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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 25, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 25, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE 12 RATES 15 word= or le -- el.S0. • !0 cent4 for each additional word over 1D. • FOUR (4) Inurtlone for the price d THREE ($). • ClaMIfled deadline: $ p.m. TueldlkY. For Sale COLOR PRINTS, Jumbo, from color negatives only, 19c. 5x7 enlargement, 89c. Ziegler's Camera Shop, 124 No. 2nd. 4/] 7tfn For MOBILE HOME FURNITURE-- We specialize in quality compact furniture for your mobile home. At Olsen Furniture you're always welcome, 4th and Cote. 426-4702.4/]4tfn SIMPLICITY MOWERS and tillers. See now at Mike's RELAXAWAY, the original McCulloch Sales and Service. "Slim-Gym". World's easiest 2215 Olympia Hwy. North. method of active exercise. For 3/28tfn information Call 426-1276, M7/I 7tfn FOR SALE -- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/5tfn FREE KODAK FILM, Kodacolor or black/white with each roll left at Ziegler's Camera. Ask for it. 426-6163.5/25tfn TRADE IN YOUR old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/14tfn ALDER, FIR, any length delivered Shelton v cinity. Phone 426-8113. B8/Ttfn WALL - TO - WALL CARPETS or room.size rungs. Custom-made draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Free estimates. You're always welcome at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 426-4702. O11/18tfn LOWREY STARLET Organ. Regular $675.00 now $595.00. Johnny's Music Box 205 Cota. 426-4302. J7/7tfn YOUNG GRAIN fed steers cut and wrapped. Expert cutting and wrapping. Shelton Foods. 426-6523 S3/27tfn 10" RADIAL Power Kraft tri-power shop, model TPC23008, for sale. Phone 426-2003. H9/] 8-25 SWEET CORN for sale. Stan Johnson, Skokomish Valley. Phone 426-1467. J9/4-25 YOUNG GRAIN fed steers cut' and wrapped. Expert cutting and wrapping. Shelton Foods. 426-6523 S3/27tfn FOR SALE or trade: 500 gallon fuel tank. Want to buy 14 ft. boat trailer. 426-6286 W6/5tfn REMOVE EXCESS Body fluid with Fluidex onl $1.69 ii i i iii ii i i COLOR T.V. gee at Ol$en Furniture 4th & Cote 426.4702 i ,n Immediate Delivery HOTPOINT 10 Year Free Replacement Warranty WATKB HEATEB The llotpolnt Custom (}luesllne water heater provides the uit|- mate la autemutle, safe, effl. cleat operation. And but f ell, it fs baeked by 10 yesa tauk Peplseemeat wsrrs.nt¥, Eells & Valley Appliance Canter 2nd & Cots lit. Phone 428-1683 Complete Home Furnishing Center SLIM-GYM. Lose inches, tone muscles. Free home demonstration. Call 426-6707. W9!4-tfn FOR SALE .... Good, effective and inexpensive advertising. Just call The Journal, 426-4412.8/9tfn FOR SALE or trade hunting rifle. Phone 426-3172. R9/11-10/2 TRAID Forton II1 Electric camera for sale or trade. Call 426-6544. C9/25-] 0/2 KEEP CARPET cleaning problems small -- use Blue Lustre wall to wall. Rent electric shampooer $1, Coast to Coast. 9/25 FOR SALE -- bedroom set, blond, excellent condition. Call evenings and weekends, 426-6041. D9/25 POST ROAD MAPLE full size dining set. China cupboard, credenza, 2 arm chairs, 4 side. Custom table pads. Seats ]2 extended, A-] condition. 426-8847. Mc9/25tfn BRASS, Copper • and Silver antiques, also rummage. Sept. 28 and 29. 822 So. 1st. Phone 426-1328. P9/25 1968 SEARS DELUXE model washer, $200. Work warranty is paid for one year. Used 9 months. 