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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 25, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 25, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1.2  Illl I llll I I I , II,, I I I I Jill• LET THEM PLAY HARD WE&apos;LL CLEAN THEIR DIRTY CLOTHES l J And keep them in school sparkling. To keep your children clean Is to keep tllem healthy. So turn your dry cleaning problems over to us. ,, PA'NTO!IUM CLEANERS & TAILORS 215 S. 2nd St. Phone 86 J I)111 ..]1 • I UI) I ; .;  i-- *, '=;}: ................ , Vt ..... " s Shoes 5.90 t , • .,,. . . • ..-.7-_ "= You 11 find every'style want and rieed in this huge: ,new collection of Cynthias [ Black :suedes 7and smooth leathers.,Great bus!. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL" SAGAHALtI00-00 QUEEN MISS BETTE RAYSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willam R, Rays0n, was cheqen the "Saghalie Queen" in a recent high schQoI newspaper eubscyiption campaign, /Each class tried o out-sell the others with the Junior Class coming out on top and electing Bette as their queen. Pretty red-headed Botts is 5-ft. 1 inch in height and weighs 102 Rounds. 8he is a native Sheltonian for all of her 16 years. ' -Photo by Andrews courtesy Of Saghalie. Women's Club Convention Set ".Understanding, the B'asis of Peace and Unity," is the theme announced by Mrs. I%ank Willard, president, for the convention Tues- (lay, October 7, in Shelton of the ]Mason County District Feleration Club, whicil will make its initial public appearance that, afternoon. The convention day will begin a't 10 a.m. when affiliated club mem- bers will register at the Method- !st Church. LUncheon Will be served by the women's organiza- tion of the church. Another date anticipated by clubs affiliated with the district Miss Hamilton Weds A. Richards Candlelight I . I The sanctuary of the First Methodist Chm'cb was the setting for the double-ring ceremony which united in marriage Margar- et L. Hamilton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Hamilton of Shelton, and Artlmr A. Richards, son of Mr. and MPs. Georie W. Richards of Trout Creek, Wiscon- sin, Saturday, September 20. Rev- erend Wayne Wright officiated at the service. The church was beautifully dec- orated in pink and white gladi.oli and asters with white tapers which were lighted by ,two of the bride's sisters, Lou and Shirley HamiltoB. The candlelighters wore identical dresses of black and white checked taffeta. I Miss Marion Hamilton, anpthcr sister of the bride, acted as brides- maid and woi.e a formal gown of green rayon faille and a'corsage of pink rosebuds. The bride wore a gown of wllite rayon facome arid carried a white prayer book cen.tered with garden- ins and streamers of white satin ribbon tied with stephanotis. Her fingertip veil of ayon net gathered to a crowp of or- '-b!ossoms in her ha!r. Dean Rtchards acted as best man for his brother while Robe't Hamilton and Charles Dale were ushers. :Mrs. Hamilton chose a dress of green rayon crepe for her daugh- ter's wedding and wore a corsage of pink carnations. John Steinberg sang "TIqe Sun- shine of Your Smile" before the ceremony 'and "Becat)se" as the bridal party was gatlervd around the altar. He was ac¢0mpanied by Mts. Harvey Hllman wile also played the wedding marches at the organ. The bride's table at the recep- tio was covered with a white linen cloth with 'pink and White asters and topped with a minia- ture bride and