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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 25, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 25, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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" "   ?'7 :''=f'''7 77" 7 Y T  7:::7:7: C:C , r ' I , .... .... 8 For COLD DAYS AHEAD OIL BURNING SPACE HEATERS WOOD and COAL HEATERS MEDIUM LARGE EXTRA SIZE SIZE LARGE $5995 $65.95 s67.95 THINGS AS THEY SEEM (Continued From Page ) J6urnal offers tim an occasional voice for such and even though we may be in disagreement, that's what makes a horse race. What either Mr. Robinson or I think about pressing political and social problems of the day will have lit- tle or no effect on the course of history, bt for my part I am trying to see some good in the people and things around me and trying to look with good nature and kindness during times when blackness seems to be everywhere. A bit of tolerance for everybody, their opinions and likes and dis- ikes would seem to be a good hilosophy in tl]e'se troublesome Ames. O UT for the inability of County Commmsioner Roy Carr to at- tend a meeting called to select a state senator to succeed to the )ost made vacant by the resigna- tion of Dr. Black of Port Angeles, State Representative George Ad- ams of Mason County might have been the selection. State Repre- sentative Francis Pearson of Port Angeles is the new state senator and a, replacement for his job in the lower house is to be named st a meeting of the county com- missioners of the three counties of the district on October 9. Com- missioners Dickinson and O'Dell of Mason county attended a meet- ing last Thursday night to name the state senator. Lined up with tim two Jefferson county Repub- lican Commissioners, Dickinson snd O'Dell caused a deadlock at the meeting by their championing of Adams candidacy. Clallam county's three commissioners and the Jefferson county Democrat sought apopintment of Pearson. After a period of deadlock, Clan lam county put the hammerlock on their opponents by a threat of defeat f0" ,Mason and Jefferson county candidates at the next election, so opposition to Pearson surrendered. Selection of a repre- sentative to suceed Pearson will be made from  list which in- cludes Mr. Sanderson or Howard Dougherty of Clallam county or tBllly" Bishop of Jefferson eoun- y. Other names may be entered into the contest before the meet- ing. Mason county officials hoped tlmt politics would not prevail in the selection of a new state sen- ator, but the greater voti:g strength of Clallam county decided the ssue. TOTEM CURIOS New Baskets PACIFIC OIL RANGE Grass Baskets Sweet Grass Baskets Swamp Grass Mountain Grass Baskets Cedar Root Baskets Split Cedar Baskets Raffia Baskets Hard Baskets Shopping Baskets Picnic Baskets :11 a.m. until 8 p.m. daily except Monday ¼ mile South and West of Union, Wash. NEW, MODERN -- FOR GOOD COOKING KITCHEN HEATERS WH,TE ENAMEL $57 95 BLACK TRIM ..................................... | I I ELECTRIC HEATERS BERATED BERSTED 600 Watt 1,000 Watt $5.39 s6.35 EASON A,R $24 95 Fan Type Heater ............................... m HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Established 1895 ' STARTwlTH LARRO' STAY WITH LARRO The simple Larro two- mash turkey plan lays a sound foundation for profit. Helps your poults develop into sturdy, large-framed birds capable of mak- ing fast, economical weight gains. Saves work. Both mash and grains are hopper-fed all the way. For weight, finish and profit over feed cost feed Larro-- the Larro way. FEED DEPARTMENT LUMBERMEN S MERCANTILE Established 1895 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Fair Had Number Of Mason County