September 25, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 25, 1947 |
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, i
t', faille ntoel,
charnel incin-
ike new. Buck
ll. 9-11-25
ciial- burning
o oil burning
stump burn-
3, Box 199-A
a Road).
1 heater, like
as, suitable for
'hone 691-W.
led circulating
Is, $40. Inquire
it. 9-11-25
;clc, new tires
gs. See Doug
, Phone 628-J.
d white breed-
cS bees, cider
it, 2, Box 268.
a,ecl 1-1otpoint
)over vacuuza
PHONE 26 for home milk
for auto parts and .acC I
and Mill Streetse_D I W l
• slab wood anY. len.l
t%lim Bo;dg :t?
side house it, ,=iF'M --.avtt.
NEW TIRES now 620
tted quantities at
Car sizes 4:40x21, at Chevron Gas
6:00x16, 6:50x16, - First & Cota
7:00x15, all truck
tubes of all sizes.
all popular
]Pit'st and Grove,
FOR- S-ALE : Stoc
See US for price Shelton
Wagner Feed Sto
Phone 28. Lodge No. 62
L-R. C9-18--10-2 FOR- SALE:
jir---les ] n t&-= watt light
's Service, Star pair
9-18-10-16 Co.,
sell furniture FOR SALE:
and woman's side house
2-horse stock Hardware,
. F9-18-25
l'-e r, re
,n J• I. trailer
Dunlap, Brin-
0c per lb. live
h of Shelton Oil
Wagner, Phone
ctrlc irons, in
large chicken
:novlng. Phone
shcppard pup-
Box 57, Ellison
:y. 9-2510-2
team and hor-
rid. Wt. 1 ton
for cattle. J,
:,incoln upright
rco rada-graph
L 5 ft. of track.
Phone 315-J.
L Island Belle
wine, 5c lb.
to Grapeview,
No. 25
Complete with
and pipes
Also Oil
$100 for
Tractors and Gas
used water
e dog, female,
collie. Mark
ca, 3c lb. Bring
ztgomcry Ward
)verhauicd ; and
• an, 2 miles so•
PDone 466-R.
write at. I, Box
FREI: Second
free for cl t
side. See H. G.
r-tan, $20. Mrs. FOR SALE:
,s, Star at. 2. riage, ball
9-25 relier bearln
hank cross-bar opening 16
Le Pines Groc-I Olympla ..... m,li
ne 421-M; also I[EW HANI-15SifRE.d#'I
)x, $9-25 [ raised, 12 weeks o. f.;,
-cli-c--6t-h-es ] number. WilldeV©rlt
rocker, $16.50. i Buo or more. , -.7.d, .?;:B
9-25--10-9 ! Box 428, Por t Orc="a,y{lt0.
..... ' Vaughn _-r,' - ,
home for pup- -- -m
$9-25 FOR SALE: Beauu,'-#yy, jf.- .ir
coat ,$- dl
l Grey oats and Muskrat fur --loVl
dltlon; also four v
Duggerphone 217-J-4.(Upper articles size 20,
9-25 Phone 272-M.
coal heater,
East Elinor St. R.C.A. Victor
A9-25--10-2 . Winchester
16-in. Fox" de- Ave,, Shelton.
9-25--10-9 FOR SALE:
corn fodder for single
[, Shclton. $9-25 tanK;
-o-ld'pigs'7- C o{{: heater
Rt. 1, Box 34-A, coffee ta
)lympic Hiway.
es-" reaxiy to
8. Bring con-
to right across
shin. Road will
hnphcnour, at,
• ,v ,
:mvrolct Sedan,
y Morris, 1628
n • Dodge sedan,
)cs, $200. John
higway bctween
'inca. 9-25--10-9
-ton pickup 4-
beds, trade or
Frank Dallcy,
(Skokomlsh Val-
-- Toe In
1 Streets
I '
rnational .-ton
' good condition,
.t. 8, Box 101,
on. 9-18-25
: Inte,'natlonal
completely over-
a home, land or
no 4067 Olympia
A---_Best cash
be seen at 928
ict DeIJuxe
lent mechanical
Ion 338/ E9-18-25
d'a n, 8-cylinder
nt Job, new up-
Per, fair rubber,
cally o,k., $550.
melman, 2 miles
illcrest: Also 2-
trailm, for same,
. A Ford coupc;
truck, 4-wheel
leaving for col-
terson, Star at,
L7-R-2. 9-25--10-9
lIemhers will be
and Fourth Frldtys
Fr Every
, J
C. Malloy
+: City Hall
-Phon I2
helton, Wash.
Phone 312
Classified Service
Heating & Plumbing
Everything in
Plumbing and
Heating Supplies
Estimates Given on ANY JOB
Large or Small
222 S. 2nd Phone 685
I I I I - I I[
Lawnmowers, Knives, Scissors
and Garden Tools of
all kinds
Bicycle Repairs
Keys Made - Locks Repaired
6-weck old
Star Rt.
Route, Ehn:
raises grant
7-F-11, live
Road, Mrs,
20c each
Phone 645
$35. Phone
lng bag, el,
spare tire,
Phone 538-
Fourth St.
Buildm g
Tax Servlcea
Phone 5
n'olet master 4-
t. 1, Box 57. An-
'3tc Valley.
