September 25, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Pag .... ' SHELTON-MAS0N COD'NTY JOURNAL ,,, Thursday, September'.! :
_/ i i , i I i, i i , I i ,|,| i, i, P I I I I i I I I I | n i I | I , - - . ...n :.
-.I ....... [I Classified Service REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE --,, VTE D I FOR SALE FOR S--------.----
• f H nB mnin d H di II ' FOR SALE" Modern -room home ,.v..,,l,., I .. .. ,
' ] l[.,mqNNH,n n_ ][BU.RGESON.DIO R.EPAIRING se F- Xr/'%]:rl1-T T.'/ITTkT- completely'furnished automatic oil FOR SALE: Thor ironer, tarns moe] PHONE 26 for home mi ,] ]
i 'i@[iiiV ll[ l) vlee on all maes novae aaa a_.uto v ,,.** a.,JX.,x. I heat," new electric range, most oth- WA-N--¢E----DIITiiD-IAT--E slightly used; white enamel incin- - -- - :| ||']tt.%Yc [
' .... I ]-] radlo Across Ires Junior 141, INTO I' er. furniture new, all in good con- for cme of two small children. See• crater, copper coils. , like. new. Buck. ..... ' !;":e" AI|.y .. l__[ ,-
, , ,, school, 21 ran,n .m.. dit,on. Dearborn, Shelton Callia land 210 N. 5th after 4 ..,n. Armstrong, Cap,tel ,ll. 9-i1-2o .O* """"-cr ®
' ' " ------------------ '' Pick up and. delivery: . , , i Mc9-11--10-3 ' 9-11-25 ........ E: ..... o -o..i: .... . in - ' r s and ace .....
.......... FOR SAL . Wod z c)al bran g for auto pa t
' uruays, or leave WOrK at ./freer : ...... --m-. , --,-,. ............ ......... ] ..... ' e , ' • " • i t e s nhpnO
........... | . .,,. .. . ...y.... . .................................. .._.._. ........................ ,-- View Aadn. Good location, water ....... attacnment. Amo one stump burn- -OoR Drv old gr0w.i. i mm B )
' .[€*=f--€] Ra*,*-, } [laSlIlel ervlg ELEC'ROLv. ft. frontage 10 acres; 2 houses hook-up available. Inquire at 128 or. Carl Rains, Rt. 3, Box 199-A "." [] [i
. .aax,aa,w,.a ,, v- [w,,,vvvv,,w,,wwvvvvv-,v,'w CLEANERS. SALES, Service and tn,! bad hll,n ,,a. r, ravitv East Cedar oz" Call 372-M. M9-11-25 • . (V.. miles out Arcadia Road). '. t-d01/m i l t |
.... • " ..... " . • FO SA: owner wno nas to .............. o-.,o_ (Cliff) Borden, tar * :i
: /EXPERT FITTING and ^a]teIaUons ,,reManeetav ly u°rloedoun: ater, wltrade for house nearer! leave. 5-room ugalow, all modern, LOGS WANTED FOR SALE: La,'go oil heater, like Sh:'lgk .... |/
•. SEarING MACHINE REPAIRING, done Mrs. M. Mctann, zz o. atn ;7,"hk ,:.N.., oro=. *., ' ............. i oi nea, garage, guest room, lawn, new, only used 3 months, suitable for w(t','" 1"|] |
: also ,torts for all makes of sewtn St Phone 49-M 6-10-tfn r-. *' ........ v .... "' " ..';_ * * * J fruit trees large level lot oysters, ,,,,,v ,-,,r,, 4 or 5 rooms $80. Phone 691-W. *5._ .. aav.aa m *
.... r-t%: ................ ".r_r.-.._ ....... - on e. -t-. , , f ' ter s en' terms -, vv ' 11_2 . o, .,- v..., '
, mach[n. Phone 596J_ or 3_$..W be- [ SEWIN( MACHINE REPAIRS -,-,,,,,,,4TH--"l--',-.-,C--=r:--b-ut_ INE RESIDENCE LOT on high-[ clamske,fine nwa yet , ...... : ........................ ..... 9- o H'"Ra' load, r A s
: tween lo.v a.m. ann 5 p.m. ,lv-un i EXPER.T WORK. Reas!)nablenchages ol]ng;**M' Es'Wil:'..05v: way in Mt. View Addition, with] o'e"Hod Cabal' Beihir"i9-'l[''5 PREFERRED FORatSerALEth Me, tag cWOa$rCati,g ..... ]
mazes maue m om uu , y ' ' ' ' "
. ,, ,,,,,, , s . Y ' eadia Avenue {Corner Arcaam ano n e l r 220 . , NEW TIRES now a vmn
llllllll? courteous bonded employo. No oh- , .... a... :. • , ,.. aoth r ot in rea , total 60 x , ......... He, b Angle Angle Bldg. 9:1-25 *,. ..... t, at
llgation Drop us a card or phone ._-'~,._-._.---z,-7-.,--..--=_--x ft, city water and sewer, nice l=,revalllng prices pal(1 Dy FOR SALE' Bov's bicycle new tires . ........ .-
