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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 24, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 24, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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L • ~. ~.. ~v~A~. ~ --~.~ ~.~ A ~..~. ~. ~..~. ~ ~ ~ ~. ~~v~~. ~v. ~v~%%~- ~A~v~ - ~- ~ ~A~~~%%A Servicos Services Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publkations BACKHOE SERVICES with late .... NO 395 Hillcrest Addition to the town of Title Insu ance Bualdm model t5 ft. backnoe. 1o years • . " " g, BOARD OF COUNTY NOTICEOF exper,ence. Also sewage systems, vlmrr ,PRin|#m t NOT/CEANDS.UIVIMONS IN_ Shelton, accord,ng to.. the Shelton, Washington 98584 COMMISSIONERS OF MASON VA/IIA,H= ~S~'rL~ED?F, Top workmanship. Earl T. Marr. IKK¢ }r, KVIt.I ,.v~,,,...~..~.r~-~ur~ recoreed Plat thereoT on rile in 9/17-24-10/1-8-16-22-6t COUNTY WA£NIN~Tr~N --''~-~'¢~-~-'~'"~'~--"~ ,1o~ ~n~ ~/11,fn INM. b4 the office of the Auditor ot ---._..-.._.. ,;-.._•-.-. ......... ,.,,., ..,.,",.r- ~,'~u "~" ......" ..... __ DANGEROUS TREES IN THE SUPER OR COURT Mason County• Year in Certificate WA¢,,;~IP_T--~T--A--r=--~;~_,,W,V ~Y, affiu~n~•cUI°ysen *ho ~,,=,,~ STATE OF WASHINGTON AF • . vvn.~l iil,l~/v,,w .lit'IlL-- I II, iwwt-i/ • ,,~,,.v. ~ ~.,~..r~ v| ul~. u~Ju. BATH ROOM AND KITCHEN S ELY REMOVED O F T H E S T A T E O F 1965, Cerhficate $69•51. t'~Ra~A C¢ ~ ~t~'rlZ'a 9117 1÷ DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL • • • ri i "f' ,~v,,,,,,,.,.~,,.,,, ,,v.,,.,_ / - , remodeling• Roofing, patios ~ WASHINGTON FOR MASON .. O g nal Certl acate No. 11, RESUME ....... RESO.URCES, Bert L. Cole, caroorts Smaller ioh~ al~ Cali ~ COUNTY uray ~, page 767, assessed to .... Lomm ssonerofPublic Lands r .............. N • Osborne's 426-624[ O]/25tfn ~i M A S O N C O U N T Y John W. Bennett Assessor's Tract ~ n co.mpu~ance w~tn or OTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that on • " ~ ................... : 50 of NEV4 SEl/4 Sec 19 Twm 9n pursuant to RCW 47 52 the '~u "*~'+'~ Tuesday fh# ~qfh tlm~, ~f -- ~ , VV/-%31-111N.L~/UI~I~ a IVlUnlclpal , , • ,----~-• --.- ,.. ...... ;:. .' TUE ca~nE~,~n .-~. ...... z, . ......... ] v. PROTECT YOUR car from Topping --i[~- Trimming Corporation and one of the N, Rdrge 3 W WM., be g [lore wasnl.ngton b~ate. Hlgnw..ay ,^,AC~,aur~uur~,.~UUl'(~l~U~.r, September 1970 commencing at .... Hedges ~ Clearln " articularl described a that ar Lommlsslon Dy uraer on Tne w/-&Oil i i~l~,_~/Ul~l rul~ Iyl/-~:)Ul~l ' ' " ' winter weather with a Slmonlz g Counties of the State of P Y s p t ........... C~UNT., ten oclock in the forenoon of paste wax job. $5.95. Call FREE ESTIMATES Washington, Plaintiff vs. Leonardof the NEV4 SEV4 as conveyed to seven Te.en,~n oay,,OT ~ugu.ST, t~.,/U, ~" IN T~u .............. said day, at the Port Orchard 426~fo: :pLm. R:/17tfn