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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 24, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 24, 2020
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w”...n-..__.~.. .. -.. . SCHOOL The Shelton School District NJROTC squad drills in the spring of 2018in the Oakland Bay dunior High School gym. The Shelton School District is the first in the state to offer a Navy Junior Re- serve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) course to eighth-grade students. Journal file photo Gor- don Weeks Eighth-graders can , join Shelton NJROTC The Shelton School District is the first in the state to offer aNavy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) course' to eighth—grade students. The newly’approved course is open to a limited number of eighth-graders attending Oakland Bay Junior High School as part of a pilot program made possible by the National Defense Authorization Act, according to a news release from the organization. The NJROTC program is administered through3 a Department of Defense and National Defense Au- thorization Act of Fiscal Year which permits eighth-graders to participate in the program if the middle school is near a high school that has an es- tablished'program. ’ . r . “We’ve been selected by the Navy to do this pilot before it goes out to the rest of the nation,” Darrell Hood, the group’s senior naval science instructor, wrobegin a news‘ release. “We’re fortunate that we haveg strong school board, school district,commu- nity ahd school suppert, which helped the Navy see us as a good place for eighth-graders 'to integrate into the program.” V The NJROTC program is not a military recruiting program, the organization states. The program in- cludes basic citizenship, US. military organization, . basic government and basic health, which focuses I on proper eating and exercise and not abusing sub-- ‘ stances. The course offers overall career planning to consider for military and nonmilitary careers. The US. Navy provides most of the funding for the program, including the staffing and the major- ity of the costs for uniforms, accessories and class materials. ' Students who complete the two-year cycle of N JROTC can enlist as an E-2 in the Army or Marine Corps. Students who complete the three-year cycle can enlist as an E-3 in the Air Force or Navy. Along with joining the military at a higher pay level and rank, students who complete the program receive a physical education credit. For this school year, Cadet Lt. Commander Hope Cassidy replaced outgoing Commanding Officer ca— det Lt. Commander Alexis Young. ' Cadet Lt. Hunter Middleton replaced outgoing Commanding Officer, cadet Lt. Sirius James. Cadet Senior Chief Jadyn Redmann relieves the outgoing cadet Senior Chief Fernando Salamanca. I Compiled by reporter Gordon Weeks AAA SEPTIC ‘8: portable restroom rentals 360.4216] 10 ' 360.275.6460 1.877.978.6700 l ‘ visit us at a Boxleitner kbox/eitner@masoncounty com EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the first in a three-part series on a presentation from the Washington Department of Natural Resoures to the League of Women’s Voters of Mason County While the state Department of Natural Resources has been in crisis-response mode for much of the year, Cemmissioner of Pub- lic Lands Hilary Franz wants'the League of Women Voters of Mason County to be aware of the other responsibilities of her role and de- partment. Although COVID-19 and wild- Thursday, Sept. 24, 2020 — Shelton-Mason County Journal Page A-11 fires have been at the- forefront of Franz’s attention, she told the League during the group’s Sept. 15 Zoom meeting that she’s focused on “building resilience and strength, both in our lands and in our com- munities, every single day.” Franz described Washington as home to “some of our most beau- tiful landscapes,” starting with 2.6 million acres of aquatic land, including Puget Sound and the state’s rivers, lakes and streams, ' and its ocean coastline. “My job is to manage those lands that generate revenue through port's, marinas and shellfish,” said Franz, who noted that DNR is the largest geoduck producer in the state. “That money goes toward It's Back! Commerce has funded . a secbnd round of $10 million l L_.m-_-,-,,- DNR: ‘On the front lines of changing climate’ salmon habitat and restoration, which we need aggressive invest- ments in, now more than ever.” Franz brought up . Cook Aqua- culture’s Atlantic salmon net pens, which were in place when she be- gan her term in office in 2017. She called them “bad lessees.” “I had no idea, when I came into office, that we were growing Atlan- tic salmon,” Franz said. .