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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 24, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 24, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~" ,3" J ~E~ ~ @ 15 words or less -- $130 ._ ~< 110;;~RI~4 :a:: add~t'onal w°rd °ver 1 ~) ~i¢ ~ , ( ) rt'o s for the price of PHO ,j THREE (3). if= For ile Mobile Homes Pets, Livesto(k Help Wont Reel Estnte Rlml Estnte For M I E 0 a re rade A ACREAGE - HANNAH'S HUSBAND Hector COLOR PRINTS, ]'~bo, from PERMANENTLY LOCATED on FOR SALE Mare- part Arabian HURRY! HURRY!! Book Baum 2 ACRES, one wooded, with 2 DO JU C 8 c g • 3 L ..... Phone. 426-811 • hates hard work so he cleans the color negatives only, ]9c. 5x7 a 60 x 100 lot, spotless two and Walker. Very gentle $140.00. Toy and Gift Parties now. Also large mobile homes. One used as Dairy, sparkhng creek, irrlgahon rugs with Blue Lustre. Rent enlargement, 89c. Ziegler's bedroom mobile home, 2 baths, Call 426-4394. K9/24-10/15 last call for this season for rental. ] mile from canal on Lake equipment. Three bedroom ranch e ectric sham Doer $1 Coast toCamera Shop 124 No 2nd furnished all electric ess than representatives. CallLauretta Cushman road, Hoodsport. rambler, fireplace. Barn and ~ --IIII P . , . . , , . east tores 9 24 4/17tfn one year old. Owner selhng due to WANTED GOOD home for 4-5 426-3397. Mc9/24-10/8 877-5738. T9/24-10/1 outbuildings top shape. Owner •~L~J|l' Coast Stores. 9/24 ~ illness. 426-1137. W9/24 month old puppy. Housebroken. wants buyer with "udder" • ~Jl~llwm" FREE 1 gallon of Root Beer to S.I, MPLICITY MOWERS ..and ~..M,,~ ~ut,~JiiL~_tlt.t~ Phone 426-1159 after 4:30 p.m.WAITRESS DAY shift, full time. HOME IN perfect condition and intentions• Reduced $30,000 now U Joan Auseth Rt 3 Box 380A Tillers. bee now at MIKe's IFTTTI-I-lll -a K9/24 Please apply in person, Mr. excellent location downtown, only $90,000 -- terms. Maple ~ ~| fr m Minor " D'rive-ln on McCulloch Sales and Service. Gravelle, Alderbrook Inn, Union. One bedroom. Priced right, want Valley Land & Homes 426-1203 U~ M°ountainVie~.9/24 22^15 Olympia Hwy• North. _ __..S_HELTO_N..... DOG CLIPPING and grooming. A9/24-10/1 cash. 426-3416. Dg/24 evenings• 9/17-I0/8 J ______ .~/z~trn For appointment call Judy I ~ ' I ~ BEDROOM house. New FOR SALE 24 inch Kresky --~_~~--- HOME CENTER LaMont426-4164. L9/17tfn j WIN ~500 | wiring, roof. chimney, heater, RoOd condition $35 SIEGLER HEATER, star, o with A'r TAYLOR TOWNE PURDY REALTY '618 OlympicH~tely~ Phone 426-4196. Mc9/2~,-10/15 225 gal!on ~nk$40.00_;Cal,lafter Golden West COCKER POODLES for saleS10. I " I Downtown, 4 lots, fruit trees, ' lr~l~ ~ p m ~Zb-JZ~,~ MW~/-~O/O ......... 426-2050• R9/17-24 J LtMttlADLMID J garden• $8,500 426-2582. N7/30 Wynwood Center-- P.O. Box 410 426" ~4 .... vnlao west | ~m mv=-pt~m mum | tfn i,.1 MOVING! LAWNBOY mower ...... ~_~ KIRKWOOD, FREEDOM HOME Gig Harbor -- 857-2121 ..,_hwt __t_h_rcace an_d Sunbeam edger FOR SALE uprignt p,ano -- L~ooa , BROAOMORE,, T R OPICAL FISH -- Large I Train for I $50.00• Call 426-6292. N9/24 tone $125.00_ Also.