September 25, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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PTO Executive Board
Meeting Is+ Planned
By MRS. RAY KRATCHA Atlending wele ('clia Scott,
l,inda Pclrim,, I))lcnc I+cc, JulJc
S()II'I IISII)1: 'lhe P,'I .().
Olli, Jenny Ilihlchrandl, I)oc
prcsidem Malic Raius reminds 'l'ihhilsand 13onnicTihbils.
tfticcrs aml chdillllall of lhe
Bill 'l'ihhils, son ol Mr. and
upcolninv P.'I .(} I".xcculiw.' Board
Mrs. I)oc Tihhils, who is in Ihc
IBcelwqt,.. ()el. 1:11 IO J+lll. ill IH..r
bollle. Navy has becn hoIll.k' .()l} Ik'i.iVt.' :lll(I
is serving on the U,S.S. King
• 'nutllside School sludcrds have
hecn w>rkJnp on a schol Missile I)cstroyer with the mosl
modern elcclromc equipment
newspaper. "lhe tilst ismcd
available. Bill was on a tour of the
t'k!ltt.ilCtl ;1 '-,l!lH'l ft.!'-;lllllC (ill t211clI Sell of J3p;.ill IqlilippJil,2s, Korea
| C;Ichk'r.
(k'orgc Snydcr has provided and Vwl Nam,
the schud wilh a bicycle rack. Friendship (3uh met at the
l'hc Wclcln Washmglon I"air home of Martha Woods Sept, 17
al Ihuallu p wa a tcccnt lick] trip wilh 16 members present.
Ioi lhc "d\\;lh (lllll .(.'vclllh grades. OIIlU Of the 11112illhers brought
I')avc Whllcner, principal, theh- lap iflw patches and were
reillil)tt,, CVCly (HILt Ihcl¢ is tO he wolkillt oil Ih()se+
no vchlch +ill lhc play,,roulld, 1'he ilext I"riundship Club
c,ctH dHlilHt P,'IL(). mucfings, lneelhlg is (It21. I iJ| lhe home of
Mrs. Keilh Itulsl.
,CllOOl lllllCl 1()11% llld |tllle'.,+
1++nl llcndt]cl,'++ '+<m el Me. all(.J Sepl 8 lhc Action,+ 4-II grot+l>
Mix. Rex Ih, mlricks, Iclt rceeillly had a I)usmess nicethlg at tile
Ir \\;lalklaml, whole hc will he holllC olT+mi Mal,+on leader.
lakiay. F, ttlvival and Technical 'l'racy I)c Meiro president
1 aitng and Iqcpalation for called lilt" meeting o order.
)¢mU' 1€ the Atclic B;lan. Itc will I)ana (?hristcn'en led the flag
he I ak i n g pall in I hc sahae., Kalcn I.und led the 4-1t
I nviJtmmcnlal Scicnce Selvicc' pledtxe and (Thri% Richards read
lhc minules oI the last nleeting
aud ctdleclcd lilt.' dues.
I{qliil>lltcnt 1 Ut IlllJClillI.
Iqesidcnl lracy De Meiro
,l<dm IItrmllick', snn of Mr. aml
talled fol old business arid they
Mrs Rc,< Ih'ldrick was homc l++i
iatkcd about the Mason Coutlty
a| [tet,'t) xcVt."k'kS V',ICII|itHI+ IIc I', ;t I";lil.
IIl;ItllilliSI 'll (hc Wehl) Preciioll rl'h1211 the president called for
(+<mipany el ,;1111:1 Mollitra, ('alil.
• m'w husiness and they talked
lhc Nilvci Slals arc havilLi., a ahottl lhc Puyalhtp I:air and lhcy
N,l)lll(lll I;irlccllt ,'quill. 27 al lhe i,latlllCd a sltinlber party.
PII,I), Amlit)titlm trom 5 p,nl. 111'+¢ present wcre Marilee
I t+ '7 tl+ Ill, J t)C ('lilllqlll5`l iS
Mal'-,n, Mike Malsoll, I)anny
I+arhttt tlillg I I1¢ salliiqHi.
'lit:l<.els are avaiklble al the Scwell, I)t;,ug Lane, Ricky Sallec,
dtol or you Cill huy lroin any Kelly S,:llh+c, Netti Sewell, Martha
club nicmhcr Sewell, £alirta (!laylon, John
Scpl 2£ lhe Silvel Slats ;iic ('layhm, I)csilee (?lay/on, Kenny
haVill),, tl tiail ride slgll-tiill.: from Carson, Mary Sue ('arson, Karen
I.akc IJlvlerick Slahles. I+und, (?hris;ly l:lacon.
'l'llcy will sl:ut al+nmt tO Chris Rickards, Teresa
Any(mt is il;viletl Ihal would care Murray, Tracy I)c Meiro, 13obbi
to allflltl+ Ilc Meiro, ('arol Christensen
Dana (+t'irislcnsen, [,ennie
The Silvel Stars Oct. 5 are
having ;I lun day al Sanderson (?hristensen, leader Toni Matson
I;iehl Arena ;larling at 10 a.n/. and visitors Malhew and Machelle
5cpl I<l tilt' Silver Stars Malson.
a llcmlcd the t;rays Ilarhor l'ull Mrs. Toill Weslorl and children
day. spenl the weekend on Whidbey
Island at the honlc t)[ Mrs. Eva
J u I ic ()lli and ,lenny
l lihtchrzmdl +ol hhte rihbons, Ih)lt.