___ r.. .... .a Olympia 7586. 'tn r.t ,'ub,a,u .... homes on each side .950 .,-,,-,., ,. -, and all the tmmmlngs See Doug 6'00x16, 6:50x16,
• %D]llttI DRIIIGGtl SINGER SEWING MACIIINE CO. supports, phone ';vs-a or , v • u., ,. ,.rt--,- ., • T -- Cole 323 Cookson St Phone 623 J "
' 510 E. 4th Ave. Olvmma sent or call at 1416 Summit Drove. .L' , -. nlal umver Co. , ., " • 7:00x15, all truck
On Your Car 8-5-tfa $9-26
New Stewart-Warner post-
war electronic balancer.
$I,50 per wheel
Bob Ervin Motors
633 S. ist Phone 673
$1 per cord
Shiplap and Shingles
ReSts 1, Box 60
Established Clientele
Phone 372-R 616 N, ls St,
I a,I I
'or Prompt Delivery
Phone 87
Distributed by
C. C. Cole, Mgr.
L22 So. Third St. Phone 87
I I ii I II i
Jl i I i i il I I
Cabinet Work and
Park Street Cabinet
bl8 Park St, Phone 284-R
Ralph Danielson
RT. 1 BOX 12A
Phone 218 R2
for selwlce on
Commercial - Domestic
Phone 662 fDaytimes)
Phone 9-F-12 (Emergencies)
let & Mill, Shelton
i i i i i i Ill I
Carl J. Arney Co.
219 N, Capitol Way
Papering Well Done
Phone 212
Interior Decorating
George W. Sawyer
105 Front Stree
119 Cots St. Phone 633
Open Evenings and Saturdays for Our Customers' Convenience
1946 Chev. 5-pass, coupe, R. & H.
1942 Ford sedan, R. & H.
1942 Ford station wagon, heater
1941 Lincoln sedan, R. & H.
1941 Olds sedan, R. & H.
1937 Ford coach, R. & H.
1947 Ford sedan, heater
1936 Ford coupe, R. & H.
1935 Ford coupe, R. & H.
1930 Buick coach
1929 Ford pickup
GIANT PANSY .................................................................... 35¢ doz. .04
YELLOW ALYSSIUM "Basket of Gold ............................................. 15
PRIMROSES 1 YEAR CLUMPS ..................................................... 25
TRAILING ROCKERY PLANTS ......................................................... 10
DELPHINIUMS -- :1 YEAR CLUMPS ............................................. 35
CARNATIONS ........................................................................................... 10
CREEPING PHLOX SUBLATA .......................................................... ".35
CANTERBURY BELLS ......................................................................... 15
BELLIS DAISYS ..................................................................................... 05
ALTHEA -- "ROSE OF SHARON" . ................................................... 1.00
HONEY SUCKLE --- 36 inch ................................................................ 1.00
HONEY SUCKLE -- 24 inch ................................................................ .75
ROSES 2 YEAR FIELD GROWN ................................................ 1.00
FORCYTHIA -- 3 TO 4 FEET ............................................................ 1.00
CAMELIAS -- 16 to 24 INCHES ........................................................ 1.25
HEATHER -- LARGE CLUMPS ......................................................... 85
EVERGREEN SHRUBS -- 4 FEET .................................................... 3.25
MOLLIS AZALEAS ................................................................... 75 and 1.00
EVERGREEN AZALEAS ......................................................... 75, 1.00 1.50
SPIREA VAN HOUTE ............................................................................. 75
BULBS Mixed Tulips, 14 to 16 ctm ..................................... doz, .70
Wc deliver in Shelton or ship prepaid out-o-town
Route 3, Box 265, Shelton (2 miles on Coleoad) 9-25tfn
I HI! I ii
Shelton Sheet Metal Works
321 South Third
Shingles -- Flat Roof Miscellaneous
Asbestos Asbestos Gutters
Thiekbutt Built-up Downspouts
Dutch Top Tar and
Hexagon Gravel Coating
Estimates Furnished Free
Fills and Basement Digging
Roads Graveled
-- Prompt Service
Union, Washington Phone Union 35
Shelton.Bell Abstract & Title Co., Inc.