• large wood on O,~,i~S-sS~LTONeway variety, including Halfbeaks• Also I I COTTAGE FoR r| nearer ~sb.uu• Lall */b-b~oo,. 9/3tfn acquar{um supp es• Ha.on Heavy ---ee or F°~;4 -----~1960 15 ft. Travel Trailer• Lg/17"10/8 ...... = J~ ,~1~ J~ ,~ = ,~ JIl~ ~1~ ~1~, Wilk°wski 1221 West Birch I iL Detroit Townsite No. 2 iOnrest/nnt any ;ra0Y0~ 1 $60o00 D. Howe. 5900 59t. ........... 426-6148•W9/1710/8 Equipment aBI$$ONIERE in Grapeview "Little Detroit of it This 2 be uitche";1 N.E. Seattle Wash. LA2-8371. R e ,, H ,- I . ~------------------------'---'---'---------- the West" a new development just carpeted large^~' 60~ H9/24-10/]5' IP'OOI ladle t.olnplelre . i SEVEN YEAR old, well-trained J Operators i R on the market. Waterfront and room, i arge ~.'#npay.",l~ ....... i~er~lla| mare for sale• Western and game eal Estate view lots. Water, power, blacktop $10500. No ~'~at$1=~ FOR SALE--Upright piano -- $119.9S ................... horse. Phone 426-6152. F8/27tfn J and I roads, launching ramp. Prices to FHA Assume' ..... . good tone $125.00. Call ................... | . | start at $2,950. Let's get in on mo ~: 426-668]. L~)'/24-10/8 q .....r -~l~*i,,n ,~f new PoolDAUGHTER, YOU are loved. K-9 KELPS, professional poodleI Me(hanKs I the Pre-sale prices. " ..... g~% "~ ~ ..... " "ionYou are wanted You are clipping and pet grooming. Call QUAINT EARLY AMERICAN: • ladles /~ complete select HORSE TRAILER with 6-ply .... ~," a Thn mr~cf ,~,~¢ir,ble forgiven. Come home and go to Mrs. Kimball for appointment. | GI approved for Vets I Lovely paper rooms, Franklin 10 acre tracts in Grapeview on ,.,w.-e-rMENT '111 ..................... h 5 24 . TRAINED l , bres for sale. Don Sutton, phone ~,~, ;~" ,÷,~u ~,~ =~m~,~i~t~ schoo . I II elp 426-26 3. $9/426-8988.8/31tfn I f i replace wood floors, county road. A nice retreat for a H~v='~'"-L'~,~ ,ll Hoodsport 877-5345. $9/24 d~i~e'rv 'Free'delivery ............ ~- '--:----~--~" ---'-;--- I .... ante I modernized kitchen and bath 2 cabin permament home or your FOR FU]Un=- .= tll ...... ~--" .......... '- Y. Y. (JUNPII3P__IN/IAL LF~Ht- TOr GOING ON Vacation? Leave your I Placement~sslsz • I | bedrooms with room for more mobile home Don't wait a bargain ~t a nartner f yoU~;y.,~ • ' ----- r- U5 u ELECTR.C GUITAR w th unwed pregnant teen-age girls,dog with us if over 20 Ibs. MeI-Ru I WEST COAST I upstairs. Fenced back yard price of only $7,450 and terms, in this tremendO ,.,,ildi~,~ amplifier $45.00. Good daveno Au =. ,. UGH Agent.y• Collect. calls Kennels 426-2387. N8/14tfn I TRAINING SERVICES I w/patio -- secluded but of excel ent u u~0~, 00 delivered UlLAn ~urnlfur~ accepter florence LrltTen[on $32.50 -- $35 .................. • I Box 1500, C/O The Journat I convenient location. Asking only Between sheltOnc0nU-,~l' Comfortable 40" bed $17.50. Home, .PA 2-8004~.Bo; 8944, I P.O. Box43o I $]2,500 for this home in Call Julius Stock 426-6705 Owner will hold,,,i~f~'l Shelton Wash 98584 Pine 44" desk $17.50. Cot with 4th & Cota 426-4702 beattle, wa. ~J~l/~. ~/z~st n I ' " I excellent condition with a brand Or 426-6911 in and talk abOUt'" pad $7.50. 