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elton School Teaching Assignments For This 'ear Are Listed
"""nents fo, cur "
|- . " " tilled and
IItllllJed personntl m
|chool District were
|,,," this week by Supt.
Johansson. I)irector of (;uidancc: Krogh, Kindergarten; Gladys
t;rank Willard. Adrninislrattve LaMont, 4th; (;wen Long. 2nd:
Assistant - Iligh School; I:loyd Thehna Maxwell, 2nd;PeterPevo.
Jackson, Pr/ncipal - Jan/or Iliph 5th-6th Departmentalized: l.,inda
I "nnell
iltrict ' School; Rhodes, 5th-6th Departmental-
- Personnel and their Walt Clayh)n, Administrative izcd; i)on Richter, Instr. Music;
lYentsare: Assistant - Junior Iligh; Ken Azalee Snyder, Ist: I)ana
qliniSlrat ve Personnel
q s R . • . (;esche, Principal Evergreen 'fhachcr, Kindergarten.
;kl t • G r i n n e I I , Elementary;Torger Lee, Principal Bordeaux l:-lementary: Victor
it endent; Bruce Jaros. Mountain View Elementary; II. Swanson. Principal: Dorothy
it Superintendent; Ken Jack Swanson, Principal Barnett, 2nd; Stclla Bennett, Ist
Director of t:lemcnl try Bordeaux I!lementary Kim Kay. ('arolc Bcnsen, 3rd; Roxanna
c ion. F'r' , ' "
Te, , ank WLIlard Assistant I)irector Special ('aplcs, Remedial Reading ('A
(l r " Special Services - Education. day): I)oris Case, Ist: Byron
i.nance;', l)oris Ililhnan, Evergreen Elementary: Ken I) e f fin ha ugh, 5 t h-
4ScManager - ('lcrk of (;cschc, Principal; Ilelena I)epartmentalized' Betty Eager,
.ay Smith Assistant Anderson, 4th; Roxanna ('aplcs I.ibrarian; Ralph tirvm, 4th;
Manager ;,' .....
ti, , ' - zccount:,nt; Remedial Reading (V-, dr, y): Kathryn I:.vandcr, 5th-6th
],taYlor, Transportation l.oanna I)ay. Ist;(;eraldinel:kcn. Deparlmcntalized ('atherine
|t r; Georgie Zalkovich Ist Ililja I:ranklin, 3rd: Rtth Foseide, 2nd; I)oug Itanna,
|i'=-Upervisor • ' (;oodwin, IAbrarian; Monte lta m, 5th-6th I)epartmcnlalizcd; Sharon
h"D°mbroski ' Princ;', 5th-6th l)e artmenta zed' I'd
,g¢h ' , u,a, - - ,p, . . , Ilopkins, Ist: (;encvieve Ilughes,
l=ri" 001; Janms McGinnis Hopkins, 5th-(,th l)epartn}c'nlal- 4 t h : Peter Janda, 5 th-61h
I)epartmenhflizcd: Edith Lyle,
Miller, Kindergarten; Nola
I'arsons, Kindergarten; Let
Rhndes, 5th-6th l)epartmental-
izcd: I)orothy Ridout, 5th-6th
I) eparlmcntalized, Eva
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Santamaria, 3rd; Mary Stansell,
Mountain View Elementary:
Torgcr Lee, Principal; l)ouglas
Dayton, 5th-6th I)epartmental-
ized; l.orna Dayton, 2nd; Robert
I)elhlefs, 4th; Catherine E'vanson,
5th; Gladys Flakus, 3rd: Allen
I lopp, 5th-6th Departmentalized;
Doris Jackson, 5th-6th
I)epart mentalized; Evelyn
Maranville, 4th; Gladys Martin,
Librarian; Janet Miller, 3rd; Opal
Shimek, lst; Patricia Sparks,
Kindergarten: Maxinc Stroshine,
3rd; Merrie Sims, 2nd; Nonie
Swanson, 2nd; Barbara Tarrach,
lst; Ilelen Tiistola, Ist; Byron
Winter, 4th; Marjoric Yule,
5111-6III I)epartmentalized.