119 South Fourth (Bell Building) Phone 65
Charles R. Lewis, President Blanch B. Bell, Vice-President
C. Nolan Mason. Secretary-Treasurer
Agents for
Member Washington Title Association
. [ [ III I I [
-- Sold and Repaired --
114 W.5th OLYMPIA Pllone 8044
Office FurMture, Files and Fireproof Safes
l i i
ill i i
Homes Cut to Blue Prints
Shelton Cabinet Shop
Behind the BoWling Alloy "
i i ill i I
Protects against rust, ping-
spots from flymg rocks and
gravel. GUARANTEED for
the life of your car,
$35 and $40
Available at
Bob Ervin Motors
633 S; lt ; , PlOne 673
Berkeley Pumps
Easy Terms Phone 334
* * * 9-11-tfn tubes of all sizes.
NEAR GRAPEVIEW on mainland, 2-ROOM HOUSE and lot on Park 6R SALE-New Zehfand--/vht5 breed- all popular
180 feet water frontage on a cove, St. House just moved on property Mill located at Minerva Park ins rabbits, 3 colonies bees, cider First and Grove,
sloping beach, no bank; 8-room ready to set up. $1750. press. F. 5. Lusin, Rt. 2, Box 268. FOR SALE: Stoc
modern home, furnace heat; corn- * * * Phone Hoodsport 11-W-3 9-18-25 See us /'or
pletely furnished; 356 ft. well; A 4-room home on lake frontage of '0R---SXI:E: White enamel }lotpoint Wagner
incinerator $25. Hoover vacuum Phone 28.
mile to school, 18 miles from Shel- 60 feet with concrete block re- • cleaner, $15. Phone 461-R. C9-18--10-2 ()R-SAIE: new
ton; a wonderful waterfront home taNning wall and good beach., N'--Ov--A--V-A-iLXBLE:.-Mo[(n..--Ie-s-s]nt-(r-=
Home in fair condition and new RELIABLE MAN with car wanted to locking blocks, at Ray's Service. Star
ready to;.$17,800,, on terms, foundation is under construction, call on farmers in Mason county. Rt. I Mt. View). 9-18-10-16
Wonderful opportunity. $15 to $20 m; '-OR--S-AL-E'.Fui.ffls-h'ed--house--w-itl{
.... ONE FULL BLOCK, 10 lots, in Has new electric pump to install, a flay. No experience or capital re- 2 extra lots twould sell furniture FOR SALE:
Olympic View Addition;.level and 110 minutes from town on good quired, permanent. Write toaay. Me- separate). One mare and woman's side house
1NESS COMPANY, Dept. B, 2423 Mag- Western saddle: One 2-horse stock Hardware,
uncleared; water and lights avail-I °fled road. Has fireplace. If you nolia St., Oakland 7, Calif. 9-18-25 trailer. 928 R. R. Ave. F9-18-25
able; an opportunity for profit;[ can do some work on this prop- VANTEDi-Woman f0r--gen6raT-}lous-e OR SALE: Bred heifer, registered
priced for quick sale at $1250. I erty it will make a fine, inexpen- work, 1 day a week. Inquire Journal Ayrshire bull. li,-ton J.I. trailer
* * * I Sloe home, close in. $100 off if office. C9-¢-tfn nearly new. Edward Dunlap, Brln-
FIVE-ACRE TRACT near Shel- pump is not wanted. Quick sale. W-ANTi'D: women to wor an oyster non, Wash, 9-18-25
ton, with 12x18 ft. cabin, $800. Priced at $2,250, some terms, cullers at Oy.ster Bay. Call long dis- -OR-SIEi-te--d'-6--46--{-lb---lv " FOR
tahoe, Oyster aa¥, collect, ask for weight. 2Vz miles south of Shelton on
, , • , * * * Oscar Zaadell. Z0-18-t2n Olympia Hiway. Pat Wagner. Phone
FORTY ACRES, half cleared; 4- Excellent modern home with five 3ALESIM_ANWi-come selling ex- 766-J-2. W9-11-25 WESTERN
room house with electricity, 25 ft. rooms down stairs, two bedrooms, perience or nauonally known man- F-ORSALE: 2 used electric irons, in NO. 25 •
ufacturer, 2as.son county. No invest- good condition, also large clficken