1970 model 120 bass 9/lotfn ............ I I new roof ..... ;g~ accordion cost $235 00 -- trade ALCOHOLISM INFORMATION I Name .............. '11~ for tation wa on" assume selection of and Referral Center 428 Birch St. Wa.t=I I Address ............. I MODERN WELL BUILT: Electric HOOD CANAL f~ COMMERCI~L . " s g - FOR SALE -- Large ..................... 7 I? difference. 426-2347. D9/24 reconditioned ranges, bnelton, vnone eZb-'~'~U . I _ I baseboard heat carpeting drapes, ~-- refrigerators, washers, dryers. S2/12tfn IP t° e ....... S:a~ee I bi!kla~!iscaeanpe! dYa!/U~!e~ncemda~!i bidliie°'~wle~ti~f~hea~ R!!~rtc!imrt!~t~(~#~l~ SPACE HEATER $25 14ft. Birch Hells & Valley Appliance Center. .._~__---~-~_-~--.--i .... .--- WANTED 2 or 3 drawer filing .... COUNcil! PROPERTY _. craft boat $60. Call 426-4841.6/5tfn IN.P_ED LASH! .w, or cos!gn_ cabinet in good condition. Phone am m , g g r Hrs I Work P N!tr~ oh2, H9/24 ................ a~most anyTnlng• /rop=~ Union 898-3502. Mc9/24 I ........ / more• $14.500 conventional FREE KODAK Film, Kodacolor Ballroom Auction, Olympia I 9.o,o , I financing only. c f g g , " ' GLESIDE 4~.=) 77 ~ ~ or black/white with each roll left 357-9949. D2/26t n WANTED GOOD Maple saw Y R n ome SUBURBAN LOCATION 3 $35,000. AN - 3 ~dr~ ~l~.e#~ ~tlle =~e at Zeigler's Camera. Ask for it._ .............. ~ logs or stumpage. Phone SUPPLEMENT OU i c " bedroom home with hardwood: . Excellent bUY'-.-e-laCm.~lr . 426-6163. 5/26tfn ................ 736-281 1. Centralia• 7:30 - Learn the nsurance bus ness f " Furn shed 2 bedroom smaller room with t~,~itl;~ Indoor-Outdoor Carpet. Choice o~ .............. == = ,. 4:30. H9/3-24 r~n n=~t *;m~ h~¢i~ th oors natural gas heat fenced ................. w~ f " ' ' type home in Union real formal dining ~.~a~I~#.~JDI. colors .... quantity limited STUDIO MODEL Lowrey Starlet. US~ &.ars advancement as you progress, font yard. $15,000. comfortable, beautiful view of built in dis~;ikin~i ...... New price $525, now $395 with -~------------------------- RIDERS WANTED Shelton to Call 352-7996 or 943-9765 Ulsen furniture bo en h Jo n • b c . hn y's Music Box, 205 1962 VOLKSWAGEN bus, deluxe Olympia daily 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ....... #.,~ Fry, ...... di¢t ~a~=r F=r~ mer's CAPE. _ COD-. 4 large, bedrooms, 2 mountains, price $11,500 cupboards anOW=ownstairs 4th & Cota 426-4702 8/Gtfn Cota, 426-4302.6/4tfn model, windows all around, radio, Call weekends or evenings. InsuranceGroup F9/3-9/24-4t fireplaces, carpeting, 2V~ baths, bath d ^ ,..,~roor~U~l~_ ................... new 1 yr. guaranteed battery, new 426-8]33. Y9/3-24 ,, panelled den, garage, lovely Brick home with 198 ft river u stairs, z u~,,- e~h . WF ARF H~nnv to announce the WALL-TO-Wall Carpets or valves $650. Will consder trade . landscaped yard with year round opening- a-~{-t~e--East lIth St room-size rugs. Custom-made for "Volvo. Call 357-9661. Air Conditioning creek. S33,000. &r4~?;(~#.e, excellent condition, rdoOoWm. ~i $22.500. M i~ Auction House. Sunday Sept. 27 dra. per!es. We measure, expert S9/24tfn WANTED BRAND NEW: 3 bedroom mtg. • t 1"~0 n m Furniture ann antes installation. Your sattiszaction is --~~ AND REFRIGERATION f re ace o,!