Exhibits, Produce A herd of Mason county Jersey cattle, teams of 4-H Judges and many contributors of produce were among the representatives of Shelton and Mason county at the Puyallup fair last week, Andy Kruiswyk said yesterday. The Western Washington Fair had one of the largest showings of dairy animals in its history. Dairy cattle from Canada, Wash- ington and Oregon were shown. Wivell Herd Shown Among the exhibits were 10 head of Jerseys from the H. M. Wivell herd of Shelton. The Wivell farm scored the followingt 2nd in coun- ty herd; 4th in Get of Sire; 5th in Mature Bull; 5th in Produce of Dam; 7th and 8th in Five-Year- Olds; and 10th in three-year-olds. This is a very good record from one herd showing in such keen competition. Winners of the county 4-H judging contests competed at the fair last Monday. Girls Judging The Junior Home Economics judging team from the Little We-: men Club led by Mrs. Eric Sjo-! holm, Marilyn Bailey, Barbara I McCoy and Zanie Campbell, scor-, ed a red ribbon. The Senior Home Economics Judging Team, Barbara Newkirk, Leigh Hunt and Irene Eddy, of the Belfair Belies, also scored a red ribbon. The garden judging team, Char- les Brown, Donald Johnson and Gerald Richert scored a white rib- bon and the dairy judging team, Earl Minor, Roger Richert and Cecil Campbell scored a blue rib- bon. Others Place Millie Dugger, County Home Economics demonstration winner, placing third tn the senior group, scored a blue ribbon, and Audrey Bailey received a red ribbon, plac- ing fourth in the junior agricul- ture demonstration contest. There were more contributors to the Mason county booth at the Puyallup fair last week, besides those mentioned in the Journal. Mr. and Mrs. Swiger, Mr. and Mrs. Butler and Mr. and Mrs, For- rest contributed flowers and other produce to the booth which scored second in all-over competition and first in arrangement. Correct Name An error was made in last week's list of contributors which should have read Mr. and Mrs. Lam'ence Gosser instead of Coffer. I Lee Huston and Andy Kruiswyk, ] managers of the booth, expressed] appreciation to everyone who had contributed enabling the booth to] make such a fine showing. J Landers Offices Close Oct. 11, 13 for Seminar Giving their patients phmty of advance notice the D]'s. Glenn V. Landers ;renounce their offic(,s in Shelton, Oly]lpi and Tacoma will be closed bot! October 11 and 13 to enable the entire staffs of all three offices to attend the l.hree- day seminar to be conducted in Olympia Octobcr :11, 12 and 13 by Dr. Carl W. Lange of St. Louis, Mo., originator of the Lange fus- ion visual training technique and instrffmentation, whiel Dr. Lan- ders Sr. pioneered in the North- ' West. About forty Washington optom- etrists have signified their inten- tion of attending the seminar. ..................................... Criminal Cases Tried Here in Superior Court Three criminal cases were heard in Mason county Superior Court Saturday, and all resulted in de- ferred sentences with six-month arobations given the defendants. In an action charging Joseph Duffy with "encouraging the de- linquency of a minor," Duffy en- tered a plea of guilty and was ordered to pay court costs and given the deferred sentence and probation of six months with or- ders to report to the sheriff monthly. In a second action, Richard Al- len was charged with "indecent liberts," and also entered a "guilty" plea and was given sim- ilar deferred sentence and six- month probation to the sheriff. In the third case, Wayne Jos- lin, Lloyd Gibson and John God- ding were charged by the state with "carnal knowledge." All en- tered pleas of "guilty" and were given deferred sentences and or- dered to report to .the sheriff