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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 25, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 25, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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IUNTy County-Gty Record on tile docket in Juslice (&apos;ourt Glenn ('orrea during Were: Patrol 'lavin, RI. 2, Box 952, Operator's license, Dewayne Ruddy, St., Oshkosh, Wis., forfeit: Mary J. 11 56111 I'l. NI!, 'Ceding, ,15 forfeit; 520 E. (;corgiana, speeding, $15 22 Birch , arc., following lure to keep right 30 forfeit; :'mlo, 815 N. ('edar, urc tu keep right of $30 forfeit; St. Rt. 1, Box Speeding, $15 St. Rt. 1, Box on, speeding, $15 s, Hudson Point, speeding, $15 .mpel, 950 S. Way, improper nez tlills, Rt. 3, n, failure to stop forfeit; St. Rt. 2, Box Speeding, $15 lylor, P.O. Box to stop at forfeit; l)avid L. Dawn Rd., Port Per lane of travel, tie license, $30 Rt. 1, Box ' reckless driving, :nse suspended 30 340 1'2 Pine, m public, three :1 Dodge, Rt. 3, failure to use $25 forfeit. COURT the docket in before Judge Inday night were 921 Railroad, rag, $35 forfeit; 1625 E. 5th, driving, $65 :s; Arthur Paul, Shelton, Pt f'i na ncial act, $25 fine, Cush, 1802 , no operator's forfeit; Albert 638, Shelton, $2.50 costs; St. Rt. 1, $20 826 W. $17.50 Arthur Paul, driving $125 Kallay, i, Shelton, $2.50 costs; e n, g e neral while $125 fine, Taberning, speeding, Deyette, 615 d isorderly Smith, 517 speeding, $18 City Center public, $25 P.O. Box in public, i'S s approved by during the to Clarence and storage Collect Inc., 2,720; ; and $12,550; Carport, $1,344. FIRE DEPARTMENT Sept. 19, 3:30 p.m., Gerald Coleman residence, Rt. 1, Box 588 (outside city). Sept. 20, 5:20 p.m., Jack Wilkie residence, 340 E. Pine, house contents, $1,000 damage. SHERIFF'S OFFICE Jack Winings reported his car hit a horse. R. W. Kling rclmrted a lent, cots and other items taken. Mrs. Ginger Olsoc zcp)rlcd shingle siding torn off the hack ,d a motel. Walt (]mppel reported item', taken. John Colley zcp)rlcd a lii. pump taken. Mrs. Ilazel Becl<willl I,l,,,ll .+ small black and tul I irRLI 1,, .i her residence. Boots Jt)hn,(>ll rL'p(,rlt+'d a power plant taken. Bob Baker reported a surveyors chain taken. AI LeGault rcported a tool chest and tools taken. AI Johnson reported a chain saw taken. Mrs. Ada Eger reported a refrigerator taken. Mrs. Tom tlobart reported a mail box and newspaper boxes torn down and smashed. George Bellis reported two bicycles taken. Ronald Augustine reported a rifle and pack taken. Larry Kohlmeier reported a tractor and the radiator out of the truck taken. Jack Rodman reported a shed broken into and brush taken. SHELTON POLICE Ray ltanson reported gasoline taken. Thomas Wolfe reported a battery taken from a car. Donald Young reported a tree partially blocking a street. The tree was removed. Karen Mickelson reported a residence entered. Ellis Blomgren reported a tape deck and tapes taken from his car. Mrs. Janice Bragg reported two bicycles found. Charles Stephens reported mirrors taken from a pick-up. C. M. Mifflin reported a voltage meter, a pair of tin snips and a side view mirror taken from a pick-up. A vehicle driven by Howard Goldsby hit a parked vehicle owned by Clarence Haight on Fairmont St. A vehicle owned by Mrs. Bill Fredson slipped its brakes while parked and rolled into a vehicle owned by Oliver Kelly. Earl Chappel reported he found a pair of child's glasses. Vehicles driven by Otto Hanson and David Walker were involved in