September 25, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Clinton Willour of Shelton who
is associated with the Mt. Rainier
agency of Northwestern National
Life Insurance Co., has just
returned from a two-week
.training school on the principles
of life insurance marketing at
Peter's Sunset Hotel, Glenwood,
I | I/E / I City Street Work Starts
€ E II E On Arcadia St. This
The school, devoted primarily
to providing NWNL agents with
up-to-date knowledge of pensions,
business insurance, group
insurance and other specialized
underwriting fields, is also
designed to acquaint agents with
the company's advanced
marketing techniques.
State Schools Face
Money Problems
Many school districts throughout tile state have run into
a financial crisis, State Supt. Louis Bruno said this week ill
A severe financial setback has been caused by the recent
announcement of the State Dept. of Revenue's redtiction of
property assessment ratios. State education funds are
distributed to school districts partly on the basis of local
taxing efforts. Funds, therefore, have been reduced for
schools in counties where a low ratio is considered by the
Revenue Dept. as "not a great enough local effort."
Particularly hard hit are such counties as Adams, Island,
Lincoln, Garfield, Pend Oreille, San Juan, Wahkiakum, Walla
Walla, Ferry, Mason, Douglas, Clallam, Grays Harbor and
An unexpected decline in opening-of school enrollments
in some areas such as Renton, Seattle, Lake Washington,
Bellevue, Aberdeen and Federal Way ..... has created a loss of
state per pupil funds and has caused a deficit budget in many
School districts now are in the process of preparing their
final budgets for the present school year. In so doing, they
must take into account their losses under these ratio and
enrollment drops.
"My office has been tlooded with calls and contacts from
superintendents, teacher groups and parents t'rom all over the
state," Bruno said. "The emergency fund available from my
office totals $1 million. This amount has to cover the next
two years and would be only a drop in the bucket in the
situation we have today. We can't use it to help any one
district • when so many are in trouble.
"There are no xtra funds anywhere, so we are checking
all possible sources from which state funds can be reallocated
or appropriations can be adjusted. For example, there will be
less tnoney distributed to counties with low assessment
ratios. The per pupil allocation has been set at $368. It is
possd le that this figure could be increased, giving extra state
"My office will do :ill it legally CZlll to lSSeSS the problems
tcing school distt•icls which have loss of cnrolhnenl and
adverse ratio factors, with the realization that such districts
are obligated to teachers' contracts and to contracts
previously made t'or equipment and supplies.
"By the early part of October, we should have more
exact enrolhnenl tigures, tax income and assesslnent ratios.
As soon as all the facts are in lbr the new school year, we'll
be able to decide a proper course of action."
Grange Event
The Mason County subordinate
granges will hold their annual
joint booster night meeting in the
Recreation hall at the Fair
(;rounds, Sept. 26, starting at
8:30 p.m.
Each grange has promised a
good number for the program.
This is an open meeting so every
one is invited.
OF THE 332,045 DOCTOR9 m
the I.Jnited States, the Veterans
Administration employs about
5,200 to treat the needs of
veterans in its network of 166
The wise person keeps
medicine in a locked medicine
cabinet and throws away old
drugs, Burn, dissolve or flush
them down the toilet. All
medicine should be labeled
large enough to read.
Give or take medicine only
as prescribed b.y a medical
authority. Don t rely on a
friend's advice or on what you
may have read in a book or
newspaper. When taking
medicine, read the entire label
carefully. Pour liquid from the
side of the bottle opposite the
label so that it will not drip
and cover the instructions.
Do not give or take medicine
in the dark. Never put two
kinds of medicine together on
your bedside table. Confused
by sleep, you might take the
wrong one. Keep only enough
medicine there for one night,
and never mix segeral kinds of
pills in one box.
began at Simpson Timber Company's
Shelton operations this week. John Stentz,
Simpson's personnel manager-Northwest,
enrolled Jean Ashley, Simpson secretary, in
the savings bond program. Simpson is joining
a nationwide savings bond campaign under
sponsorship of the U.S. Treasury
Panel To Talk About College,
Community Relationships
A six-member panel composed
of college presidents and students
of the surrounding area, will
discuss the relationship between
an established community and a
college, the problems of the
college student and whal is
happening on the college campus
New Trial
Is Denied
during a puhlic meeting Sept. 29,
at 8:30 p.m. in the (;overnor
The guest "panelists will be
('harles J. McCann, President of
Iwergrcen State ('(,liege; Right
Reverend Michael Fccney,
President of Saint Martin's
College; Doctor Ncls Itanson,
l'residcnl of ('cntralia College;
(;ary Austin, college studenl;
I)avid Ray,ex-collcgesludcnl and
Timothy White, Olympia high
school senior.
The panel discussion will
folk)w Ihe regular meeting of the
l)cmocratic Central Committee,
which is sponsoring the affair.
Retired Supreme ('o||rt Judge
Richard B. Ott overruled a
nlotion for a new trial of three Jaycees Host
Skokomish Indians c,ulvicted of District Meet
rtet fhtl for pink salmon in the
Di] ck Jii'h Riw, r.
Judge ()It heard tile c;lse 111
Jefferson County Superior Court,
and after finding the three guilty,
he fined each of them $200.
Defendants in the case were
Charles W. Miller, Richard D,
Miller and Francis Twiddy.
The defendants were
represented by U,S. District
Attorney Jerald Olson, Seattle.
The defendants have 30 days in
which to file an appeal of Judge
eel's decision to a higher court.
The Shelton Jaycees and
Jayettes hosted the District 15
Fall Meeting Sept. 20 in the
Jaycee Hall.