on probation for mx months. PARENTS OF BOY Mr. and Mrs, Everett Hurst of Star Rt, :1, Box 32, became parents • of a baby boy born to tiem at the I Shelton General Hospital Septem- ber 20• Changes Made At Police Station The familiar blue "put-put" op- erated by Shelton's traffic pa- tl'olnlan has a llevv driver now. Russ Gunter, former parking- meter checker and speeder watch- er, resigned from the Shelton po- lice force last week to join the U.S. Merchant Marine. Replacing Gunter on the traffic beat is Wilfred Christensen, a long-time resident of Shelton, and the new motoreyele patrolman. 25 1947. Christensen started Wednesday, of September and October for i0a M and this is his first time on the Shelton police force, convenience. ; A N A h Another change was recently :i ; revealed in the local police station or 19-F-3 also, the initiation of Betty Dud- {, ley as the police clerk to replace MT VIEW LOCKERS Mrs. Cain, who resigned about two weeks ago. Mrs. Dudley will take your H.F. BOYSEN . PHONE 6 2.R, '  parking fines with a sympathetic smile whenever you forget what I ATTENTION : ent, Walls, Floors, Driv, COmmercial and Resider FARMERS AND HUNTERS t¢':'y!| .nd Roe, rami.g. Cone The Mountain View Lockers will s tlhe job by Master local Craft= open on Sundays through the montl| WASHED SAND AN / *m nt Fall ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES:!] Beautiful Spr SEPARATE BUT ALLIED FIRMS UNDER ONE ROOF WE HAVE IT--OR WILL GET IT F01 0 l NEW Vz h.p. GENERAL ELECTRIC SA2, MOTORS .................................... i .... -lr- / / G. E. LAMPS  7 watts to 500 watts | Fluorescent in 6-14-15-20-30-40-100 watt sizes | How About a s PORTABLE ELECTRIC HEATER ........................ Quality Fixtures  Appliances  Supplies ELECTRIC HOT WATER TANKS All Models, Gould Water Pumps, Any Size COMPLETE-INFORMATION ON ELECTRIC HE/t' E.A. 0 Phone 645 QUALITY ELECTRIC WIRING Guaranteed Material and Workmanship --C. P. Eliot e O re Have These Bu] In Single or Mix HO=00 FEED (formerly Olympia 1 ACROSS FROM S/ 0'Nell Building Registered Electrical Engineer Title Insurance Building , Shelton 4-H Teams Go To Yakima State Judging Contests Mason County 4-H'ers are at- tending the contests akthe State 4-H Fair in Yakima this week. A garden judging team, includ- ing Charles Brown, Donald Jolm- son and Gerald Richert, from the Skokomish Go-Getters wilt com- pete Wednesday, September 24. Audrey Bailey, of the Little Egypt Club, will give her Agricul- ture Demonstration at 3:00 p.m. Wednesday. Millie Duggeff, of the Knitten Kittens, gives her Home Economies demonstration on Thursday morning. Donna Scott, from the Dayton Aggies, wilI compete in the Bak- ing Contest, Thursday afternoon. Betty Newman and Virginia Seay will participate in tle Din- ner contest Thursday evenig. On Friday, county blue ribbon wmners in the cost,He selection contest, or dress revue, will dis- play their handiwork. They are: Pat Hart, formal; Joan Sjoholm, formal; Viola Knudsen, afternoon dress; Nancy Cox, cotton school dress; Betty Henningsen, school dress; Dorothy Shoemaker, school dress; and Janet Hunter, school ,dress. In addition to tlcsc contestants, a number of Mason County 4-H members sent exhibits to the state 4-H fair. There will be a meeting of the 4-H leaders' council on Tuesday, September 30 at 1:00 p,m., at Mid- dle Skokomish school. The group will make plans for the County 4-H Achievement Pro- gram next month and for reor- ganization for the new club year. Two Homes Burn In Nearby Fires Three fires were reported by the Shelton Forestry Service office this week, two of the houses which burned completely, The first house which was de- stroyed was that oawled by Roy Petty near Kamilche, which