a collision on S. First St. Vehicles driven by Mrs. Laura Umphenour, Shelton, and Lannis Allmaras, Vancouver, collided at Ilighway 101 S. and Park St. Donna Welch reported a tape deck taken from her car. Vehicles driven by Marguerite Mathews and Bradley Owen collided at Fourth and Railroad. Vehicles driven by Chert Richardson and Cliff Starkey collided at Seventh and Cota. SUPERIOR COURT Defatdt Divorces I)ef,mlt tlivrcc decrees were .1 I',lrovt.!d l(>l+: I u by .l Ollll'Oll lronl Robert .l< }]l I/'l Ill N,'r, +) :ndttsky lr{}nl I,m{}ry :Jllt] tl::; v Nt' ( ;t,.e.,, I ¢wl, ( :lp,,t+ .JHIcs against State <d Washingl{}n anti Hoyd P{)well. superintendent {}f the Washington ('orreclions Center, writ of habeas c{}rpus, Edwin R. Stevens against S|ate of Washington and Floyd Powell, superintendent of the Washington Corrections (;enter, writ of habeas corpus. Ronald Scott against State of Washington and Ernest Timpani, superintendent of Washington Correct ions (;enter, writ of habeas corpus. i)onald Johnson against State of Washington and Floyd Powell, superintendent of Washington ('orrections Center, writ of habeas corpus. Norman and Phillip Gibson against State of Washington and Floyd Powell, superintendent of Washington Corrections Center, writ of habeas corpus. David White against State of Washington and Ernest Timpani, superintendent of Washington Corrections Center, writ of habeas corpus. Ronald Norquist against State of Washington and Floyd Powell, superintendent of Washington Corrections Center, writ of habeas corpus. Weather High Low Precip. September 18 65 52 .79 September 19 63 54 .81 September 20 62 55 .35 September 21 65 52 .07 September 22 64 50 .55 September 23 64 55 .98 September 24 65 51 .67 Five-Day Forecast Temperatures Thursday through Monday expected to average near the normal high of 69 degrees and low of 43 degrees. Rainfall to be more than normal with showers mostly Thursday and Friday and again on Monday. An angry man opens his mouth and shuts up his eyes. -Cato Shelton TOWNCRAFT tm Sport Coats On Sale Thru Saturday Marriage Licenses Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason County auditor's office this week were: Stephen White, 22, Tokeland, and Kathleen LaDue, 18, (;rayland. Alfred (;eel 27, Aberdeen, and Jonnie Williams, 1 7, Aberdeen. Tides Friday, Sept. 26 ttigh ....... 5:59 a.m. 11.2 ft. Low ...... I 1:53 a.m. 2.6 ft. tligh ....... 6:05 p.m. 12.1 ft. Saturday+ Sept. 27 Low ....... ():21,  a.m. 1.1 ft. Iligh ....... 6:53 a.m. 11.3 ft. Low ...... I 2:35 p.m. 3.8 ft. Ihgh ....... b:2t p.m. 11.8 ft. Sunday, Sept. 28 I{} . ...... 1:05 a.rn. 0.5 ft. Iligh ..... 7:47 a.m. I 1.3 ft. Low ....... I :17 p.m. 4.9 ft. High ....... b:59 p.m. 11.4 ft. Monday, Sept. 29 Low ....... 1:41 a.m. -0.8 ft. ttigh ....... 8:35 11.2 ft. Low ....... 1:59 p.ln. 6.0 ft. ltigh ....... 7:23 p.m. 10.9 ft. Tuesday, Sept. 30 Low ....... 2:23 a.m. -0.8 ft. High ....... 9:35 a.m. I 1.0 ft. Low ....... 2:47 p.m. 6.9 ft. ltigh ....... 7:59 p.m. 10.3 ft. Wednesday, Oct. ! Low ....... 3:05 a.m. 0.5 ft. High ...... 10:41 a.m. 10.7 ft. Low ....... 3:47 p.m. 7.7 ft. High ....... 8:29 p.m. 9.7 ft. Thursday, Oct. 2 Low ....... 3:59 a.m. 1.0 ft. High ...... I 1:59 a.m. 10.6 ft. Low ....... 5:05 p.m. 8.1 ft. High ....... 9 : 17 p.m. 9. ! ft. New Arrivals Mason General Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. ('r+,ler, 613 Harvard St., a hoy, September 22. