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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 25, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 25, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i iii ii i i i iiiii PUBLIC DANCE , Dayton Community Hall , SATURDAY- SEPT.27 SUPPEI{ WILL BE SERVEI) GOOD MUSIC DANCiNG fl p.m. 1o I n.m. &apos; t li ,. ;il00LO;00t "" + $3,,, Call]col Floor Covering Needle loomed, all woo1 carpeting in 9,ft. width . . . An attractive texture weave in pastel colors to fit into any period ol modern dec- orative plan. Armorous Rose . . . Ballet Blue . .. Hawaiian Biege. , .. ' Twilight Grey and Gipsy Green shades to choose from. Olsen Fu ni r ture "Fine.Furmture for the Home" 328 corn : PHONE 102 iii i i ii i iiii iiii iii i i iiiiii i i iiiiiii JR. CI,UB IIOLDS PARTY The Junior Club of the Degree of Honor will meet Saturday, Sep- tember 27, 12 noon at the Odd Fellows Hall• A waffle party is scheduled for that time. SHELTON'-]VfASON COUNTY J0trRNAL i i i , -- 7 ...... ...... ii rlrl .......... SOCl00t CAROL JEAN REMSBERG AND ......... ill iiiii iiii i ...... I I i III I iii i i I II I[ r Bordeaux P. LA. Meet Draws 100 "The Means of :Best Meeting the Needs of ihe Elementary School Child," was the theme of the B()rdeaux P.T.A. at the first This Winter ENJOY THE COMFORT YOUI1 BY B V.F.W. and Auxiliary to rail meetinff, tmld at the school • " ' " OIL l'][Ea= I]ohl Joint Installatmn JACK PAGE EXCHANGE VOWS Th,,rsd,,y, September 8• FAST FREIGI ..11?. regumr meeting of' the Tile First Baptist Church with The bridegroom's mother chose _R_.. W;_ O[t]lan h m[Perintendt WITH DOOR DELIV v.F.w/ {ux!liary was neta Fri- white tapers burning and early la black .crepe dress, and a white ?r sci)om:,.,t.,:t p!nsfiof au[u- ormlUa'y' eptemDCrHall 19, at the Mere-Fall flowers artistically arranged I carnation corsage. • c,U°naLeasmgm"?ll?att¢nuanceU mee .Ueneeas m- . should be route . was the setting for the marriage l For her traveling costume the .... . ..... ..... i: ! ght vm Sir. Skoc Alma White, hospital chairman, uniting Carol .Tean Remsberg, I bride chose a beige wool suit with In order that a closer COOl)era- , reported on a trip to the American daughter of Mr and Mrs. Everett [ navy blue accessories and a cor- tion between the school and the Lake Hospital where Mrs. White L. temsberg and John Howard l sage of red roses and small white home be possible Torger Lee e have ,, t ok f" - Time S.e.h.e Lucy. Edmiston. .... and Terry Lee Ed-. p,{,g.e son of Mt .......... and Mrs E J mum principal of ..B°rdeaux', urged .'ill mmton took homemade candy and iV[ell  The newlyweds left immediately parents to wslt school often and W, , . •  s o or ::i taves Tacoma oauy, exc, cotton rags needed in making m. , ....... ,o=u,n wi*h I aftc the receution for Seattle to become acquainted with the .... Immediate Installation :: Olympia az • _ ........................... : A2rlve Shelton aal [ rags. ,,,u,h,,.,, ,a ,, ),+u,e,n ba- I where they will reside while Mr. teachers and the work being done ES : ::i :: CLARENCE CARL In her report she urged the k"ets-o'wl'dt"e'"gialiol'an * pint( I Page continues his studies at Se- by the children• FLOOR FURNAC + P||£PT qflll00ffl [Auxiliary .members to. save all cot- ..... ^ ........ , ........................... +- ......... - "n n-''. af ..... l attle Pacific College Richard Hudson, princ pal of the :; -" g U,JIlM. . [ ton rags ior the hospAal. +.':( .... € u. -.e,'  o IVe,, I The" bride is a graduate of Iola L ncoln School gave a fom•-year .................. e ................. - ...... OIL CIRCULATORS : I The next meeting wfli be Oc- . .....     ......... . ,L' .,...... [Kansas Hio'h School and then at- resume of increasing attendance. • , ece.u o. u• uvc, t eu L., Uuum," +  ' CX lai ' ' 'i;'iil! ]tober 3, when they will honor the ,"n,, -eon- [tended the Kansas State College He also  p. ned how addtmnal I Auxflmry Gold Star Mothers All .... ; • - ...... let Manhattan, Kansas Since classroom vpace has been made OIL-O-MATIC OIL BURNE ' 'me brine, on zne arm or ner , .... : • • • I the mothers are asked to be pres- €*.--  ..... -* ....... , ...... 1,.^-looming West 15 montis ago she available wi)fle at the same time eat I ' down the aisle Which was flanked I Ires been employed at the Shelton music, gy .  Y.E• facilities /Y.F.W, Auxihary candelabra. • [ The groom m a graduate of ,. E. W,.tleeOW, Bordeaux teacher; i,lA.  .... In, ,.,,4- Her gwn of brocaded satin had/Irene S. Reed High School with tom m .t ..g!owtl of the oan !i: aautu a:r.,u,,[zvaev a fitted bodice with a round neck- ltho class of '44. He served in classes m tnen second year and Shet0n Gacole ' gO0 lj ! : Bea. / Thurs:y, }ep.tember .30, s the line and inserted net yoke, long/tle South!fic with the U• S• cted sthe need for more instru- ](!a[e se[ or ne ms )[ pointed sleeves, a bustle back and / vtarine Meoicat orps during the '"Z" , ...... . American J.eglon uxlnary oHc- • ,l,i  r, f;,.,erti ./war • • lYtl'; avtuFy .'2.n(lerson curric- i . ' sweeping  •' "" "";" '"g " / : • " -" • " "' e,... , .......... ,; ..... ,,, h...,n length Illusion veil was caught to. .,k rec.eptron followed', at' tle m u_m..?L'e°r, s p.o,e of pla,s.for M _ .......... s ...................  ........ - ---- ' summer home oI Mr and Mrs E orll]nt4 u unnaren a Defter " "' " " " jointly witch the post ceremonies :ss rc3ttrscr0'r %fl°ra:;wge ] Mell on Arcadia" load where knowledge of the conimunity by D str butors of STANDARD O ese and (i!di lati!laii2i2b? ?/ieLgm;e ;li;tY frW:S het:andmof per,.,. } thc:a;?:i:;%:;;:aterdofOr ' tahse " nv:seU't?,tlilP[ °u°sf 3lts:es' 122 So. Third St. Phone 81 <i I ' .. CO J Pa, e--el ";" Fo '- --i The bride carried a bouquet of[ ters and mums. ershi .... o rdeaux P.T.A. i:'':' r ] vt cum, ne u 'to 1 s- ala . all ..... lnl--ll ...a ,:., ..,. I Tim 'table was covered with a. memo , p anve Will oegin ep- " trict president, will conduct the ),, y%,VWroseouos s,,u,,, a,u ,,, p,, [white ,linen" cloth and" centered !tembere shi29' through October 10• I s+rvice for the Auxiliary ;2,. " - si ...... --- [wi£h a wedding care: topped with ' Menrb 1' P envelopes willbe sent ---- i b "fct 1 n he i'"'-e s _.  me orme s ster etty renm- t . . .,_e .) " / . i "  . r • Ul , u c .on w n O. erveu .... ' ::':.S' ............. I uale nirik sweeteas and wreathed o . n t arents, relatives anu j • i berg, ac[ea as mare or honor wvar- t t- • t- ' " '---'--'---"'*'''''----- -/'?¢.,i and a dance will coml)letc the in  a teal blue taffeta own ac-[with .sweetpeas and huckleberry, }fr]en ds of students. ) Pinochle '_ Oct evening, o 4 . entertainment. ...... at Series Shelton " ....... OpellS Valle,, J ladioli ioli in cenea Dy rang gloves m macn She s and taffe'ta - wore" :' carried and "a small halo a bouquet " of "ale' neach lavender of poach glad  " .... I bride, II Charles [I non bride, Mrs Remsberg, served had Dn Chase Remsber% charge the poured, sister, in-law cake sof aunt while the MrS,of of gest Ver- Mrs. the the. i • II ae°n' I. mrs." " lr°g-l•m n" appointed Commit:ees for L ea president._ b.y Ms. °ysen; memoersmP, I Mrs• r.ooert, this. Alfred year ?jce _ '" Mmh- were . ]111 I: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  i .... ':" 'i.nocme auaics of tnis co,n-" .... • ' ," Ib0ok and Mrs ' Everett'Rernsberg,Mrs. alpn Crabi]l and Mrs.' 