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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 24, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 24, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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LE7 lERS, continued from page A—6 Randy ca res Editor, Journal, County Commissioner Randy Neatherlin at recent potentially riotous protests in both Shelton and Belfair calmed the restless crowds, de-escalating several potentially vio- lent altercations’. As a peacekeeper, not a protester, he carried a sign that - read “Be kind” and reminded every- one “this is our home.” Randy is an honest, accessible problem-solver with integrity who really cares for our com- munity. Call 360-490-7 389. Keep Randy Neatherlin working for you. Bob Harris Belfair Opposites attract Editor, the Journal, In love and marriage there is a saying: “opposites attract.” It’s true for most long-term married couples I know. Often they spend the first few years together trying hard to make the other partner be more like themselves. The differences that first attracted them became irritations and sources of disappointed expecta- tions. Those that persevered, that stayed together even when it was not fun, discovered something magical: If they stopped expecting the other person to be just like them, learned to appreciate the other person and act toward them in a loving way,'the two could become one unit. Two sets of strengths and weaknesses meshed. They became a team, filling in each other’s weaknesses and multiplying their effectiveness at raising a family, maintaining a home, and building a fulfilling life. Don’t get me wrong; I am not talking about accepting things suCh as partner abuse, unfaithful- ness, alcoholism, child abuse, or fail- ure to contribute to the household. I mean differences that exist because individuals have different ways of thinking, different priorities, different problem-solving strategies and dif- ferent ideas of “normal.”Liberals and conservatives need each other, de- spite and because of their differences. Tension between the two help keep America moving forward down the middle of the road. Too much power given to either side sends us into the ditches of anarchy and communism. Why are we as a people wasting so much time and energy being mur- derously angry at others with whom we disagree? Cancel culture, public shaming, twisted political correctness, illegitimate guilt; all used shame— lessly to destroy people and silence any dissent from the latest popular Are'you a public school, state or localfemployee ' planning your next chapter? Karen L Schade Financial Advisor 1051 Se State Route 3 Suite E Shelton. WA 98584 360-426-4590 Let us help you prepare. To learn more. call my office today. , cause/political stance/scientific truth. “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” If we don’t stop this hostile attitude and learn to appreciate each other, the anarchists win and all of g us will suffer. This country prospered because it remained united by a shared set of rules: the Constitution of the United States. Within that M set of rules is room for differences in thinking, worshipping, exploring sci— ence, problem-solving strategies, pri- orities and much more. How long has it been since you had a reasoned, po- lite conversation with someone from “the other side?” Let’s start finding things in common, giving each other room to be different, filling in each other’s weaknesses, and help each . other build a fulfilling life. Reach out, stop watching TV, participate in your neighborhood’s well-being. Let’s make it true: that opposites attract. Brenda Windom Shelton Sweetwater project Editor, the Journal, I’m pleased to learn that Com- missioner Randy Neatherlin sup- ports the Sweetwater Park proposal. The Sweetwater Creek project will complement the Theler Wetlands trail system and will further improve environmental learning. Committed , community members have worked tirelessly and have pledged donations to bringthis project to fruition. The executive director of the Port of Allyn explained the importance of the Sweetwater Creek proposal in last week’s Journal. I hope all the Port of Allyn commissioners work to support the project. If we remain united for the good of all in North Mason, we will get our share of grant and capital funding for needed projects. Phil Wolff Allyn What is Black? Editor, the Journal, I came of age in the 19605 when the social push on racism was all about integration. What was integration? It was intended to bring minorities, primarily Blacks, into the mainstream system of education and to eliminate the segregation of Blacks from whites by arbitrary rules. This meant we all went to the same schools, the same colleges, the same universities and we played on the same athletic teams. To enforce integration, schools, colleges and universities were forced to accept a certain share of minorities, whether edwardlonessom Member SIPC Mun, sires QFJNVESIlNiJ“ Thursday, Sept. 24, 2020 — Shelton-Mason County Journal Page A-7 their credentials wouldn’t meet the enrollment standards of the institu- tion. School kids