Junior Itigh: Floyd Jackson,
Principal; Walt Clayton,
Administrative Assistant; Dell
Abelein, l'nglish Journalism;
('arolyn Anderson, itome
!!conomics; I)on Anderson,
English - Speech - Drama; Eva
Brackett, Girls' (;ym & ttealth;
William Brickert, Geography -
Ilistory; Ilarlan Buitenveld, Boys'
Gym & Ilealth; John Ca pies, Math
- Science; Sail] ('layton, Science;
Waller (?layton, Counseling;
Eugene (?rater, Boys' P. E. &
Ilealth: Clairc Fithian, English;
Jane (;ruvcr, I!nglish; Jennifer
Itcaton, Girls' Gym & Ilealth;
Karen Ilohngren, Math; Norine
Jeffery, Home t!conomics; Arne
Johnsen, Wood Shop: Warren
,ll)hlls()n. W(()d Sh)p - Shop
Math; (;eorgc Kaszycki, Science;
Richard Korte, Science
Geography; Ed Knapp, Electricity
- (?rafts: Patricia IJsoskie, tlistory
- Science; Betty I,ooney, Typing;
(;corgc Lufkin, Art - English;
Loren Lyle, Science - tlcad of
Science Department: Rita
McArthur, English; Jack
Marquette, It]story - Geography;
Robert Miller, (;lee Club and
Choir: Bruce Moorehead, Music-
Band; Richard• Morton, World
Ilistory - Geometry; Gary Nicloy,
Washington State History - U.S.
History; Joyce Remme, Math-
Reading; Tom River, Algebra -
ltead of Math Department; Don
Richter, Band; Clyde Robb,
Metals; Willard Rublin, Drafting;
Clyde Ruddcll, (;crman - English;
Lois Samuelson. Librarian, tlarold
Wilson, Math: Rae Brickerl,
Shelton lligh School: ('bet
l)ombroski, Principal; James
McGinnis, Vice Principal; Frank
Willard, Director - Special Services
Reed Bldg. Supervision; Paul
Johansson, Director of Counseling
and Guidance; Tom Aaron, Driver
Education; Sharron Akers.
Vocational Business Education;
Bill Brickert, Couch; Margaret
Brigham, English Library;
Charlene Cardwell, English
psychology; Connie Cronquist,
Driver Education; Jon I)ay,
Biology Advanced Biology;
Bernie Dotty, Special Education;
Ronald Ellis, Special Education-
U.S. It]story; Paul Gillie, English;
]'erry Gregg, P. E. - Study Ilall;
Alan Harding, Physics- Physic:]/
Science; Charlotte tlilligoss, Lalin
English Head of English
Department; Nancy James, Civics
Sociology - Washington State
History; Nor]he Jeffery, ltome
Economics- tlead of IIomc
Economics Dept.; Arne Johnson,
Wood Shop - Carpentry - Ilead of
I nd. Arts l)ept.; Lorraine
Johnson, English - Journalism-
Assistant Drama; Warren Johnson,
Wood Shop; Bruce Kregcr,
Mathematics; Mildred Krcger,
French; Nancy Lewis, Vocational
Home Economics; Reta
Loudermilk, Chemistry - Math -
Photography Advanced
Chemistry; Ruth Looney, Typing
Bookkeeping Shorthand;
Barbara Martin, Girls' Counselor;
Robert Miller, Choir; Mark
Mitrovich, English - Debate; Bruce
Moorehead, Band - Music Theory
ttead of Music Department;
Martin Musser, Auto Mechanics;
Larry Nelson, U.S. It]story; Rand
Peterson, Librarian; Clyde Robb,
Metals; She]l: Rogers, German;
Willard Rublin, Drafting; Clyde
Ruddell, (;erman - Head of
Foreign Language Department;
Michael Sims, Business Education
- Math; Alan Skate, Math; John
Stark, P. E. - Boys' P. E.
I)epartment Head - Study Ilall;
William Steinbacher, English- Art
Publications; Lowell Stewart,
Biology Physiology; Dean
Tarrach, English l)rama -
Speech; John Tarrant, Civics -
World History; Rodger Tuson,
Civics- Bus. Law-World Affairs-
Head Soc. Studies Dept.; Richard
Wentz, World History - U.S. It]st.