Well with •hand pump; garage, (fining room, fireplace. One room ment, we. tram you. igh commie- house, yours for removing. Phone
woodshed, fruit room, chicken upstairs with one unfinished. Full sions._ write sating qualifications. 552-J. A9-25 Complete with
house, extra one-room cottage, basement with oil floor furnace. Box , Journal, Hg-4-25-4t - an&Pip¢
"W-AT--TO-'-BUY.: old hores for. Mink FOR SALE: English sheppard pup-
Place is fenced and has plenty of Excellent yard, also 2-car garage feed. MyerhaUd Haee'Mihk Farm, pies, $4 each. Rt. 1, Box 57, Ellison
Bros., Kamilche Valley. 9-25--10-2 Also Oil
wood; priced at $4500, one-third and large outbuilding attached. All Olympia. P one 4e7 collect. 1-1tfa .........................................
in fine condition and close in. $10,- R-- FOR SALE: Logging team and har- M P S
fromd°Wn' Shelton.On Lost Lake road, 14 miles 000. • • • Apply /otel 8hellos ofKa Clark,apiece'ness' 5BoxWilland232,6tradeElma.yrs. old.for cattle.Wt'9.25_10.21 toni.
* * *
WANTED: dead stock, prompt free, FOR SALE: 200-amp Lincoln upright G.C. Every
RESTAURANT BUSINESS in New block store building close in courteous service. Phone us collect, welder, 440 volts, Airco rada-grapi
good location, including all neces- and on mainhighway, suitable for Elms 21-J-18. Grays Harbor Render- burning machine with 5 ft. of track.
Both $175. 521 Pine, Phone 315-J.
sary fixtures and equipment. Reas- most any kind of business. Also ins, Inc. -27tfn.
onably priced, terms if neeessary, can sell a fine home with it. See it -ANTD-TO BUY: Beef, and cows, $9-25--10-2
fresh and coming fresh. J. Clark, GRAPES ARE CHEAP. Island Belle
. • • today. Elms, wash., Jaox 232. 9-25--10-9 wine, 5c lb.
for table, juice or
CLEARED LOTS. 60 x 100, with 150-acre farm with all buildings W-AED:baby, rax[.W°manaay tObeginninghelp withaboutnew Washington.Bring containers to Grapevie
graded street, electricity and wa- and stock, cows, bull, team, 250 i Nov. _i. 24o washing. Call 781-J F--(JiRSALE: White collic-a?
ter, for only $225.
, • • laying hens, 300 young chickens, after . 9-25 and pups, police and collie. Mark
equipment, 22 tons of hay. Monthly HELP WANTJD: Man for land-6"leaJ Fay, 518 Park St. 9-25
Ins and. work, steady era- F[Jl'-S-/'IEi-King-aPple-'-, 3c--ib--BHng & EQUIPMENT,
income from timber stumpage . pmyment, apply evening or Satur- containers. Also Montgomery Ward Aberdeen "Y".
For Realty Buys Consmt a Realto from mill on property, Plenty of day, Sunaay. C. B. Coselman, 2 electric washer, just overhauled; and write Rt. 1, Box
timber and wood yet to cut. Will miles east from Htllerest Arcadia honey. Ernest Dahlgren, 2 miles so. FREE: Second
M. C. ZINTHEO accept Shelton city or suburban -R°ad' %-mlle-s0uth" 9-25--10-9 from Shelton Hotel. PHone 466-R. free for
Phone 157 Title Ins, Building property up to $3500 in trade and WANTED: 3-room house or apart- 9-25--10-9 side. See H. G.
mont. Steaay renters. Phone 719-W. FOR SALE: Church organ, $20. Mrs. FOR SALE:
Shelton balance mortgage or bankable pa- Mc9-25--10-2 Nellie Storts Mathews, Star Rt. 2. rinse, ball
per, $9,650.00. Shelton. 9-25 roler
n . . . ,vvvv,-,-. vTw,-,. _ -.vv FOR SALE : Long shank cross-bar opening 16
10 acres on Pickering Pass with FOR RENT cry,beat Mt.anch°r'view.Opp°sitephone Plnes421.M;GrOC-also ] N-EWI Oiynlpla.