:1 cemcnt nltxcr.
, Rt. 2, Box 212,
, $9.25--I0-9
ddJ aged
Home free, help
s. Phone 426-R,
r, at. 2, Box 26
ui t-'-, childrens
rune 407-M, Slml-
'ull or part-tinm
available. Phone
eatre-less towns,
oshon, Termimd
ld, Ore. 9-11-25
tls is an excep-
for a live wire.
11 be In line when
d be handled on
Must be ftnan-
Write or phone
louse of Painter,
mue, Bremerton,
2576. 7-10-tin
date Scptentbdr
o responsihlc for
those cool raetcd
vi. 9-25--;0-2
Sleyster's Fixit Shop
Third and Cota
Work Guaranteed
Rt, 2, Box 18 Phone 14-W
201 E. Pine -- Phone 40
I " " I I II I I I I
O Remodeling
O Furniture Repair
O Appliance Repair
O Cabinets Built or
O Free Estimates
O Pick-Up and Delivery
Route, 3, Box 192-A
Phone 462-J
Gas Equipment is
readily available
Ranges, Water Heaters, etc.
in stock, for use effher on
i City Gas mains or in rural
areas with Bottled Gas.
Shelton Gas Company
I C.C. Cole, Mgr.
122 outh Third Phone 87
PLEASE CALL 'Stoenr & Rlehert lIo-
tors for carpenter, .Phono hours will
be Mondays from 9_ tp 17 o:c.*oc.. a.m.,
wednesdays from :t O c p,m.,
and Fridays from u _ _ .o'c.lock
am. loe 212, I, &. ".rorelson
BuMness Agent. 5-22-tfn
New Fuel Tanks
(Any Capacity)
For Immediate Dltvery
PONE 465-W
.. , ,,,
pRE§CRPT+O .S.VIC. on medi-
cal contr, o,a g assmtanc0 or
direct wttn .ou. on ]?ur dator, s
ora.er_ rePPjS rug tore, eeond
i ann uroau. 10-8tfa.
..................... i ..... + ........... 11
Reliable, Expertly Prepared
On Contracts with the
Mason COunty Medical Assn.
Or Direct to You Service
Drug Store
"2nd & R alrro'cr - Phb $9
,-.,rvv.',,,.',v'v"vvwvv'.o.",*.'vv... :NOTICE OF SALE O1" TI3IIIER "vvvv''"v'"'vvv"vvv'v•'vv"
Classified Service os S'+AT,.'. L,N,, Vice-President }Activians Install ! Matlock --a".-
,,,.,,-v.,,,.,,.,'.',.,.,,...,.,'v',,,",,,,",,,'vw',,,....ww,.,.,. Notice Is hereby given that en Tiles- 'it'
day the 7tb day of Ocl,,ber, ],t.i7 Comes to Belfair Officers for Year - ......... --- ..........
commencing at ten o'clock in the r A week ago Thursday the Deck- Phlmbing Sulq)lies
forenoon of said day, in front of the H.D. Rolph, vice president of New officers were installed , erville Club met at the home of
tle Notional Farmers I/nion, will !the meeting of the Active Club in Lettie Ford with Geraldine Breh-
Chris-Craft Boats .lain entrne door to ,hc colmly
court house ill tim City of Sheit,m 650 Dearborn Ave.
SALES and SERVICE County of Mason, State of Washington speak at a joint meeting of Ma- ] the Colonial House, September 17, meyer as hostess, to an ai'tct'noon
hy the Cmmty Auditor ot said eoun- son and Kitsap Connty Farmcr's with Clint NVill0ur tim new presi- meeting. Visitors present were
ty the timh({r on Ihe foilowin. de- ' s dent, Lou Rcdman new vice-presi- Dorothy Breh never and dauglttcr,
Place your order now for scrihed state land will he sold at pub- at 8 p.m. tonight at B shop, barn,
Spring delivery lic auction to the ifigllest bidder thcve- lelfair, dent, and Jerry Nedham the in- Delores, and Janet Byrd and
for, to-wlt: The discussion of the stra\\;vber- teeming secretary, dauglter, Vieki Lynne. Members: ]V[t. Mol:iah Lodge
AI'PL1CAT, ION NO. 19974 ry, raspberry, lop,tnberry and
Timber on NW: SW,:i of scetion 15, • • Harry Paterson and ,lack Bishop Dorothy Adams, Ida Lundquist,
The Marina township 23 noi'th, range 5 we,t; boysenberry outlook for 1948 will were installed on the board of trus- Rachel Valley and children, Sum- -A-
W,M., containing ,10 acres, re.z.,..r be of interest to all people con-lies s in the ceremony directed by my and David AhYlS?r'Nye, Lillian NO. 11
less, accordi'ng it, tile gevern:u,nt sin'- cerncd with this fast growing in- /Pulll Marshall, a former Shelton Booths, Dottid Ford, "Gia d y s /,
Phone 3754---Cohlmbia at B vey thcreof, appraised at $,1,037,51L
No burning on this a'ea, • dustry. Cooperative buyiny," °f Imember of the chlb. Crape anti children, Bobby and F. i. .
OLYMPIA, WASH, No snag falling neeessn'y, hay, grain and feed fl]So will be!
