22.
Alf Jensen, 37, Shelton, and
Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Sisson, Elizabeth Kirkpatrick, 23,
1313 Ellinor, a girl, September Shelton.
22. Vincent Eilers, 24,
Bremerton, and Melody Everett,
-~~-'--'--'~------'--"--~--"19, Brenlerton.
These tides are for the Union
area. For Shelton and Oakland
and 45
Bay, add one hour
minutes and 2.5 feet.
Thursday, Sept. 24
Low ........ 7:17 a.m. 1.4 ft.
High ....... 3:05 p.m. 11.2 ft.
Low .......8:59 p.m. 7.2 ft.
Friday, Sept. 25
High ........ 1:05 a.m. 8.8 ft.
Low ........ 8:17 a.m. 1.5 ft.
ttigh ....... 3:47 p.m. 11.4 ft.
Low .......9:41 p.m. 6.4 ft.
Saturday, Sept. 26
ttigh ........ 2:23 a.m. 8.9 ft.
low ........ 9:11 a.m. 1.7 ft.
ttigh ....... 4:23 p.m. 11.4 ft.
Low ....... 10:17 5.6 ft.
Sunday, Sept. 27
ltigh ........ 3:23 a.m. 9.3 ft.
Low .......9:53 a.m. 1.9 ft.
High ....... 4:47 p.m. 11.4 ft.
Low .......10:41 p.m.4.7 ft.
Monday, Sept. 28
High ....... 4:17 a.m. 9.7 ft.
Low ...... !0:29 a.m. 2.3 ft.
tligh ....... 5:05 p.m. 11.3 ft.
Low ...... 11:11 p.m. 3.8 ft.
Tuesday, Sept. 29
ttigh ....... 4:59 a.m. 10.1 ft.
Low ...... 10:59 a.m. 2.9 ft.
High ....... 5:23 p.m. 11.2 ft.
Low ...... l I :35 p.m. 2.9 ft.
Wednesday, Sept. 30
High ....... 5:41 a.m. 10.5 ft.
Low ...... 11:35 a.m. 3.5 ft.
High ....... 5:35 p.m. 11.2 ft.
Real politics are the
possession and distributi~ of
power. Benjamin Disraeli
High Low Precip.
Sept. 17 71 52 .16
Sept. 18 64 55 .56
Sept. 19 65 51 .21
Sept. 20 61 51 .72
Sept. 21 63 45 .11
Sept. 22 62 52 .28
Sept. 23 65 40 .I 1
The extendedoutlook for
Friday through Sunday is for
mostly fair weather with early
morning cloudiness and fog.
Highs will be in the 50's and the
lows in the 30's and 40's.
Mabel R. Dorey
Dies On Friday
Mabel R. Dorey died Friday
in the Shelton Manor Nursing
Home at the age of 88 years.
She was born in Milton, Kan.
on June 16, 1882. She moved to
Iloquiam in 1925 and in 1961
came to Shelton.
She is survived by two sons,
Ivan Dorey of Mercer Island, and
Grandville Dorey, Eugene, Ore.;
three daughters, Mrs. J.A.
LaLande, Aberdeen, Mrs. Frank
Winkelman, Shelton, and Mrs.
Ellsworth Johnson of Hoquiam:
14 grandchildren; and 16
The Rev. Horace Mounts
officiated at a funeral held
Monday in the United Methodist
Chuxch at 2 p.m. Burial was in
Shelton Memorial Park.
(or how yOU can save =40 on a new
Deluxe Mattress-Box Spring
Set you'd always thought too expensive)
The Meadowlane® Deluxe does more
than balance your budget. Its exclusive
Karr® Spring Unit with Health Center
gives balanced support as well. Each
spring is pivot-hinged to conform indi-
vidually to your body contours with extra
support at the center where 70% of your
body weight is. Cushioned with premium
upholstery and covered with a richly
quilted floral, you can get a real buy now!
Twin or full size set, only
King Size set,$ 239.9 5-Queen Size Set, $169.95
sp G AtR, r Ss
Creator of the popular Back Supporter~ Mattress
"J" & Olympic Hwy. N.-Shelton-426-3264
• Good Stock of 70's
with Year End Savings!
• Largest Used Car
Stock of the Year!
• Prices are Down at
Mell Chev-Olds
(Salesmen say it's the red color.., so if you aren't
allergic to red . . . here's your buy)
V-8, Radio, Steering, Automatic,
Vinyl Trim Was $2595.
Power Train Warranty
Available. NOW
Belted Tires,
Full Power, No Air Conditioning (who needs it
with winter coming on).
Was $2495. NOW
310 H.P. V-8, Radio, Steering,
Hydramatic, Power Train
Warranty -- Below book
because it's white.
Was $1995. NOW
6-Cyl., Cruis-o-matic,
Custom 500, V-8, Radio,
V-8 P. Glide, Steering, Radio.
Was $945. NOW
V-8, P. Glide, Steering, Brakes, Radio,
P. Windows. Was $695. NOW
6-Cyl., Ford-o-matic, Radio.
Was $495. NOW
Big "6" 4-speed, 7:50x16 Tires,
Ideal for Camper. Was $1095. NOW
Was $295 NOW
---ooi /G 00-c ;Gs- ,c;/ 6cg-aYc L//X i-a N c-ii -
r .......................................................
Gas Water Heater, Gas-Electric Refrigerator,
Monomatic Toilet, Air Conditioner, Clothes
Washer, Stove with Oven, Cabinets, Lights, etc.
V-8, 4-Speed, Radio, Cab Air Conditioner, Three
12x16.5 &ply Flotation. Only 31,000 miles.
"Since 192 7"
1st ahd Grove
QuicR Parts & Service, Mon. thru Sat.
Rental & Lease Cars -- Rental Dump Truck
MIC Insurance
Thursday, September 24, 1970- Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page 9