burned about 7 a.m. Friday. The fire was attributed to a faulty chimney flue. Another house fire caused by a faulty chimney near Kamtlche burned a huge hole in the roof 9f the Dave Whiteneer home before it was brought under control. The forestry pump truck mid crew went to both fircs. The third fire, which destroyed the home of "Swede" Peterson on Harstine Island, was reported late Saturday night. The home was " total loss, and for a time was be- lieved to be endangering the sup rounding territory, wardens report- ed. The cause of tile fire was un- determined. Dr. Shimcl} Returns To Oregon University Dr. Joseph Theodore .Shlnlel today is treading again tim paths of college days, attending sessions of the annual alumni meeting of the University of Oregon dental school at Portland. Graduates of tle school take ovcr the institution today, Friday and Saturday and conduct their own clinics. Dr. Shimck will attend his class reunion dinner tonight and the banquet session of his fraternity, Delta Sigma Delta, oa Saturday night. T MONTROSE BUTTER Sweet Cream, Grad. "AA". Highest qual- ity butter. FRESH COFFEE M axweHills' 00'lb 49c House, Vacuum Can, • NOB HILL COFFEE °° uxo blend oo,,oo lb. 42c (2-1bs. 81€) TOP LINE PRUNES o, e0 prunes2n IOc check needed bag • " Co o" "AA" Small .& ....... CA M EtS ctn. 1.59 °" " wasn. " "" 9  ULr* ...... , / ][GGS dog ........... o  Westag, imitation" lOOfS PUgDIID Mill/ Evaporated ,ta,,. 11 Royal Satin, 3.Ibs. - " " the inside VIILIIUU ITIILR (Case 48 $5.28) -II-Jl= SHORTENING 1.00 v'All][J/k ....... too. Let Ritz Crackers, or Tea Timers .... lb. P I C N I C S S P A R E R I B S Mrs. Wright's Bread .................... 1 Short shanked, 4 59 ¢ Pork, lcan and 49= to 8-lb. sizes, meaty. PER LB. PER LB, • T-BONE STEAKS ............ "good" lb. 79¢ "Comm'l" Ib. 69¢ • SIRLOIN STEAK .............. "good" lb. 69¢ "Comm'l" Ib. 59¢ • SHOULDER ROAST ........ "good" lb. 51€ "Comm'l" lb. 43¢ • ROUND STEAK ................ "good" lb. 77¢ "Comm'l" lb. 67¢ • FRICASSE FOWL, N,Y. fresh dressed ........................ lb, 39¢ • EVISCERATED FRYERS, Manor House .................... Ib, 75¢ SEAFOOD SPECIALS! ROSEFISH FILLETS, Atlantic Whitefish ........ Ib, 39¢ SOLE FILLETS, pan ready! ................................ lb. 38¢ KIPPERED COD (Finnan Haddie) .................... lb. 49¢ FRESH OYSTERS, for oyster cocktail! ............ pt. 65¢ FRESH CRAB MEAT, for crab salad! ........ Y2-1b. 65¢ ' '" 25* JONATHAN A[ PLES New Crop, fcy and cx fcy (Box $2.79) ......... 3-LBS, TOKAY GRAPES S ¢ Calf. best! Selected Red Flame Table grapesl ........ LB. HUBBARI) SQUASH 3¢ Also Marblehead. Thick mcatcd, Economical ........ LB, POTATOES, U,S. No. 1 Netted Gems (100.1b. bag 3.89) lb. 4¢ APPLE CIDER, just bottled (_ gal. 49¢) .................... ga1.'75€ HONEYDEW MELON, or Casaba Melon ........................ lb, 5¢ ALL GREEN CELERY, crisp stalks .................................. lb. 5¢ LOCAL LETTUCE, solid large heads ................................ lb, 5¢ CABBAGE, solid heads, mild .............................................. lb. 5¢ DRY ONIONS, Yellow or White ........................................ Ib; 5¢ OREGON TURN'IPS, Oregon white, topped ................ 2.1bs. 19€ Jiffy-Lou Puddings or Jell-Well .... Sandwich Spread, "Lunch-Box" ...... Fox Cola, Lime Rickey, Orange 29-oz. (plus bottle deposit) LIBBY'S SUNSHINE CRACKERS Krlspy, salted sodas pkg. 45 ¢ SPRY SHORTENING Pure, easily digested 3-1b, can 1.06 stars REG. BAR., ...... Tasty prize in 5V=.oz. .. PKG ............... ' Prices start Friday, Septembe¢ 26, 1947, s, changes• We reserve the right to limit to dealers, get more for your tock L NG " Iisc C ERS Rent at per day LUi00 SATURDAYS U First St. by Everett