This area to be donkey logged, discussed. Among those nttending were Mr. Joe, Nellie Rossmcier and chil-
9-11tfn According to State's cruise thero Of major, importance will be and Mrs. Buck Price, Mr. and dren,Ford andMagaretthe hostess.and PaUl,Next Lottiemeet. STATED COMMUNICATION
are approximately. 152000 feet Yellow [ Saturday, September 27
fir, 46.000 feet dead stand ng and dowu Mr. Rolf's report of the National Mrs. Paul Schneider, Mr. and Mrs, ing will be with Dottle Ford on
yellow fit', ]35.000 feet red fir, L00.000 Farmer's Ulion board electing I Joe Hanson Mr. and Mrs. I-Iarry September 25. 8 p. m.
.... - feet .cedar, ]42,000 fcct dead standin
and down cedar. 2.000 feet whit,, fir. held in Denver, Colorado, on Sep- l?eterson Mr. and Mrs. Lou Red- A week ago Sunday Mr. and
APPLICATION NO, 19424 tember 15. man, Mr. nnd Mrs. Mac McCaslin, Mrs. Don Nye, Mr. and Mrs, Sam W.A. Bntchelor, Secy.
Timber on N& of NE, and SEU,
of NE of section 23, townshin 2'1 All farmers and part time Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bishop, Mr. Nye and Mrs, L. Rossmaier and
We Deliver heft,, range 5 w,st• W,M., ,'-n'tain'-' ranches in the connty arc urged to and Mrs Rocky Duckman, Mr. and girls, Delores and Margaret, me- Wilbert Catt(), W.M.
ing 120 acres, more oz' lcss, accord- attend. 'Mrs, Chuck Hans6n, Mr. and Mrs. tored to Rochester where they
ing' te the govcrnmcnt survey th,.r,,,ff, Gene Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Clint spent the day with relatives,
MILL WOOD a,,praised at +291;200
This area to he clear cut and don- NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE Willour, Messers Paul Marshall, Wedesday Mrs, Sam Nyo and
key logKed. TIDE LANI)S John StevLmson and Jerry Need- daughter, Nellie, and girls, Dolores
Trael. will reseed from high limber
NOTICE ,s IIE00I+, 00IIVE00. That ham. .and Marg00,'et, spent the day wi,h KIMBEL
FOR SALE to southwest in Olympia Nntitm:tl Tuesday, the 7/h day of October,
Forest. 19,t7, commencing at ten o'cloek in the The evening program wasp]an-]her -4ug'hter and sister, Doris
Enitai Lumber Co. N,+ burning on lhts area, forenoon of said day, in front of the ene Hanson and lxocKYtAdams ' and new baby at Eaton-
According to the State's cruisc there main entrance deor to the County lJLiCKl+flaa, (vilie' LOGGING
are approximately 390.000 fcet reTi fir Court House in lhe city of Shelton,
Minerva Park over 30" DBH, ,260,000 foot red fh' county of Mason, State of Washington, vvvvvvv.wv..¢..¢v.v,,,w [ " Thursday the Matlock Grange
under 30' DBH 1,10,000 foet pine
]5,000 feet cedar, 534,000 feet lu'mh,ek, by the Cnunty Auditor of sald.county, D...|._.+r +1 ClUb met with Irene Ellingso,t and COMPANY
Phone Hoodsport 11-W-3 29.200 lineal feet cedar poles, the following descrihed state tide
APPLICATION NO• 19.123 lands, together with the" improvements IOtltlSll i Amanda Fuller as hostesses, Pot- '
, , Timber on SW/ of NW!, and NU, situated tlmreon, will be sold at public aAAA.A_....A ] luck luncheon was served at noon
of SW/ of sect'ion 24, township 2 auction to tile higlmst bidder therefor, "* •
Mrs, Jerry Cornwall spent a to the followmg members: Anne
north range 5 west, W.M. contain- NOTE--No one except citizens of the week of her vacation .visiting at King of Slelton. Dorothy AdamS,
ing 120 acrcs, more or less, according *
United States. or persons wile have Bellingham, Wash., Where her hus- Ruby Nordwell, Dora Hearing,
SLAB WOOD to the government survey thvroof, declared their intention to become
appraised at $22955.50. band is working'. She returned AuguSta Portman, Rachel Valley,
This area to be c ear rut and dou- such. can purchase state lands.
$10.00 a Load ke logged. Said lamIs will bc s(,ld for not less home on Sunday and on the fol- Anna Kingery, Nellie Rossmaier Modern Equiiment
ig it spit hurning required, than the appraised xalue above stated ]owin Monday went to Seattle Lottie Ford, Alma Nye and the
The seed areas t hc left. are ap- and upon the terms'and conaitions fo£- with Mrs. Steve Hale of Hoods-[hostesses. Harvest dinner was Opeeated By
(25¢ per mile extra for delivery nrn'lmatelv the 5 acres aong, the " ""
easterly line of the S W.4 el NW: i°wmg)PPLICATION N0, 11455 port, The fwo ladies Spent Tues-tdiscussed and decided to have
outside city limits) and, the southwcsterly lo a(s'es of the ownedAll tideby hmdSthc State°f heof se,,Ondwashington,(:lass, day at Tacoma with Mrs, Hale's October 25, also a bazaar to be Experienced Men
NW1(t of SWat,. e situate in front of, adjacent m' abut- parents and then came home on held at a later date. Nick01 ex-
All trees in this area to he r.tained.