“I immedi- ately took action and shut those fa- cilities down, Where I could, based on breach of contract.” Franz oversees more than 3 million acres of forest, range, agricultural and commercial lands, including 2 million acres of see LMV, page A-30 in grants to support small businesses with 20 or fewer employees. Grant amounts will not exceed $10,000 total per business and is made possible by the Federal CARES Act. Nonprofits are eligible for a small section of this program. submit all required documentation including: o A copy of your eligible expenses records 0 A copy of your eligible expenses payments All financial statements must be complete, accurate, and easily comprehensible. Any documentation that does not meet these criteria Overview: , These grants are provided thanks to the Washington State Department of Commerce. The purpose of these grants is to support businesses with a physical location in Mason County who have been impacted by the COVlD—19 pandemic and shutdown. These grants are administered by the Economic Development Council of Mason County (a Mason County, will not be considered. File types that will be accepted include .pdf, Washington based non—profit organization). All complete and eligible .ipeg, and .png. Please submit these via email to karin@choosemason. applications will be reviewed and scored. The top 14 applications will com. each receive a grant award of up to $10,000. The information provided here in no way implies that any specific amount will be awarded to any specific indivndual business. v When can I apply: The application will be online only through the portal. No applications submitted by email Will be accepted. The application portal will open to applicants starting at 9:00 AM PST on September 15, 2020. The application will be open for three weeks with the final deadline is 5:00 PM PST October 6th at which time the application portal will be closed. If there is money still available after all eligible applications have been reviewed and awarded, we will reopen the application portal upon announcement to the public. To be eligible for consideration, qualifying small businesses must: Have been officially in business (licensed with the State of Washington) since January 1, 2020. 0 Be federally-legalbusinesses.~ g p I ' Have a physical location in Mason County. , O Have 20 or feWer employees including the owner prior to March 1 7, 2020. Be able to demonstrate a loss due to the COViD-19'pandemic/shut down order. ' . 0 Be sole proprietorships, partnerships, lLCs, S—Corps, and contractors. HOW are funding dedSlons madE? 0 Non—profits (any 501 organization) are also eligible fora portion of these funds. Applications Will be fGVlEWGd after the deadline to ensure applications ' are complete and applicant businesses are eligible. All eligible and complete applications will be reviewed and scored by two members of the five-member review panel with a focus distributing the funding across the entire county. The top 14 applications will be awarded a grant. . If selected for an award. a successful‘business must be . able to answer “yes”; to the following questions: ' The expense is connected to the COVlD-l9 emergency. ‘0 The expense is necessary" to continue business operations. 0 The expense is not filling a shortfall in government revenues (Le. taxes, licenses, state, county, federal and/or city fees). 0 The business will self—attest that the expense is not funded by any other funder, whether private, state or federal. . When will funding decisions be announced? Funding decisions will be announced as soon as possible. Due to the anticipated volume of applications, decisions may not be announced until October 9, 2020. We anticipate awarding all funding ($133,675) to eligible applicants by October 9, 2020, You will receive confirmation that your application has been received. Due to the anticipated volume of applications, we are asking applicants not to contact us viaemail regarding the status of their application. Everyone will be notified regarding the outcomes. Can i apply if i own multiple businesses? Yes. However, only one business per owner has the potential of being selected. How much are these grants for? How will I receive the funding if I am awarded? The total grant fund is $133,675.00. Reserved funds for non—profits Awardees will be notified and awarded checks will be issued by working in economic development or on economic development projects Economic Development Council of Mason County once all expenses is $20,000.00. Individual awards will be made to selected qualifying reports and verification have been submitted. What if need help with or businesses for up to a maximum of up to $10,000 per business. have questions about the application process? Please send any questions Businesses will need to be able to provide a proof of expenses for the you may have to specific amount of funding they are requesting that falls under the eligible uses for the grant. Where is the application? ' The online application is available through the portalat http:/Mww. What can i use a 973m fol"? choosemasoncoml and applicants are encouraged to review the Eligible uses include: operating expenses, rent, marketing, supplies, utility application questions listed in the FAQS and preparetheir financial billS. memory. conSUliing/trainlng- reports (balance sheets and profit and loss statements). ineligible uses include: payroll and capital expenses (e.g. computer equipment, machinery, office equipment, vehicles, and software.) a [kart-on sawisgon E “the is October 6. 2020 at 5pm PSI . Stay Healthy, Stay Positive! 0. id Washington State Department of Commerce What do I negd in order to apply? If you meet all qualifying criteria, you will need to answer all questions on the application through the application portal when it opens and EDCM ASON thriving businesses - strong communities