426-4414. C9/25 SARAH Coventry. Jewelry by fashion show or will show in your home, privately. 426-8172. L9/18-10/9 Mr. View 1936 Olympic Hiway No. Spring flowering bulbs hove arrived DAFFODILS TULIPS HYACINTHS CROWN IMPERIALS CROCUS SNOW DROPS Dozens of other bulbs too numerous to list. Fine selection of Evergreen shrubs. Special close-out on many shrubs. Exceedingly fine selection of seedling hybrid daffodils $1.00 )or doz. -- while they last, SPECIAL General Eisenhower tulip bulbs -- brilliant red. Come in and Browse Phone 426-1313 9/25-10/9 i i i i i i Nye Building Supply Complete Building Supplies Weekly Specials Standard 235 lb. roofing $9a90,u.-- Sea1235Tabtb roofing $10a90,..00 INSULATION FULL THICK FIBREGLASS 3 1/8in., foil back 7 sq. ft. MEDIUM FIBREGLASS 2½ in. foil back 5d sq. ft. 8224 on Phone 426- cole Road i [i IL iii i i • . P For Sale FOR SALE 21" Color T.V. Console $125. Call after 7 p.m. 426-3225. Y9/25 SINGER Ziz-Zag Sewing Machine, like new, $70.00. Phone Hoodsport 877-5806. O9/25tfn BICYCLES FOR Sale -- 26 in. boys, 26 in. Columbia 3 speed. 426-4195. C9/25-10/2 FOR SALE Muskrat fur coat, size ]6. Good condition, $100. Phone 426-3008. U9/25 GRAPES =. 5 cents lb., you pick, across from Harstine Island community hall. Bring containers. 426-4907. C9/25 KENMORE WOOD heater, good condition, $20.00. Call 426-2293. K9/25 VARIETY of living room furniture, reasonable. Large chest of drawers, $18.00. Antique china cupboard, $65.00. Small trailer house wringer-washer, $12.00. Ranch style daveno, like new, $60. Also some modern maple end tables, etc. 426-6953. O9/25 Used Cars 1961 FORD econoline pickup. $450. Call 426-4574 Monday through Thursday. sa/21tfn 1946 FORD coupe, has Chev. 283. Needs work and transmission, many extras. Make offer. 426-2103. L9/11-10/2 1946 CHEVROLET % ton pickup. 4 speed transmission. Runs good. $125.00. Phone 426-6152. F9/18tfn 1947 CHEVROLET, 5 passenger coupe for sale. $125. Phone 426-8808. D9/4tfn COMPLETE running gear, 6 wheels, axles and tires 8 ply Low Boy. If interested see at So. end Adams St. Mt. View. W9/25 SALE OR Trade -- 64 VW (1500) Super. Will take 14' boat, motor and trailer, Honda or real estate. Call 426-6732. Mc9/25-10/2 1952 (F2)  ton Ford, twin cylinder dump, power train excellent, good rubbqr. Also 4 cyl..Jeep engine, , excellent comptlte, welkends 426.4z L9/25 ..... : PLYMOUTH Wagon automatic transmission, radio, V-8, heater, good condition. Phone 426-6910. $9/25 1960 CORVETTE 327, 4 speed, $1,400. Phone 426-1209 evenings after 6 p.m. D9/25 1962 CHEVROLET, Impala, 327, good shape, hardtop. Asking $700.00. Call evenings 426-2808. H9/25 '66 VALIANT Signet. Will take low book $1 150. Phone 426-1280, see at 818 Pine, Apt. 1. 9/25tfn 1960 CHEV. 2 door, 6 cyl., floor shift, $250. Phone 426°6795. F9/25 1967 MUSTANG FASTBACK 289 V-8 floor shift, Cragar wheels wicle oval tires, all red. 426-4148. B9/25-10/2 Used Cars '69 Galaxle Hardtop .... 3395 '67 Mustang Hardtop .... 1895 '66 Plymouth Belvedere .! 195 '66 Merc Hardtop ...... 1595 '66 Ford Wagon ........ 1795 '64 Rambler Sedan ...... 695 '63 Chev. Impala ........ 895 '63 T-Bird (air) ........ 1095 '62 Vauxall Wagon ...... 695 '62 Dart Wagon ......... 695 '61 Mercury Sedan ........ Used Trucks '65 Ranchero ......... ! 495 '65 F-250 Pick.up ...... 1395 '65 Ranchero .......... 