Shelton VaIley Lbr. Co. ' Acco, dmg to the State, s crui?e there tint upon tit west 280.5 feet or the Wednesday, change was taken by Anne King,
are approxirnately. 2,61,),000 .!eat rdd east one-half in width (,1' h)t 6, sac-
PHONE 548-J fir 120000 fect aeao alanrag and tion 24, townsidp 20 north, range 3 Mr. nd Mrs Wayne Pickering Sunday Gene Nye and Lcster FOR
• o,n r(1 fir 120 000 feet w te ira, west W,M. with a frontage of 4,'27 and three small sons of Seattle Adams of Dayton drove over to
67000 ..... fPet cedar, 650,000 f.cto - em-" lineal eludes, ,n' h'ss. appraised LAND CLEARING
9-4tin. lock, 2 400 lineal feet cedar poles, at $45.00 per chain, or $192.15, spent the week end with the C. A. Ellensburg to enter college.
The I)urchaser of the above degerlb- I APPLICATION NO. 10953 Pickering,. Mrs. Annie King of Shelton
.... i - ed timber will be required to fall Slit All tide hmds of the second class, spent the week end with Mr. and BULLDOZING
dead and defectlv trees on the areal owned by the State of Washingtou, Mr• and Mrs, Rgiman have as Mrs. Elvin Hearing and Mrs. Anna
and to comply strLCtly w.ith laws ov- ] situate ill front of, adjacent to, or guests Mrs, Reiman's brother, Mr. Rediska.
CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING and meat erning slash disposal as. ronnd in Title]abutting upon tllat porthm ef lot 2, Askew, and his wife from Colb-
grinding, Have your locker, meat • DITCHING
cut by an experienced meat cutter• 6,' Chapter .1, Remington's Compiled] section 26, township 24 north, range Friday night Geraldine and
Any kind of meat cut, wrapped and Statutes and ]aws. aznenaatory thereto, i 3 west, WAVI., known as the un- fade, The Reimans and guests Herb Brehmeyer, Jr., were show-
The purchasers of state timber are numbcred tract of block 2 of'tim are leaving tumorrow for a trip ered with a good old-fashioned
trimmings ground, 3c Lb. Don Wil- required to run out the lines and[ unrecorded plat of Allie Ahl's Sum- • BASEMENT EXCAVAT-
liams, 604 Dearborn• Phone 381-M. ING
are responsible for Lrespass Jn ease [ mer Home T-facts and more particular- aronnd the Peninsula and to the charivari Friday night at Frisken
9-2510-16 timber is cut on adjacent state-owned I ly described as follows: ocean. Y. Good time was had by all.
Beginning at the meander corner,
.......... 1 '"' la*e bill ofsa]e to be issued will] fracti°nal sections 26 and 27, said Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jarvis and ¢[r. and Mrs, Mel Bearden of • BULKHEADING
lve the holder the right to: construct township and rang(!, said meander Mr. and Mrs. K, Simons and faro- Hoodsport were Tuesday callers
• |ging roads across the above de- corner having a Y-com'dinate of ilies spent the week end visitiqg at the Don Nye home,
Stoves and scrmed tract for the removal ef said 818,840.70 feet, and an X-coordinatc
of 1,372,912,32 feet, referred to the with the T. Jacobsons of Tillicum. Mr, and Mrs. J. Simpson of
timber, but will not give him any ex- I PILEDRIVERS
clusive jurisdiction over .the • tra(. Washington Coordinate System South On Saturday the two young coup- Olympia were week end visitors
Zone. and being distant 183.81 feet lea attended the fair at Puyallp. at the latter's folks' home, Mr. For Land or Water
Furnaees The State reserves the right to grant on an asimuth of 1 ° 53' 01" from the
rights of way for logging roads Or northwest corner of said section 26,| Other fair visitors during the and Mrs, J, R. Singleton,
for any other purpose over and across running thence alcAg the govermnent Week were Mr. and Mrs, John ................... = ..... DUMP TRUCKS
the above described tracts at any tithe meander linc on an asimuth of 267 ° Rodgberg, For Hire
V A C U U M and neither the State nor the grantee 40' 05" 635.1.7 fee.t, fhence on nn azi-
shall be liable to the holder of the muth of 28 ° 55' 08" 240.12 feet, Ihen,e Friends of Mrs. Carlson will be Four varieties of soil are recog-
C L E A N E D bill, of sale for any damage caused on an azimuth of 3]5 ¢ 08' 46,5" 115.54 glad to learn that she is steadily nized in the state of Arkansas. I PILING AND LOGS
thereby• feet, merc or less. tn a point on tile or Sale.
