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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 24, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 24, 1970
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Vaccination being protected question to doctors when a immunize 500,000 sinaplest terms, the program is Protect pregnant :racting rubella said Byron J. epidemiologist of Health, infants with major congenital defects and as many as 30,000 miscarriages or stillbirths following the 1964-65 epidemic. Recently, a search was made among the Washington state population, and 126 children were identified as having been born with rebella defects during the period 1963-68. Of these, 69 were born after the rubella epidemic reached this state in Cigarettes, the largest single retail sales item in the nation, were blamed this week for the premature deaths of more than 300,000 Americans last year. Dr. Vincent Granell, director of a National Education Association smoking and health project, told of the cigarette-related deaths as Central Washington State College faculty-administration members and students opened a two-day workshop on the "phenomenon and that's nothing," Dr. Granell said. He claimed that the federal government spends ten times as much subsidizing the tobacco industry as it does in backing up the U.S. Surgeon General's report condemning cigarettes. Speakers at the CWSC retreat-workshop, held at Hidden Valley Ranch near Cle Elum, included medical, advertising, health and governmental experts. Workshop presentations information on the smoking phenomenon integrated into all college departments and courses. Sponsorship of additional campus seminars on tobacco is planned and a special awards system for students who do outstanding work related to smoking is suggested. One of the speakers at the opening seminar, Charles Althafer, director of a Smoking and Health Research Program in San Diego, Calif., said that since range By MARY VALLEY SKOKOMISH- Skokomish Grange did it again. They came up with two blue ribbons for their booth at the Puyallup Fair, one for arrangement and one for exhibit. We wish to thank all who had a part and we are very proud of their accomplishment. George Barkley was the Chairman of the Fair committee, but special praise should go to Carol Hunter and ins Island Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hulbert of Shelton attended a family get together in Olympia at the home of Mrs. Ethel Ferris. The occasion was to honor Miss Daisy Little of Ashland, who is a cousin of the Lozier family. Rev. and Mrs. Ed Hepner of Lewiston, Mont. visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Stenberg the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Plant have Social and Health 1965. of cigarette smokingin America." ranged from a recorded 1966 there has been a per capita Alice Crossan who did the returned to Texas where he is from rubella is The 126 children had 271 The spotlight focused on comedian's jokes about Sir Walter decrease in smoking in this planning and decoration of thestationed after spending two ehitdren we will birth defects: 99 cases of cigarettes will be broadened at the Raleigh's attempts to import ten country, booth, weeks with his mother, Mrs. Joan is it dangerous to deafness, 39 congenital heart Ellensburg college by a year-long tons of smoking leaves to EnglandAlthafer feels that cigarette Others who helped were Velma Plant. Woman who will disease, 34 eye desease, 33 mental and campus-wide pilot program,during American colony days topopularity will continue to wane Doak and Doris Neff. Chet This Friday evening at 8:30 ltract the disease retardation, and 66 other birth Financed by a $7 thousand the display of sections of human but he expects the tobacco Rosenberger and Harold Hunter p.m. is 'Booster Night' for all the With acute rubella, defects, gra nt from the federal lungs which had been blackenedindustry to employ new sales had a very important job of Granges of the County at the Fair .dangerous to theThe cost for medical government, the project will be by years of smoking, m e t h o d s to counteract gathering the vegetables and fruit, grounds Hall. It will be a 'Pot of a pregnant treatment and education of each directed by Dr. Don McAfee, Not designed as a shotgun anti-smoking campaigns• which required a great deal ofLuck' lunch served at the close of of these 126 children during associate professor of health approach to get smokers to kick The Californian suggested that time and effort. So again the the meeting. explained that the childhood (15 years) is estimated education at the College. the habit, the workshop and the tobacco industry itself nlay Grange and Community wish to Skokomish Grange is having a is have backed the soon-to-be- thank all who had a part in this Rummage Sale Oct. 8 and 9. enforced ban on television program. Anyone having anything to offer advertising of cigarettes. He Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley, please call Mrs. Alice Crossan suggested that an end to television Mr. and Mrs. George Valley of l~hone 426-6939 or Mrs. Doris advertising will mean a large Neff Phone 426-8849. Also don't onors Baskins, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Drake and sons. Kenny and Richard and Miss Vickie Pavel. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Marshall and daughters of Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley, Miss Daisy Little of Ashland Ky. and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hulbert of Shelton attended a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Valley at Island Lake honoring Mrs. Cora Hulbert on her birthday last ide not 'Immune to fleeted early in her a risk as high as a child with Public ttealth there were 20,000 at $73,250, or more than nine (9) million dollars. ''Thus, the rubella immunization program will conserve our total resources, as well as protect mothers and their unborn children," said Dr. Francis. The federal government, however, and U.S. citizens were severely criticized by Dr. Granell, of Washington, D. C. for lack of action in connection with cigarette health hazards. "Our government is doing only what you want it to do - followup campus program aimed at a community-wide change of attitude. Such factors as the economic and political impact of the tobacco industry will be studied as well as the health aspects. Dr. McAfee hopes to have Cl KRATCHA "--There is a new at Southside and "Bachelors" first meeting home of Ann :eted officers, Secretary, Willie or, Ric Nault; Leaders are Nutt. up and went r~eeting will be Will be a project beolub met at the n McCuiston in Very nice meeting. members present The next meeting will be at Gladys Baker Oct. 7. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wetmore, Friday attended the meeting of the World War 1 group at Wa Wa. There were nine from Shelton that went and 5l altogether that attended with some from Port Angeles and Port Townsend. Mrs. M. R. Mercy made the clam chowder for the group. They had a potluck and group singing. Mrs. Griffin accompanied the group singing. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Weston and children spent Sunday in Seattle with Mrs. T. A. Weston. Christine Thompson's husband Chris Thompson returned home front Da Nang, Vietnam, after spending about a year there. Christine Thompson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Schuffenhauer. NY sincere appreciation to my many and supporters in the recent legislative Thank you again. W. "Bill" Goodpaster (Pd. Pol. Adv. by J. W. Goodpaster) Legal Publications NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL ACCOUNT NO.4114 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of CHARLES JAMIESON CHAMBERS, Deceased. NOTICE is given that the Final Account and Petition for Distribution has been filed with the Clerk of the above Court and the Executrix seeks settlement of the account, distribution of the estate, and discharge, which matters have been set for hearing on October 16, 1970 at 9:30 a.m. in the Courtroom of the said Court in the County Courthouse of Mason County in Shelton, Washington. CHARLOTTE ANDERSON CHAMBERS Executrix ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney for Estate 1251/~ N. 5th Shelton, Washington 98584 9/24-1t NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 4142 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of LESTER L. AGER, Deceased. The undersigned is the appointed and qualified personal epresentative of said estate. Persons having claims against the deceased ale required to serve the same in duplicate, duly verified, on the undersigned or the attorney of record at the address stated below and file the same with the Clerk of this Court, togethe with proof of such service within four months after September 10, 1970, or the same will be forever barred. ILENE L. AGER Star Route North, Box 136 Hoodsport, Washington 98548 ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney for Estate 125Vz N. 5th Shelton, Washington 98584 9/10-17-24-3t Legal Publications SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NO. 10544 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. RICHARD DUGGINS, Plaintiff, vs. ALICE DUGGINS, Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to the said ALICE DUGGINS, Defendant: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this Summons, to-wit: within sixty (60) days after the 10th day of September, 1970, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled Court, and answer the Complaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiff at his office below stated; and in case of your failure to so do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the Complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. The object of the above-entitled action is for a divorce for cruel treatment and desertion. Glenn E. Correa Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Post Office Add ross: 121 S. 4th Street Shelton, Washington Telephone: 426-4476 9/10-17-24-10/1-8-15-6t ) One careless act! Worth seei ng. Worth own ins. Worth waiting for. - Vega. Not just another little car, but one little car that does everything well. You get more room, more Weight and more power than most little cars give you. yet the gas mileage is right in the same neighborhood tith the best of them. Vegas come dressed up, too, not stripped to the bone so you have to add a lot to make hem liveable. Drive one. You'll see. Tuesday evening. Fri. and Sat. IR~Hernmings DanY in (X) "THE BEST HouSE IN LONDON" money savings to the tobacco forget Pomona meets at industry and a probable reduction Skokomish Sept. 27 with a dinner in public service, anti-smoking at noon served by Skokomish. television announcements. The Skokomish Valley fire Mrs. Marilyn Lees, a public department truck was called out information specialist for the San Friday at 3:45 a.m. to the Nalley Diego project and a former ~.=e l:arm where 30 feet of bridge and advertising copywriter, agreed L~|~~ the approach were destroyed in that the tobacco industry will the early morning fire. t urn to more subtle sales The annualno-host dinnerCarl and Margaret Dugger and methods, meetingof theThurston-Masondaughters Julie and Connie from County Chapter American Red Seattle visited the Claud Dugger Richard Clark Cross ,viii be held in the family over the weekend. Calling l'anorama (?it3' dining room Sept. Sunday to meet Connie the new I n Pu erto Rico 29 starting at 6:15 p.m. fifteenth Dugger grandchild were, Joseph ltladecek, who serves Mrs. Pat Dugger and boys, David, U.S. Air Force Staff Sergeant full timein the dual role ofl)arrel and Donnie. Mrs. Rudy Richard S. Clark, son of Mrs. Manager of the Seattle-KingIloman,Mr. and Mrs.Rusty Gladys B. Palmer, Shelton, has Chapter and Director of the arrived for duty at Ramey AFB, Pacific Northwest l)ivision of the P.R. American National Red Cross, Sergeant Clark is an aircraft will be the speaker. accessories technician assigned to Before coming to Seattle', Sinlere/,ipp i ii'--rer'a':on a unit of the Air Weather Service ttladecek was an Assistant w h i c h p r o v i d e s w e a t h e r Regional Manager of the Red information for military flight Cross Western Area which operations. He previously served encompasses nine Western states, to the voters and taxpayers of Mason at Shaw, AFB, S.C. His previous Red Cross experience The sergeant is a 1958 included supervision of Red Cross County for having supported me during the graduate of Irene S. Reed ltigh o p c r a t i o n s o n m i 1 i t a r y recent primary election. School. installations in the U.S. and in His wife, Earlene, is theEurope. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. ('lifford F. Cordes, Jr., Howard,Oklahoma City. Sergeant Chairman of the local chapter, Clark's father, Jesse W. Clark lives announced the public is invited to in Seattle. attend this meeting and County Assessor participate in the election of The fundamental evil of the officers for the coming year. (pd. pol. adv. by W. Burnett) world arose from the fact that the Reservations should be made by good Lord has not created money phoning the Chapter House enough. Heinrich Heine (Olympia 352-8575) by Sept. 25. +. ,-- 2 ~'i: * NON-FLAMMABLE * PRE-CUT * STYLED * LIGHT WEIGHT * VERSATILE * COLOR FAST IS HERE AT DEPOSIT $100.00 AND WEAR A BEAUTIFUL DEBONAIR WIG FOR ONLY $10.95" ($29.95 Value) * WASHABLE * NOT AFFECTED BY DAMP HUMID WEATHER DEPOSIT: $100.00, Purchase One Wig for $10.95" $200.00, Purchase Two Wigs for $20.00* 0cCa " . ' lintheroof asteel uard beam in each door power disc brakes u W] $5,000.00, Purchase One Wig for $5.00* price. There s a double layer of stee . g , , P d- l 0 FREE tit, a new power ventilation system inside, a wheelbase two and one-half inches longer. ~ ou.get the looks ~ ,UVV tl ca comfort of a six- or seven-thousand-dollar car, but at Chevrolet prices. And that s the kind of change tiring these tight-money times that all of us can appreciate. NEW HOURS 8-30 to 5:30 Monday through Thursday... v__ -- Fridays until 6 p.m. I1/_~_ ,o,oooooo '1 • " " . " i ' , " " tailgate vanishes beneath the floor. Out of sight. Out of your way for easy loading even in a closed ~v-~ ~,~HO~4-~o ~ ~ y~tfj_/i~ ~~ or when you have a trailer hooked on. ~ ~ ~ SHELTON -- First & Railroad 426-8211 * "t "22.tO:'n'o O'YCo '; e. Shelton we mean by putting you first? September 29 at your Chevrolet dealer's. James Coburn, Lee Remick and Lil/i Palmer in (R) "HARD CONTACT" -I hursday, September 24, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19 !] ,t "1