1395 '56 Int, k.Ton, 4x4 ...... 695 JIM PAULEY'S BOB -- BUS -- BI LL 5th and Reilroad 426-8231 , i Services ELECTROLUX SALES & Service. EIectrolux bags available. Free delivery. Call Jack Manley 426-3544. 1622 Boundary. Ma/15tfn EXCAVATING, HAULING, and clearing. Free estimates. Ph. 426-4378. Gordon B. Moore. M4/4tfn CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy, accurate. Precision grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15tfn BATHROOM AND KITCHEN remodeling. Roofing, patios, carports. Smaller jobs also. Call Osborne's 426-6241. O1/25tfn FALL CERAMIC Classes. Day and night classes available. Mike Ceramic. 426-8655. R9/18-10/9 PIANO LESSONS GIVEN, high school student with professional backing. Call Cinda Watson, 426-8239. W8/14-10/2 BACK HOE SERVICE --Light grading, back filling, sewage Systems. Reasonable rates. Dietz Kadoun, phone 426-6893. 7/22tfn AUTO PAINTING, $55 and up. Also trailers, etc. Phone 426-4322. R9/11-10/30 INSULATION APPLICATORS AND suppliers of rock wool and fiberglass blown and blanket home insulation. Call for quotation, 943-1360. Willamette Valley Co. 7/17tfn Paving Con00r-- I ASPHALT PAV2NG I • Driveways I • Parking Lots 1 BOB KIMBEL CONIT. 4-4248 • GENERAL HAULING Sand- Pit Run - Gravel 5-Yard Dump Truck and Loader - Peat Soil TEL. - FRANK - 426.3153 8/2 ]tfn i i ii Bob Ogden INSTALLATION SERVICE Carpeting- Formic,,- Ceramic and Linoleum Licensed, Bonded A Insured Phone 426-3155 3/8 ttn Custom Upholstering Samples shown in your home. Free pickup and delivery. Phone McCleary 495-3447 S8/7tfn I HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Ph. 428-6687 H 2/17 fin i i ii LANE HOUSE MOVING Houses Raised, Found*lions and Leveling Phone 426.8147 1/27 tfn PAINTING and DRY WALL RE8IDENT and COMMERCIAL J. E. HARRIS Bonded end Insured CALL 426.8773 7/4 tin Wanted SHELTON JUNK COMPANY, 1st and Mill. Always buying copper, brass, radiators and batteries. Call 426-8626. S6/26tfn WANTED -- Alder Logs. 9" diameter and up. Mason Hardwood Co. formerly Smith Alder Mill. 426-1411. M4/24tfn Wanted Will Buy or Consign Wanted WANTED to Buy, 1959 Chevrolet or Buick. Phone 426-6072.09/25 Work Wanted LICENSED, Experienced babysitter wants job. My home. Phone 426-2241. J9/18-] 0/9 WILL BABYSIT in my home- Shelton, call 426-3178 after 6 p.m. 79/18-25 Help Wanted WANTED -- Mature woman to babysit in my home. Call 426-3161 after 5 p.m. M9/18-25 EARN WHILE you learn. Farmers Insurance Group has opening for trainee. All lines of Insurance. Call -- write Russ Fry, Route 1, Box 381-O1, Olympia, Wash. 352-7996. F9/11-10/2 WOMEN TO demonstrate and sell Kosmetics, Hair Fashions & Eye Fashions. No experience necessary. Will train. Call KOScot Distributor Mrs. Bridges 426-2488. B9/11-10/2 SELL BAUM TOYS-- Party Plan! Car necessary. No Del. We train. Excellent comm. 426-3397. MC7/lOtfn WANTED - Responsible lady for babysitting and light housework. Two children 6 and 8. Must have transportation. 426-8501 or 426-1488. H9/18tfn BOY WANTED for morning Paper route. Wyandotte area. Call 26-6527 before 7 p.m. R9/18tfn HELP WANTED -- Custodian, start $440. per month. Apply district office. Evergreen Elementary school to Bruce Jaros, assistant superintendent or Frank Willard, director of special services at Reed Building. 