Said timber on said lan'd will be line. between headlands as establlshqd improving in health and can new
sold for not less than the. appralsed by decree of September 21, 1946 m be out of doors walking about. PHONE 601
Phone 236.R , value, as appraised by the Cornelia- the Superior Court of Mason County, Use the JournaI 'ailt Ads--
stoner of Public lands m the man- Hama'Hama Logging Company vs. they really get results.
ner provided by law, a statement of Allie Ah] et al. Case No. 4467, thence State of WashLngtan :'
620 Cedar St. which is now on ile in'the, office of on an azimuth of 298 ° 47' 09•1" 2293.26 OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR
the Auditor of said county• feet more or less. to the line of ex-
Terms of sale are: Cash to be paid trcmc leT tide• thence along the line OF HYDR.&ULICS
Promp£ Service on the day,0f sale .... ' of extrem'e toW tide on an azimuth Olympia At the Baptist Church Sunday
The purchaser of timber on state of 18 ° 22' 20" 58,47 feet, thence ahmg Nt)TICE OF %VA'ri,R RIGl[T =
I lanas will have 5 years within which thc line .of extremc low tide on an
to remove said timber, with the privi- azimuti of 26" 07' 30" 164.70 feet. APPLICATIt)N NO. 7979
..... t t . lege of securing extensions of time thence on an azimuth of 119 ° 30' 08". --" ALL SERVICES AT THE REGULAR HOURS
PUBLICATIONS under the statutes governing, 23(5,56 fret. nu),',+ or less; to a.point TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:
OTTO A. CASE, on said line l)etween headlands, thenee Notice is hereby gh'en that Clark ALL ARE INVITED
Commissioner of Public Lands. on an azimuth of 133 ° 02'• 36" 1219.61 E. Shultes of Shelton, State of Wash- •
• .,,,,,vv.vv.....,,-vv,wv,*vw 9-4-11-18-25--10-2-5t feet, thence, on an azinmth of 87 06' inton, under date of August 12. 1947, \\;
NO. 1945 , 39", 730,50 feet more or less, to a filed with the State Supervisor of "
• point on the lln between said sac- Hydraulic.s, Olympia, Washington, an
NOTICE TO ,CYEDITOIS" TO NOTICE OF SALE OF_ STATE LANDS muth of 181 ° 53' 01" 254,60 feet to the public waters of unnamed springs r_L Ir'ar_L/ ddlI
PREgFNT AND FILE CLAIMS, iions 26 ,and 27, thence, on an azl- aitplicatien for a permit to o*vert, the :--,_:.+ --;-. - - -: _ II
INTHE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE NOTICE IS HEREZ GIVEN, That point of beglning having an area Of tributary of PIckering Passage, m = -L'_.._IL.I.IIII,. Jbl %I
STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR otkTueday, the: 7th day of Ociobctr, 21.25 acres, m<)rc or h,ss, aplraisqd the amount <>f 0,50 se.cend-foot, sub- ----- . : ._-.--=_ |. |
MASON OUNTY ,;, .......
in PrObate 1u47,, commencing at ten o'clock in the at $'3,740.00; also = ,, ject to existing rights, continuously t-_- " = .--li:} I , t<::
In the Matter of the Estate of Al- forenooxi ,Of saidday, in front of the All tidelands "of the seeona"ass, for the purpose of domestic supply .:-- .R i.: "
bert L. Hawktnson main entrance door to the County owned hy tbe State of Washington, and powcr; that , the approxinlate I' [.] "
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Court. House in the city of Shelton,' situate in front of, adjacent to oz. point of diversion is h)eated wlLhin I+II-
the undersigned Helen Hawkinsol h eount of,-ason, Sfate of-Washing:, abutting o upon that portion ef loL 2, L(t 5 of SecLion :l, Township 20 N., - --- _ | : - -=.. " - =:- d ......
has oeen appointea and hasqttalffiedlto£, Dy the County Audltor of sal6 sect|on .6, township 24 north, range a:kgi) 21nW v nWg, Ml,e , altaeSOna
as Executrix Of the Last Will and l'couxity,' the following described state 3 west, W.M., known as lot: 2, hloak i zc
Testament and of the estate of the I lands, together with the nnprove- 2 of the nnrecorded plat of Allie Ahl's ( f said diversi m and the place of I
above named Albert L. HawRinson, ]ments sltuate thereon, will.-be sold Summer Home Tracts and more par- the proposed use is on file in the I _ .=. / , I
deceased; and that all persons' hay- at publio auction to the hignest bid- ticularly described as follows: office of the State Supervisor of Hy- ] W.( ]q ][ P W r "[ I
Commeneing at the meander corn- draulies, Olympia, Washington, to- I ................. I
ing claims against the said estate or lder therefor, to-wit: er, fraetional sections 26 and 27, said gather with such other information I , I
the said deceased are hereby required NOTE.--No one except citizens of
to serve the same. duly verified with the -United States, or persons who township and. rangc, said meander as is reqnired by 4aT. i ' IN OUR NEW EDIFICE ]
corner, having a Y-eoordinat of Any person, firm . or cm-porat, ion I .... . , .. ]
the necessary vouchers attached, upon have declaimed their intention to he- S18,840.70 feet, and an X-coordinate whose right will be injuriously affected I T 130 $'AST PIN" STREET I
the undersigned Executrix or her at- come such, can purchase state lands, vff 1,372,912,32 feet, referred to the by sail ,ppll¢.ation n "y file with the i
torney of record, at tile law office of APPI.1CATION NO, 19846 "Washington Coordinate System, South State Supervisor of Hydrauhcs, at I
Cha,, 1t. Lewis, Bell Building, 119 So. Nt of NE/ of section ]6, township Zone, and being distant 183,81 feet Olympia, Washington, such objeetions i AYr ..# _. '5/tgT lh-
