September 25, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Tuesday Night
Will Present
"Trial By Jury"
Prices Include Tax
$1.25 - $1.88 - $2.50
With Self-Addressed
Stamped Envelope
Veteran's Groups
To Participate in
Burial Services.
Recognized veterans' org'aniza-
tions will be supplied rifles and
b 1 an k ammunition for firing
squads which will take part in
burial services with military hon-
ors for returned World War II
dead. it was learned by Fourth
Air Force headquarters.
Rifles will be donated upon ap-
plication to the Chief of Ordnance,
Field Service Division,, The Pent-
aden. Washington 25, D.C., AT-
TENTION: Sales and Donations
Organizations presently eligible
to receive rifle donations include:
Disabled American V e t e r'a n s;
Catholic War Veterans, Inc.; Jew-
ish War Veterans of the United
States; National Society--Army
of the Philippines: The Disabled
Emergency Officers of the World
Wars; The Military Order of the
Purple Heart, Inc.; United Indian
War Veterans, U.S.A.: Army and
Navy Union; United Spanish War
Veterans; Fleet Reserve Associa-
tion; Military Order of the World
If you need Concrete Blocks, better get
them now. Cold weather will slow produc-
tion of blocks, and they may be scarce.
Form follows function, once a*
profesonal axiom of only the
architect's vocabulary, is today
becoming a household byword.
For the homcseeker of today is
house-shopping and expects dol-
lar value for dollar spent. More-
over, the man and woman malting
the biggest financial investment
of their entire lives want to real-
ly live in the house they build or
buy. They want the whole family
to function as a unit and each
have his place in the scheme of
the home of today.
Cognizant of this growing
trend, the Journal will publish a
complete housing plan series, the
first of which appears herewith
and continuing as a regular fea-
ture. Some of the outstanding
small house architects in America
will design the houses shown.
Each has been chosen for his rec-
ord of previous accomplishment
and acceptability by a board of
housing experts who have actually
participated in the building and
developing of tens of thousands of ::.:..:....... .................
homes in hundreds of cities thru ..... ..-
Wars: Regular Veterans Associa-]out the nation.
tion: Marine Corps League. I Added to this reservoir of hens-
Organizations not listed above ing authority is the approval of
should write to the Chief of Ord- the National Adequate Wiring THE QUEENSLAND- The trouble with many con-
hence for information as to wheth- Bureau, the Structural Clay Pro- temporary (modern) homes is that they range over so
much territory that they are beyond the price level of the
er they have been approved and ducts Institute, if the houses are I modern.inclined family that must build on a limited
recognized by the Veteran's Ad- designed in brick, and the con-
ministration ms eligible to receive formity to the standards and con- budget. 0
such donations, struction requirements of the Fed-
Donations of ammunition will eral Housing Administration. Our The Queensland is a contemporary home designed ca-
be supplied by the military escort readers are therefore assured that pecially for those who must watch costs carefully. Under
accompanying the remains, and it every precaution has been taken an attractive hipped roof its floor plan' arranges logically
will not be necessary for the vet- to bring the finest possible series in the modern fashion. The living room is large and open
eran's organization to request it,of houses to the homeseekers of to light and air on three sides, The kitchen is in front
in advance. Mason county, looking out over the street on what, since the advet of
I Arrangements to sec, ure blue-I the automobile, has become the least attractive outlook
I prints and specifications af any of most plots. Like most modern houses, this house need
house make this a practical hous- not have a cellar. An adequate heater room is provided
ing service for all, as minor ad- in the first •floor. For those who insist on a basement the
justments may be made to meet detailed working drawings provide a cellar alternate.
local building conditions and local
contractors can change any sets From a flagstone terrace, one enters a vestibule equipped
of working drawings to meet in- with a good coat closet. A turn to the right and one
dividuat requests without further enters the large living room. The kitchen opens to the
permission. ; left of the vestibule and is large enough for a permanent
RCAF Veteran
U.S. Airmen
May Get Bonus
American flyers who serveci
with the Royal Canadian Air
Force during World War II are
now eligible for a Canadian Gov-
ernment bonus, acording to word
received by Fourth Air Force
To reccwe the bonus, qualified
persons should communicate with
the appropriate Air Force head-
quarters, which will assist in send-
ing names of eligible personnel
Persons presently residing in
the states of California Oregon,
Washington, Montana, Idaho, Ne-
vada, Utah and Arizona should
communicate with the Ptlblic In-
formation Officer of the Fourth
Air Force at Hamilton Field,
Calif., sending name, address,
rak and serial number.