SEVERAL CHOICE BUILDING good boat house with aluminum '"''''"''' - - King apples, $2 a box. $9-25 I
LOTS AT IEASONABLE track, tidelands,. urnished house FOR RENT: Located on North Bay O-NE CABINET-TYPEclc--Ci-6-6-es I
and State Hiway 14-A at Allyn, dryer, $140; swing rocker, $16.50. I 300 or more.
PRICES on water, with fireplace and good wasn. nown as Bayside Apts. Phone 154-R. 9-25--10-9 , Box 428, Port
One and a half blocks good reel- view. $5,500.00, The tlsual furniture, hot and cold Vaughn.
running water, refrigeration, electric TVOULD-LIKET6In---6--h°
* * * pies. Plvone 301-J, $9-25 FOR SALE:
lights, launury faeihtles, near graue
donee property, close in. Excellent 5-room modern plastered home chool, and high school bus in front "FOR SALE: Recie-a Muskrat fur
for building development, with 3 bed rooms, oil heater, new of building. 2 and 3-room apts. from winter Vetch. C. R. Dugger (Upper ditlon; also four
-- $25 to $85 per month, also cabins for Skokomlsh Valley), Phone 217-J-4. articles size 20,
automatic gas range and hot wa- rent. W. Ao Beakley, Mgr. 8-28-tfn 9-25 Phone 272-M. '
Excellent value in 4-bedroom home ter heater. Garage, workshop and -ORIENT: alas BatcliMlxerTRubber I Fb-l%I]l.=g-. gun: FOR--S E;-B
completely furnished, about two nico yard. All in excellent condi- tired wheelbarrow. Measuring shoe- I good condition. 1334 East Elinor St. coal hater, E
blocks from Hood Canal in fine tion. Has new building on tract els, $4.00 per day. Phone Hoodsport / A9-25--10-2. WinchesterR'C'A" VictOrriflc,ra
residence district including new that can be included with home or 29. K8-28--9-26 ' SLAB WOOD: No. 116-in. For de- Ave., Shelton.
$250 sport fishing boat, $5500.00. sold separately, suitable for store FORat 122RENT:E. Cota.R°°ma to enlployeCIvg.18_10.21u--cii -WILLliverYTRADEi-'lncPh°ne 766-J-3. corn fodderg"25--10"gfor FORsinglcSALE: CARDs
' or can be remodeled into house, FOR--RENT: 5oroom BTt Day- manure. 332 So. Third. Shclton. $9-25 tanK;
WE NOW HAVE SOME GOOD located on flat close in to busi- is, Ltlllwaup, 15-W-l, Itoodsport. F-OR SALE:--6-W'eeks--oldp]gs'?--(Joh 7 heater
BUYS IN RESIDENCE PROP- ness district of Shelton. Property 9-18-tfn tact C. W. 2eterson, Rt. 1, Box 34-A, col'fee
ERTY, WATERFRONT AND can be divided to suit. F-b--RNT: Apffrtment co,hpletef ] 5 miles south on Olympic Hlway. nlngs, 812 N. ROTTER
FARMS. . , . furnished, in exchange of care o 9-25--10-9 FOR ALE:-P*Tac t
3-yr. old child, some housework, ISLAND BELLE Grapes, reaxiy to coal-wood heatcrt ACCOUNTING
New 5-room home Mr. View, beau- Herbert G. Angle and compensation. Journal office, pick Sunday, Sept. 28. Bring con-J t. 2. Box 187-A, ERVICE:
Box S. $9-25--10-9 talners. FJrst road to right across 760-R-5. Building
highway from Log Cabin. Road will ] FOR SALE: 720
tifully furnished. Owner leaving ...... ,, , ,,.,vv,,,,,v,,.,,,,,,-,,,,v,,, be marked. Moe Umphcnour, Rt. oil heater.