Fourth Street, Shelton. Mason Coun- 23 north, range 1 west, W.M,, een- on an azifnuth of ] 53' 01" front the or representations, ,m wriLing, as he | cxJt£vialJt Ul u .L#JXitXltVJll
ty,. Washington, the same being des- taining 80 acres, more or less, accord- northwcst corner of said sectiou 26, may desire to make, within thirty I - V ...... Pas"
ignated as the place for the transae- ing to the government survey thcre- running thenee along the government (30) days afLer date of last publics- I He , sam MOGIll, tO
lion of the business of the said estate of, appraised at $1,400,00. , meander line on an azimuth of 267 ° tion, which date is September 25, 1947. I
and file such claims together with Said lands will be sold for not, less 04' 05" 734,23 feet to the true point of Witncss my iland and official seal | T)-IE TRUTH FOR THE YOUTH
proof of service with the Clerk of the than the appraised value above stated heginning, thence continuing along said this 15th day <)f August, A,D, 1947. I
above entitled court• within six and upon the terms and conditions meander line on an azinmth of 267 ° tSEAL) • RODNEY RYKER J
months after the date of the first following: 04' 05", 99.57 feet thence on all azi- ' 3tale Supervisor of Hydraulics '1"-- ............. ' ' ' " .................. '+--"
publication of .th'is notice, to-wit: Not less than one-tenth of the put- mpih of 287 ° 17' 25,8" 79.64 fcet, ' - , 9-18-25-2t } , '
September 18, 1947 or all claims not chase, price must be paid at the time th$,nce on an azimuth of 315 ° 49' 42.5". -- ii ll'l I I Ck 1 fli"
SO served and filed Shall be forever st sate. The purcnaser, if he be not 1175.23 feet, more or less, to a point A
barred, the own'or of the improvements, musz on the line between headlands as ca- CO]]MLqSf0NER S NOTICI," € iIi i/ IIW
HELEN I-AWINSON forthwith .pay to the officer making tablished by decree of September 21, OF IIEAltING ,
Executrix of the Estate of the sale the full amount of the ap- 1946 in the Superior Court of Mason In thd Matter of the County Road I Illg. VlII ILMIIIIglII PIItlllbll
AlbertL. Hawkinson, Deceased• praised value of the improvements, County, Hanm Hama Logging Corn- Petitioned for hy Roy Ritner and I
CHAS, R, LEWIS + above stated. One-tenth of the pur- pan}, vs Allie Ahl ct at, Case No. 4467, others + Notice ol Heariff ' I , The Church of the Lutheran Hour ,+
Attorney for said estate, cnase prxce must be paid annually thence on an azimuth of 298 ° 34' 47",
Bell Building 119. So, Fo3Lrtlt, Street thereafter with interest on all deferred 2282.55 feet more or less, to the line NOTICE IS iiEREBY GEN, That I Hi=.LCREST - HIGHWAY AT CASCADE
Shelton Mason County, WaSiington. payments at the rate of six per con- of extreme low tide, thence along tle , the repor, ann map of the uounty I
' 9-18-25--10-2-9'-4t um.per annum: .P. rov id.e.d, That.any. line of extreme low tide, on an azi- Engineer In the matter of the petition I .......... ..--
1 at era fol t e to rempnone awa an] zau
purcnaser may make tun payment oz muth of 18" 22' 20", 34.98 feet, thence '.of Roy R tner and h • • h - I " ,
principal, interest and statutory fees on an azlmuth of 118 o 41' 00,1" cation and esteblishment of :a C0un- . •
NO'. 1884 at any time and obtain deed. The pur- 2287.92 feet, more or less, to a point ty Road has been filed in thc office ! Sunday School 9,45 a. m, -- Morning Worship 11 a.m. I
NOTICE OF HEARING ON chaser of land containing timber or on said line between headlands, thence Of the Board of County Comnlissioner I I
PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION. 9the.r valuable materials is prohibited on 9n azimuth of 135 ° 29' 04,7" 1180.37 of Mason County Waslflngton said I I
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE by law from cutting orxemoving any feel and thence on an azimuth of 107" Road being dscrlbed in said report + ', , , , ' ,, .... / ,, -, ...... , ';, ....... :-'--%
STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR such. timber or materlal witliout first 00' 47.7" 100,09 feet to the true point as follows'. [ I
MASON COUNTY. 0btalnmg consent of the Commissioner of beginning, having an area. of 2,66 _ Commencing at a point on the i . -- +.+ •
In the Matter of the Estate of How- Of Public Lands, until the full amount acres, more or Jes. apprameo a south line of the NE., NWL/ . , ' ' : :
ard Holly Emerson, Deceased, of .the purchase price has been paid $350,00. I First MethOdiSt
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVF- that ana aeea msueu. , I Thc above dcscriptions are based on Awl'ere, cadiaSameRoadinterseCtSand continuethe Sheltou,00 ,, ChUrCh. ,, I
Lottie Moo.Emerson 4 .Ee(utt-i of the All aales of state lands are made I Exhibit No. 14 of Case No. 4467, along said S 1 ne of NEiA NW' t A Friendly Church In a Frtendly Community
e)t,te,of HoWard ro!y m m.rson, ae- aubJecf to the reservations of oils, I Hams Hams Logging Company• vs: and N',4, NE,/ or Lot 1 to tle [I Fourth and Pine
cease has fried i the o_[nce o th0 gases, coal, ores, minerals and fossils Allie Ahl et al, and the aecree enterea point where same intersects. Mill r| .,,m,,, hAl 9"5 m '
Clerk 'of ai'd Coirt her Jee'tifi0n for of every name, kind and description, I September 21, 1946, in said case In Cree..k, being ........... 30 ft. in width 15 r " ..............