Those who later transferred [o
the U. S. Army Air Force should
also include the rank and serial
number under which they served
Painting Time
Paint authorities point out that ex.
erior painting should be done only in
dry weather, and when the thermom-
eter registers at least 40 degrees.
Cold weather and moisture are apt
to interfere with getting results.
This housing service which dining alcove. This attractively placed in the corner
starts today is not a series of window giving unobstructed views up and down" the
"just pretty pictures." It is formed street. To balance the corner window in the dining alcove,
to function for our realers. ] a similar window is placed in the bedroom on the other
side of the house. The exterior effect achieves the sym-
metry of fenestration that is a fundamental of good
Christian SCience Air architecture. And, on the inside the use of corner win-
Program Slated Sunday 'dows in two strategic spots helps to make the attractive
A Christian Science program arrangement of furniture easy.
entitled, "God Supplies All Need," i QUEENSt.AlqD FLOO[ 0LAN
will be presented on the Columbia Like all the houses of our series, The Queensland was designed to the exacting requirements of Hous-
Church of the Air next Sunday ing Plan Service as well as to conform to the standards and construction requirements of Federal Hous-
morning, September 28. at 7:00 ink Administration. The electrical plan was checked by the National Adequate Wiring Bureau. Blue-
o'clock. The prog'am, which will prints and specifications may be had from Housing Plan Service140 Nassau Street--New York 7, N.Y,
orLginate in Boston, is given with --for $7.50 per set,,
the approval of The Christian Sci- ,.
ence Board of Directors of The
Philatelic Patter "'"'" .................. drawings by Donald, Ruthaford
The following Columbia stations Belfair were only some of the articles no-
will broadcast this program. Sta- ' tired.
tiers KIRO, Seattle, IXLY, Spo- Win. H. Albah ,,,-n, vv,,.v,.,vv,v,vv.
(Crowded Out Last Week) Brownie Troop 107 pl a c e d
kane; KOIN, Portland. "Why - does anyone c o 11 e c t The Community Fair sponsored dressed rag dolls, painted oyster
,-rv-wvv,-,v,v,,,,,r,,,, stamps ?" Every adult collector by the Evergreen Garden Club was shells, tea towels and painted
Ally hears that question at least a well represented by all organi- plates, a huge cake made by Bry-
n dozen times a year. Younger col- zations and well attended. Gen- erly Ryan brought many ahs.
lectors are seldom bothered with eral arrangements were under the A dart game operated by the
=lVr.=a*d'[r;.2.=J.]n=A the question since their seniors leadership of Mrs. R. W. Cady. V.F.W. was a lively place, as also
children frmn New Mexico are simply assume that the young- The Garden Club booth exemp- was the fish pond end the lunch
visiting with her parents, Mr. and sterE are attracted to the bright lifying a yard With lawn and room where Hanna Weiland and
For Your HEATER - CIRCULATOR - Mrs. Fred Purvis. colors, the odd shapes and sizes, shrubs surrounded by a rustic her group of Women's Club mere-
The Grapeview-Allyn Fire De- and the pictures of the little bits fence was artistically arranged by hers took charge.
OILSTOVE - FURNACE partment is giving a card party of paper. Mrs. Jane Marsh, the gate,serving The 4-H candy sale was a part
this Friday night at the, /llyn If the question is asked in our as a counter for corsages. She of their arrangements with the
school house at 8 o'clock. Ad- home we find the most effective was assisted by Mrs. Newkirk at showing of self-made clothing.
BE THE SMART FELLOW! mission will be 35c which will in- afiswer is to haul out our culler- the apron line and Meade Paxton Ancient swordS, guns, lamps,
PHONE 196 elude refreshments and prizes, tions and show them to the ques- handling the potted plants, shell collections, an English deed,
Have a full oil tank and be able to keep your Everybody welcome.