59/18-25 IF YOU ARE a fast, accurate typist and would like a challenging, full-time job, apply at the Journal office, 3rd and Cota, Shelton, between 8 a.m. and 5 .p.m. iii i i i AIR POLLUTION ENGINEER Job opening available on November 1, 1969, in Olympia, Washington. Must consult with officials of local agencies and industries to promote prevention and control of air pollution. A Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical, chemical, civil, or metallurgical engineering and four years of responsible engineering experience, part of which shall have been in air pollution control, are required. A Washington Professional Engineer's license and engineering experience in wood products manufacturing field are desirable. Submit complete resume and salary requirements to: Mr. Joel L. Durnin, Control Officer, Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority, 122 East State Avenue, Olympia, Washington, 98501. 9/25-1t Sporting Goods OMC and MER CRUISER stern drives. Evinrude and Homelite motors. Factory-trained mechanics. Hood Canal Marina, Union. 898-2252. 4/3tfn GLASSPAR, GLASTRON, Fiber Form, Boston Whaler, Schock sailboats, Evinrude, Homelite. Uppy's Hood Canal Marina, Union 898-2252.2/15tfn 16 ft. BOAT, motor and trailer. 426-4870 evenings. E8/14tfn Pets, Livesto& K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle clipping and pet grooming. Call Mrs. Kimball for appointment. 426.8988.8/31tfn GOING ON VACATION? Leave our dog with us If over 20 Ibs. eI-Ru Kennels 426-2387. N8/14tfn FOR SALE $250. 2 yr. old Black Angus bull, sired by one of Carnations best bulls. 426-6158. V9/llffn FOR A WELL mannered obedient dog, enroll in Companion Dog Training School. Beginners obedience classes startincJ Sept. 10 and Oct. 7. Confirmahon open and utility classes, Knowledgeable instructor former German Shepherd Club training director. All breeds welcome. Es 7-1647 or TR 6-8939. L8/28-10/2 QUARTER HORSE for sale. 250. with Saddle. 26-8808. D9/25tfn Lost & Found LOST BLACK billfold between Dr. White's office and Bell's Trailer Ct. All Oregon identification and important papers. John L. Burlington, 426-3169 $5 reward. B9/25 Wanted to Rent WANTED to rent 3 or 4 bedroom home with good furnace. Call 426-1264 after 6 p.m. H9/4-25 For Rent $7.95 RENTS a new piano. Sherman-Clay, South Sound Center, Lacey. Phone Olympia 491-3370. S8/22tfn For Rent. One upstairs apartment for single, quiet person. Inquire 526 Franklin. B7/24 tfn :FOR RENT 2 bedroom, unfurnished apartment. Holly Hill Apartment. 426-6593. B7/lOtfn WATERFRONT one bedroom unfurnished apartment for rent. Hoodsport area. References required. Call Hoodsport 877-5312. S9/18tfn BRAND NEW, never been lived in, Sound view, 7 miles from town. 2 or 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, carpeting, drapes, $150.00 plus damage desposit. References required. 426-6735. M9/18-10/9 FOR RENT 2 bedroom duplex unfurnished apartment with arage, utility and storage room. o pets, 904 So. 7th 426-8005. B9/25-10/16. FOR RENT Two bedrooms, on lake, furnished $150.00, unfurnished $125.00. Phone 426-8813. G9/25 FOR RENT 2 bedroom duplex, carpeted, fireplace, built-in appliances. Call Daniels Realty. 426-1600. D9/25 FOR RENT -- two bedroom unfurnished house. Hillcrest area. Phone 426-4541. F9/25 FOR RENT -- One bedroom Real Estate THREE BEDROOM houses, close in. One bedroom country house. Must have some cash. 426-8113 or inquire 311 Cookson St. B7/24tfn 2 BEDROOM HOUSE 4 years old. Drive by 2009 Stevens. Call Essex 7-8161. E8/14tfn 3 BEDROOM home, 4 lots z/ mile out Arcadia on Stewart St. Phone 426-8987 after 4:30 p.m. $9/4-25 BY OWNER -- 3 bedrooms, rec. room with bar, 1Vz baths, garage. 