Distribution of the property to the ann zo tne additional terms and con- I thc Superior. Court of Mason County, ft. on' N of said line & 15 ft. on s l Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
persons thereto entitled and o dis- ditions prescribe in section 3 of chap t APPLICATION NO. 11476
charge the said Lottie lae Emerson; ter 256 of the LaWs of 1907. I The tide lands of the second class of.said line. Tile Whole distance I/ Gest Speaker--Dr. Charles Wentworth, Attadena, Calif.
and that said repbrt Will b heard on Said land will be sold subject to[ tying between the line of mean low uemg aeout 1500 It +lt o=... W*A "Chnes|l 'e Th =u* .... "
the 18th day of QetoDer, 1947, at 10 the terms, condition..and reservatiots | tldeeand the line of extreme low tide, and that the 13 day of Oct. 1947, ati =.,,,[, ,,w: _ ,._u . , ,-
A,M., at the Court room of the Pro- of chapter 312 of the Session Laws] own.d by the State of Washington, the hour of ]0:30 o'c, lok A.M., has ]! , WAYNE WRIT, Mmister
Situate in front of the west 168 feet beet aSnet tfr toh II Parsonage 320 N, 4th Telephone 276
bate Department .of said Co.urt, at of.1927, relating to casements for s/learit;ogn%flcodf. 'e"
whieh.ilmo and place any person in- rffhts-of-way ann the carrying of tim- of lot ], section 19, township 20 north,
range 2 west, W,M,, with a frontage Datea at Shelton, Washington, this I/ , ..........
terested' in said estate may_ appear bet, IStcle, minerals and other pro- of .,60 ]ineal chains, more or less, 22 day of Se, pt. A.D. 1947 .... d " .... ' - .A _, . .... - ' , ....... ..., ..........
and file objections tnereto and contest duets over the same, - appraised at $10:00 per Chain, nr BOARD OF COUNTYCOMMIS-
the same. OTTO A. CASE. SIONERS 0f.Mason County. ' i, -- 11 " #' . , j. .
Dated this 15th day of Septentber, Commissioner. of, Public Lands. $26.00; also " Stae of Wasningten, , " ' ' ' '
All fide lands of the second class, FlrSt t:m00rcn or unrls[00 clentlS
1947. 9.4-11-18-25--10-2-5t owned by the Stae of Washington, BY SUSIE E, pAULEY
(SEAL) HARRY DEYETTE,. s!tuate ih front of, adJacent to or Clerk of said Board. ' SHELTON
Clerk of sald Cout. aeutting upon that .part of the east 9-25--10-2-9
918-251029-4t NOTICE O1 IS$OLUTION OF half in width of lot 6, section za, Branoh of
PAltTNERSHIP township 20 'north, range 3 west, The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist,
CA]LL FOl R'IK _NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that W.M,, lying, east of line which is NDTICE
BIds will be opened .on September enJamin H. Ingram and Einar D. parallel wLth and 280.5 feet east of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that B0st0n Mss.
30, 1947, at 8p.m,, for the Corstrucfi0n Retted, heretofore doilg business as the west line of said east half of lot the City Commission of the City. of SubJeo{ Next • Sunday:
of 600 feet of 12 inca saitar sewer, CO=lartners in' Shelton, Washington, 6, with a frontage of 8.69 lineal chain.& Shelt0n has c, ompletcd and placed on
with manholes and appurtenances, under the firm name and style of more or leas; appraised at $45,00 per file the preliminary budget tbr the
A certified check in the moulxt qf Ingram-Reiton Motor Company, h a? chain, "or$391,05, Cty, 6f Shelton it)[' the year 1948, copy
5% of the total .bid lllc, Payable to dtolvdd partnership as of August ", APPLrCAION NO, 11447 of *hich nudger Will be fnrnished any
• All tide lands of the second clas, taxpayer ,upon requcst,
the City Treasurer, must accompany t947. ' SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9"45
each proposal.. The CRy reserves the Tliat the said Einar D. Relten will owned by the State of Washington; NOTICE ]S FURTHER GIVEN tllat
situate in front of, adjacent to or the City Conmdssion of the City of SDAY MORNING SERVI'CE AT 11 O'CLOCK
right to reject any and all bids. . pay all claim and bills against fife abl}ttlng upon lot. 3 and. that 2ortJo Shelton Will meet In ti Commission-
Pious ald specif.ic:tiqns, may be ob- said, partnership up to and including WI£DNESDAY EVENING MEETING AT 8 O'CLOCK
tained front the City• uterz ipon, ark- August 6, 1947, and all accounts re- o lot 4, lym herin of me soutn m,LJ era' Rooms at the City Hall on the
ing a deposit of $5 to insure their eivable bY the said partnership will chains of sad, lot 4, all in section , 6tl day of October, 1947, for the put- Reading Room maintained by this church at 302 Alder Street,
township 23 north, range 3 west pose 9( fixlng.the _final budget i'r open daily, except Sunday, from 2. to 4 o'clock.
