September 25, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 25, 1969 |
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Golf Club Calendar
At last Sunday's deadline, two
matches in the championship
flight of the annual Shelton Golf
Club's club ctlampionship
tournament had not been played
and holding up completion of the
second round pairings as well as
the 2nd Flight first round
Results of matches cnmpleted
had Keith Simpson knocking off"
Fred Stuller, Larry Larson
dropping Val Sienko, Andy Tuson
defeating Clyde Coots, Joe Holt
prevailing over Purl Jemison,
Heinie Hilderman eliminating Bob
Coots, and Dave Dunnington
decisioning Bob Kieburtz.
l.arson then ended Sampson's
stay m the tournament with a
second round victory, l"uson and
tlolt are paired in another 2nd
round match while Hildermac
awaits the Sonny /,owe-Jack
JelTcry victor antl Dunnington
and Dick Boslrom-Rex Barnard
winner for 2nd round opponents.
In the 2nd I:light all first round
matches wcrc completed on
schedule a I'rrlie l)ahman
dropped (;ary Nicloy, Bob Olson
heal Roy ('hristey, George
II('l'll|t.'s lot& a dcl;nllt decision
Ilarbor in Raymond, and May 24
at Riverside of Chehalis. The
grand finale, called the GCA
Masters for those who qualify
during the regular schedule, is
dated for June 28 at Grays Habor.
in what the British call
"greensome" competition, the
monthly mixed 2-ball event for
Shelton Golf Club members and
guests last Sunday enjoyed a
couple of variations and drew 17
couvles despite discouraging
distractions from the
One variation consisted of
allowing both partners to tee up
balls on each hole, then choosing
which of the drives they'd play
thereafter. Another eliminated
the draw for partners, so wives
played with husbands, girl friends
with boy friends. In other words,
the girls danced with the guys
what brung them.
Prize winners included Darrell
and Charlotte Denniston for
closest to the pin on No. 3, Bob
and Kay Ellison for low gross,
Walt and Nonalee Winarski for
tow net, Bill and Rosemary James
Open Play
Here Today
Boasting a smaller but faster
team than last year the Shelton
Junior High Blazers open their
grid schedule this Thursday,
September 25 when Jefferson of
Olympia invades Loop Field.
Game time is two o'clock.
Head Coach of the Blazers,
Harlen Buitenveld, starting his
second year at that post, named
the starting lineups for the
Jefferson contest this week.
Centering the ball will be Mike
Wells, The guards alongside him
will be Brad Oling on the right
and Pat Timpani on the left.
Right tackle will be Bob Fox,
and Barry Gesche mans the left
tackle spot. Right end is Brian
Grinnell and Dwayne Makoviney
is at left end.
The backfield will consist of
Terry Knight, caUing the signals,
Ace LeGault at right halfback,
either Bob Crume or Doug Long
at left half, and Steve Settle, the
only eighth grade starter, at
The only change in starters
defensively will be Ray Krumpols
at defensive halfback.