'iiiiiiii!:':!:ii;j'4;°I!ili ., VEA:R' i    mumty can play under compettmn uamms. _  - ' . tpresided at the punch bowl I Floyd Cole publicity, Mrs Rob- I a r ni zvuss Juuy emsnerg', cousin Or ...... ii iilill ::::"r on S tu day ghts starting Oc- •_ _' ....... "_., [ _______=. l ert Watson; room rcDresentatiws • , . • toe price, anu .M_ISS anna nase - .... , - - rebel , when a set'ms of weekly ....... I  r • • • r ] I Mrs. Leonard Bnek; budget, Mrs• ] ) were candle ugntezs anu W O re -- pinochle l arties will be started :.. " ' " " "ie" I Jalie DalSCll wefts IBruce Sch.warcl; finance, Mrs. I ]  ma[enmg yellow net formals  a nde' the ausp'ces of the Shelt m ...... " - -- ""[ Wednesda-- motnin- Se-tember [Gilbert Frisken; National Parent. I  I '- .m':l , t y styled: Valley Grange in the Shelton Val- win Dine velvet_ sasnes.- ou ! [ ......  _ Y_ .' ,g-.  ....... Teachers Magazine, Nfrs Lynn   - erf_c 1.. lev ;ane hall ' girls wore halos o: yellow eaisms |*-, a v a.m. m am muwaru ,._rwoo ,. ..... ' ""• FW: ' *" +,1 J/ I: forrestful eaF2UrigPh'tlZeo ;;y,bmog ;ffe[ed a'omtv}eygY:c:letaSs best man :teh"CCpeUsr'C:nefr°e:t3;,%m?,d: i:fac':edtt;'Z!i'a,'rs'ar'G]e, ! H¢ sleep,'t hi'hma a vo n While ushers were Vernon Reins, Baisch, daughtler of Mr. andMrs.]aol v .' " 1 I '|' --':'" i1 ' _ " " low man and woman Entry fees berg, brother of the bride, and [ C. J. Bamch, became the bade of I '^- ............ I :' : • ill be ' ' --'--  * Jack Meyer Warren Robert Earl, SOIl Of Mr rdv-lltUl'i U ne executive board w fifty cents, per player. Re, =.= _ • ........ [..,= .............. , .... • • [ere hostesses for this meeting] freshments are part of the party mrs_ wnarms, playe me i a,a,er ]arec:nann offic [serving refresliments to nearly 100 [ too. nupm mumc mcmamg a preme. I .  " neople t ,+ ......... Mrs. Chase also accompanied Mrs. ] iated at the ceremony.. ¢ Miss  .... , .....   .... +, .... , I I i i i i / i i i ( A Forsmark, aunt of the l Miss Bil]ie Baiseh, s ster of the h.. ",h^".'_.'LP ........ ":" ''1 II 1 1 Illil Illll[ H 1 1 1 " " - .... U  U lllUes percentage o]: groom, from Port Orchard, who I bride, was her only eenuan and .......... ' -- ": . I i ',.sl ; " , - " ,' RoU^r * Tembr " ll" 1....),her in h'w put-w presen t'iay a prize o I saag O Pz0mise e' ana 'ne .c =u , urt " " ' ice cream an-' ' "' . -' .-'-e"----- ! • " " " " " 1 S - -e " . ", U C00}leS were serveu J Here s n Danger Tb'brId'sm°therw?reablaelHtt.emCptit]hoewC:i°'i:e t t echfldr-e-n°*hatgra e" I crepe dress with a red rose oor-] , Y g  ......... { ........ :sa,e Mrs E C Remsber% l ceremony, Mrs J F Baisch of OUIX lea[is vIsII;ors [ You Dare I00gletfl + grandmother of the bride, wore a j Tacoma, aunt of the bmde, pre- Guests in Horton Home I r--"-! black crepe own, with a gardeni' i sided at the reception able while ................ --- , ' Mr Robr Tembr.ll sister of '.u, umrs.a,pnrloronwere .... -- i A costly claim reulttng from an auto corsage, the " room  had ca"e of" the hosts at their Angleside home cci en - ", , : , , s , s . last Wednesda Thursda and a d t may mean the loss of our Y, Y • Y [ CAINATION CLUB MEETS I guest book F ..... - • rJoay to ormer midwest fricnus, home, your savinga, your future. State I The Carnation ClUb of the De-I Folowing their return from a Mt and Mrs 'Fa 1 "'" *" n<: wagner oz .r,- Farm Mutual auto insurance give you I gree of Honor meets Thursday,  short Wedding trip to California . '"  _ '" - ..... ' _ ,ucheompleteptoteetion, emts ,o little, I lfe2;im3;lsn ', 6tt 5 lin:;ns 3 Ithell]3aPstVut°t.P21;bWfll be at home a.Xe;'aneU3 n +haK0s';ti°i  " |T'$ BUlL you shouldn t be without it. Get the ] ln.Rn ., A tlmmt hh,o¢n , " eachers Agency, a elearing house I .... v ....... " " ...................  ---- for placing teachers in )omUons 20 Y[A facts at once. will be served at no n fglloWed " " " "  " .....  .... l Inttml Meeting For iroughout the United States m r mamv I Dy  mee1mg na sewlng,m me I.r • .. .. ,, . . ......... +" _ ............ I afternoon getting ready for the [ I¥1,SlC UlU.D,,,lae{l " ' Fowler wa .. Sbelton Hotel +.. J bzaar in October. ] Guest night will be featured guarantee I : : :L:', All: Degree of Honor members at the Shelton Music Study:Club's .,, years of ire STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES !are welcome to attend the meet- [initial meeting of the 1947-1948 ""f US This ismad , . ........ '. ling. ! season, to be held at the home of t*att know-how Or DlOOmlllglon+ IIIIrlOll Mrs. Bernhard Winiecki Wednes- years of start-to-finish, it is with Deepest Regret That We Make This Announcement! DUF, TO CONDITIONS BEYOND OUR CONTROL We Will Close Our Doors . PERMANENTLY Tuesday, Sept. 30 We wish to take this opportunity to thank our many friends for their patron- age and splendid cooperation during the past 26 years. OUR OFFICE WILL BE OPEN FOR COLLECTION OF ACCOUNTS UN]IL FURTHER NOTICE SHELTON NARKET 411 RAILROAD J. F. BICHSEL Proprietor DAYTON DANCE SATURDAY At the Dayton CommUnity Hall next Saturday night from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. there will be a gay time• The Dayton Community Club is sponsoring a dance. SUpper will be served and good music pro- vialed Saturday, Sept. 27. ' D.P.W. To Entertain State Officers Soon The Mason County Chapter, No. 14, of the Daughter Pioneers of Washington will entertain the state president, Mrs. Erle T. Churchman and state correspond- ing secretary, Mrs. Victor L. Pangle, at the home of Mrs. Eliza Casey, 425 West Elinor, Thurs- day, September 25, at 12:30 p.m. £n A., g..' luncheon will follow the meet- Elroy Nelsons Off for 3-Week Motoring Trip Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Nelsonleft their Capitol Hill home last Fri- day for a three-week motor trip which will carry them' by round- about routes to their old home at Leeds, South Dakota. Heading south, they will visit natural p]len- omena and out-of-the-way scenic points of interest in Oregon, Cal- ifornia, Nevada, Utah, Colordo, and Arizona before reacbing Leeds, collecting on the way rock specimens for Mr. Nelson's cut- rock collection. Rev. Caddy Surprised At Farewell Shower The members of the Assembly of God surprised the Rev. Richard I. Caddy, who is leaving Shelton, with a "going away" shower Sat- urday evening. Reverend lr. Caddy has been called as pator for the Assembly of God Church in Lake City, near Seattle, and is leaving Shelton af- ter a five-year stay. He preached his farewell ser- mon to a large crowd Sunday. DIVORCES Four Interlocutory decrees of di- vorce and a final divorce decree were signed, in Mason County SU- dPerior Court session last Satur- ay. Interlocutory d e c r e e s . were granted to Ari. V. Dundas from John Wallace Dundas, restoring her maiden name of Ari V. ScOy- oc; to Anne Tate from Joseph H. Tats, Jr.; to Gloria Jeanne Arm- strong from Robert James A*m- strong, granting her custody of the minor children; and to James C. Roush from Laura M. RouSh, granting him custody of the minor child. A final divorce was granted to Louise Reeder from Fay Otto Reeder. MARRIAGE LICENSES Marriage license applications were filed in the office of the County Auditor by the following couples this week: Stanley Lyon, 38, Lee's Camp, Ore., and Marcia Brahman, 25, Mossyeock, Wash,, September 20. Artlur E. Fry, 8, aines, Ore., md