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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 25, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 25, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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•. ,, Jl,lll . i i ) ,,  i. i i iii i i |lGay Not Art Taylor I NEED A B / Gay Taylor, owner oT the Tay- If ....... Blor Radio Electric shop, wants it II mam i• mm ma mm a IIunderstood that he is not theTay- II UII || M U L U Il flOt' Who settled a case out of court i ILUiIlULll II/lastwek' I ........ "" I) in fact, Gay wants people to [] []/know that he was not involved in I Ph,m Al I/a'Y court case at all. The Journal agrees, it wasn't Gay Taylor, but Art Taylor. | J.L. CATTO |l ............................................ I "°'" ]IARDWARE this winteI ...... start your Journal /subscription now. 111 ir JiiJl i iii iii1, i iii i IIIH Complete AUTOMOTIVE REBUILDING BODY" AND FENDER REPAIR RADIATOR REPAIR GLASS REPLACED BODY BUILDING SPECIALTY WELDING AUTOMOTIVE PAINTING AUTOMOTIVE BODY SERVICE Shelton Auto Body John Bernert and Wayne Burnett, Operators 120 EAST PiNE STREET PHONE 145 i m un m , mlm IH IH| THE OLDTIMER RECALLS .... SHELTON.M:ASQN COUNTY JOURNAL Recollections from 50 Years Ago By Lafe Redafe Wal, I reckon it's time fer me to come right out an' tell the world that I am a real person. Appears like they's some folks lives here-aouts don't believe it. This here pitcher should prove it! It's me, allright, taken back in '02 when I wuz a young and handsome cuss. Ain't so young anymore, though. Thet pitcher wuz took about the time I had just got all bibbed and tuckered fer town on a Sattiday night. Had some good times them days, socials and all. Times has shore changed, though. Nowadays, the young folks spends their Sattiday nights in some big town like Tacoma or Se- attle, listening to young fellers blowin' them loud horns and beat- in' on Injun drums. I wuz readin' through one of my stack of Journals th' other eve- ning, and I come acrosta item about a supprisc party I wuz to back in '97. Come to think of it, I reckon since this is the time I'm explain- in' that I reely am a reel person, I should tel al you folks how come I write about things thet hap- pened back in 97 and can remem- ber so well. It's like this--I don't reely re- member all this stuff accurate I read up on it first. Them Jour- nals been stackin' up on me the When you buy meat here, you're getting the best there is! Flavorful, tender, juicy cuts of beef, lamb or pork--all top quality;government gr,'tded meat. And it's cut right---to cut your. cost--because we trim away excess fat and bone before weighing. GRADEI) GOOD BEEF ROAST 43=L.. Shoulder Cut FRESItLY GROUNI) LAFE REDAFE last few .years, and I hain't got around to read 'era al yet any- how, so when I do read 'era, I just sit down and write about it, and then bring it in fer this young feller who owns the Journal now to print. Don't tell him thet, though, or he will get wise and start to read- in' and doin' his own writin'. This is off the record, as the newspa- per fellers say. Wal, I wuz rec'lectin' about thet party I went to back in '97. Sur- prize party, it wuz, out to Miz Robt. Sheedy's place. Reel sup- prise, too. Bunch o' us youngsters come over to supprise young Herman on iris birthday, and 'fore we more than got set down, here .came a bunch o' the WCTU ladies and other social-ites, all bound on sup- prizin' everybody from Miz Shee- dy to the,- youngsters. They did, too. But, a good time wuz had by all o' us, and Miz Sheedy wuz give a nice sugar bowl of reel silver fer a parting gift. She wuz mov- ing away from Shelton, goin' to Northport. I re-call thet wuz about the time the members of Cedar Camp 180 o' the Woodmen o' the World had a big blowout threw fer them. They wuz meetin' at the Odd Fellers hall then, and after the reglar Monday mcetin' they