6% mortgage. Asking $17,500. 426-8077. D9/18-10/9 TRADE OR SELL! Charming place: 2 bedroom home, 4 units rear) Health Spa. 10 miles Palm prinks. 3 blocks town. $22,500 illness) Box 243, Desert Hot prinks, Calif. $9/18-10/9 ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom house, large lot, fruit trees, carpets, fireplace, on Angleside. 426-4877 for appointment. B7/31tfn WATERFRONT LOT with 2 bedroom home for sale at Lake Nahwatzel. F. E. Hewson, Route 2, Box 137, Grandview, Wash. 882-2484. H9/18tfn • BY OWNER -- 4 bedroom home, central, $11,000. for quick sale. Garage, 2 lots, phone 426-4209. Mc9/4-25 KAMILCHE -- 4 valley view acres. $3,950 terms, $3,500 cash. Maple Valley Land and Homes. Evenings 426-6961 -- 426-1374. M9/25 HOOD CANAL WATERFRONT 139' on Hiway 101, includes saltwater aquarium, souvenir and shell business. All equipment plus 3 bedroom house. $55,500. Will take Real Estate in trade for equity. 877-5856 Hoodsport, Wash. F9/25 TWO BEDROOM home. Will take odd used two bedroom mobile ome as part payment. 426-4548. C9/25-10/16 40 pasture acres with creek, power, telephone, $550 acre, two miles from Shelton. Owner. 426-6852. O9/11-10/2 FOR SALE: Large 4 home. DowntoWn_ ,  furnished or.noB , '426-2544 or 4 5 I St,, for rent or 'c = super market, church, u Es 7-8161 E9/25 MOUN IN ViE 4, tax d hone .... ; Make Offer. M 426.E6, 37".'j/1 I-uP . Jq,e: Looking For '. ;,:.: house, partly furnished. Phone WITH US for o .lv 426-6805. E9/25-10/2 MODERN - 3/4ACRE ..., =28tI41BI' r, FOR RENT duplex apaebt, . * ;  .......... , ......... ............ fireplace, garage, near school, border=ng Creek. Pastee'd "" bedroom, living, din ng, laundry, Even Jr,/*{, view. References 426-4428. 1/z baths, large enty. Loads o O. John.,a.  = J9/25tfn  r f Bru., ;' .... LBar;g h iUPlbac°rds3 acnlr Cla°raeS: ,,bert ';0, _.,':.*L_' Wlndell 31 Waterfront workshop. Garden and Irries. 4" F' Will carry contrart. ,,T--" RouSh lr. MobileFOr TrailerRentspaces and qlt 1 Near McCleary -- 495-3715V.8/7tfn ;;;"N "1"st St., . New Mobile Homes. Hood Canal. Heated pool. Underground hook-ups, POINT MINERVA MOBILE & MARINE ESTATES P.O. Box 24 Potlatch, Wash. Phone 877-5560 First driveway north of Potlatch State Park, Highway 101. _ 9/25-10/16 I - 2 BR Apartmente $110 Applianees, Drpee, Ca_.-pet.s, Water, G.,rbage, Ample Parking No Pets JEFFERSON APTS. On Mt. View Phone 426-8563 12/5 tfu ,.i ii i MT. VIEW ELWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS 2 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED Available NOW. No Pets CONTACT MANAGER 426-3100 "THE AO'I01 221 N. let M., 83' HAM waterfron $6,500. 3 ROOM FIXE! OVER kz Basement. for only $ FLC with Lie Lounge West HECK £ 200,000.00. ': '" t HA RSTI NEand J, ki Waterfront $11,000,00: .... , R BIG, LuxURI200'U. 'JIlt:/[L: o u b,e D Home on SP _f extr!( with all kinds.o 0lytlt It TO youiIy Show down and low mu" --'," . i: GOOD BUSI N ESS t&l Home Location. -r';l and  .... -" $1,500. down wMt ",t r IF You Don't Seere-- or 426-6155 Real Estate Wanted EXCHANGE -- What you have -- for what you want. Kurt Mann, Realtor-exchangor. 426-6592. 