Mr. and :Mrs. John Austin and tioner. The beauty of a good, The Tahuya club arranged a and a German carpenters kit each
well-mounted collection, the pet'- covered wagon and l'igure in pie- over a hundred years old, was dis-
thermostat set for constant comfort, son of Bremerton enjoyed a beach serial and philatelic stories of neer costume before a campfire, played by the Firemen and the
' party at the home of ida parents, many of the items, the minute symbolic of its name "Old Tim- Masonic Clubs, Walter Eddy keep-
]{r. and Mrs. Wm. Austin, last details taken into account in a era." Mrs. Effie Knowlton, Mrs. ing watchful care over this room.
We Have a SUPPLY of STORAGE TANKS Sunday evening. Many of their specialized collection, the talk of Harvey Rendsland and Mrs. P. Mr. Squires, who operates the
Yricnds were there also. values invariably convince the Nolan erected this background for Belfair Gardens, furnished flowers
from 50 to 1,000 gallons for new oil burner installations Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Morgan questioner that there really is home foods and Madame X's For- for decorations. At the close of
and Becky of Gorst visited their something to stamp collecting and tune telling booth, the fair flowers were sent to the
Frisken Oil Co family herelast Friday. very oftenhewho came mocking The V.F.W. Auxiliary displayed Retail home.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Amacher goes away praising. Christmas,cards and the contents In the Junior department, Fian -
lib and daughter visited with ilia par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Amacher, Oral and written answers to the of a hamper which was given ces Suhr and Carolyn McCanif
in Raymond, WaslL, over the question are not so easy since it away. won blue ribbons in needlecraft;
Mason County Distributor for Associated Oil Products week end. is rather difficult to decide which Mrs. Evelyn Beck managed the Betty Weiland, Mary Beck and
S'Del and Kay Harthill were of the many reasons to give and Horticultural arrangement which Lee Hunt in flower arrangements;
AllyR visitors last week end. in what order to give them. But was a popular corner expressing Tommie Taylor, Jean and Jack
we'll make a stab at giving a original art by widespread con- Glazier in produce.
_ _ ..... ........ .... written answer that may satisfy testan. Adult winners of blue ribbons
the questioner, though we can't The canned foods brought much were G. M. Hill, Sam Anderson,
possibly give all the reasons for praise and many ribbons, Mrs: J. H. Huffman, R. C. Callow, Rex
stamp collecting. Rex Crossen presiding with Mrs. CrosseR, J. E. Zulier, Vern Known
, ton, Sam Oerlin, Roy Moore, C.
d ;sters,M°StweY°UngsterSbelieve, areandattrctedmany old-to produce.Irene McKnight displaying the A. McKnight, Sam MaNse, Gee.
the hobby because of its romantic Mrs. Sylvia Ryan was in charge Pope, H. L, Hughes, A. B. Tilden,
@ @ @ aspects. Even at our age and of needle craft, where Mrs. Nolan Bob Jones, Braman, Jack Gins-
with ten years of philately be- of Tahuya and Mrs. Larson tied let, Glen Miles, R. W. Cady, Jr.,
Wm. CaRdiff, Gee. Jones, Walter
in winning tim most individual Lurid, Effie Knowlton, I-L Wyeoff,
hind us we still find considerable honors.
romance in philately. The Cub Scouts displayed un- Lucille Travis, Alice Pope, Mrs.
The bright colors, the beautiful usual work in wood craft, the Fred Heintzie, Mrs. C. Pade, Mrs.
Inventory Your Supply o1: pictures, the odd shapes and sizes saiiboatbyJerryGriffith, alook- ton, LauraWhtte, HazelWalbaum,Gage'Mr"FrankWillard°fShe'"
" of stamps, a piece of paper from out Station by Bill Cundiff, a we- Meade Paxton, Mrs. F. F. Glad-
eigna far distantlanguage,landpicturesPrinted inshowinga for- ter wheel by Larry Griffith and win, Mrs. Devenpeck, Addle Jones,
beautiful scenes of other lands, pie- Rachel Freelin, Mrs. L. Larson,
i turesillustratingpastandpresent THE FORUM Phyllis Nolan, ViolaStaley. Ruby
PRINTED FORMS history of the world and of indi- Johnson, Mrs. A. B. Tilden, Eve-
i vidual countriesall these things lyn Beck, Laura Culbertson, Della
and more make up the romance MeCabe, Lavina Williams, erie
'of stamp collecting. , , Dean, L. rearer, Lucy Foster,
There is something in philately Editor, The Journal, Irene McKnigllt, Mrs. Roy :Moor,
[ to attract and to hold the interest Your gratuitous unfavorable dis- Mrs. Iex CrosseR, Sylvia Ryan,
of anyone and everyone. The only cussion of Senator Donald Black Mrs. Nelsop, Mrs. E. Edmiston,
Erma Roessel, Dorothy Huff man,
Q LETTERHEADS reason, in our estimation, why in yore. last issue of The Journal
not everyone collects stamps iS comes as a sour note to a major- Evelyn Beck, Irene Hill, Mrs. R.