M~r?da~a, aS ~/;eei::i! . " " °hate!i ~;i~cu~iy; cf:StCr~i! ~i!ir~ gH d~r~?o~nlo~C~t ~p~ C- C. COLL'N;ERMs 357-997' a~i; Ion{!thaei 21Wi ,L l:9:l~;~°~nd beYc;;g~;d i~t:vdo iI~Pm i ieQmC~!i gSTeAa ~eEd •n~F 'v'~d ~' ~ ~ H~B~ ~" ~,, r era ed tfn r ' ' Route 1~)1 Cole Road NOTICE ISHEREBY GIVEN D strict " " ' " II U I Iil pr operty, and all persons Northerly of Primary State .... , ................. Administrator of said u'n lyIb ROTO-VATING in}~°°i ~!?g:t°°rrtic)ll~i'mm!n~a]°" " ~til?ifT/aY e NI~)6 57" " Zeta;icaln in~t4~r9}}in~wge~t(IMnOP:~}t~58:t°ne~tt~y! iP}°°!!e~d ~ean~d2:~gi:qu;la!~e~:~ ~l~!~ll°dnt dt}iab~l~utbc{~e In°n~d t!l! Tn~l,i It. ,- ., it. .. interest on equity'in ancl to said Original Certfcate No 12 Between .High.w:y. Enginee,r's estate• .Per, sons having claims highestbdder towit: II ~PqkU~I I III1~11 ~f~lfl~'~#~lPl'l~"~l~ll ....... . ......... -r.~.. • • ....n,~'~ ...... --, .~ btatlon a bUU UU U in trio against the oeceased are requireo ' ~l~ll~l ~q~/l~l I p[UIJ~l[y or an art mereor -,~y ~ ~ P~9~ ~ .~u~eu ~u .... Y P ' ~ ..... ;4 .....~. " ..... Southwest Quarter Southwest to serve the same duly verified --.~ ---- ..... ~ - ~ ueTenoants: m~onu~f c~. munu, r /2 /ract. ,~, mat L4"uarter Section 3;~ Township on the underslgneo" ................ or me M/~3UI~I LUUIN/Y I i tD KIMDIFL L uorclnteed You andeach of you areo Cab n Beach accord,ng to the ' ' . • - ~ ' .......... '- rec..r.~^.~ pp..L ............. 20 North Range 3 West W M attorney of record at the address Apphcatlon No 34532 • nereoy notlrleo [nat me above u u~u ~ u~un un H~u H~ .' .' " ," IIIICHIIIIIIII31 426-2857Evenmgs namoH pl=;,~÷~ff ~ .... P,-,...,+. .. the offce of the Z~uH;÷,% of and Htghway Engineers stated below and file the same Don Lake ocaf~d m~m~mmm~mmmmmmm" 4/23tfn ~,,..:'~;,,~'~L~.~-"~ '~.~"~-~ Mason Count,, V~r ;~'c~,'-~o Station LR 846+71.0 on the with the Clerk of this Court aooroximatelv 17 mile~ hv rn-~d 1/22tfn --- ,,,~,,,~,~,=, ,.v,~,u,~,u. a,,u u,~ x ........~ .......... ....~.. ,:~^ ..~ ..^ c......,.........,. • .... • ...... • ............. , .... " -. .~- ,- • .... ' • .4 .~ 19r.5 CertifP=+~ ¢1~ 19 ,~u,u, ,,,,~ v. u,~ avu~,,w~ ~u~ju[r~ur w trl proor or SUCh west of Belfair The ~ ~ - " UI LII~ IdW/Ully urgan zeu anu ~ ~ ,.~ ~,u~ ,f~.~u ................ • .. • m .. " ......... '-'r ~ na ..^r,;f:_.,_ ~,~ •~ Quarter Southeast Quarter serv ce w th n four months after comnosed of ~ f mhor .~=rE~ I ex st ng counties or me btate or u ~ ~,G LI IL~IL~ I~IU IO . ' . ' . p- .................. DAY l K)NS JaniTorial ~I~H'V CO ......... Tra" 11 "a"e 924 assessed to Section 12 Township 20 Sept 24 1970 or the same will with blue naint bounded h ..... ....... wasnmg~on, is me owner and y , ~ u , M +~. D~ ~'4 ~^'e * W M ~'e f "r^v2r ~" ¼ ~ " ~'~ .... ,~or., r~anu~ vv s~ a u o ~ ~ uarreu ~UllUlll Residential & Commercial h older of a certificate of Blance B. Bell Tract 5, Plat of di tance of 4 67 miles .... GEORGE H'• ...... area boundary tags and property ROTOVATING Windows Floors Rugs, Etc. delinquency issued n one Cab n Beach, according to the ~ ........ i ...... .: ....... Per ....... ~L/UU_~I . _ nes on part W]/2 NEI/4 of Section ' ' ---':'--'- " "-.-~- * -~ recordedPlatthereof ,~n file in H~ ~ ~L~ u. u~u ~,~ ~uuu, u. =u,,=, r~p,~uma[we 4 Townshin 99 Nnrfh J=l~n.~a n r en F rm work- 2 • Lf~ILI/IL'~I[I~ in oo~,,, .ormanu .... , ,- ........ , ..... v~ -. Law. s, Ga d s., a• . The Mop Artist dated the 11th day of Sentemberthe office of the Auditor of Shelton on .exlst,ng SIR. 101 to JOHN C. RAGA, N. West W.M.- part SW]/, SEll4 of ' macnlnes no joo too large or ....... ,,~-,,, ..... " - - Mason Count,, Year in P"r+ f ~÷- proceed normwesterly [o a TUll ~[orney [or ~state Section 33 'Tnwn~h n ~1 Nnrlh 9 17 tfn ~/o Oy [ne /reasurer or sa~o "" ~• "-~ ~' '"=~ " " Title In ur n ........... " ........ ' small. ~,~........ 426-8405 / ,, .... r .... ÷,, ~^,~.-;~-+ .....1965 Certfcate~3187 diamond ~nterchange Irl the _ s a ceBuddlng Ranne 3 West WM ~nnn ---u-oJ ~ r ,..=..... ....~,,.y .v==,. ,,u.u,, =,,u , ~. .... . ~ , , cont ....... = • O~ l~t n issued to the said Mason Count" Original Certificate No. 14, VlCln.lty of. the Cole Road then 122..Hallro.ad_Avenue ..... 30 acres, more or less comprising continues to an unaercrossm of bne~ton wasnmgton ~ • ~ A ,. = a for several amount~ -~ .... .4 Tray 15 page 1370 assessed to . .. g , approximately 80,000 bd. ft. of Uozers & Uackhoes ow,n for taxes on each and~ v~i~u Mrs W. 'm. Berg, Lots ]6 to 19 the Lost Lake Hoed" then curves 9/24-]0/]-8-3t Douglas fir 70 000 bd ft of CARPENTRY Grovel & Crush l Ro,k ~°e!ceg, ~:a!:tte ra ::m o:aiC:;oa , ,'~:c: i~i ~:'ra~ii?dn~B~:!~ 7t~L'era~c;~ir~ee°!f !:h! ~chch2n~giYi ~aetmt: t t:inafU~l;/!:o~sO:~: PU #LOIT 'CEE#RFI N G c~e~da~!(~:brkda ~:a~t :~hnl~t:e0 ,p~i ~b~dd.d a v.. eferen ......... v ......... ra e" f o attorn r uo omy" lrlmble, Clerk ~e o o n me r rm OT gcasn .... • ....... amount bein" set out oZ'''-~*^ Auditor of Mason County Year in " p " ber Co A Special Meet ng for the ft rl~mlrl9 ~' ~emoaellng '-J I~u)~ • • - " .-- ,- - --~ - each particular description and Certificate 1965 Certificate Railroad and an undercrossmg of Purpose of reviewing the final Minimum acceptable bid: ~neet Rocking l:xnert Unerators bein- the amount due and $2 11 ' "C" Street; then to reconnect to budget as proposed for 197] of $2 605.00. Floor Tile & Panellin- r" r" ,~l;~ .... + ......... k ,,~.+~.,~. • Oriainal Certificate No 15 existing SR 101 at the North Public Hospital District No 1 of Timber will be sold on a cash " ~'o~:""~t'r'a'ct '~r" ;a~cel ~'o'f'"/ancl Tray 15, page 1558, assessed to Shelton Interchange, which Mason County, Washington; will or installment plan basis. Timber r provides a full d~amond be held on Wedne e tern er must be removed rnor to IIi~1a VlUII~I f~llJl{l'D resnectivelv for taxes for the ,,ear Sa ah Marguerite Chavignaud. . . " " sday, S p b p " Rt 1 Box 198 IBVlB I~llllll~lll ~Vlllln. r- . . mtercn n A" ' . ............... 