Highclimber Harriers
Bowling Results & Statistics Outdistanced By East
u Scnim Jim ('onnolly phtced (S) 10:31. Masborg0r "
Hi Game: Vera Bishop 191 Men's Hi Game: Jess Tobler 191 Men's Hi Game: Gerry Hart 230 cross country meet with East I I 00. Kcrtstcner¢ (1=') 11:
:onn011y .,,, ]IIE
Hi Series: Donna Coleman 496 Men's Hi Series: Jess Tobler 557 Lee Schuffenhauer 232 Bremerlon Tuesday. September iqank IS) I 1:20, 129 , lddll:J ,aR
Ralnier 8.4, Dairy Queen 8-4, Women's Hi Game: Gerry Geist Men's Hi Series: Chuck 16, onthcKllights'coursc. I1'" .... I,ralt(E) ll:
Harpers 8-4, Shelton Rec. 7tlv4|/2, 210 Funkhouser 596, Lee ._. 12,42 li,jf/
Hoodsport Lbr. 6Vv5Vs, NB of MC Women's Hi Series: Gerry Geist Schuffenhauer 603 The tlighclimbcrs dropped the I 1:35, Marks (E) 12'04, tlilmlit J t
3'/-8V2, Lucky Lager 3'/v8Vz, B & 504 Standings: Moose Heads 8-4; meet, 20-35 after getting two (S) I _:5- , Staff (3)GraY ',m¢,l't)lltl
J Mart3-9. Standings: Maintenance 10-2, Fuller Construction 8-4; I.W.A. - tlillman (S) 12:55,
Margaret Bibbie picked the Rayonettes 9-3, Silva Foxes 7-5, 38 8-4; Kiwanis Club 8-4; Moose places of tile top five. Ken Smith I11
"big four" split. Acetate Aces 7-5, Waterboys 5-7, Antlers 7-5, Nimrod Club 7-5; placed fifth for Shelton. but the 13:07. ., , ,,t thB wdtinlt
Makeups 4-8, Woodbirds 3-9, Pin Bull Moose 6-6; Eagle Aeries 5-7; next man from Shelton that Not avauam =" .... rs' # Bit,"
GUYS and GALS Curlers 3-9. Lions Club 5-7; Shelton Jaycee's placed was eighth, the score of the t t|m esdt01t Ill,n0
Men's Hi Game: Roger Dahlstrom Silva Foxes 3-1 Jerry Mallory 4-8; Rotary Club 3-9; Shelton with Bainbridge Islana at o .... lrZ.u
203 (502), Rayonettes 1-3 Gerry Geist Hard. 3-9. Here are the results of the on Wednesday. Ltlt:n
Men's Hi Series: Chuck (504); Maintenance 3-1 Ray Moose Antlers I Gerry Hart meet: Jarstead (E) 9:26, Boman tnlbereet
Funkhouser543 Brown (479), Acetate Aces 1-3 536, Moose Heads 3 Chuck Coach of the el' .],4liv,
Women's Hi Game: Mare Tobler Jess Tobler (552); Woodbirds 2-2 Funkhouser 596; Shelton Jaycee's (E) 9:45, Connolly (S) 10:05, Stewart, feels the first . .,and
178 Andy Anderson (510) Waterboys 1 Bob Mills 487, Bull Moose 3 Berenson (E) 10:13. Smith (S) not an indication of whal 11
He thinks tP .
Women's Hi Series: Mare Tobler 2-2 John Denison (491); Pin Lee Schuffenhauer 603; Kiwanis 10:15, Shrenl (E) 10:23, Snyder comc this season.
461 Curlers 3-1 Jean Temple (448), 4 Chuck Adams 524. Shelton (E) ]0:24, Jim Johnsen (S) with a little moretire, the
Hard. 0 Frank Willard 534 :29, k r '
Ritos 6-2, Bullheads 6-2, Straf Makeups 1-3 Walt Parsons (443). Nimrods 2 Bill Butt 476, Lions 2 10 Scott Miltenberger (S) along well and "=
4-4, Bizz Bombs 4.4, Chantrels will come
4-4, Fireballs 3-5, Miklethun 309ers Walt Wolden 526; Eagles 0Henry 10:30, Dibley (E) 10:32, Phil some meets. Ii
Electric 3-5, 4 of Us 2.2. Men's Hi Game: Tom River 213 Coffey 540, I.W.A 4 Wayne Krogh(S) 10:3q, George Lemagie .. I"ri(h
Men's Hi Series: Tom River 561 Wright 566; Rotary 0 George (S) 10:43, Thornhill (E) 10:48. I ¢:l°l'
MR. & MRS. HANDICAP Women's Hi Game: Jean Temple Lemagie 517, Fuller's 4 Don Randy Wiltman (S). Some Americans. -useneed0nlY hyl[#tJ:lt0n
Men's Hi Game: Del Storm 214 169 Johnson 521. has come over; b ;1,
Men's Hi Series: John Schreiber Women's Hi Series:Temple471 The Shellon junior varsity in their nameS, oeca tbll'
509 Standings: Flunkies 7-1, Redin WOMEN'S COMMERCIAL