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Since the general civilization <}f mankind i believe there arc nn,re instances of the abridgmeRt ol lhu freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations. .... Madisc}n IIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Dr. Lloyd Cook Dies In Seattle Dr. Lloyd A. {'oak, 70, Union, died Sept. I 8, in a Seattle Hospital. Dr. Cook in(}vcd Io Union after his retirement in 1959 as graduate dean and vice-president of Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich. He was born April 15, 1899 in Maryetta, Ind. tie received a BA degree from Franklin College, Ind., a MA degree from the University of Chicago and a PhD from Ohio State University. He taught at the University of Chicago, Columbia University, Ohio State University and Wayne State. He had been at Wayne State 15 years as a teacher, head of the Department of Educational Sociology, Graduate Dean and Vice-President at the time of his retirement. He had several books published, including two volumes on College Programs in Intergroup Relations, which was a seven-year study for the American Council on Education; Community Backgrounds and Education; A Sociological Approach to Education; Intergroup Relations; School Problems in ltuman Relations, all of which were published by McGraw-llill. Dr. Cook also did research for the National Education Association, AInerican liducation Research Association and was a life-time mennber of the American Sociological Association. tie also did research and consultant work for various educational and government organizations. He was interested in the community of Union after moving there and worked hard on civic affairs. For the past several months, he had been writing a book review column which appeared on the editorial page of the Shelton-Mason County Journal. Survivors include his wife, Elaine, Union; two brothers, Paul and Woodrow, Indianapolis, Ind. and two sisters, Mrs. Earl Miller and Mrs. Ora I)own, Indianapolis, Ind. No funeral services were held at l)r. ('ook's rcquesl. :',±!',')J"+ I v som+v ....  ,./r(..e I, SOMEONE TIIREW our Fashion Manor accent rugs on sale! GET ONE FOR EVERY ROOM IN THE HOUSE! OBLONGS! OVALS! Two Button Front -- Reg. $45 in Plaids of 80% Wool and 20% Orlon Blues, Olives, & Browns Sizes 37 to 46 Regular, Longs 40 & 42. .ow $35 Save $10.00 I Shop 9:30/5:30 Daily • Friday "til 6 p.m. 'SPARTA' handsome geometric pattern rugs, rog. 3.99 NOW 2.88 Luxurious depth, distinctive pattern achieved with cut and loop pile in 100% virgin nylon pile. Honey gold, olive, teak, cosmic blue, white, beige, bittersweet or red. 24"x36" reg. 3.99 NOW 2.88 27"x48" reg. 5.99 NOW 4.88 36"x60" reg. $11 NOW 8.88 'RAINBOW' shag rugs in high fashion colors reg. 5.99 NOW 4.88 Multi-color shags. ,. pure fashionl Continuous filament nylon pile in blue/green, golds, greens, oranges, reds. Rounds and ovals are fringed. 21"x36" oblong reg. 5.99 NOW 4.88 27"x45" oblong or oval reg. 8.99 NOW 7.88 Ida E. Crowell Dies in Hospital In Port Angeles Ida E. Crowell, 66, died in the Port Angeles ltospital September 16. She was born March 7, 1903, in Spokane, and had lived in Brinnon for the past 26 years. She is survived by three sons, James Crowell and Robert Crowell of Brinnon and Richard Crowell of Bremerton; six daughters, Mrs. Ralph (Pauline) Aldrich, Shelton; Mrs. Elmer (Naomi) Swanson, Challis, Idaho; Mrs. Ernest (Bettie) Phillips, Brinnon; Mrs. James (Darlene Reiter, St. Paul, Minn.; Mrs. Charles (Carolyn) Bloomfield, Quilcene; Mrs. Roger (Nancy) Severn, Quilcene; two brothers, William Nimrick of Everett and ttarry Nimrick of Tacoma; one sister, Mrs. Mabel Gunns, Tacoma; 2 