~'~" .............. i " p , garage attached, Shuma~e Rea|~ . Dr01( table saw d nette sets beds guaranteed. Free estlmates. FOR SALE 1957 Ford Stat on __.,al~IE' hnn# ~'h~lw~ ~na ' msc' You're always welcome at Olsen Waqon426-1116. M9/24-10/15 SERVICEMEN NEEDFD carpeted, appliances and if you HOODSPORT - SueM'D~/~l~It;r mer"c'l~andi~s'; to'o nunTlerous to Furniture. 4th and Cota. ~ Will Buy or Consign ......... hurry yOU can pick your colors. mention Will be sold to hiahest 426-4702. O11/18tfn FOR SALE 1948 International $500 SCHOLARbI-IIV In the country, too. $17,500 & 877-5576 days, 877-5575 evenings AssociateBr° "~I~ bidder "Valuable door prize to , One ton truck. $150.00. Dua! Good Used Furniture TRAINED, PLACEMENT up. "'" --~;'a'n~ lucky • winner. Cross over the wheels .4 spd, (10'.flatbed) go)~e assistance. West Coast Training ~F Manette Bridge to East 11th St., l,__J O /~ .... I Tires, and motor. /-~ISO ~ year oo or ApplioncesF Serv,ce Inc ]J iA PRICE FOR .EVERY0g[#.L corner of Scott Ave. Bremerton. J4UlU OI Ul-U¥1~l saddle horse $75.00. Call Send name, age, address, phone Call 426-1641 Buy the auction way and save Am / / ~ I 426-2420 after 5 p.m. money. Consignments welcome .rusnea KO(l( D9/24-10/1 Ily BoxnUmber..,1500t°:c/o,.The Journal Bey Thomason 426-86,5 Col. K. N. Hatcher auctioneer. " - ~ ,~sso.,,tKe umiture,~,.,,, 9/10"[0~'" . Iml'4~'&ll'''L~l'33"~~r Vikin~;~-5114. H9/24 nti¢ Tank ~955 FORD ~-Fatr~aIP~. station P O Box 430 ............. Shelton Wash ........ ["NEWER HoME '-.. ..... A_NRC , -- , . .... :;;;; -.~;~ ;-~..~.'-4r-m~.~" -'~- ---r=-,~.., ,~, ...... Wegont'~ wit~dt~lv~t. Clean~, ING.' G.' I" ) SHOP EARLY for Christmas for a D..a~:,M;v:' well maintained. Good body, FHAFIN ! good choice of Raggedy Arms and ,~,uI ,,u,, motor, tires. One owner, $225.00. HOMEWORKERS WANTED to AGENCY I ACREAGE... ~_ ,FO~.,, !~, One of those" rare buvine POSSESSION "',-.!i Andys. 420-~2~6 S9/~0-I0/~ Fireplace Supplies 426-4856. B9/24 .~--~..---------------------- address envelopes. Rush n=A, =¢T^.~.= ,~=,,r~^,uCE Sew;a~° FO-R-~SAL.E-Ba'dwtn Acrolonic -- [96~~ self-addressed envelope for ........ " .......... I O n eort°fit:ehs° Spinet piano, also 10 in. table and and br.akes, good c=ondj~on, Instruction details. Cornish Enterprises. l'~l,~c#"~ll~l'U'lrUlDi'~¢T -- P'' 2202-1 342nd Street S.W., Federal l saw, lots of other terns. • • • reasonaD,e. ~'none ~Zb~VJb. Way, Wash. 98002. C9/10-10/1 I 426-3273. O9/10tfn Building MatenaJs B9/24-10/1 BATON TWIRLING Fall classes I 2 REFRIGERATOR, TWO years ~1~ 1948 FORD pickup needs work. start Oct. 5, 1970. Union Hall, ~_-_~v-_--------------- ANGLE AGENCY Ii 2nd and Grove. Group and Private Old, like new, white $75. i= $50.00 Call 426-8110. K9/17tfn Lessons. All ages, special Wanted I ~- est-~m~e"n~nt"P/~l~l 426-6433. $9/! 0-10/1 ........... - ............ pre-school class. USTA instructor, ,~ Join The Wise Ones... I~e ~e'nnt-~lp~ r,l~JV~,Tnlil~ 1931 DESOTO. 4 door. Needs Miss Kathy Chodora. For ~------'---------'----------~---------'----~ Invest In Property I ~" _m.~e~s'liV~J Vl~lll~WlVllll care. $450. 426-4772. information cal1426-6373 and see LICENSED CHILD Care -- " I . . M9/17 10/8 THE ORIGINAL 7th &Park 426-3344 __.'~ our window at Miller's Dept. Dependable, Ioving careforinfant I ~ing~. ~/-itl~l~ Store. 9/24 to 4 years. My home, 5-day week. ,N TnWN 9 h#H ....... fl~,, j ~gae~'J~! 1965 FORD Country sedan; 1966 home on back of property with hobbv room, _a.hOP SLIM GYM • PRIVATE PIANO instruction! ]/2 rr . , room e KId~ ~1 1 7/2tm Mustang Call 426-4653 after 5 "~'~'~"~- "=~ ..... lovely yard $14,500.00 3 bedrooms for rental income -as wel as ~,." -a p.m. L9/17tfn hour lessons after school and DRESSMAKING AND altering, DOWNTOWN- three bedroom ' ' " " " " Fred & Barbara Hanson USED LOWREY Holiday Deluxe .... Saturdays. Call Cinda Watson,housecleaning a so Call .... ' I ~r ol cat!°n~"ntlY.~Jlll~ Organ. Cost new, $1295, now 1954 GMC pickup, with canopy, 426-8239.8/13-9/24 ~o~ o~ o(~,,-~ ,n/~ " dining room, hreplace, paho, I b~~lla~~l~ 426-6654 1118 E. Ellinor $895. Johnny's Music Box 205 $200-00 or best offer. Call ~-U'f- / a &. r~/ J. ,-.~_/u ready to move in. $22,450.00 ( ?~."~,~ Shelton, Wash. 98584 Cota. J8/20tfn ' 426-1388. T9/24-10/15 BRIDGE LESSONS, Beginning or M A T U R E E X P E R I E N C E D " "T ...... T 1 ..... AliceM Hanson WALNUT SPINET Console Piano. OLDER LUXURY car '58 advanced, lndividual or in groups, secretary seeking fulltime W/~_h~,t'"U~~ Ch~,UU~ c no~e NEWER45 itrtmh:; • Like new, assume small monthlyMe rcury Turnpike. cruiser.:, For further information call employment,~for ...... invail~hl°sheltOn,,,~areaz~" pea-g"V"~r""iave "'~°'ch'~"~'lYL"-2"~V~rDea . ~ tb.UU pe i TOP OF THE 426-8540 evenings. Q9/10-11/1 Broughton .................... B9/3-24 foot;...~asy" "- ter - ~ Has all of the conveniences you C)n A aleside a~th'~i~ 'i 877-5372 P.O. Box192 payments. Phone credit mgr., beautiful interior. Unly /U,UUU 426-8705." ms. A good I H~~'sit~ Hoodsport, Wash. 98548 BR2-5282 Tacoma. T9/17-9/24 miles. $295. 426-1027. S9/3-24 Beginner's Tap 10 a.m. Hood ,.v=~,,,=.~. H7/16tfn ............... --- .... Canal School auditorium. Call BABYSITTING IN your , . I U ll . FOR SALE Lowrev elertrir 1968 PLYMOUTH Fury Ill or~,~ ¢325 Gond r.~.~,iH.~ P=,'~ convertible excellent condition, 877-5713 for information. D1/15home. Dependable Jr High THREE BEDROOMS and lots o, I ~,'~.~'~'~"tg~ girl. Experienced. Call Sherrill extras make this an ideal family I ~;-~,'~JE' HAY FOR sale McDonaldsfarm, 426-6547. N9/3-9/24 $~77£,~ Phone 426-8123. tfn Thomason 426-8615 evenings, home. In town, near school. I and the rec room ha~", an,O~ri¢,~-~l: Kamilche Valley. Phone .................. 1"''~'+ weekends. T9/3-24 $16,400, easy terms. I ~ecec~ll!~ 426-3740 Mcl 1/Gtfn C O N N B F I a t T e n o r .................. I nesL' # lC_. ........ "-' -- ....... Saxophone good condition 1963 FORD Fairlane 500, 2-door ...... ~-------"-"----" DOWNTOWN AND I I° d~l.