8/18tfn ATTENTION OWNERS  Hood Canal waterfront summer home or lot wanted. Phone Seattle, AT 4-7287. C9/25 Cards of Thanks Good Used The family of Joe Musta Personal Furniture or SPRINGER SPANIEL, shots, To Whom It MayConcern obedience training, needs countr I wish to thank all of the CONFIDENTIAL care for unwed Appliances home. $50. Alfred Wilkowskl. people who bought chances on 426-6148, 1221 W. Birch mentally retarded children at pregnant teen-age girls. UGN W9/25-10/16. _ ...... my painting for the benefit of the Agency. Collect calls accepted. Kelly Fumifure  Buckley. Also those who bought Florence Crittenton Home, PA FREE! Half Siames kittens, articles at my garage sale for the 2-8004. Box 8944, Seattle, Wa. 625 8o. 1st 426-2411 house broken, phone 26-1056. same purpose. 98178.8/28tfn .... M9/25 Velrna Graves Page 24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 25, 1969 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude for the sympathy, kindness and assistance, also the beautiful floral offerings given us during the loss Phone of our loved one. $3,250 .... Small 2 bedroom downtown home. Owner will leave some furnishings including range and refrigerator. Ideal for the oung couple or single man. hould be able to get pretty low monthly payments on this one. $5,500 .... Dandy 5 acre tract on large creek with boat access to salt water. $5,500 with only $650 clown $35/month. $ t 3,000 .... How about a 4 bedroom home in downtown area sheltered by large walnut trees. Has fireplace, dining room, double kitchen utility room. and large enclosed yard. "l=erms are available to assume good contract. This home is really built for the larger family. $13,500 .... Rambler styled 3 bedroom home in lovely wooded setting near Island Lake. Plenty of space for traffic-free playing for the kids. Lovely panelled walls and handsome birch cabinets blend neatly with this rustic setting. Patio space for cookouts. $16,750 .... Circular driveway leads you to this neat 2 bedroom home located on Arcadia Road about ½ mile from city limits. Features attractive fireplace for those approaching winter evenings, non-confining kitchen area, and beautifully panelled rooms. Sound attractive? How about if we tell you that this home is located on approximately 2½ acres with 165' of year-round creek frontage!!! $! 7,000 .... An attractive 3 bedroom home located down town near schools. Approved for FHA financing, and all ready to go. Has almost 3 lots and a small 1 room rental unit that would serve well as a guest house. Many other enjoyable features -- small creek, enclosed yard, fireplace, 1½ baths, etc. $17,500 .... -Hve 3. Here's an attr{;in V;: home on MOU;re-.i', family ro a_plla with built-in P n J' 11111, semi-finished ;O:; r;:t, for den or hOUni/ ":,ll home is nearw ,B'ly'. are availabe. " $19,750 .... _a 3 ,1..  t Here's a f.i, #,-','.., d O W ntown n°-," 't spacious room; t';;tt;' '; has the space.,r _.; ", dining ro.iviU ,,,e, i n d i v idual a(trl O verlappim) _0,, 1 D: good fireplac" room all panel! v0¢'' to. creek along Yato ,], short walk stores -- this iS it! • Lltll' ,: $29,500 .... Think of into a very with FireplaC separate room separated rooms for eal hOU built in a: dishwasher and small Garage electrlc weather and sy h 1[1( is is re proud of! $39,750 .... With nearl! frontage a n i de one of lake on this second view of