I grandchildren and one great-grandchild. The funeral service was held at the Brinnon Community Church Saturday at 1:30 p.m. with the Rev. Robert Daniels officiating. Burial was in tile Brinnon cemetery. Christmas Tree Tour Slated The Mason. County Extension Service is sponsoring a ('hrislnlas Tree tour Oct. 7, County Agent ltarold Van DeRail annotnnced this week. The group will meet at tile intersection of Highway 3 and the Mason Lake Road at I p.m. to begin tile tour. The first stop will be the Extension fertilizer and shearing plot. The second is the Banner and Burnett plantation of Scotch pine and other varieties. The third stop will be a sheared Douglas Fir plantation on a plot owned by Bob Stohr and the fourth will be a (;rand I:ir plantation and showing of the work carried out on disease control on a Peste-Stohr planting. Charles W. Rader Services Today Charles W. Radar, a 41 year resident of Shelton arid Mason County, died Friday in Fir Lane Terrace at the age of 71. lte was born Sept. 24, 1897, in Arcadia, Wis. He was a retired logger, and a member of the Lutheran church. Ite is survived by his wife, Itelen; a son, Paul Rader; four daughters, Mrs. Shirley Coleman and Mrs. Veta Holtorf of Shelton, Mrs. Adeta Edwards, Tucson, Ariz., and Mrs. Judy Dalsgaard of Centralia; one stepdaughter, Mrs. Linda Westover, Tenino; four brothers; three sisters; 14 grandchildren; and four great-grand child ren. The funeral service will be held today in the Batstone Funeral Home at 1 p.m.with Pastor Edwin Zschoche officiating. Burial will be in Shelton Memorial Park. Former Grapeview Resident Dies A former Grapeview resident, Natella Hanes Zizz, died September 17 at the Harrison Memorial Hospital in Bremerton at the age of 79. She had lived in Bremerton for the past eight years, and was a member of the Episcopal church. She was born Sept, 16, 1890 in Kansas City, Kansas. She is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Virginia Mclntyre of Bremerton; her son, Zane Z. Zizz, Kalispell, Montana; four grandchildren; a brother, Arthur Sharp of Bremerton; and many nieces and nephews. A graveside service was held Saturday at I 1:30 a.m. in Shelton Memorial Park under the direction of Batstone Funeral Home with the Rev. Clarence Lady officiating. .°, 10 w'+"" H.. of the week for Western Washington this last week week TITLE ARTIST 1 6 Since I Met Sonny You Baby James 2 9 These Lovely Mel Hands Of Mine Tillis 3 1 George (And Dave The North Woods) Dudley 4 3 That's A Lynn No No Anderson 5 2 Are You Jerly From Dixie Reed 6 7 The Ways To Tammy Love A Man Wynette 7 8 Sunshine Rusty Man Draper 8 5 Homecoming Tom T. Hall 9 14 Diggy Doug Diggy Lo Keeshaw I0 22 WoRe Me Up Jerry L. To Say Goodbye Lewis All of the hit songs are available at. JOHNNY'S MUSIC BOX 205 Cota 426-4302 I I I Shelton nnotl00 ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY Sale! Big Mac + work set. Save 1.O8 per set thru Saturday] PANTS, REG. 4.98, NOW SHIRTS, REG. 3.98, NOW 4.44 3.44 TOUGH ... Woven of extra strong plied yarns 50% polyester/S0% combed cotton in a flat weave that can really take it! EASY TO CAREFOR. Penn-Presttm so they never need ironing. Just machine wash .ano tumble a.ry. oit Helease makes wash day easier, too. Most stains come out In iut one washlna. The shirts have two button-through flap pockets, and long tails that stay 9eatl tucked in. The trousers have quic dry pockets and waistband. In your choice o FI assorted vat dyed colors. Thursday, September 25, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3