Women's Hi Game: Geraldine 6-2, ,Dropouts 5-3, Professors 5-3, Hi Game: Mary Lou Nault 189 harriers Iost their first meet in of them ldi
Beeson 177 Don t Bees 3-5, Scholars 3-5, Hi Series: Jeanne Lindgren 499, three years when the Knights the whole man has ¢°a'll, tl
Women's Hi Series: Margaret Dunces 2-6, Repeaters 1-7. Helen Ogden 499 took three of the top five places heart and thought am, . =-,,,,-
Bibbee 447 Redin 4 (Jean Temple 471), Standings: Fuller's 9-3, Eells & and won, _7-_ t. In cross country, hyphen drops of its own wap'
J & J Service 1-3, Lee Chapman Scholars 0 (Mike O'Dell 398); Valley 8-4, Pauleys 7-5, Certified
410; Evergreen Florist 1-3 Leslie Flunkies 4 (Dell Abelein 490), 7-5, Apex Groc. 7-5, Ogden's 7-5, the low score wins. out of his
Collins 399; Lake Cushman Sales Repeaters 0 (Lloyd Goodwin Kellys 7-5, Richfield 5-7, Gotts Junior varsity results: J;,mes name-w°°dr°W
Co. 3-1, Harold Bibbee 457; 337); Dropouts 3 (Tom River 5-7, Ming Tree4-8, Lumbermen's
Eacrett Lumber 4-0, Eldon Todd 561), Dunces I (die Anderson 4-8, Timber Bowl 2-10.
476; Lannings, Hoodsport Cafe 414); Professors 2 (Larry Lyle Terry Wheaton bowled a
0-4, Burton Tweed 457; Dicks 499), Don't Bees 2 (Don triplicate 100-100-100-300.
Shell 3-1, Frank Kowalczyk 429; WOMEN'S CITY
Tyee Well Drilling 2-2, Del MERCHANTS Hi Game: Char Tobin248
Storm 491, Van's Floor Men's Hi Game: L. L. Mclnelly Hi Series: Char Tobin547
from Bill I)ickie, llaryC¢leupset for 2nd low net, Jack and Nita
Kimbel for 3rd low net. y p Te aco 3-1, Men's Hi Series: Dean Smith 627 _" , ' " ,
I)arrcll I)cnnislon, Ilarry Petcrson DIIal P4q144 CoveringHarr's Hoods2"2' VernOnort Beesonx 438; 221 8 4StandingS:LumbermenM°rganSs 7 59"3'SheltonMill°'s
b;,ggcd Bud Knut/cn John Ion , • /lll Il John Schreiber 509. Standings: Capital 10-2 ec.O-12. - .
• , " g Alter the usual potluck d,nner • • White's 8-4 Kimbe, .--Rn,,-t-, Morgans 4-0 Char tot)in Christmas
Ioggt'(l. Jill, Art?hc,, "|'oil', (',arrclt, .f,"ll,'win"o the co...rrnntition ....... t_ell l,,--IB" / La.--.i.,--lm .,. SIMPSON RECREATION 6-6, T.C..F.'5-3, Prepp's '2-6, ........ Jess's 547-248, Shelton Recl1Oi4,Sonja
gas lied R t,d, ,'lakus, and I',d group, in a spirit of "damn the "I'll r.t,tt. Hi Game: Mem Smith 192Railroad 7%-4%, Irene I-3, Boon,s 2-10C.. ocnranLumbermen,slj.-l/z,3.1 Mary Wicken *'a II : --J$ # 1-- J'] I:1111, i'l" "'1
R ichards.. . r,)llt d WMl Nash. torvedo, es, full sr,._ed ahead ...... " - - • Hi Series: Mem Smith 533 Kimbel s O-4"H1c.a3PalM3ilsMOUntsDisS.mlth505, M a g g i e u g g 4 5 9 - 1 7 9 ' I ............. JUH-"I1 I1"I/ l'°An
Ihc winners m,,vcd into 2nd decided to risk o.e more mixed [lllt 00nt-,rllav White's 4-0 White 512;
,,, , ....-- -- 161; Loaders 6V-5'lz, Mere Smith Renecker 3-1 D. Stanley 469 445-168. I . /,dPdll''[ Illl ,i,l 11_
F'llghl 2nd r md match:s pa'ring event before wrapping up the / 192; Shops 6-6, Myrtle Strine Jess s 1-3 D. Wilson 512; T.C.F'. HOUSEWIVES LEAGUE "
:!*::'i:'lc't(lm()::n(lnl,<l)l, m(:rtldt :cnr ladre:Cohfd?m d wtas :e: f]eThauirdybzoWrna:: mthai ra! 137; Loggers 4-8, Helen Leonard 4-0 B. Riffey 458, Boon's 0-4 T. Women s Hi Game. Betty Dean I - "( i "
16EIN,s COM ME R ,CA L D? Ir" " " " /om " " : ::::",e'=' ' $
,,,,d Rlcha,ds wh le hc losers will open for a later determination "urn " o ....... g n 4pSpS,;
• " t out n LOOp Plelo mpossmte en's Hi Series: Betty Dean
COIIIIIIIIC II1 the lournanlent as the ..... , ........