Dept.; Ruth Willard, (;iris' P. 1-. -
Vocations; David Ticon, English -
Garrett lleyns High: George
Hermes, Principal; Ron Arant,
Auto Mechanics; Margaret
Baldwin, Librarian; Edward
Bartolat, Welding; John Bennett,
Mathematics; Robert Brigham,
Social Science; Irene Burright,
Commerical; Ben De]bert,
Carpentry; David Dickinson,
Social Science; David Eichhorn,
P.E. - Physiology; James Floyd,
English; Forest Hertlein, Social
Science; Mildred Keenan, English
Reading; Kenneth Krogh,
Machine Shop; Milan Linklater,
Commercial: Pcter [,ondahl, ('afeterta; Ilarriet Pierce, Bus [)river; Vita IIoltorf, Bus
English - ('ivies: William Rogers. ('afeleria: Anna Rape, (?afeteria; Driver; Zola Keever, Bus Driver;
Science - Math; Russell Simons, i.()uise Snyder. Cafeteria. Irene Lucille Magnett, Bus I)river; Jane
Electronics; Phil Sloppier, Body Slinc, ('afeleria; Viola Wade, Maschner, Bus Driver: l.ois
and Fender; Alvin Wagner, ('afcleria; Kathleen Morehead, Pearson, Bus I)river; [larricl
Drafting; Charles Welch, Art. ('afeleria. Pierce, Bus I)river; Barbara Ward,
Special Service: I:rank Willard, Teacher Aides: Dixie Aitken, Bus Driver; F'ay Warren, Bus
Di-ector of Special Services; Kim Bordeaux: In:lee I)ensley, Mr. l)rivcr; LewisWysong, Bus Driver;
Kay, Psychologist - Ass't. Special View; Barbara Sewell, MI. View; (;ladys Ielgrcn, Reed Building
F.d. I)irector Muriel I)ombroski, J()yceJackstadt, Evergreen. Sweeper; Jim Bariekman,
Speech Therapist; Mary Oftc, l,ewis Tayk)r, Transportation Evergreen Cuslodian; l,loyd
Speech Therapist; Melba i)enison, Supervis(}r; E, ugene Itohnan, (;oodwin, (;encral Maintenance -
Nurse;Rosie Smith, Nurse. Transportation Assistant & Bus Cust()dian; Augusl (;risel, iligh
Special Falucation lcachcrs: Driver;I)hyllis Brown, Bus Driver; School ('ustodian: Ernie ll,'ligh,
Virginia Brigham, Rogers School: Rea Brown, Bus Driver; Martha It,gh School Custodian; Bill
Cole, Bus Driver; Denny Ilenderson, Junior Itigh
Davidson, Bus l)rivcr: l)alc [!vans, Custodian; George Lowell, Rogers,
Top o t flu' line KiHeuc,,M E.tate Walk-in.
yl have a hard time finding a wagon as easy to get into as a 1970 Chevrolet.
l:es, n, With: rubbc,'ed stair built ,'ight into
,"OUrs Y ' With a roof that slants thoughtfully forward so
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• Y jutting hinges. Putting you first, keeps us tirst. OnThe Move.
llelen Itunlley, Rogers School;
Joyce River, Rogers School: Ron
E Ills, Reed Secondary (!lasses;
Bernie l)orcy, Reed Secondary
Non-('ertified: l)oris Ililhnan,
Business Manager - ('lerk of
Board; ('ay Smith, Ass]slant
Business Manager- Accountant;
Dorollay Bake r, Secretary - J an]or
lligh; }:[oy Batstone, Secretary-
Itigh School; Billie Godwin,
Secretary - Iligh School: ('arolc
IIoward, Secretary Reed
Building; Mary liltlejt)hn.
Secretary Iligh Schl)ol: Rose
Quimby, Secretary - Juni()r Iligh;
()hark)tie Rt)berts, Secretary
Bordeaux I'lt'merHary: Mickey
Starkey, Secrctary Mountain
View Elementary: Judy Taylor,
Secret:try - (;arett Ileyns Iligh
School; Jean i'cmple, Sccletary -
livergreen I.'lemenhry; Alone
Zanlzow, Seclelary Reed
(;eorgie Zatkovich, Cafeteria
Supervisor; Phyllis Brown,
(?afeteria; Anabcl Islell, ('afeteria;
Aloha Kumples, (?aleteria; ()live
[.ann}an, ('afctcria; I:rances l.,ook,
Custodian; Pat Meurer. (.;ym
Custodian; Raymond O'Brien,
Bordeaux ('ustodian; l)an
Sandridge, Bordeaux IJncoln
(;ym ('uslodian; l,es Sjoholm,
livergreen Angle - Jr. tligh
(?ustodian; Merlon Stalker, Reed
Building (?ush)dian; Sid Tindall,
Mounlain View (?ustodian; tlarry
Wheeler, General Maintenance-
Grounds; Rex ilartwick, (;eneral
Ma/ntenance (;rounds
l unchroom and (;rounds
Supervisors; Eileen Eagle,
Bordeaux; Lola Putvin, Bordeaux,
Ilazcl Beecrait, Mt. View; Carol
Dale, Evergreen.
(In Cooperotion with Centralio College)
REGISTER NOW ! ! Registration Continues During Ist Week of ¢lossel
Most Classes Start Week of Sept. 22
Mot Classes Held on OHS Campul
Register at Evening School Office - 1302 North Street - Olympia
Di I 943 3910 o,,,c...u,,.
€I m 12 noon- 9:30 P.M.
Dr. Leslie H. Armstrong, Director Mrs. June McNomara, Secretory.Registrar
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Phone 426-4¢)63
Thursday, September 25, 1969- Shelton-Mason County Journal - P,e 9