groom. Mrs. A. J, Harris and Mrs. R. . Dandurad poured while Mrs. C. O. Tboy cut the cake after the bric]e had cut the first piece for S0CI00I[ SHELTON GARDEN CLUB ELECTS OFFICERSAT FIRST MEETING The first fall meeting of the Shelton Garden Club, held at tile home of Mrs. Bevnard Winiecki, with Mrs. Walter Nash and Mrs. Hal Olstead also ho,stesse:; brought out a fine group of en- thusiastic gardeners iast Monday, September 15. The first order of business was the annual election of officers for the coming year the following :slate being presented by Mrs. Guy Hutchinson, chairman of the nom- inating committee : Mrs. Frank Willard, as presi- dent; Mrs. L. D. Hack, first vice- president;. Mrs. Phil Fredson, sec- ond vice-president; Mrs. W. C. Batcbelor, corresponding secre- tary; Mrs. Guy Norris, recorling secretary; Mrs. H. L. AlexaSder, treasurer; Mrs, Martlm Deer, hon- o!'ary vice-president; Mrs. George Crol/per , honortn'y vice-president. It was moved and seconded to accept these nominees after there had been no further nominations from the floor, and the secretary was itastrueted to ca,st a unani- mous ballot or them. Mrs. phil Fredson then gave a very intpresting description of the Belfair Fail', which was held Sat- Urday, Sept. 13, at the school house in that district. A groBP(frpm the ]ocal l club attended and Mrs. Frank Willard, Mrs. F. M, Gage and :Mrs. W. D. Coburn entered exhibits in tlm flower show, egci winning prizes. Each year the members of the Belfair Club give a gret deal of thml'ht and effort toward im- prowng this fine project. This ygar they had a booth where two of the members were making cor- sages fox' sale. The 4-H Glub exhibits were ex- eeptionltl!y well displayed. The llewly formed Tahuya Garden Club had an exhibit of a covered wagon with flowers outlining the name of their club. "Mrs Wi!laxl has appointed Mrs. W. D, Coburn as program chair- man fox" the coming year and gave a report of t.he tentative program Thursday, 'club lembers who would liRe them. Following the business session the program started with Mr.;. Ralph Stewart and Mt's. Lolais V-in Arstlale giving suggestions digested from "The Master Gard- ener's" pamphlets on what to take care of in the garden in Septem- ber and October., Mrs. S. Bednarski sent a beauti- ful shell arrangement filled with pastel shades of fall flowers which was placed on the coffee table. After a tour of Mrs. Winiecki's colorful garden, a delicious tea was served, the centerpiece on the table carrying out the pastel shades of the shell arrangement. 1 PROMPT Guests of. the club were Mrs. Shelley of Seattle, Mrs. Walter I S[N[R SFW]NG Marble formerly a member of the [ 510 E. 4th AVe. Olympia Garden Club and Mrs. t Leola Millard md her young son, Kenneth, formerly of Glendale, I California. f , yotl llne wonders with out J ment of belts erous variew of Hemstitching, ing, Pinking, ButtOI! covering--all €lone vidual taste at yotlr CENTER. FO00 25 1947. FAT? At SLIMMER this vitamin candy way ttave a more slender. No No , cut out any meals, meats vitamin fortified) lmrmless. Ioet 14 15 Ibs. size $5,50. You get results back. Call  phone PHARMACY STORE as a Reminder) M the atte Wa: Gar Wol L Sial O the of : Ore,: wcs M eiti( vari T use Shop at Mist : OLYMPIA HI Miskella Refz'ige still handling t! lines to cm of Commerc Home BI Supplies, Be( or ihone us (9690 ( Our salesman Buildin arid see our New Show YOour Lad can't Hurt SCUFFLESS TIPS. SIZes 12 'J / of Women's. Clubs. Federation iS. Thursday .yening, th0 groom, Lucky Don FRUIT *  " "b  ' k w'l october 11J, when they Will SpOl'0" • L $u, [ 'I e featured spea or x l be .... ..... " ..... Miss Hamilton graauated wth which was outlined at the board '  i ' n ex sora program, wcn a tlVety oOott . meeting held at the home of Mrs. Heavy Syrup Country Fair • ..... - IJagd sh aggarwala, a you g - - - -. ..... I the class of 1946 from Irene S. ' -- ' • m review" ann muslcat zeatures.. • . ' . I " _ I change student fro m India at tt ...........  ..... a ,.. ,.. ..,,, Reed High Sehf4ol al!d S employed erie Gonter Friday.  -- -- .... FLAT I 're' ' a his .vt:s w ........ , ,y .... c,,** . It is varied and most interest- 2[/'2 SIZE "g 2[/a SIZE m. .... • 1 k |t ' I] tUmalt( willmtYbe°fonWaShingt°n'the afternoonm dpro_. _ana proceeds ............. Will. oe useu zur tile II at:Mr.the Riehardsafeway recewedSt°re hs' edn- ing, which should bring' out a CAN ............ 1]1. " CAN w G,l'*. ....... r alSttxct organlzauon treasury i  [gram, open to the public. " ' "' cation in Michigan an.d is era- good attendance each month. ---- ..... i' ..... ., -----" t. [] It "1 ] Another attractio.n on the con .... t played by tile .gimpson Logging Mrs. Willard also announced ...... ./  a I [] I  /. j I vention program is to be singing Altar Soeiet- Ladies I c0 that Mrs. Ha'l Olstead had been BLACK TEA a OL  ' appointed the new conservation .... ztuz't.  "' -c,'€ I  I .. I [] I A, ( /by tile High School Girls' Glee , -- . %: . • I 'olowing a short wedding" trip chairmranleaffdM¢7;ecG:grgefCrp e Aea,,uy Idaho W.hite r.,:i!l00l/00tlljl I [] / I I,, .... iT -,--7--i ..... --'V-ii '1'o teeeelve uommuaton l th, young couple will make their . lmme m Shelton 1 [] I I [ 1 /  " ....... The ladies of the saint Marysl " .. '... ' . . - --o (ly'mpie Peninsula District of the Vz-LB. dit¢ ]-LB. 1€ .... €/ l'l' , : I / A Ill I HI I I I , Altar Society will ' receive Corn- / Out-oz-town guests incluoea mr. I I" "'I -- I I" If ll IIII lJ U reunion in a body next unday. I and dMarS'htJerPTt:rr a P]Ir.He:ddY'Ss ' GardenWashingt°l'Clubs.State Federation of ...-- ..............  .lhiY AA"  IIN-- .- _ /iII Ill  11 Irll I September 28 at the 8 a,na. Mass, l a c .Bg _ L ' ' - " - a ci The fifth judging school will be //  I • . J Peter 1 . peaty, Jr., avtr. n , . Following the Mass, breakfast ". .... tIEATRE IIVI • ' r :MIS. J. F. Rawlings and Dean held by the State Federation at   :/"-x -'2r ............. ]  ........... W'' be served m the church pa-[ ....... a..n ^a m.e.m, the Women s Century Club in Se, ' {43}} ,]" ,, ;P 'f2 ,-. ,*g --;,  .r ,u---i T[T, aa,,,a,, i | . lors by co.chairmen M,,s. a. Bay- / .... ""'U ....  ..... " "" attle October 6, 7 and 8, when  ! 00Ij._ w a, Z[  I ,1 /:& qH4. /,k' lV]Y .L'tM I/i' ...... : ard DesChamps and Mrs. Bob m TT --" . there will be experts to speak on :{ii;!:ii:i:;:;ii-;>i:;:\>:::::,!:}:: ....... "  ' : "  : "M '"-" " ¢" V'l/I Frh|ay, Satnrday, I Kieburtz.'  I'IO nave Long horticulture and to demonstrate lii I I =tta I [] I Iiiiiii:i!ii}::iiiili:iii{i I ] the art of flower arrangement.. 00.I.1 .... --o i i Septe',ber 26 ', Any Altar .()eiety lady planning I r.. - ..... ., ," l ' / ' ' " ..... , 'Mrs Wil|ard urged a.s many ---i-- I II I I Ii...! '   ' " . . : r-- tO attend the breakfast is urged to . members as possible to attend for ii!iii!!i;i:::i:i;::;:J; rs. . Charles. Punaeres. is sep: i I l ::2:;[;Sir .:.: z. .......... :'. ' , THE 1 000 000'=  ..... 'i'': ' ' ! 2 .. * i . Gene 'rierney,...