give a rousin' big yell, went like this: CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! SAW! SAW! SAW! WE ARE WOODMEN RAH RAH! RAHI Then they adjourned to the sup- per room and had a nice big feed which had been Pre-parcd by the ...... ladies. George Vogttln and George Shorter made quick wprk of the . ': .',t ") ... extra ice cream. I recall they had . ':'1 ..:3%:f six freezers ful of it, and they . :1  ": r; ::: ' : .... . WUZ about 75 people fed. : .::::::) (:,;yr..! .! • The ladies who done the work .: wuz all Woodmen Ladies, the Mizzes Wehnes, Shorter, Norton,  [ '::¢"' " |1  Munson, MeReavey, Needham and ,1 / ..... :::'. :) -- others. They wuz also some vis- ; itors, Joseph Carstairs and Miss : Jean from Mason, and Mr. and i Mrs. R. S. Shepard from the Mil- ler place, who wuz shown a good GRADED GOOD Ume thet night. EEF SHORTRIBS I re-cal thet wuz the week thet the R. W. Keefes lost their home B by fire in Cyphert's addition. Mr. Keep had started a fire in the stove to warm tlae house up, and , then gone down to the dock to meet his family who wuz just coming back from Olympia. While he wuz gone, the house caught afire, and burned plumb down. The Keefes had both imd their legs broke just before the fire, and had just then recovere enough to get around again. Some folks shore has tough luck. BONELESS BRISKET .................... "" Harstine Island C 0 R N E D B E E F i tained the Mason County Pomona . Sunday at the school house with a very good crowd in attendance and several very interesting speak- 9 ers. Mr. Strachen of Portland LB. and Mr. Wiiliamaon of Kansas City spoke on cooperatives and F. E. Knowles of North Bend iiWLKGie spoke on banking. Gene Giiddell and Mrs. Bess Comfort of Silver- dale, Kltsap county, were also Harstine Island was pretty well represented at the Western Wash- ington Fair at Puyallup over the week's period this year. Those attending that we know of were Mr, and Mrs. Gunnar Jolmeon and GROUND BEEF 43= W00E00IN.-E,RS ..... 39 = u,. The Good Old.Fashioned Kind 15 ; QUART Fresh Pack GRADED GOOD - LOIN VEAL CHOPS BACON SQUARES 49= son Mr. and Mrs. Everett. Sim- ons and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mar- tin Goetsch and family, Mrs. Lee Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dawson and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Simmons, Mr. and Mrs.. LeRoy and son, Mrs. Gordon Simmons and son, Mrs. Dorothy Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Archer, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Goodwin and, family, Mr. and Mrs, John L. Hitehcock and family, Miss Mary Carnes, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Harri- man and Mrs. Nellie Hile and son and Clyde Harriman. We understand Swede Peter- son's cabirL at Ballow burned to tlm ground Saturday night but we didn't learn the cause. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gillette entertained ,at diimer Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Clark of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Mabel McGow- an of Agate. Phillip Chapman left a week to attend college at Pullman, Miss Dixie Simmons left for Tacoma to attend College of Pu- get Sound. Guests at the Ed Wilson home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bern- ard Houscn and family of Seabeck, Gcne GlJdden and Mrs. Bess Comfort of Silverdale called at the Harry G. Sinclair home. Mrs. Mary Carlson returned home the first of last week from Rochester where she was visiting for a few days, Tho I-Iarstino Women's Club met with Mrs. Zelda Streckenbach last Thursday with six members MEAT DEPARTMENT Established 1895 Thursday, NGS THEY EM (l to words, "what thinking about, study and out." Stop at our Big FREE Parking Lot and leisurely shop at your home-owned service store have tw$1ve departments at your service---or if you cannot get in just call 305 and your 01 will be delivered to you. d SWIFT'S CLEANSER. SPICK & SPAN The Perfect Cleanserenter the big contest. PKG. SOAP Fels Naptha .................................................... 