were bused all over from different neighborhoods to meet the criteria of integration. The key word then was prejudiced. If you didn’t accept a minority as an equal you were identified as being prejudiced. Blacks were marching in protests everywhere to force this rec- ognition. Well now, that was roughly 60 years ago, and since that time, we’ve had a Black president, Black generals, Black mayors, Black police chiefs, and Black judges in all parts of the country. But today we also have a Black caucus in Congress. And we have Black universities and colleges. But we also have the greatest force in the world to oppose racism — mixed marriages. When I worked in the logging in- dustry, you were judged by what you did, not who your daddy was or what nationality you were. And when I fought in Vietnam you weren’t judged on the color of your skin, but whose side you fought on, and whether you could keep the folks on your side alive. Did we have race problems then? Yes. There were even protests in Vietnam by Blacks who felt they were serving unfairly. Was this justified? Accord— ‘ing to the statistics, the death count by race in Vietnam was distributed across all races similar to the popula- tion. . We still have bullying and intimi- dation, however, and it knows no race lines. But today can there be a “white club” in school? I doubt that would fly, don’t you? Can there be a “Black club” or a “Black student union” in school? Yes, there can be, and there is. Will someone tell me, in our school system that has worked so hard to eliminate prejudice and racism, how do we al- low this? And how do we teach the children of mixed marriages that they need to identify with one group or the other? Is it based on skin colOr? Heav- en forbid. This is exactly what all the hubbub has been about for 60 years — that your skin color doesn’t matter. Today we have professional ath- letes protesting “inequality in Ameri- ca.” Really? Do we have good cops and bad cops? Has anything changed in 60 years? Well, if those professional athletes think that representation in any field should be equal to that race representation in the popula- tion, then they need to look no further than their own teams to prove that is not the case. Do they believe sports teams should adopt the same criteria accepted by the colleges and univer- sities of the 1960s, and make sure there is “equal representation” of all races? And if you look at the statistics of those being killed by police, they’ll ‘ find data that doesn’t seem to support their arguments of race-based-shoot- ings. These shootings correlate much more closely with crime statistics than most want to realize. But here’s the question I’d like you to consider. If you have children of a mixed marriage, which very happily, my family is, how black do you have to be before you’re considered Black? Or how white do you have to be before you’re considered white? Why don’t you pose these questions to a profes- sional athlete? Or maybe a soldier? On the field of play or the field of battle, it doesn’t really make any dif- ' ference —— it depends on who can do the job better, doesn’t it? So now, pose this question to the high school, and the students, who support “black” or “white” clubs. I’d really like to hear the answers. You see, we’re all Americans, re- gardless of race. And that should put all of us on the same team. Well, even for a team, there are different ways to achieve the goal, be it football, hockey or war. So let’s talk about what those goals are for our country. For all Americans who are on the same team. And let’s argue and discuss about how to get there —— the issues. Not the color of the people. Let’s not allow the bullies and the fearmongers to deter us froma better country by allowing racists groups of any color to flourish. Loren Gee Olympia Would you rehire a bad plumber? Editor, the Journal, If you hired a plumber and your plumbing was worse when he finished, would you hire him again? In 2016, Trump ran as a law-andaorder presi- dent and today he claims lawlessness is the worst that is has ever been, thereby admitting he failed miserably, but you should rehire him anyway. Has Trump told America'the truth about (1) the economy, (2) Veteran’s Affairs and (3) the coronavirus? (1) Trump say’s “I rebuilt the economy in three years.” Truth: the economy began improving in 2009 and improved at a steady rate up until 2020 and the virus. (2) Trump says he passed the Choice Act so Veterans could receive non-VA health care. Truth: the Choice program for Veter- ans was enacted in 2014. (3) Trump told America the virus was nothing to worry about and would disappear like magic. Truth: he knew how serious the virus was and his downplaying its seriousness has cost thousands of American lives. ~ Question: Do you really want a failed liar as your president? N.H. Fraser Shelton see LETTERS, page A-8 Make ‘2'020'the Year for Your New Roof! Your Full Service Rooter ' Since 1959! me One Doctor That 5m! Yokes House Calls! ‘ i R03 999'1‘0 FREE Estimates m" «mm A so Servmg: Olympia Lacey - Tumwaier ~ Tenmo Yelm - Tacoma ' Montesano Aberdeen McKennu ‘ Gig Harbor ' Centralin Cheholis - Longview - Vancouver - Roy