for Calif. Furn. part cash, easy 3, Box 128. 9-25 1332 Washington
terms on house. FOR SALE LOST AND FOUND inquire
Ag Los. I-jewol Bul,'a yello gold USED CAI " " enamel ru,,
H. L. Olstead ency 2,000 ft. of waterfront, 60 acres of watch between Pastime corner and ............. -.--
[and partly under plow, about 500,- Shelton Hotel, Sept. 15. Chatterbox FOR SALE: 1930 mvrolet Sedan,
Cae. sg-is-i0-i ,,eater. Inui,e Ray Mor,'is. 168 C. Malloy
300 ft. of timber. Fine home with LOTi l5bSat,---whitef-'old--tyie, Ridgeroad. 9-25--10-2 Lawyer
outbuildings located about 3 miles aout 14-ft. A. I. Maginnls Grape- F()R SAY'E: 19334-door Dodge sedan, used hot
east of Shelton by water. This view. , ' 9-25 4 new tires and tubes. $200. John lavatory, $15. Hall
720 North 4th.
property can be subdivided into WILL PAY $50.00 reward to anyone l Swett, one block off higway between 12
GOOD HOME knowtng parties who stole a 12-ft., cemetery ,'oad and Pines. 9-25--10-9 FOR SALE: to,,Wasb.
. tracts. $22,000,00. flat bottom boatpainted green, from [ 1940 CItEVROLET %-ton pickup, 4- wa drag
Simpson Lake. Phone 49-W. $9.25 speed, new tires, 2'beds, trade or and tree #
* * * LOST: Bl" n-oa-st0ne earring. P}'one'l sell. In good shape. Frank Dalley. motor.
400, feet on Olympic Highway with 552-,}'. A9-25 I Star Rt. 1, Box 117 (Skokomlsh Val- then range,
lcy). 9-25 brown
$4,000 2 acres of property, creek on East
side. Good 6-room home with full ' He
well situated near water. Ap- basement and floor furnace. Also ,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,REAL ESTATE l,ose: one ust0"
has four rental cottages with $120 FOR SALE: 5 acres on Mill Creek BE READY FOR THE AT-LAW
proximate/y 4 acres mostly monthly income and plenty of Road, $750. Terms if desired or will FOR SALE:
property for additional rentals. Lo- trade for good '38 or '39 pickup or gray oats, Shelton
sedan. C. W. Radcr, 1835 Mason St,,
cleared. Will include 50 foot cate close in and will make a fine (Rt. 3, Box 85-A) Shelton. 9-11-18 STATE CAR TEST ert Rau, ., 312
home with good monthly income. OR-SALE-4 lots. Islad-i-ak-e. utll- -GI)P! S, "' _ _tF'
waterfront adjoining for addi- Fine chance for further develop- lty bldgs, on 2 of the lots, includ- Lights -- Brakes -- Toe In ._.eny" Tom Mor,l:
lions1500. This place has real ment. $4000 down. $12,750.00. . 2.1argeBox barn.si5.D.Iuquire C. 9-25--10-9A" Hill, FuR SALI-i'-L';?,4i |
" * * TESTED FREE l,aek saddle')'-"'utlT"d?' IeCampbell
FOR SALE: 2 lots, sl-/-hous0--:Is= miles east, %'w",ll
possibilities. Act quickly. 5-room modern home located close land Lake. Inquire Earl Ayers Rt. 2,
in, Can be made into good close-in Box 315-E, 9-25"--10-2-9 FOR SALE: Siii.."i 'a|ed "Accounting
home. $3450. WILL SELL or----TRADE: 5-r-6on{-fi]-'o-d= ESTIMATES FURNISHED stove. Inquire i a ,'".__ervice
* * . ern house (3 bedrooms) on Railroad ON NECESSARY REPAIRS south on OlVmW%/-'sS: Sh¢lton, 5nch U.,__: [t "
Ave,, ready to move in, for 3 or 4 hiway and LynCn;(vl,,ll.j ., Box 54A
H. L. OLSTEAD 6-room modern plastered home room house. By owner, 22a South PREE: To anyOnY*'a.. Shel-to n
AGENCY with floor furnace, hardwood 2nd St. F9-25--10-9
floors, and utility room. This is [vOonR e SALE: 2-bedroom h6e_7"f6t. 6week old Pao.x._..__
a good value at $6450.00. block from city limits (second BOB ERVIN Rishel Rt.
ro." _.---"¢ic
.. philCO
house on Idaho Loop), a young faro- F01 SALE: VCBa..e:.