= ..It' x Morrlson • s Maria, e "13 in heswhfle di met wns areKlrtls or •What's, the .00oEASIESTBen.,00,00 thoroughlyWaVwa,hes,tO ])" U)t,, . r ' • ". "" telephone Mrs De.Champ at " at ,east the ,,rstt3o daYSu, e be- ll l|Iiiiiil;i::iii;!iiii!!iiiiiiiiiii!iii:.:.ii::il (--  U ! l. € S Ge,rg, Sanders llt 492 R ' '. rl, II .... rlaL,__,, cause of th e uea" a  . : < i!, iil :  iti  ' - ,, > onger #..h,.# • .,# , M .  IR [t c SPANISH CLUB ItOLDS ;. • 9 , " r'e ' :!;tS*q:b}U • .... !S ] U .... " ..... Longer skirts. No.. aratmg her ,ber,an Ins now and .mT:#>:\>n!!::.:};: A ao / I Ill o- o o II W L .... .... l Loo o .... Maybe will give rizons to any ga.n ................... :' ':  I : ' :    :  .db "rlfl '  / III Never did a woman face II The R: C. (Ruth Creasey) Spa:. I The reaction to the question, • ;--¢/V  I/I Sul, a choice in Love. I t h clu met at t.he %e of Mrs. [ "What do you think of the longer U[LJ ' ''"" race eeKwltia last "4"nursay. : /skirts?" varies in a recent poll  , |/I--Su;.iY',-i.dy;Tue,laY |]' TlQse pres0nt Were 1Viilz. elof the ladies of Shelt0n: Theen- , .... w ):: :..d,...h%.. #...o.l...l' ll I II 8ep(ember i, o, so ]]Grimes, :Nellie Nels0]!i Helen Lem:leral opinion was summ.ed Bp..bY ?" i What is the THRIFTIEST' ' ' rl : get clothes cleanest7 ..... ' .,:.'r.:. " .... -...'" "...., Use a small amount ot soap ia a sma, an, _ ' .... w' :,._ ...... v -- -'- ............. h he ° :Later 'eh to oiv¢ to?. . -,. /. ... U t4terU It. u¢ enuug  W * . ; fJ e"*"  .,,,-; ....... , thorough rinsing. That's how the Bena**' :° s = .d  -") .......... "; ............ And that's how the 1,O00,000 Bendix Wgs ter "-". .... ,'""[""- • in use are ilin u bi sav n s for theieh PP: [ ',), "-_ .......... . • E " 2 What ,S the SAF ST way to .... - ,z get clothes ¢ieanesw L ' : r' d '  T i i r' 'r nd i roe" p' i I Cen  ' ' "-" " ':'"'l,,| The ge way you wash your daintiest garments. ; ; **. !:] $^ • n A R t M 0 U N , tt i a )a "" . bY "dlulkirl, !heln ,,nt!Y In and OUt d.f. the sad,. = i :' ......... .... / r T.. I RaetSRov:¢ thMed¢ s e'nd" O'erP [ 25: cIr0fttroe°t Ocgt'ek::#re Ah.d that', exgcdy how 1,O00,O00 Benaix Washers ,| | |t ...... - . ' r. . ". n , " " ".n go $ir€ mki!!g lo, last Io'ng0r. re, in the Bendix, II . | I ' ';::: ' ' / :X Shelton, Wash. Wilbur of Tacoma. Mr, Morton: 1 !2 inches, Her sttiad, by saying is ¢o,ht ve g¢lltly tumblod--hlmdreds of tiraes-- |'' ,l [ {ld hn,|n,¢¢ ,n |n,r, I Tk//'l brought something different in the | "You mi[ht as well be dead as .B ........ . . ......... ) ' " np vchhmg, scvtbblng nd twlsBng ; 1LI ! I: € , ,,. .,. ,. ., s .... .... / "'a : ' .... i ..... way 'of mBaical instrqmets, a|outofstyle,"' " i tdpt0fthcsuds Noagltato wca andtear • t aI "t: 7 ' / "lJii2 -ur -- Frlda'" ehr0matie accord'au. It |oksl Bei0gshrt, Mrs. Kay Byars " ' ' i I "q.L'.*..a' Jtxt u,¥- v much the same as.a s;andard[plans to wear her airts where NCREASED Se e bet 25 26 make in , . | ........... being three rows.of White keys.]small fig,re. " ", g=;i €[0 he clean'st ll II I[i !Ir,uAt,n,, ' I I I z v r,xv .... o I said, 'It looks,' but when you[ To get the yqunger ldies idea '" I ,,crxr ur-I start to play the thing, y0..q won. [we asked ¢lothese0ns¢i6hs Bheila t  ? = / Scuffless Tipsl "I.V£ vv IIJP der if you're hearing thing{. The [ oG!! l, her answer was, "Z hke I gAVED" . keys do not run the scale as a}them from ! . to 16 {acie above " / ww Ilt'lI '  " piano, Rt every ow ald then J the floor for'ptae dresses', and for In tea whole ears of trouble4ree service, the Bendix  . | [ [..W]lllall €] / ltt o a=va: ...... skip two or three nbtes which are Ischo61 below the knee, not " . " y ..... , i ' ' - ....... / Ray Milland f0tnd in. the iet rows, aad try as /above'.. 