About 80 persons were present
for the meeting. Bob Mills was
chairman of the event.
The Jaycees expressed
appreciation to the Eagles Lodge
for the use of their hall for the
The club is planning a bicycle
safety check project soon, with
Mike Grimm as chairman.
Too Late to Classify
$5.00 REWARD! side curtain for
cruiser boat window, clear plastic.
Valley Center area. Call
426- ] 689. 1,<,9/25
SHOPSMITH, with extras.
Craftsman Jointer with motor•
Craftsman band saw, with motor.
Very reasonable. 426-8712•
FOR LEASE large lovely
furnished home on Canal near
Union. Approximately 6 months.
$200 per month. 898-2428
Union. $9/25
FOR RENT 12' x 58' mobile 2
bedroom. All electric, carpeted,
furnished. Carport and storage
$120. Water and garbage paid.
426-4560. Mc9/25- ] 0/2
MOBILE PARK and apartments
needs part-time handyman. Prefer
retired or semi-retired person who
is Jack of all trades and master of
few• 426-4560. Mc9/25-] 0/2
FOR SALE good old Frigidaire
refrigerator, heavy duty skill saw
and G.E. electric mixer with
juicer attachment. 9/25tfn
PIE APPLES $1 per box. Chain
saw, Merry tiller and 5 yr. Quarter
horse type mare, gentle.
426-6838. H9/25
G.E. ELECTRIC stove, good
condition, 40", best offer. Phone
426-1301. S9/25
Emergency Ph. 426-2165
Fifth & Franklin St. - 426-3327
Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30
__ Satu.rOws '-" 930 "6:00 !]
Page 6 - Shelton,Mason County
Work was expected to start
Wednesday on the city street
paving project, for which a
contract was awarded to Pacific
Sand and Gravel, Centralia, last
The contract was completed at
the City Commission meeting
Tuesday when Mayor Frank
Travis signed it.
City Engineer Howard Godat
told the commission the company
was moving equipment in and
planned to start work Wednesday.
The work will start on Arcadia St.
with University, Bellevue, Cascade
and Boundary to follow.
Godat said crews making
drainage installations would be
working in the South Hill and
Angleside areas this week and
would probably be on C St. in the
Mr. View area early next week.
A request from Police Chief
Frank Rains to purchase 10 new
revolvers for his department was
held over one week at the
• Simpson
The Washington State Pollution
Control Commission has renewed
its five-year operating permit for
Simpson's Shelton Insulating
Board Plant, reports Woodrow
Johnson, production manager -
The new permit, effective until
summer ! 974, approves operation
of a $200,000 water clarification
system installed at the Insulating
Board Plant last year. Three
thousand pounds of wastes are
extracted daily from IBP's liquid
effluent, resulting in clean water
flowing into Puget Sound
adjoining the Shelton industrial
Under terms of the five-year
permit, Simpson must conduct a
continual engineering survey to
determine long-range effects of
the cleansed IBP effluent's
dispersal into the Sound. Simpson
engineers already monitor the
volume and quality of plant
effluent. The water clarifier for
IBP exceeds state and federal
requirements for water pollution
control.. Its installation followed a
$300,000 investment to control
Simpson's Power Plant outfall at
Shelton. •
suggestion of Travis.
Rains told the commission the
department did not have enough
revolvers for all of the men in the
department and that no new
revolvers had been purchased
within the past 10 years. |le
stated that some of the revolvers
now owned by the department
were in need of repair.
He stated the cost of the 10
guns would be $835.77.
Godat reported that the
installation of the water line on
Spring Road had been completed
and the line tested and that filling
was underway. The road should
be open to traffic shortly, Godat
The resignation of Brian T.
Sheedy as
Shelton Police
A proposed
Arcadia Fire
alarm service
returned. The
submitted was for
Travis said that n
had recently
agreement with
based on a charge
d i st riot's
believed that the
the Arcadia
the same basis.
Whoever serves
has no need
The Utterly
A cheerful face is nearly as
good for an invalid as healthy
weather ..... Franklin
New '69 Chev and Olds Cars
Invoice Plus Service
We have too many '69s!
Art Nicklaus Darrel Andrews Art Mell
Wally Dundas
Special Paint Job......... $59.95
See Bob Sardie--Body Shop Foreman
"Since 1927"
1st & Grove • Shelton
Iournal - Thursday, September 25, 1969
Quick Parts and Service
Monday thru Saturday
Lease and Rental Cars
M.I.C. Insurance
THE UTTE . that
Tuck -- the shoe that's so riqh! I that
completes so many good fashion ioo1< . that
feels so light and nothing on your foo,_ .our
you reach for it automatically, tuck°v .0f
foot and forget it for the rest of the ,uf'with
course people WILL remind you.,, very
• , rely
compliments because ItS also .... mO
flattering. California Cobblers so i.
love than leather. $14.99.
e&rth e n w are
SAVE $5.00
Regularly $21.95
Also on Sale-Madeira & Pebble Beach
Reg. $23.95-now $18.95
open stock $7.50
Also on Sale-Madeira and
open stock $8.60--noW :
Now you can save $5.00 on 16
pc. Starter Sets and as much as
$3.60 on 4-piece place settings
during Franciscan's once-a-year
Fall Sale. California-designed and
made Franciscan Earthenware is
chip resistant, color-fast and will
never craze. It is absolutely safe
in your oven and dishwasher.
All patterns offer you a wide
choice of multi-use accessories.
US A place setting includes one
dinner plate, bread and butter
plate, cup and saucer; a starter
set includes four each of these
items. [] Come in
ends October 4.