1965 for which said Mason Lots 21 to 23 inclusive, Block 6, . a ge.. ...... 30, ]970 at ]0:30 a.m. in the December 3], ]971. orapewew, wa. 4Z54,743 1/22 ttn Coup÷,, ,0=~,~ H,,h{ ,,f f .... ~ .....Lakewood Plat G accordina to /As a result OT me nearing the Office of the District at Mason On or before September 29 as w'i'li~rnore's~,e~f'icall,,a'DDear~L),=, the recorded Plat thereof on=file following revisions were mad'e to General Hospital• ]970, at 10:00 a.m., each bidde; • .~ ..... e~m~uHun=L=~,. F,~A•~, r ~ ;,~o=~ ~,~,;~.,'~ in the office of the Auditor of the plans: Any interested taxpayer is must make a minimum deposit of Ph 426-6687 6/tltfn ab v judgment to et er with VERN exclusweof ees 'to equal'10 of ~n~ummml~ll~,~ r'~./~/L¢) " 1 Deletion of the w ~i~O ~1~ _ descriptonherein toaetherwth Mason County. YearlnCertnflcate • . . . . g, rade elcome to attend. $260.50 ,n the form of cash, ~=nli~-T~.b =in ;..÷ .... * ~---*-' ~--'-~ ......... 1965 Certificate ¢1 80 ntersection at I-I gnway ROBERT S HO T money order or certified check • thereo~ up''to ano" mc~uemg ...... me Ori"inalu Certificate No. 16, Engineer s. Stabon 589 05•, Secretary Sad depos0t shall constitute an .................. bulldozing, backhoe ]lth day of September 1970 Tray 17 nage 93 assessed to L. superseding.that portion of Board o{Commissioners opening bid at the .appraised .... -~--v: ......... and dump truck service and the name of the person firmPresley Gi'll North 50 ft. of Lot ~elp~l~es~otnledo~Snt~ttR2u~e 9/24-1t pr,ce. Upon award of th,s sale, the For Itut e..r .............. .,. or corporation to whom or which 2, Block 5 Magg e Lake Add No. .-. , .... Y ~ respective depos ts she be ......... ou gu w,~[ur conditioners, said property is assessed being set 1, the recorded Plat ~ne;sts?,n'be~qwa;n Shi°~ving ORDINANCE NO. 811 returned., to the unsuccessful ........ ;----~-'-~'- ~l~llmll ~Am~ forth with each particular thereoT on Tiue in the office of the .- . ' ..... g Y A N O R D I N A N C E oidaers, un the day or sale, the SPOTLESS OLDER home near ~LIE~I r'AKK description a of said property Auditor of Mason County Year ~ng0~e:~.. b, tat,on 600+00 VACATING ALLEY IN BLOCK purchaser must pay the balance bei " " ..... in Certificate 19~ Per* f-=÷~ dnu eaU UU oy a portion or 1R' , between the bid de o Hartstene Island bridge r ght on 426~=~ ..... ng s tuareg in Mason Lounty, ,~ .................... N EEDHAM AND DAY S ' p st and the the water! Large grounds, range "~;~= bnelton. State of Washington, and being $5.09. wn/S plan; an(] .a.od_rt.gnt or. ADDITION TO SHELTON full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of refer -- farm size kitchen, garage 8/6 tfn more particularly describedas Original Certificate No. 17 _~ay .ana.ownersn,0p data; and M A S O N C O U N T Y ' sale fee, or may, if the purchaser f Tra 17 -a-e 915 a ..... e.