3 BARS GRAHAM CRACKERS Sunshine .................................................... 2-LB. PKG. PEARS in heavy syrup Lucky Dawn. Grand for Salads. kge. cans .... 3 FOR HONEY Whitney's Creamed ............................................ 2 FOR PEANUT BUTTER Jane Good .............................. .' ................... 1-LB. JAR CHILI CON CARNE • 2 for 25 ¢ 23= 27= 48 = 89= 65= 29': your retailer t( the major price are always which never PC- and small, of commod- t one of the most against price in- the firing line consumer corn- intimate under- economic have used every arsenal to hold minimum. But] limited. Retailers ag price for goods all other busi- fry heavily in- the form of i rents, taxes, sup- hing else. They kind of profit or , What they have t their unit profits e, and kept down limit of their abil- u.xurlul A PADl21Pl T|T roved American con- ! railiions of dollars, them millions more Old South. No. 2 Cans .................................... 3 CANS ;etaiiers will reduce d When -- wholesale RAISINS 2 °nay°triable costs 3t! store come down. Thompson Seedless 2-LB. PKG. htch grows stiffer .................................... !0re and more goods '"_ ]d the' "easy mon- 41: Will take care of MINCE MEAT -m0 s , O.estOn the goods None Such .................................................... PER PKG. ',  ;'mih0as.i¢ ", You efiecti°nr ofl ENTER THE BOROEN'S NAMING CONTESt" Zt -- but remember retailer is' :l g a fine job in pro- lt4F! what y°u want atq[. . COCOA e now possible. Hershey's ...................................................... 8-OZ. CAN '!i" i aer Vacation season / ::i a close, the achieve- SARDINES li meeting Norwegian bristlin0s ........................................ 2 CANS R"¢lted for i.:: Seven) MINCED CLAMS tStory Pismo .................................................................. 3 CANS 0P All MINCED TURKEY fl He L Story. Or, more is a story about CHINESE DINNERS two of them. / Ben Gee .................................................................... PKG. rent versions have Uad town of the e.kfish-sea monster dis point and .in , that anybody's It's Time to Make Grape le at this stae. Crlbtlted to "Hank" :: t he had seen the l believed to be Hormel. Bring in your coupons ........................ CAN fl4v € !"" " '!i: !, i i o. Mo.,o I I P E A S E !  ( " ,  i '74 spoon and leader /Imml  " v " D'A, "e the gaff hook. I gl Ili/ ImiHI  ---m,  ' A ie fish which took aell seller, claim- ,i 0 Of the - .... JAM-JELL 1 mlP r ' i,, t , fish' what" CgyaFEo:tErs. .................................................. LB. 49* "'°'" ..... u he says, is -f' z and the other He saw them wit Mel, the really sist 4111 ¢ it was Sun CAKE FLOUR LO PORK & BEANS Buff-Orp-pres Flsher's. A set of measuring spoons with each pkg. yennison's ....................................................... 3 cANS least 20 feet, She I they MINUTE POTATOES 15¢ from iary P.G. CORN BEEF HASH in Seat-who • why he's serv NU SPREAD 49 = 15.oz. can ............................................................ 2 FoR paM A-LS L ,hi ,e office missed, over or pre the grow- 1st f0r baking, frying, seasoning .................... PER PG. MEAT ..n to drop in sece i -- ' K ,, ........................................................... . iSFaultless 2CA brings the tarseenPriCeSnoth-! re,rDeCI! raft's  !i! sneaked out • " -__L____ i  I We hear there low MAYONNAISEi 'hebay [  PINT 48' .UAKER OAT' EE IT JARS .................... RIPE, OLIVES Large size " cAN APPLE BUTTER Sunny Jim ........................................ LARGE BR@ Second S' HI-HO CRACKERS G E HEATEF Visit our large Fruit and Vegetable Depart- ment for a complete line of Healthful Savings abundant Warmt GROCERY DEPARTMENT gas statiom wheneve in coal • St ESTABLISHED 1895 *vu ORD