return before the opening of bids. ae collected and retained by the said W,M,, with a frontage of 29,90 l!neal the ItY or nelon for the yar 1948,
ALMA K, CATTO, City Clerk. Einar D, Rotten, " chains, more or less, appraised ac and any taxpaycr may appear at said an,] VCednesdays from 6:45 to 7:45 o'cIocl¢,
9-18-25-2t Dated this 7th day of August, ]947, $30,00 per chain, or $897,00. m et ng and be heard for cr against \\; All are cordially invited to attend the services and visit
BENJAMIN It, INGRAM Said lands will be soldier not less any' part of said budget, the Reading Robm.
o. 19,4" , EINAR D, RETIES. than the appraised value above stated ALMA !, CATTO,
pNITSI 'TI" T I0l 0 8-14-21-28--9-4-1:t-18-25-7t Clerk CHURCH A'T 302 ALDER STREET
N,_.IILE CL)IItS+ and upon the term. and <;onditions of the City of Sheiton,
following : 9-25--10-2
IN IB UIRIOR COURT •OF THE Not less than one-tenth of the pUr-
STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR 'O'. lg41 chase price must be paid at the,time
MASON COUNTY NOTICE T 0REDITORS of sale. The purchaser, if he be not
In Prohate T E CLAIMS the owner of the improvements, must
In the Matter of the Estate of Enoch IN THE S%%O COURT OF TIIE forthwith Pay to the officer making
Nelson. Deceased; STATE OF ,WASHINGTON. IN AND the sale the full amount of the ap-
NOTICE IS HEREBY' GVEN flat FOR THE COUNTY,OF MASON, praised value of the improvements.
the undersigned, Sophia Nelson .has In Prob]Ste as above stated. One-tenth of the par-
bedn appointed anti has quaIlfied,, as In the Matter of the Estate of Annie chase price must be paid annuall
Exeeutrik of the LaSt Will an' Tea. C. Anaerion'. Deceasea, thereafter with interest on all deferrea
taent and of tile estate of the obeys NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pyments at the rate of six per con-
homed Enoch Nelson, deceased: and Letters" of Administration on the above turn per' annum: Provided, That any
that All pdrsons having claims against estate Were granted to the undersigned purchaser may make full payment, 0I
the said estate or the said deceased on the 6th day of September, 1947, principal, interest and statutory fes
are hereby required to serve the same, by the said Superior Co'art• at any time and obtain deed. The put-
dul', verifleff with the ',necesry NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that chaser of land containing timber or
vouchers attacnen, upon the tmaer- all, persons having claims against said other valuable materials fs prohibited llty
signed Executr!x or her attorney of estate are required to serve the same, by law from cutting or removing any.
recoru, at tim law office or unas, . with th.e necessary vouchers, upon tne such timber or materials withoutfirat
Lels, Bell Building, 119 So. FoUrth tnerslgnea at .the ,Law Office of obtaining consent of the commission-
j. -----
Street, Shelton, Mason County, Wash- Alden C. Bayley, Title Insurance er of Public Lands, until the full am-
ington., the sane being designated as Building, Shelton, Washington, that ount of the purchase price has been a--m00
the place +or the ,traasaet!on, of the being the place desl+ated fot the paid and de+cl issued, . died+f], m4*+ ./ '=
business of the said estate aid file transaction of the btlstnes of.the,ca- All sales of state lands are mad0
such ,claims togetlmr/,With: Dro0f .of t tats. within six monthsafter tne ±m subject to the reservations of otis. ga
service with the Clerk .of th'e above day of September, 1.947, and fil the es. ,coal, .,ores, minerals and fossils o!
entitled court, within six months after iame with the Cttrm of this Court. every name. kind and description, and
the date of the first publication of (tether withProof of such service, or to the additional terms arid conditions l'.=
Lthis notice, t0-Wit: SeFtember 11, 1947, t'y.will be forever barred, presCribed,in section 3 of chapter 256
or all claims, nt so erved and filed ated this ll'th day Of September, of the Laws of 1907,
shall be forever barred. L 1947 Said land.will be sqld subject t0the
• SOPHIA. NELSON ..... qWI'LIA'/t ANDERSON terfias, co'editions ann rservttions of
Jxecutrix of the Estate of " &dratttistraor of +the Estat flf Laws
' noeh N+,so.; Demed.. +,+" c. nderson, uecease.. TU:lP_j¢tTW, NI.
R. Ew "" ' "'-= '" "P%o"e'i00":
tternY for Administrator, .... 0748Fourth
Bell BuiLding, 119 So. Fourt,treet Ttle sLrace , Bpilding, OTTO A.
Shelt0n, Ma'son county', wa'hlngt6n,qr. , Shelton, wamnngton, I Commissioner of
9-:11-18-+O--10-2-4t 9-11-18-25--10-2-4t 9-4-11-18-2510-2-5t
SI:[ELTON-MASON COUNTY JOUtNAL .................................... '+' P a
I i i S i] i ,
I I -- i i ii im I i .,