• ENVELOPES that some just simply have not ity of the electorate in Mason E. Schotz, Jane Marsh and Nell
looked deeply enough into the hob- county. DeMiero.
• STATEMENTS by to find that which would in- As a newcomer you may not The evening program opened
retest them. know that Dr. BlacM was the with a style show by the 4-H girls
Q CARDS Once we've started collecting choice of Mason county in his re- under the leadership of Mrs. May
stamps we find another reason election by a majority of 1,200 Henningsen, after which Berton
• INVOICES for collectingthe thrill and ex- votes. Apparently, also, you do Kriedler presented Paul Brown,
• PURCHASE ORDERS citement of discovery which in- not know that Dr. Black had den- expert soil conditioner, for
creases, steadily as we advance erally the high respect of legisla- Weyerhaueser Timber Co., who
O PAYROLL FORMS in the hobby. Did you ever find tive members, Democrats and Re- gave valuable information on]
• SHIPPING TAGS a five-dollar bill? Well, that's publicans alike, planting and transplanting and
the way a stamp collector feels To be sure, Dr. Black was a answering questions.
he finds a stamp from a progressive, (radical to you) but
O PERSONAL STATIONERY country not yet represented in his so was the 24th District. A check
O WEDDING INVITATIONS AND collection, a stamp that corn- on Dr. Black's voting record on
pletes a set, a stamp that he's 21 important labor, sociaI security,
ANNOUNCEMENTS wanted a long time, or a stamp civil rights and veterans' meas-
that catalogs a bit more than the urea shows that Dr. Black voted
ordinary run of stamps, right on 20 of 21 measures (from
7 Stamp collecting is a continual the progressive viewpoint, of 'M
treasure hunt and who doesn't en- course). I AFRAIO
# • • joy hunting--and findingtreas- He also always voted right on YOUR APPENDIX
urea2 But stamp collecting is a public power and Grange-sup- IS GOIN
treasure hunt without ,equal--you ported mesures. The same check YOU A LOT
may never find a cheerful of showed Republican Hufford in the OF
PHONE 100 FOR OUR REPRESENTATIVE treasures, but you are continually House voted 100 per cent "bad" on
finding the treasure a piece at a the 17 similar propositions.
time and will in time have a Dr. Black also supported a plan
He will gladly assist you in planning your print- cheErfuL And, of course, there is of medical cooperatives. He was
ing, designing your forms, modernizing your always the chance that you will a high type, idealistic legislator,
stationery, or help you in any way he Call, find a treasure chest full of the far removed from the pork barrel
jewels of philately, type too numerous in congress and
Our job is serving you. Speaking of treasures suggests state legislatures.
another reason why many follow Mason county is unfortunc in
the hobby and'that is. the invest- losing Dr. Black's scrwces,
jOURNAL merit angle. But we'll have to Frank Robinson,
THE save that until next week. . , LilliwaClp, Wasi,
The Anti-Saloon league of
-- Does your roof leak ? Read The America was founded at Washing-
Journal ads and save your temper, ton, D. C., December 18, 1895.
. The process of properly prepar-
Journal classified ads will sell ing bacon by the packing houses
peavys to plumbers. P requires about six weeks.
it is,
Send " Iteartng
Name .........
Address ......... '
Hearing Test
f" L
Ye dinner bell rings loud and clear
"Look, kiddies, see what we've got
"At every sip your lips will thank
[This is the finale in Mason County
Creamery scrapbook contest for $60
in cash prizes.
Make your next move your I=
home of your own! Select
want to buy or build, and let
for you. Low interest, easy "t°'.
payments, no large I[mp sUr
quired, and you achieve
ship sooner. Ask us abot
financing plan.
' September 2,), ]94 ,
You A
Thurston Count,
Savings & Loan
Security Bldg., Olympia, WaS1,
comfortable Heat all next
matic-Refill ervice keeps
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Treat Yourself
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"rCA[' E
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