ily orchard, strawberries, raspbe- MOTORS p,'actically new._ c,,'a*-
,. rics and some furniture, L, M. Ha - C.E. MePhcrsOn, -Zbr[G p. E T y,r
FOR SALE: Hood Canal modernistic dock, Rt, 3, Box 131-A, Shelton. 9-25 North First. _'e. llLll"
furnished home, beautiful beach, 100- Herbert G. Angle o-S£-LE--o ',: "ICA,
ft. frqntage, fireplace, electric range, Miscellaneous beam Mix-Ms , ENGINEER
eiectrm hot water nearer, elrculatmg PHONE 673 227-M after 6 , :--
oil heat, guest cottage eom/etely II vv--vv,..vvvv p.lrance Bldg.
furnished in addition. Near Twan- " HAVE $2500 to invest in first mort- FOR--S/LE/!:. "One 645
oh state Park. $15,000. which in- FOR SAL00, 00-roem house owner, gage. For partloulars write Jonrnal Star
eludes $3000 worth of f.ur.niture: Agnes elansen, 935 Pioneer Road. Office, Box "S". $9.25--10-9 ' '
Terms. Fehlberg Real state and Phone 389-J. 9-18-25
. -. Fo.% SALE: 1935 I,,ternalional -tou -%{'d
Insurance Realtors, 520 Burwell -- pickup, excm)tlonally good condLion, harrow, al]l': -
Bremerton. Phone 245. 9-18-25 ,Laurence ]Jedell Rt 3 Box 101, farm to "o-ha D'
Dickinson St., Sllelton. ' 9-18-2,5 Route,
FOR'-S);E':-:lY--aatd--a:°-"a ARCADIA SHORE TRACTS
house, completely furnished with . FbRSXLE" or t,'ade: Inte,'naUonai FOR SALE:'- R, LEWIS
good fu, rnlture, inelud|ng. 8-ft Phll- dmnp truck, 4-yd, completely over- Y AT LAW
co reIrlgerator and Maytag washer. On Salt Water hauled, for equt in homo hnd or
635 Dearborn. 9-18-25 late model ear. lhone 4067' Olympia raises grant
after 5 p.m L9-1810-2 Fotlrth St.
FOR- SALE :'lgo:i6i.O-i*ii8'i'i';,i-tT"6-=-
tcr Bay farm, 5 acre grapes, chick- Mainland location opposite Steamboat Island, good fishing FOR-SXL-E- Best cash
en houses, barn 10 miles from Olym- and boating location. Plenty of Fir and Cedar timber for for takes ear. Can be seen at 928 FOR
pin, electricity, spring water, large Railroad Ave, F9-18-25 20e ea'h
3-bedroom farm house, priced to sell, building your own log or rustic cabin, or arrangements can
shown by appointment only. Paul OR--SAL'.7"-1988 Chevrolet DeLuxe discount on
Martin, 57 7th St., S.W., puaIlu " . be made to butld one for you. Some tracts with springs, conditton.2"d°°r sedan,Phoneexeellentunion 338.meehaniealE9-18-25
Phone 3152. Reasonable price ankt easy terms--arrange to see this prop- FbR-SALE.7-i:Iu-dson sedan. 8-cylinder F-OR
erty this week-end. 1935, new 2-tone paint Job, new up- $35. Phone )" ][A'IY
holstery, radio, heater fail" rubber, FOR T LW
spare tire, mechanical'ly o.k., $550. sons
Mastermetal Call CHARLES SOMERS alf cash. c B. Coselman 2 miles ing hag
east, %-south of Hillcrest:' Also 2- burner, Bnildmg
Weather Stripping 8-F-24, Shclton, or inquire Arcadia. Store wheel box or stock trailer for same, tank B,%nR
$25. 9-2510-9 spare
DICK KIEBURTZ , ,, , , Phone
P.O. Box 323 Phone 160-:7 '41 Chevrolet cargo truck 4-wheel FOR
drive with winchT leaving' for col-
Another Dick Kiehurtz FOR REAL BUYS lego Arthur L Peterson, Star Rt.
i ,,,, 1, Box 134, Phone 217-R-2. 9-25--10-9
Classified Service in Real Estate door sedan, $250. Rt. 1 BoX 57; An-
HOME READY x0000,,00ho,vo.oy. T.x
''.vvvv-'.'v-,v,..v."v'vv,v'r,.m HOMES -- FARMS 9-25--10-2 6-year
electric ' SY'atema
'q V 'V' 'r "4W'tr t 'qr' 'PV v VV "v 'V"WVfP Iric
On ALL needed repairs to your for sale September 21, for BUSINESS LOTS ,,,,r, ..... ....... vvv FOR
car occupancy October 26 WANT TO BUY:Small cement nflxcr. $39.50.