• Ior nel,ons vunt, rass & KICK H i Game: Dl, Hartwel/243 GRANG,E .... Standings: Hood Canal 10-2,
,rd ,,'lihl w i, h N ic,oy against com etitors I ' " ly .
('']*I'1,', [)'ki ajajl,,l ...... P j i • I I { ] I " / I " ::tancllnOs: ..... 2":'-":"--MensN'tame:axM'k"e'senWalterOr"UngS'4'&RO"8"41y:Uan S Illte HAWKS 209 The 1" "'ill 6 6 ,=,n. '
I')Cnnl'.;IOll " " iknutzen;" " against' " IP'--IIIIIP • ,-,or, e' #------ .......... Anomer session is scheduleu 10-2, G0{' Oil- .10-2, Zieg/er% Men's Hi Series: Max Mikkelsen Shop -, Iunters Tre'e'a'rm-U7 n. U ar
.... ' ....... For ,1/I. S I rirl tL] I mm :a,uraay trom lU a.m. to muddy mess, practice will be held uameras u-., I..umDermen s .-., u 545 W-ter-,heel 4-8 W S - a-,om," " ' l'b,
Archer, rlaKusagamst rasnm st noon if the field is again a .............
rOllll(l p Ilflngs
,"__t ,RO,,-,.V.rnesC,ams,-5. Women's ., 00ame: ,va Cook ,62 1-1,. ' ..... "
Shelton Mobil 5-7, Wilson Co. Women's Hi Seres: va Cook 439 Hood Canal Marina 3-0, Deans ] AiIIM qt'NI111 l
5-7, She ton Tra lers 4-8, A. Roy Standings. Agate 9-3, Harstine Gun Sho 1 3 Hunter re Far = /"| | ,Pi11' . I In,2
CGA WINTER LEAGUE " 'f ...... r I . on the paved pa ' t rking area . Dunn 3-9, Wo I den sC ' hevron 3-9, 8-4, Southstde " 8-4, Pomona 4-8 3-1 The P "' Old Mill 1-3, Wa sT e terwheel m II H "-- li-- n' s H o bby &- T"m'00 :" ''
, : . . adjacen to the quagmire, Shelton Foods2-10. Matlock 4-8, Shelton Valley 3-9. Grocery 1-3 Walter Drilling 3-1,
.......e.uu according to Bill Johnson, who is Shelton FOodS 1-3, Phil Adam, n .. Oil a,O wp
615; Dan's Nite Hawks 3-1, Bud SIMPSON WOMEN'S BOWLING " " ................ "
Knutsen 564; Gott Oil 4-0, Del Hi Game: Jean Hartwell 190 "'" 14III
Hartwell 592; A. Roy Dunn 0-4, Hi Series: Jane White 530 II 220 Cota- Shelto'n fJrJ°ll
Don Brown 486; B & R Oil 3-1, Standings Research 6-2,
Glen Robertson 598; Shelton Purchasing 6-2, Engineerng 5-3, 1£ A .... -=A-e__ t01
.oSC H! DULE OPENSopcnerSUNDAYwhich e 5,,,u o r, =,y ,,.u;Shelton Traders 0 4 Tro Ste,ven 474; forThet
w,son t.o. z-z, I-lay lce onu; Loggers 3-5, Lumber 2-6 ....
