September 25, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 25, 1969 |
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MEMBERS OF -[HE Hood Canal Lions Club
this week presented a check to the
recently-formed Hoodsport pre-school to
assist with financing of the project. Left to
right, with some of the young members of
the (:lass, are Dean Biggs, club president;
Mrs. Barbara Gray, pre-school teacher; Bob
Bair, third vice-president, and Harold Drake,
secretary-treasurer. The club meets the first
and third Thursdays of each month at
Millo's Diner at 7:30 p.m. The club officers
also commented that the club has a wheel
chair which is available free on a temporary
basis to residents of the area.
Grange Meeting Slated Tonight
SK ()K OMISIt Skokomish
Grange will rneet today, starting
Kh a potUCkL supper at 6:30
p.m. This way the llltYlllbCrs can
Mtcmt the IJoostet Night program
,d the Mason (k)ul)ly fair gnmnds
on Friday which would have been
the regular meeting of Skokomish
Grange. The meeting at the Fair
(;rounds is open and the public is
Mr. and Mrs. ('hcster Valley
attended a family reunion in
'lumwater Saturday evening.
Coming from out of town were
Mr. and Mrs. David Lozier and
baby of California, Mr, and Mrs.
Ilerb Lozier and daughter Judy of
Spokane, and Bill l,ozier of Ehna.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson
spenl the weekend in Seattle with
their son Arhm and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burger of
Cht|la Vista, Calif., have rcturne, d
hornc after visiting her sister and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Kelst'y
Tan net.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Ragan
entertained with a dinner Sunday
for her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J:
Needham of Shelton. The
()ct.u.|sion was to honor Mrs.
Ncedham on her birthday.
Sunday guests of the Harold
Ihmters were Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Only fJ,: tb5 h:,t culling attach-
merits All the power a pro could
ask for. yet light enough for the
weekend wood.%marl Takes bars
to 20" long fells trees to 3 feet
in Oiame/er.
• Extra power for fa,qier easter
. Grouped coatroh-; at easy finger
tip reach
• 50'I.',", torpor fuel tank .
It's a chain saw tht's all chain
sawf See it at
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HILLCREST 426-4602
Fisher of Fox Island and Mr. anti
Mrs. Eugene Fisher of Rangel,
Alaska. Later the Hunters joined
Mr. and Mrs. William Gilbert of
iloodsport for a visit at /he Bruce
Mcl,can home at Island Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. George Barkely
attended the Pomona (;range
meeting at Shelton Valley last
.... iltt td, .,Wilbur, eCeteon
of Pleasant tlills, Ore. visited
friends in the Valley last week.
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SHELTON -- First & Railroad, 426-8211
Home Office: Olympia
Olympia -- Montesano -- Vancouver -- Shelton
Page 10 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 25, 1969
Trip Through Alaska, Canada Is Described
MATLOCK - Matlock folks
have been on vacation tours. The
Hearing's just returned last week
from a 22-day greyhoud Escorted
Bus tour of Canada and Alaska.
The stops in Canada over night
were Harrison Ilot Springs, Prince
George and tours of Bennet Dam,
Dawson Creek, Port Nelson,
Watson Lake, White ttorse. Then
into Alaska, by the Alaska ltiway
from Dawson Creek to Tok and
on to Fairbanks for two nights.
While in Fairbanks they enjoyed
the Tanana River Boat Excursion.
Bunnell Is
Aboard Carrier
Fireman Apprentice David M.
Bunnell, USN, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward R. Bunnell, Shelton,
is serving aboard the attack
aircraft carrier USS Ticonderoga
which recently returned to San
Diego, Calif., after seven months
in the Western Pacific.
The Ticonderoga spent most
of its tour on Yankee Station just
off the coast of Vietnam. It
served there as a unit of the U. S.
Seventh Fleet's carrier striking
At 20 years of age the will
reigns, at 30 the wit; at 40 the
.... Franklin
On to Anchorage by train with a
stop at Mt. McKinley National
Park where they took the wild life
tour there getting up at 3 a.m.
They stayed in Anchorage for
three nights and two days, where
they had tours of Portage Glacier.
Nine of the people flew to Nome
that day. Then back to ]'ok and
White Horse and on White Pass
and Yukon Railroad to Skagway
and on Board of Takie Ferry to
Juneau. One day was spent at
Juneau and they saw the beautiful
Mendenhall Glacier on the
Wickersham Ferry to Prince
Rupert. There they boarded a bus
to Burns Lake, Prince George,
William's Lake and Vancouver
B.C. and Seattle.
The weather was perfect,
rained many nights to settle the
Alaska ttighway dust. They saw
many wild animals and the
scenery was all gold .... fall colors.
Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford
returned from a two week tour of
Canada. They drove up
Vancouver Island and ferried
from Kelsey Bay to Prince Rupert
and then drove the Cariboo Trail
to Rock Creek to visit Mr. and
Mrs. John McGarvie and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank ltollatz,
Mrs. Gladys Carter and Mrs.
Mantle Atkinson returned
Saturday evening from a l0 day
vacation to Southern Utah Parks,
Grand Canyon and the Yellow
Stone Park.
Jim Hollatz and Bob ttollatz
left Monday for college. Bob goes
to Pullman and Jim to Ellensburg.
MaHock (;range held its regular
meeting last Friday evening with a
potluck supper and celebrated
Mrs. Agnes Nyes birthday. There
were 25 members out and two
visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Applegate from Melville, Pa. They
belong to the Valley Grange No.
52 there. Matlock Grange will
postpone its next meeting Oct. 3
because of the first and second
degree work. The Grange took in
one new member, James ttollatz.
Matlock Ladies Club met at
Milo's Care last week Wednesday
for a no host luncheon. They
visited some places along the
The Pinochle Cluh will have its
annual dinner this Saturday
evening at 6:30 p.m. at the
Grange ttall. Mrs. Edward Valley
and Carl Portman will be hostess
and host.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker and
Sandy Calkins spent Sunday in
Tacoma with relatives.
Word was received here that
Andy McGarvie died in Canada
Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier
attended Pomona Grange at
Shelton Valley Sunday.
Sunday evening dinner guests
at the Lud Rossmaier home were
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Goodburn
family of Shelton.
Matlock Grange is sponsoring a
bowling team this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Applegate"
from Melville Pa. spent the past
week with Mr. and Mrs. William
Avery. They drove out on Rt. 2.
While here they enjoyed the train
ride in the logging woods at Camp
Grisdale and the tours through
the mills. Mr. Applegate and Mr.
Avery used to work together in
Pennsylvania more than 30 years
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Walker and
son David spent Friday evening at
the Jerry Roderick home.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Nilsson of
Seattle spent from Thursday to
Saturday afternoon at the Herbert
Helin home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gronka of
Olympia visited the Portman and
Max Cash's homes Thursday.
Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Valley called on Mrs.
Augusta Portman and Carl
Mr. and Mrs.
Vancouver, Mrs,
Weed, Calif.
Singleton spent
C. Ford home.
Mr. and Mrs.
spent the week
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs.
Tacoma and
Shelton were
guests of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Clydt
Roy of Shelton
callers at the
Mr. and Mrs.
family of Seattle
guests at the
Mr. and Mrs.
spent the
folks, the Herbert
For . .
Table :rops, Mirror00_ b
Sash, Shower and Tu
Storm Doors and WindoW.
Replacements of all kinds
710 Cedar • Leroy Dale • 4tt
Call for Free Estimates
1970 DODG
The '70 Dodges have more of what you're
looking for. There's more luxury for big-
car fans, more zip for performance buffs,
and more ways to save you economy-
minded people money. Visit your Dodge
Dealer now to find the car that's just the
right size and the right price for you.
Come in and drive it out today.
Every decade has its
challenger.. • this is
1970's. Challenger is the
only new entry in the sport_
compact field. Eng!,. e,
choices run from a thr!=
Six up to the optional 4'
Hemi. Nine models in =,'
priced to compete .wU"
: the pony cars. yo
new Challenger
change the world_yu
drive in for go,
: i
CORONET... very big for its price.
Enter 1970 Coronet. Low on price, big on room. Big? You bet.
Coronet seats six adults comfortably. Looking for a car with a
price that will drive you right out of the high-rent district?
See Coronet. At the Dodge Boys:
CHARGER... a new version of Dodge's success car.
It's a sharp-looking, sports-type car with a little more room.
What else's new? A continental-type front bumper that encom-
passes the grille. Your choice of bucket or bench seats. See
it, drive it now.
DART SWINGER... the peoples' choice with a new look.
Take a good look at the new-looking Swingers today. 70
Swingers come with a smooth, longer hood designed to houSe
new, larger engines. A thrifty new 198-cu.-in. Six or a snaPPY
318-cu.-in. V8 on most models. Dart Swinger--the going corn"
pact for the man going compact.
MONACO... a new concept in luxury.
Test drive the 1970 Monaco. You'll like the new Torsion-Quiet
Ride. The engine, the supple torsion bars, and the steering
wheel are mounted on a massive frame which is isolated from
the Unibody with special rubber mounts in critical areas. Tle j
result, Torsion-Quiet Ride. A new concept in luxurious driving 7
If you like going first class...
you could be
Front & Railroad
• Shelton, Washington 98584