~ ,(~ ~nowlng type "/A'approacnes so elects at the hme of and outbulldmgs. References ollows: to-wit: y la 9 ~ u ~ between ...... WASHINGTON ' " sa e, pay ~o! ~/~r~ dy i:Rc]25 ! 042~e ~ 5 75o C~ H ouL~E R 8~isedl~, FoM0u Vj~ iGo n$ 6TM0wa,~;~Nw6C :; ~o/V~! ,~y r~iii,~ii~ ~li i: ii::r~Co~i! i:t f!~:~ !i S t H T;~wna ;? :i?~?;~:drf :~ i~it;:ae.~ ! i~; t~eHa Ef Ris~!~s!;!ii?n,~/!~~ i ~i, ~!~i! iu~da;pei ~be~:;e~ C~o~n~0i~ ~ti ONE AND two bedroom and Leveling containing 10 acre~ more or less'Mason County. Year in Certificate BL2.5+50 right and BE2 6+40 recYipt of a petition fn? the cruise estimate, provided that iill**° i . " 4264:~43 -- Sheffon S W Barker Assessor's Tract 3 of ' " :~ ..... 4 ....... !- " - " o sa'd a e~ .... "" " : " Le0~a 1=5 Uller lract o and ~urrecuon or me property or Natural I-(esources access nouse with garage in downtown - NEV4 SWV4 'Sec. 32 Twp 22 N .... • . , .... " ........ NOW THEREFORE, the City ..... • , area $60.00 with utilities paid. ' Range 1 'W W M ' beinn mot:~ /idelano ot unrecordeo plat of lines Tor ~'arcel ~-~.~9. Comm ssion of the Citv of Lompnete contract ano 4262387 N~24tfn I~.=&II~D^/UAII/I&It~_ ---~ ....... ".•" 3 .... -Z_~ ": Twana Tracts Sec 32 Tw 22 LORENZGOETZ - ": s ecificationsma be examined at " • =/ ~,.aL'lr--n#"~L-''e'~'#LIl~l~'l IJd~t,Lu,dr,y uu~c[uueu as ., .. ~ ::'"':'" :'' P" Secretar" for "h ....... " Shelton does ordam as follows, sp .... y ...... ----~ ¢~...~ ~;, ~.. , bennninn =t=n,~i,~÷9o~f÷ ~,.~.+~. I~1. Hange ~ W.WM oelng more . y ~ u VVd~nlng[orl ] That due and lawru notice ror[ urcnaro UIStrlct .~=,,u -- r ~ -- ~rave = ~ = = ~- ......... ,.u.~,, ' • "" "' State Hi QUIET, UNFURNISHED one ~.V.~r¢.l n,,mn T.... Iz of the Southeast corner of NEV~ particularly described as a tract of ghway Commass~on of this Droceedina has been aiven Headquarters, County Auditor's bedroom apartment overlookmg and 1,-~,~,,r--~o,÷~-,- SWl/4 thence North 105 ft land ~n Government Lot 2 9/17-24-2t n a I respects and this Ordinance ottnce, and oft~ce ot the stream and garden• Carport -- ^,-'-..~'~=~., ,',..~-',~"' thence West tc~ the East ine of' beginning at a cedar stake set ~ shall be in full force and effect Commissioner of Public Lands, laundry mcluded. ~ltii~ No - . ;'~,i-~.. :-~"~,~.~ ~ tl~/~ r~ tmw.. run=ins ~ South 89 degrees 21 East 812.6 ..... ~.TICE ~tr.faj~.~o~..aJUgu, Jts ,~~J,ymp~a. ........... pets. Lease• $85.00 :m~.,Phone Tel. -- rP~P, --~Z§~l=a -" tfirough sa~d f})rtv thence in a tt. and North 0 degrees 56' West OFSHERIFF'S SALE piJblication as required by law. TO-13-e~g0[d'~rt "l~0?t-*Oi'L~'afd 426-1479• O9/24tfn :'~ ~i If AT/23tfn Southerly directionalone the East 210 ft. from the Southwest OF REAL ESTATE 2• That the alley