September 25, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Ii " And Mrs.
of $ Award Given
Eagles Auxiliary presented its first
Mr. and Mrs. Award to Mr. and
. i--- ._ --- _ ,mP,,,m,P' .,.,mD,,- blrs. Albert C. Lord, who have a
combined total of 105 years in
the Eagles, according to Maizie
Depoe, president of the local
women's group.
The award is given in
recognition of "being good
neighbors and good citizens and,
by precept and example, building
sound homes and stable fatuity
life in the community."
Evergreen PTA
To Hold First
Meeting Tonight
The Evergreen PTA will hold
its first meeting tonight at 7:30
p.m. in the school auditorium as
Open House to permit parents to
visit teachers in the classrooms.
All parents are urged to attend.
The Cub Scout den 3, Pack
!i0, will present the flalt
ceremony, and the invocation will
be by Pastor Carlsen of Faith
Lutheran church.
Rummage Sale
The church women of St.
David's Episcopal church will
: hold their annual fall rummage
sale in the Parish Hall on Friday.
The doors will be opened at I0
JOAN HUNTER shares a treasured family recipe. Her
sea-food souffle is a perfect luncheon dish. as it is prepared a
day ahead. She finds it easy to make and a delight to serve.
Joan's Sea Food Souffle
A Favorite At Hunters
Joan Hunter loves horses, liar
enthu,tasm is shared by Jim, her
hmband, and by her children-
Curt. 15; Jayni, 12;and Greg, I0.
They raise and train their own
horses, and make frequent trips
into the Olympic mountains on
horseback. Already accomplished
in western horsemanship, Joan
and Jayni now plan to learn
English tiding.
Four years ago Joan became
member of the B,ptist Church,
and belongs to the Skokomish
Valley Grange.
Joan serves a salad with her sea
food souffle.
Sea Food Souffle
4 slices bread
1 C. crab or shrimp
¼ C. mayonnai
½ onion, chopped
½ C. celery, chopped
½ green pepper, chopped
the leader of the Skokombh 1½C. milk
Valley 4-H Club, and since then 2 ell ....
: IlVelt muldtt of tlme: I can meIttoom soup
and attention to the young grated cheese
members. It is her goal to assist
them in attaining a better
understanding of horses and to
help them in learning to care for,
handle, and train their mounts.
For the past year she has been
occupied with the remodeling and
redecoration of her country
houee. Her home is a charming
blend of Early Amebean decor
and modn comfort, mellow
with tradition and rich in
original/ty. From the window of
her walnut-paneled kitchen she
can see her horseJ, scattered
abram the een velvet pasture
like a handful of jewels shining in
the September sun-Fadena, an
Arabian ralre, and two of her rose
lrey foals; a thoroughbred-
morllan mare; two quarterhontes;
a little picture-book Shetland,
Plans for the premises include a
90 by 100 foot riding arena and
adjacent stable.
Laa year the Hunters took ult
sktinll as a family recreation, and
they look forward to further
enjoyment of the sport this
Her husband is co-owner of
Hunter Brothers' Christmas Trees,
and Joan helps throughout the
season as she is needed, She
always spends the two weeks
preceeding Christmas in Seattle,
retail/ng trees.
Joan //kes to sew, She cans
fruit and vqletables. She makes
fresh apple elder, She enjoys
cadnll for her home, and she loves
dalai thtnp with her family.
She has lived tn this am all of
her life, and wM graduated from
the Shelton School. She is s
Shelton Grads
Admitted To WSU
A total of 88 additional high
school Iraduates have been
admitted to Waddqton State
Univmty for the fall nemaster,
offlelals announoed today. Wayne
S. SUih, Rt. 2, Sheltolk was
amoall the new admtadom, 64 of
width were from Washtngton high
hooll, 20 from other states, and
4 from other munties.
Shelton pledges to WSt!
fraterntttas include Bruce ltoard,
Kappa Sigma; Chris Close, Pi
Kappa Alpha; and Frank Sehmidt,
Kappa Sqlma.
_ , ,,,, ,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,, ,,
pap rik a
Dice half of bread and put into
baking dish. Mix sea food,
mayonnaise, onion, celery and
pepper; spread over diced bread.
Trim crust from remaining bread
and place slices over the above
mixture. Mix eggs and milk
together, pour over other
ingredients in dish and refrigerate
over night. Bake at 325 degrees
for 15 minutes. Take from ovel
spoon soup over the top, sprinkle
with grated cheese and paprika.
Bake l hour at 325 degrees.
Belfair VFW
To Have Sale
Veternas of Foreign Wars Nuel
Curtis 5372 Belfair, will hold a
rummage sale Friday and
Saturday from lO a.m. to 5 p.m.
in the West Bay ltut, Port
Anyone having rummage to
donate should call CR 5-6495, TR
6-4679, or CR 5-6546.
