September 25, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 25, 1969 |
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Game Department Rules
Against Use Of DDT
In action this week the State
Game Commission adopted a
policy to ban the use of DDT and
other chlorinated hydrocarbon
pesticides on Game Department
lands and as a part of Game
Department operations until
further notice.
Game Commission Chairman
Claude Bekins instructed the
Game Department to,
"Intensively study the effects of
all spray and broadcast
applications that may hold
potential threat to wildlife and
report its findings to the
Commission no later than one
year from this date."
Bekins further stated, "We are
not giving, in any way blanket
disapproval to use DDT or other
chlorinated hydrocarbons in all
instances. Our purposes do,
however, certainly dictate that we
faust make every attempt to
minimize the effects of these
chemicals on the wildlife of (;ame
Department owned lands.
"In light of widespread
national concern over DDT and
Which one of bese will It be?
other chlorinated hydrocarbons,
the Game Commission feels it
must restrict use of such materials
on our own property until such
time as more detailed information
clearly shows how such
compounds could be used on our
lands without any threat to our
wildlife populations."
Bekins noted the wide
differences in toxicity and uses of
"hard pesticides" and instructed
the Game Department to
continue to attempt to sort out
the uses. methods and compounds
which may be cleared for "safe"
application with regard to wild
animal and fish populations.
''We can't deny that
tremendous benefits, both social
and economic, have derived from
the use of pesticides. But neither
can we deny that large-scale or
indiscriminate pesticide
applications -- particularly DDT
-- has caused damage to wildlife
"Luckily, here in Washington,
we see no widespread evidence of
damage to state wildlife, but we
wish to take every measure to
insure that no such wildlife
declines as other states have
experienced -- or to the general
well being of the environment -
will ever take place in this state
on Game Department owned
i _ iiiiii, ,i ii i ii i
Now Appearing
Thurs.- Fri.- Sat.
9p.m. to 1 a.m. at
South Sound Center, Lacey
.i i
left, as Heidi, Nell McClanahan, right who also portrays Hei,di, in the Shelton High have a laugh over the mustache McClanahan is
,o the Bu,er, nd galen Co,e, Sc,ool Dram De0artments oroductoo of Heid wearing ....
"P, rks .... Car Club Elects Officers
'.l)iscussed tl!l}t [// At the dinner meeting of the secretary-treasurer and Mary Ellen
'|! discuss revised 11' CUnty Planmng I
i] , A /:=.__ Yesteryear Car Club, Sept. 22, Herrick, historian.
held at the Old Mill at Hoodsport, Attending the meeting were
'- 'n°bile home parks 'i:s - --[ members elected Jean Myers as Mr. and Mrs. Jean Myers, Mr. and
Oct. 8, County i '"iiii " l their new president with ttoward Mrs. AlWagner, Mr. andMrs. Don
"qC°nolly said this !J Austin as outgoing president. Herrick, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
)iFL. I Other officers are Don Pauley, Austin, John Temple, Don
start some @1/1! I!::.:,.,: //1 vice president, JoAnn Herrick, Pauley, Bud Becto,
[l'Thginning of the =] _-
----'- :[[ John Hubbard.
tt P.m. in the j ,r-- ,1 ,l_ I The next meeting will be at
""ll%lh: orn in the court " ' .. ----..-'-..... TOUT n ! S tloward Austins, Oct. 25. Anyone
"Sa]d " ' " 'course Jim IU-'-" interested in joining can contact
" J- ii_fu rnad Jean Myers. Remember you don't
, Hc's ,cttm .,v.v-- .... have to own an old car, just have
rtity gazing at Ol v'tnt VOlt to con.e. Mother. ": g" ' g
-Kahlil Gibran your r(,on, ready now. To C t
• " '" pun y the interest.
Donald W. Duggins, 20,
Shelton, was returned to Mason
County by Sheriff's Deputies this
week on a charge of parole
Duggins had been serving a
sentence in King County jail after
his arrest earlier.
A bench warrant was signed for
his arrest by Judge Frank Baker,
Friday and he was released to
Mason County by King County
Duggins was given a deferred
sentence earlier this year after
pleading guilty to a charge of
second degree burglary.
Noble ancestry makes a poor
dish at table.
-Italian Proverb
-School J[ 1]
Menus for 8heRon
Sohools and
8helton Senior
Hlggt 8¢h0ol
Starting toda00
you can see our little rich car,
the Hornet,
and all our other cars for 1970.
Hornet SST
From $1,994' to $3,589'
The Hornet is the first car in America de-
signed to prove that the word small doesn't
automatically mean chea#. ..
It offers more unbridled luxury man any
other car of its type.
But it doesnt stop there. ..
It offers you the luxury of soenmng more
...on power steering, power brakes, individual
reclinmg seats, custom upholstery, a 304 cubic
inch V-8 engine, vinyl roof, air-conditining
and more.
Depending on just how richyou want to get.
See all of our 1970 cars including the luxu-
rious Ambassador, the sporty Javelin and
AMX, and Rebel--our intermediate that lists
for less than many compacts.
I Based on marluta('turer's !;uRBested retail pti;e tot Horret 2 [") e¢;n leOeal
[axe t fl(.:lu(]e(J le arlC [oca[ [es, t| arl, de,'t rt a I 1o1C barges af op| o tr elClLided
2 Baed OO rautactureCs ,lgesled etad price tot Hornet SSI 4-DOo ,llan
I$3634 ngi ona) nc d,r R 304VB, au ) rare Oowe bakesandstee ng, a
conchtoonR puf, h button radio, vinyl rOOt, hntPcl ga'' [)- 70 te¢ he te',,, lln glp
dlnerenhdl, handling pac kage, Oecot, VlSlbihty, nsolaton and hght geups sde scull
mold)rig, sports steering wheel, bumper guards, 70 amp b;ttery Federal tae in
ctuOed State ,nO lOCal hxes, fl any, destinalion charges eOuded
American Motors
Come see us and the new American Motors cars today.
233 S. 1st., Shelton
We're Stumped!
for an illustration of flameless heat. At the lower
right is a symbol of our own type of energy, but
flameless heat leaves us cold. Trouble is. it also
leaves a lot of other people cold.-from time to time.
Electricity is wonderful for many uses, but it just
happens that heating is not one of them. The slow-
ness of electricity in generating to a desired temper-
ature, and an equal sluggishness in cooling down. are
faults not calculated to generate happiness in your
pocketbook or comfort in your home. Natural gas
is fast;it's the action fuel. Turn your thermostat up ....
heat comes up at once. Turn your thermostat down-
and the response is just as positive and instant. This
unmatched quality of natural gas insures an even,
healthful temperature at your immediate command,
and it keeps your costs down. That's good.
It's the FLAME That Counts!
WEEK OF SEPT. 29 -- OCT. 3
MONDAY -- Grilled cheese
sandwich, tomato soup, carrot
sticks, September birthday
cake and milk.
TUESDAY -- Scalloped
potatoes, buttered green beans,
crisp celery sticks, sandwich,
apricots and milk.
WEDNESDAY -- Spaghetti,
green salad, french bread, apple
pie and milk.
THURSDAY -- Pizza t cole
slaw, fruit, cookie and mtlk.
FRIDAY -- Hot dog on
buttered bun with mustard,
macaroni salad, vegetable tray,
fruited gelatin and milk,
Supplement your ohild's
diet with Plenamine from
Prepp's Rexall
133 Railroad Ave.
Phone 426-4642
ThursdaY, September 25, 1969 -"Sh"elton-Mason C ounty"Journa| - Page 7