Mary J. Lee, I]8, Pleasant Valley, Ore., September 20. day, October 1. This will be the first of a series of programs to be based on the theme ':Listening to Music Crea- tively." Music for the evening's program will be furnished by Mrs. Albent who will present a group of Negro spirituals, and Mrs. Oliver Ash- ford, cellist, accompanied by Mrs. Bernhard Winieeki. Couple Recently Wed One wedding was performed by Judgo Walter A. Magoon last • week. Stanley Lyon of Lee's Camp, Oregon, was married to Marcia C. Brannon, Mossyrock, Wash., September 20. NAVY MOTHERS MEET The Navy Mothers Club will meet Thursday, October 2, at the Memorial Hall. This is a regular meeting and will begin at 8 p.m. GRANGE NEWS SHELTON VALLEY GRANGE We vtsitod the new Southside Grange at their last meeting and the basket social which was a huge sucess from the standpoint of attendance and the cash taken in for the baskets. The Pomona Grange held their regular meeting at the Harstine Grange Sunday. They passed some very creditable resolutions. The islanders are all pepped up on he prospect of light and power in the near future and are making arrangements for the full use of same. The Southside Grange is making preparations for the visit of the Shelton Chamber of Commerce on the 17th. of October. And say, don't forget the Shel- ton Grange get-t0gether meeting for all Grangers and their friends this Saturday night. The Cooke orchestra will be there rarin' to go. Good eats, dancing and fun ill you get tired. We'll be looking for you. --C. L. Collins. Port Orchard Man Buys Store' at Ally Sam Corliss, Port Orchard, re- centl.y bought a grocery store and serried station in Alls, n, and is re- ported to have embarked on an improvement program for the busi- ness. He has been appointed agent for Union Oil products in the terri- tory, according to an announce- ment by F. W. Gibson, distributor for the Shelton +area. Corliss m a member of a pioneer Port Orchard family, and during the war was associated witl the OPA offices in Bremerton and Sheltn. S ta. te Eagle Prexy Will Visit Shelton Shelton Eagles will be hosts for the official visit of their state president, John Webber, at 8 p.m. October 6. All Shelton Eagles are urged to attend the meeting Which will be one of the year's big events here. The off/clal visit will be made to the Sheltoa Eagles hall. We have a fleet of trucks and a staff of experts to handle your moving job speedily and efficiently, whatever type of article you :'FOWLER 40-Gallon $1.24.95 ture m the No . ma*nufacturmg r behind its ssuranCe, There are ,,firsts,'-th( tank, heat" temperature new Fowle¢ IS .FIRST IVITH T'I'I 50-Gallon $144.95 want moved. You're insured of course while WO take over. i J '=  (I ]..41! + i Olsen Furn00[u,! POPULA TRANSFER [ 2s COTA PH ONE ,, ii" 011  (See Foot Note) I e, s. ,d 6' j "Fine Furniture for the Idor : ith *D-l-k X t I ,, ........... I .......... ' ..... = - • ,,, , n ...... T III - '!l!i .'. • I " 1' lirgin WooI Frei: !] LADI.ES. Here s a (.han007 *D-l%,.Xtreate, / I :i To Get The Kind OF 00ill .... DURING 0URSALB, i[+ S!eepma FRIDAY and SATUR DAy with OF THIS WEEK -- SEPT. 26 :,ue ,or Rose Stri] , i We Will Have a Large Showing of , TWO PIE(: ALL TYPES 0F FURS , In the Latest Styles I , [=DR i WILLIAM D. ALLISON, Fur Expert WILL BE HERE ALL DAY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 ;m -A- TO take care of all fur remodeling, repairs and alterations. I I longer wearing, \\; L._ We Have Just Received A NEW SHIPMENT OF FORMAIN Some of which are very exelusive models we know you will be thrilled to wear. Come in at your convenience and see them, / Crane s Apparel 321 COTA PHONE 228