7 utomaB¢ Washer has saved more hard wor k for k.  %/ I [ ai .UlW T T she would r Frances Radtka [ " And for an0tber teer-ager con- m.oce housewives than any omer washer m the world. ' ....... I I : : : 0' idtllU" = WJlIJIk-Jl2JJNI) from the base side, She admits [ !!hgyr .'sa!a,: 'i iirecer them about ' md you re through ..... ..... . ENDIX PE LUXe : ....... , sne's snmped, [.14 inches !rpm. the floor on tall riscsl and dmp.drys the c!ohss.., a#tornatwa!!y ,, .... Wse palm we hay The W. G, Petersons .let for I wom0 n4 Jat b e, lw the knee ' e¥¢n wh¢la you're not in the nous • I ._ .,. ' _t Your youngster will have to €,,¢,,,a,,, la .... ,1,,,, Oregon. Friday to harvest their ] for shorter w6ea ' otuU' " utu,y crop of filberts and pa, sed the[ lrs, Ma Wiieoki feels "a ' " ut wr u ye0r ol] outgrow this one' Has water September 27-30 O. K, Ltnscotts wh were oa their I10nTge, skirt d ot6 about the 'II ........... way home. Thsy rep0rt a large] Calf of the leg wuld Ie more 4 How can I be SURE the resisting sole (for longer uettttywtnt°..°nnuna harvest, s flatter!,g to a womaws..figure." hOW ..... IFl;I$111b UIP" Verne Hill returned home Fri- * reasonable length' would Bendix is the best? !00h.w ,o wear!) 8%:12, :12V.,-3. PAULINE" day night from the Shelton has' suit Mrs. Mario.rKB,0vee, "about 3 pits1 Where ho sBffered an 0per- inches below th knees but not I , Super Show for Everyone tion for herneorraphY, , He is extreme." Oneofthe million lucky Bendixownezs is anelghbg" Men's 8" WORK SHOES Logger heels, oiled tan upper. Playing' marbles, rolterskat' ing, football nothing can hurt their tough leather tqes! ;le and Sanitized PLAIN 1  15'3, T0E ......... ==V !Z¢ 8-11r ................. $3,49 LACE TO TOE ............. $10.90 AND IN TECHNICOLOR feeling somewhat improved but "The individual still hts to will not be able to return to work make the decisj0, either longer of yours. So you don't have to take our word for it, ' " TBr a# r b what a wo0derful washing job her .,II..,.| €! ............  .... ........ fOrswimminganother mon,th.continues in Stand, Hueston.°r shorter," answered Mrs. Ruth, f ;Tadi;'d¢¢s. ',how thrifty it is ..j and what a :':: .... Wednesday Only still Lake throughout this warm A different point was brought Wo,rf| iif i is wi,h all ne work October 1 SePtember weather, out by Mrs. "Ruby Crane, "The of washing 4oa€ for her automatically, I ) Mrs. Nancy Brown entertained skirts Wilt have to correspond with ..... 2 FEATURES the ladies 0f the sewing club last :the jackets and the lackets are ' ::: Wednesday a her home. There:getitng longer." "YANKEE were seven ladies present, 'mak- Mrs. Orane agrees with most of COM[ IN fOR A DEMONSTRATION! lEARN ABOUT OUR EASY I FAKIR" ing varhms garment, such as the women that• the calf Of the ..... HAR dresses, boys' coats, shirts and leg is "a flattering length." In Ii] II-- II 1" I" ELECTHI "THIRTEENTH oti, er articles of w.arinff apparel c!osing she said "we're going to UTM 1 ..... Mrs. Blanch Radtke left Tues- come to that." HOUR" day ra0rntng, fgr seattle to attend I Are we? ? The Whistler the .fuoeral of a fiend, Mr, A. , ........   ................ Gt!tsaman, who Pased away.lastl Use the 3ournal Olassifleds B; W. $OPEFI Govey,Bullding P ..... ' Saturday. = t;OY really get results!