Verne's Clams 2-2, Harry Fletcher Olympic 1-7 I;l,4,a n##|,,-,,,, '
528; Lumbermen's 4- ,0 L.C. Lumber "Joan Sowers 490 =-=v,= v===,,=
Cameras 4-0, Lee Schuffenhauer ffnnin¢rlnn l==Hw ran /191. ha, 'nnouncca 1[ s new oiIicers
, dtrect,ng the event for Jim $1MPON' 5WlING SHIFT
()aksrid,e Golf (.lub will host ' " ' '
Ihc opening competition in the Providing that there is good Pauley, Inc.
IUbt) 7()(t (,o weather ths lhursday the With more than 80 boys
- ; Iral If Association "' . " ' " ,' ' , .
winter golf schedule next Sunday Shelton tlighclimber girls' tennis already registered for the October
with a large enlry tist due from team will meet with Bainbridge I! contest, Johnson is predicting Mobil 1-3, Jim Archer 551; Accounting 5-3, I.B.P. 4-4, ll Jw, liO¢lallon
Shcllon. AI this writing (londay) on the island's courts, the keenest competition in the
. , he urls have been rained out htstory of the annual event
I;I Shcllon linksnlcn bad sigm'd T ' g , " ' ' '" ' ' •
Iorlhcschcdulc of Iwo meets already this week, PP&K participants compete emanil1521igW°lden,s Che;°, Loggers Norene
fer a choice of 8:00 an. and and rescheduling is difficult, against boys their own age. Any , , , Purchasing Mdlle Nell,.,. ,.,,o, - s a ........
.on Icc-,,l'f times. The Shclton Scquim was supposed to visit boy becomes eligible to compete . : .__ " " , Y Aco'un"t'in an'e W'hi'te 5301 he 69-70 season. President is
olHingcnl t:otlld swell to 20 hy Shelton last Thursday, but rain by registering at Jim Pauley's west zl./b. Research Bobbie Bamford and George Riffero of Scott Lake,
,:nl,y dcadlinc washed out the meet. Monday's showrooln. There is no entry fee, SUNDAY NIGHT MIXED JAOnagn..e iC_ampbe!1.435; Olym. pic Vice-President is Merv Clevenger
'l'hc ('(;A schedule brings the meeting wilh the North Mason no special equipment is required,. FOURSOME Wickn"°aqq '°' .t.v. mary LOU from Oaksndge, Treasurer s' Dick"
',u,,,,h,r te.le to ..yah.. tr, ,e.n s ,.t!O am:.,l,d !,u. and participation does not impair M:n: H I G:r%es Jack FrroO:i 229 WOME"'S 1,,30 LEAGUE e°Sct:°tmnfr°? OBlYoShdrohrndrto '
5fr,.li! ' ': ': ....... ..... a+ b0y', amateur sta.ding. No
,I;,tcislh,26th. Volk,winglhat Twoleagucwinshavealreadybodilycontactisinvolved. Women's Hi Game: Nancy Brewer Hi Game: Betty Schimschat 183198 Hi Series: Betty Schimschat 490 Centraha "'" Elks Golf Course. Jl AUC C grP V i C E Complete I [ I I Ready'mi× C° ts tli Co'jet ei C ulver';'& St" t D ""m × C°"%-' lye" :'" -- .,,- - ..%
Ihc chcdule is: Novcnlher 23 al been picked up by the Scoring is based on both Women s Hi Series: Jean Hartwell Bob's Tavern 9-3, C & L Time The schedule for the season is
('t'.ldi I!lks. I)cc, 14 at (;rays Ilighclimber girls, and they have distance and accuracy with one 547 8-4, Jess's Mobil 6-6, Neils 1-11. as follows" September 28th - I Farm Sal--.Equiprne.ntanci other type auctionsSales Sand, GraVehce screen.' ' s&ldl.l' k'!l
conaucteo nywhere - nytime -- Frepla _, H I
? nlry ('hH', Jan 25 at had n° action since th°se me ts- P't' warded f°r each f°°t the DoStan;rdn)s}z.;rc%Ellll'Su3n LADIES THURSDAY TRI O Oaksridge Golf Course at Elma, I
II Ilhol (() I 1 e Din a
Ilitddands of Cosmopolis, Feb, 22 They beal Central Kitsap and ball is passed, punted and place