~,~'aoor,~ 100 0 Phone hardtop radio standard ,,-:;;--- ELEGANT [ ~~~ou,~e" MOBILE HOME Furniture --We w th case ' $ 0 " ' " ' " LIBel ~ Found Beautifully landscaped, four " " " " "'- ~ - ~ ...... • ....... t 4268973 Deg/3tfn ~ransmission extra nice $550 u~ma~ln~--- spec .........~ ............... " - " Phone 426 2278' M9/10 11/1'" -- ..... bedrooms. 3 baths, two fireplaces. I ~.-~t r%e~J~.~ fom,*ore ,or ~ou. m o0.e .ome -- ......... ~----------------------------------- 0eo 0,n,n~,,v,o0 room ,ot. o, I ~~1~, At Olsen Furniture you're always REDUCE EXCESS Fluids with ; 'J • I welcome. 4th and Cota. Fluidex, $].69. Lose weight | ~e~al~a~lm~ I STRAYED FROM Potlatch area, extras. S33,000. I ~3,00Uw" .~ 426-4702.4/]4tfn safely with Dex-A-Oiet, 98c, | ww ~vuu~ | spayed female German Shepherd, loves children, gentle. Please don't BE A HOMEOWNER for only ARCADIA POINT... terms. ., l~ I .............TRADE IN your old furniture at .............. at Nell's Pharmacy. O9/3-10/8 II 67upel. I~aaett II harm her. Answers to Cinder. Call $5,000. One bedroom with extra I BEAUTIFUL ATTENT_IO II! JL T C H E D 61 Buick Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota.K E N M O R E M A I I 426-3498. R9/24tfn sleeping room upstairs. Gas I .41,: 4/16tfn Washer/Dryer set, white. Make I I ~ utilities inside city. I LOST--SP-ALPOINT Siamese I ~ ;*,~; :,~,,~,, ............................ offer. Call 426-3821. S8/27tfnI U~,,..-II T~.,--, I nuetered male, two twists in tail. THIS WATERFRONT FAMILY I h ome! Has 3 bedrooms, because here ~n~et ~f.l~ R P E SED S met Irlq~l~l~ ~II USED E OSS S P .................. I I Disappeared two weeks ago, home features large rooms, farm I f~"¢re~,~t~l,~.~, Piano $595. New cost $750.ot.00 2020NOW OPENoI m-- icTheHiwa"Yarn ShOP.No, ll go Mercury ~nonclair 2.Dr .... II Pickering Pass area. Reward kitchen, good garden, yet only 4 I ~u ~-~t ~d~' f.r~l~.~i Johnny's Music Box 205 C a .Y P . .Y . • I ~r.n,,,i... " I 426-4219. P9/10tfn miles from town. Two bedrooms I ~'_,,";~t 426-4302 J6/25tfn featuring fine yarn Dy Fleiscner 1 ..... "J~ 1 .... "-: .............. and other yarns from around the I 62Impala | plus a guest house or rental I TRY A new hobby~ Tri-chem world. J9/17tfn I 61 Cadillac Convert. I .................... apartment. Owners retiring to I d°~~syterms'~'"'- ,.'~11 Liquid embroidery. Lessons ~-.--~--:- -- .T-~ ..--CC---/-- ~- I I ................... mobile home. $25,500. I _ available startinq October 5. Call to rl.. vocal,on ]railer Tor sae. I _ -- I Real Estate Wanted FIND A WHOLE NEW WAY of I ~~¢'mE4~4 ~.-~-_-_-_-_-_-._-_-_-_-..-._-..-_-_-._-~-.. life on Island Lake. Three I ~~.,~ "ti,11,~i 426-4538, or 426-4837. vg/10tfn Lau ~.Zb-b~,U. t3t3/bTrn I Sedans I ,, YOUNG GRAIN fed steers, cut I 69¢u,tom ~ r,r 1 m u~ ............... LUV~ w an~s ~wo to bedrooms, fireplace,, landscaped,. I ~J~year-round living with water ~VV~n s Fif-~t~lt~ ~ l~ l lNll 1Alll and wrapped. Expert cutting and I " -"~" " I ...... lots of extras. Let s see ~t now. Do..ola n~-" * I ,,,.-- ., II/! 