Centralia Guests
To Be Present At
Jayettes Meeting
The Shelton Jayettes will meet
tonight at 8 p.m. in the home of
Mrs. Carl Heilman, with Mrs.
Jerry Swartos as co-hostess.
Members from the Centralia
Jaycette Club will be gucsts, with
gumt qtk, r .M'-. Joh Pe
gM'g a demohstration of fler
A joint board meeting will be
held Tuesday in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Webber. Board ,
members are urged to attend. !:
Golden Age Club
The Golden Age Club will hold
a business meeting in the
Memorial Hall tonight at 5 p.m
followed by a potluck supper at 6
Women Offered Two Free
Days Of College At WSU
Would you like to take two
days away from home to go to
college - again, or for the first
You can, and the only entrance
requirement is that you are a
woman and a resident of
Those requirements met, you
are free to dip into social issues,
the cultural arts, the child, and
the family during the first
University Days for Women at
Washington State University,
Pullnutn, October 8 and 9.
The classes on these subjects,
to be taught by WSU faculty, will
include a discussion of the divorce
problem, the problem of
pollution on our environment,
guidance techniques for your
children, better nutrition for
low-income families,
pre-rettrement planning, housing
for families, and a college of
modern music.
A discussion called "Broad
Social Issues of Our Times" will
be paneled by Dr. ivan Nye,
Professor of Sociology; Dr.
Leonard Kirschner, Professor of
Zoophysiology; and Dr. Bruce A.
Chadwick, Assistant Professor of
Dr. Jane Warden, Dean of the
College of Home Economics, will
address women on "The Need for
Family Living Programs for
Disadvantaged Families."
George A. Laisner, Professor of
Fine Arts, will speak about
Graphic Arts in the Home at the
October 9 banquet.
The University Theater
production of "Under the
Gaslight," a nineteenth century
melodrama, will be performed the
previous night.
in addition, women will have
the opportunity to tour the
Foods Research Center, the Child
Development Center, the Interior
i Design building, and the Fine Arts
The two-day program,
sponsored by SWU's Cooperative
Extension Service, is designed to
cover areas of personal and social
concern for women in today's
world, said Dr. Cleo Hall, State
Leader of Human Resources,
Specific purposes of the new
program are to provide women
with an intellectually stimulating
experience they.can have only on
a college campus, to stimulate key
women leaders to exert their
influence for good in their home
communities, and to acquaint
mothers of present and potential
WSU students with the
University, she said.
Registration forms for
University Days for Women may
be obtained from any County
Extension Office.
The forms must be mailed to
the Cooperative Extension Service
conference coordinator at WSU
by September 30, said Miss Hall.
Mrs. Harry J.
Teacher of Piano,
Organ and Voice.
Route 3, Box 652
(Lost Lake Road)
Phone 426-6943
......... , i
Pltle 12 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 25, 1969
Deyette-Mikesell Wed In St. Edwards
On August 30 at 11 a.m. Judy
Deyette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Deyette, and Roger
Mikesell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mikeseil of Kelso were united in
marriage. Father Gabriel Donohue
performed the double ring
ceremony in St. Edwards Catholic
Church before IO0 guests. The
church was decorated with
baskets of pink gladioli and blue
The bride was given in marriage
by her father. She was dressed in
a white floor length silk shantung
gown with a long train and a cowl
collar embroidered with pearl and
crystal beads. The long sleeves
tapered to points over the back of
her hands. She wore a finger tip
illusion veil with a bonnet
trimmed to match the collar, and
her bouquet was of white
carnations and miniature gladioli.
Miss Beth Porter was maid of
honor, and her street length dress
was fashioned of blue Daisy Puff
material. She carried a white
basket filled with blue and yellow
daisies. As a headpiece she wore a
blue ribbon bow with a short veil.
The bridesmaids, Janeen Deyette
and Mary Mikesell wore gowns
styled identically with that of the
maid of honor, but their colors
were pink and yellow.
The mother of the bride chose
turquoise matelase brocade with a
matching bolero vest and black
accessories. The bridegroom's
mother was gowned in soft yellow
embroidered lace with matching
coat and white accessories. Both
wore white carnation corsages.
The reception was held at noon
in St. Edwards Hall, where the
bride's table was decorated with
pink rosebuds, pink snapdragons
and Esther Reed daisies. The
wedding cake, in the shape of a
cross and adorned with pink,
yellow, and blue daisies, was
made and presented as a gift by
Mrs. Bennie Berndson.
The cake was cut by Linda
Anderson, sister of the bride, and
by Hiida Berndson. Pouring
coffee, tea, and punch were her
sisters-in-law, Gerri Deyette, Rite
Deyette, and Burg, Deyette.