11 ()L'.L',3n Shores, darch 22 at North Kitsap by identical 5-0 kicked and one Point deducted Jack Pots 8-4, Hooters 5V2-6½, Hi Game: Diane Strozyk 209 Washington. Oct. 26th - 3
Whats Next 5-7, The Bolerz 5.7, Hi Series: Diane Strozyk 506 Bayshore at Shelton. Nov. 23rd [ .............. "",'". | L.,.,...,-,::,:
Scoll Lake, April 26 at Willapa scores, for each foot of variance from an Prospectors 4-8, Farmers 3-9, Pin Standings: Clary & Clary 9-3, B Centralia Elks at Centralia Dec
- established center line, Spotters 3-9, Timber Duck 3-9, &J Mart 8-4, Cottage Care 7-5, 14th Grays Harbor Count =: ti '[%t
Boads 3-9. Hardly Able Logginq 7;5, BallSk tclUO," ' -Aoerueen'" ' Jan" 25th ' I --Helena u : .,
................ 00oo0 c.n,., ,e,, " II I I
'""' ' '" ' '"' " '"'"'"" ' "'"" ' ' n,u: _._.=,,,©: u=n"',,, ....... ,u.=, ,,,'"' GranH°USeLum5"7' rTimber Bowl 3-9, Highlands at Cosmopolis. Feb.,at .... I I -prescri0!:°;,lic C0t' :il .
Hi Series. Melvin cGee 553 t be 2-10. 22nd at Ocean Shores. March 22 I I I -Hpo-""" .,.,dli,''
Diamonds Mill No. 3 9-3, Hemlockers MEN'S CITY LEAGUE Scott Lake, Olympia. April 26th II JIM PAULEY,L INC. I I --yE' '-" 'S P HARTI, I'/b rt'mli
Wire! I$ A 7 k-4., Graveyard Shift 7-5, Four Hi Game. NormSchimschat244,- Willipa Golf Course at
Shed 2t/ 9% r " ...... : ..... - ..........
" • Hi Se ies: Doug Hicken 607 Golf Course at Chehalis. I " / i%'" k
Dust € tchJng
a If you're not shopp/n| gkelton Meters..
Cash° ?ette ?
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A Dust C g Cash fletter is I very Only "7" 1969 Ponhacs left tO be
common .I)eei, but even though it ound.
Sold At $87.50 0ve Fa to y In i
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It neldom haa feathers, does not chirp or ,ing.
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erly handled a Dut Catcher Cash (;etter
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Chanee, are there are some Dust Catching
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1969 Grand Prix
Factory Invoice................$4023.1 1
Service ........................... 67.50
Undercoat ....................... 40.00
Total $4218.11
Regular Price................... 5253.31
-- 4218.11
you sAv= 21
YOU SAVE $1035.20
233 S. 1st Evenings ca. 426-8252
AI Browning 426-6510
Geo. HasBrouck 426-6577 or Burl Nye 426-4532
Page 22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 25, 1969
Auto Repairing Masonry
--Major Overhauls
--Brakes & Ignition
--Welding & Tune-ups "
Special Winterizing
219 So. 1st 426-1212
i i
Beauty ............. Rental
I --Complete Hair Care
--Wigs - Wiglets - Switches
--Merle Norman Cosmetics
--Free Demonstrations
6th & Laurel 426-4582
Building Supplies .... R
I --Lumber
--Sherwin-Williams Paint
(Kern-Tone & Kem-GIo)
--Cabinet Hardware
607 S. ! st. 426-6612
i i
Building Supplies Travel
I --Sherwin-Williams
Paint s-Car pet s-Wallpaper
--Complete Building Supplies
--Plastering & Supplies
Nye Co. Building Supply
Free Delivery
426,8224, OnCole Road
Chain Saws TV
New and Used - Rentals
Oregon Chains & Accessories
Small motor tune-up & repairs
Hoursi 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., daily
Mike's McCulloch shop
2215 Olympic Hwy. N.,426-4639