1, II llWIk wrapping. Shelton Foods. I 68 Tempest 2-Dr. I TiveMapleaCreS,Valleypre~erLandPasture& cloSeHomes.ln, _$29,950. . - .u~u,= ~-,~ l Ir'l/ll IVlIII 426-6523. S3/27tfn I 67 Volvo I 426-1203. M9/24-10/15 H A R S T I N EI S L A N D-- I ~with low interest terms " "" on H~"i~y ~ IP- &ll~ - - -- _ I 67 Rambler I ...... _n,-- SIN)° 66 Falcon r~ Goods -- for what you want. Kurt Mann. estate DAYTON AREA... i' ~jE1 | 66 Plymouth 4-Dr. I Realtor-exchangor..~0~ I ~c,~..~ ,,,~,, ~,...~.' G ,LL -~~~:u:ae 65 BeI-Air 2-Dr 8/18tfn ...... ................-::;-"-I~~!~'~ ODEL 97 Winchester 16 guaqeI ...... ..... I .................. S E V E R A L C H O I C E ] I 8 acres, Has AL ~L) ~;;'waY.~'~l!l~ • 0 rin f I Model b:) I-oro ~ustom ~uu q.-ur $35 0 . Sp g e d 191~3I ......... •I ................... Angleside building sites, For The Finest In- $40.00. Krag 30-40 $35.00 callI ~ P_alr ~UU. z-ur. I I • PRE CAST SEPTIC ;ANK- 426-8123. D9/24 I ~.~ .empes,,~-~.y,. I Reml |stnte } water and sewer, from ~ I g~' ~IS~ -- ~ ~ 62 BeI-Air 4-Dr • CRUSHED ROCK 8 FT. Campe good o d t . I " I , -" ~ $~.500. ..................... -~ Ii '~.~,~nl'Y~'t u,' • PRE MIX $300. Phone 426-4619 M9/24 I I MAI ; Ili:l:l:lH ~0 ACRES -- small creek, I • SAND :;RAVEL ~ I Trucks I .......... partially cleared. Close ,o i 3 BR home located handily $12,500. I ms terms-,)-~,uu . d~iS.%P::: !:~ anywhere bike. Hood Canal I | just off freeway between Olympia I ~%~ " Marina--Union. Call I 66 Int. % Ton I f r o n t ag=011~'~ LOCAL BUSINESS f r°n.toa I " I 898-2252.H5/14tfn I 66 Chev. % Ton ! and Shelton on appx 1Vz acres =-~ llll llll. lalB.a~ ~-u .... a l "~ woodsy setting, Elec. heat, stone A'~LI~ Aq, l N ;T I OPPORTUs? iTY .fo health i nr~' a~ii~clt :;0 :~ i SATURDAY POURS I ...... I 65 Ford Ranchero 4-Spd. I fireplace, drilled well, covered ...... i AREWELCOME I ATTENTION I 63 Chev. Vz Ton I patio, storage shed and a 24'x 24' :>lnce lo:~u ' *" ' ' BIKE RIDEnC I 62 Chev ¥4 Ton I orbUildingguest house.easily finished for rental n~lO''' =,==,o = .... ........ II ~/ery at travall~ I Iplans c. o n s t ru 'ti " | 59 Ford z/z Ton | FHA appraised for $18,800. _ .... Large bike accessory inventory| .... I We sell mobile homes and would since ,u~u j bwn boss. " " fireplace. "' ; i~: ......... arriving daily. We intend to stock = ! II ,-. ROY Dl LOCATEDACRObbI-HUM or have access to your every need I JIM I like to get out of the real estate BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE Street, trail and custom. Why pay I I business. HERB ANGLE -- DICK ANGLE j A 426-2669Phone more?~enTn~; i I)AULEY All Make us an offer. JACK STEwART--PAULWOOD ~OO"OO~"'~ ' ~.~.~-SO. " SHELTON HOME CENTER BOB HARVEY DAYS -- EVENINGS open 'ti! 9 eve " g - days a week. I Bn~ re,c: .... ,I at Taylor Towne Evenings 426-4134 or 426-6188 / 110 RAILROAD AVENUE 9/3tfn Tanglewilde Shopping Center I ..- -- wv.. -- UILL | 4264455 401 Railroad Ave. Ph. 426"8272 | Evenings Call: DON BROWN' 491-8477 5/14tfn15th and Railroad 426-82,31 I 9(17-24 ,, [ Page 20 - Sheiton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 24, 1970