Frieda Roetter and Bridgette
Myers were in charge of the guest
book, and the gift table was
attended by Virginia Matye and
Ran,ca Freeman. Carina Deyette
and Connie Deyette passed out
scrolls and rice.
The bride is a graduate of
Shelton High School and prior to
her marriage was employed at the
National Bank of Mason County.
The groom attended Tumwater
ttigh school and the Centralia
Junior College and is now an
employee of the United States
Forest Service at Quinault, where
the Mikesells are now residing
after a wedding trip to Victoria,
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Mikesell
A VALENTINE DAY wedding is planned for Susan Ruth
Rollevson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Rollevson of
Lake Cushman, Hoodsport, and Derrick Neve, son of Mr. and
Mrs. David Neve of Yellowknife, N.W. Territory, Canada.
Miss Rollevson is a graduate of Shelton High School and
attended the Canadian Bible College in Regina, Sask. The
future bridegroom works with the Correctional Institute at
Classical Ballet • Tap • Jazz
Authentic Hawaiian and Tahitian
Open to ages from 3 to Adult
Locatsd on Railroad Ave., next to Shelton Hardware
For information Phone 426-2724
Member of Dance Educators o[ A merica
Linda Kriebs
High School Spotlight
Tall, slender, brunette Linda Methodist church choir,
Kriebs-whose subjects are civics, Zonta.
senior English, basic art, girls' Sewing ts
drafting, and typing- likes favorite
drafting most of all. She plans, She spends
some day, to be an interior at the
designer, and hopes to continue grandparentS,
her education at the Washington boating and al
State University. Linda was
Linda, who is very enthusiastic in Yakima, ar
about football, is a member of four
Pep Staff and the Pep Club. She Mr. and
was drill team leader last year, has a 19
and a senator, and she also who was
belonged to the German Club. High SchOOl,
Her activities outside of school who is four.
include the Rainbow Girls, the last summer at
Ritual Of Jewels Held By
Epsilon Omicron
.. ,,Homemakers .-.,C'Iu K The Ritual of Jewels for the chapters
Shelton Epsilon Omicron Chapter City
Plans Open House of Beta Sigma Phi was held spoke on the
City Council
The Hillcrest Homemakers
Club will meet in the home of
Mrs. Darrell Sparks, Mill Creek
Road, on Wednesday, at which
time projects for Open House will
be planned.
The club is in need of material,
preferably cotton, suitable for
making quilts which will be given
to fire victims. Anyone wishing to
donate such material should cell
Mrs. V.M. Jackson, 426-6456.
OES Fashion Show
At Holiday Beach
A fashion show sponsored by
Elinor Chapter, OES, will be held
Tuesday, September 30, at 8 p.m.
in the Holiday Beach Clubhouse
near Lilliwaup. Door prizes and
refreshments will be offered.
A degenerate nobleman, or one
that is proud of his birth, is h3ce a
Monday in the home of Mrs. Mike
Ogden, president, with Mrs. Tom Eloise Dean,
Weston as co-hostess. Receiving chairman,
the ritual were Mrs. Dave of the
Dunnington, Mrs. Larry Knudson, girls to
and Mrs. Jerry Swartos. ! 970 event to
Installed to fill vacated offices in Olympia.
were Mrs. Ward Forrer,
vice-president, and Mrs. Larry
Knudson, recording secretary.
Plans were discussed for a., -gorhora
jewelry party to be held on
November i0 with profits to go Chi (rlle°
to the hospital fund. A
progressive dinner will be held Miss U
October 20 for members and for daughter
guests interested in joining Beta Bassett,
Sigma Phi. Followihg the meeting Sorority a
a program on self-analysis was Puget
presented byMrs. Dave Dunnington.
Guests present from Olympia School in 1969.
th";n.p'Th.e[esh:thmwf°d°l friends at the Easte mf,
underground. -Butler Style Show to be held ...j,,
-- - o .. ,;, in the HOI''
30, ax o ,..... ;j,,,xl
Beach Club House at rp..,
port, for which we are am,--
$tell¢ says: a0,
We hope to meet many slr
Q. I am a brunette with
light beige complexion. What
shade of foundation and rouge
would be best for me?
A. The most flattering shade
of foundation for you would
be a sheer beige, slightly deeper
m color than your own skin
tone. Top this off with a warm
pink shade of rouge.
Q. I have a rather florid
complexion. What shade of
foundation should I use?
A. Avoid foundations with a
pink or rosy undertone. A
b e_ un(rto wi. heo to
tone down' your f)ortd
complexion. The depth of the
beige you choose will
oepeno upon the depth of your
Neilk Pharmacy
Emergency Ph. 426-2165
Fifth & Franklin St. -- 426-3827
Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 I
all of the hair styles.
The completely new
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