A. K. W. Sehnicdcr. Rt. 2. Box 212.
Flat Rate • 3 Bedrooms • Always See Shelton. $9.25---10-9 i
Vd d aged
Means More Money • Full Basement • SLick & George lady for compan|on. Iome free, help crest
with s!.lall expenses. Phone 426-R,
IN YOUR POCKET • Recreation Room • 125 First Phone 46 rs. Mmnle Dunbar Rt. 2 Box 26 FOR
• 2 Fireplaces • _ uapito_l Hill). ' ' 9-18-25 with floor,
A set price for • Copper Plumbing • .... , "-"---' WANTED"SivI-"-d'm-
coat, alteration. Phone 407-M Shel- [
FOR SALE or TRADE: 6.rm. modcru ton. C9-11-25
EVERY JOB Dick Kieburtz tom. fruit, berries, garden .spo. 791-W.
house, 5/ acres, private water sYSt" H\\;E-.L-TD- Full or part-time
nouseleeper, itoom availabh Phone
double garage, chicken ho!se, Darn, P9-11-25
Free estimates Construction CO. chool bus aud daily malt service: M ALE-HELV'Wk-NTED-i'-6|-'i-fih-i/
Wish to locate near Shelton, Edw-a!.a to snow talkies theatre-less towns,
ftackhoue, tar, Rt. L BoX u. pleasant work.' Roshon Termimd
FURNISHED P.o. Box 323 Shclton ,Middle SkoKom,sh.) .... Sales Bldg.. Portland O,:e. 9-11-25
at Phone 160-J 5-W-AEIg'?--"rot'i6"5-us--, iTg[ll= W_----NT-ED.'k,'--'o--hi--V--a-ffff&);
ity room, gas range au[omU:t.le wa- Cleaner agency. Thta ia an excep-
• _ _,,= tcr heater, eleclri'c refrigerator.
Bob Ervin Motors " dra es, wool rug. 707 Arcadia, linens mnm oppor.tunlty for a live wlrc.
' available. Thls could bc handled on
THE BUICK AGENCY FOR SALE: ttousc and h,t on 2028 44'P' 1-19-25 Wmg macnmes will be In line when
Hay Street. N9-25--10-16 'OR--SAT=E.: On Spencer 'Lab.ln7 a part tine basls Must be finan-
Phone 673 1st & Mill St. 'bW-'s-XET 10 acres o-T'-g-"]a--'nd 3 rooms aud bath, clectrlclty., t cially responsible' Wrlte or phone
and cold water, range, som lurl " IOP appointment 'House of Palmer,
632 Washington'Avenue Bremerton,
with. orchard & outbuildings. House ture, approximately 3 acres wtth 93- Washington, Phone 2576'. 7-10-tfn
..... livcaum but needs repairs, Six miles ft. lake frontage :improved grounus,
out on Bayshore road. 928 Railroad with berries, ,apes, fruit, rowboat.
LOORS SANDED and REFINISltED: I Ave. F9-18,25 $3500. Call 81-, after 6 l).lu. _9=2°- -
New hardwood floors Installed, old lOffS,:.-JCl--a':6---T[ff-SffO?ft---d: FS'-E=r--6"K--JaeV---jmmc o'rlcl,:
Or mew homes. J. A, Schlange, ;Box I torfront, 5-room modern house, base- with glassed-in froltt porcl and util- On and after ths date. SepLe nber
25, 1947. I will not b0 responsihle fop
-"-8, Belfalr, Phone Belfalr 552. r: sent. oil furnace, fireplace, Rt; 3, It porch. Largo fruit t.0oln and lots s.,y dcbt, othe,, than ihoso conlracl.ed
7-17-47--7-7-(t8 Box g27, Arcadia, 1-Irve¥ RobertBbn. uut bulidittg. tar iRt, 2, ox 5. by D'aelt, David Lw/s. 9-25--10.3