Alcoholism Information and Referral Center
American Red Cross, Thurston-Mason Ch pier
Boy Scouts of America, Tumwater Area Council
Children's Home Society of Washington
Exceptional Foresters, Inc.
Mason County Kidney Fund
Pacific Peaks Girl Scout Council
Lilliwaup The Salvation Army ,650.00
Community Club Has 3,968.00
Good Meeting Turnout
t,>,:+l tmmmf al lasf I"riday's
(+mlmuuily ('lub pinochle party+
I' il5,1 pi,,c WlllnCIS Wt.'re club
ptc,idcnl I+.lnlel I!dwards and
t;latl+c.'-, Mo:lkc, Mtllllie Kaale
I < H )Ix t!di IlllCl)'5; sccontl prize. Meil's
'-;t2t't+lld [)liZc willllel" was I,ylllall
}<ill€ilL The Ytlllig's, r¢celllly
ti.'ftlinlcd flOYll Alaska, have
Imlch;l:',ctl l lie Bttilnillg's beach
Ii,mc hclc oil Ihc Calla]. L.,ucillc
I dwaltb+ allil Virginial Allison held
lhlcc' huiltltcd pilltlt:]llC for
IIIl/t2. ;llli] I)t)S IIklillCS W()ll I[1¢
tlotH pIILC
()el ;id will be l|te Ilexl
lunochlc ' night, coitlbilletl wllh
Ihc inouthly Polhtck and business
lilt'el i VlIL
Id ()lson's r:lm guage registered
lnorc lhan eight inches of rain this
l)il!.+l wt,ck Rct:ordilll( lhe :+inntlai
i',iirJl;ill has bccn ollc (if l'kl's
hohlic sit/c0 illOVhig dowil Itl ibis
hc was IuihlJn+,+, his "slg/jy"
holn0. I.iisl year he" recorded q7
l!ltls inches of ,"ain Iefort, leaving
for I'exas iil mid I)ecelllber. When
hc relurned lie found lh¢ gtiage
had iroT.en :iild ¢iackt;d so had an
illCOlllplcle ruadillg for the year.
lie estinlaled it at more {han 100
inches which, while not ill the
clams wilh ('amp (;ovey's more
(han two hundred inches, still was
a sizable alll()llnl,
Boh ;ind Margaret Richler
eIHoyed a day al the fair lasl week,
dcspile the inclement weather.
Besides viewing the nlany
exhibiis, heirig long-tinlc
Lawrence Welk fans, interested in
the ctllertainrnell fealuring
JoAitn (,asllc, Myron Horen and
Joe I"¢eny. I11 addition to the day
;It the l"air, they visited their SOil,
(;coige, and his family, and
Margarcl's sisler and
Chairman of the .............. :
1969 United Good Neighbors Drive
pictured at left.
President of the
United Good Neighbors in Mason CoUK,
All they ask is that all the
GI Bill Enrollment " '*
Reported By VA ' + - -+ . Good Guys give their Fair Share.
Your United Good Neighbor Dollar
A 22 per cent gain in (;, !. Bill
enrollenlcnls is expected
rlalloriwide, Of the overall
estintate of b85,000 enrollments
ihis fall, b35,000 are veterans.
The VA holed thai the figure was
520,524 a year ago and 380,037
in 1967.
50,000 meri still in service will
also be going it) school under the
(;,I. Bill. This conlpares to 36,283
ill I)b8 and 22,847 in Iq67.
This fall's enrollment will bring
to 1,600,000 the number of"
ve[eFallS and servicclllen who have
A lUl'>) iccord fall enrolhnenl
tirider il+ic (;.I. Bill in Washmgtoll
WaS; forecasl by Johll B. Kirsch,
Malager of Ihc Seallle Veleralls
AdininJslraii<tn Regional Office.
S)nl0 14,000 (13,300 veterans
alld 700 scrvict'l]iell) ale .expeclt.,d
I ) I ttkC iidV;llilagt" of I he
educ;t|ioll al}d Ir:timng pr<wisiorls
t)f lhe (;. 1, Bill this fail.
()f lhe 13,31)O veterafls, 8,400
a re ex peclc, d t o a ilend
ili'diliHiolls t)i highel ICallllrlg ill
Wltshillgton, ilnol Iit'r ill, .3J O(J itle
Helps Mason County Agencies
..,,+,.,,,,..+,,,,++, + ..,,.., .,,+. T!r011!lh ONE T.OTAI. DRIVE!
Iwhw colll:ge level aml, 1,6[){) in provisions of the newest G.I. Bill
ln+ihc-iot: It;lining. wt'ill into effect J tine 1, 1966.
fo t J?
Give Your Fair Share r +
,,,.,. .._+:, ,,+_'+_.,_,+ II INC
hi Guaranteed Not to Lolik" _ •
Page 18- Shei{on-MasT)-n-C,,Unty Journal. ThUrsday, September 25, ]969