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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 25, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 25, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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KELLI SMITH as Laurel, and Kathy Hanson as Charlotte the Cat, are shown here in a scene from Ellen Duemling s adaptation of the Beauty and the Beast;; which will be presented by the Shelton High School Drama Department in the high scnool auditorium October 6-9 for elementary School students and at 7:30 p.m. October 7 for a public performance. municipal court clerk being officed in the courthouse and municipal court sessions held in the courthouse. She said this would entail paperwork created by the district court probation officer program and new alcoholism programs, among others, that the court clerk was in the is handled Shelton City Judge Carol Recommendations which were made in a State Auditor's report which was released last week had been implemented before the report came out, Shelton School Superintendent Louis GrinneU said. The auditor's report showed a shortage of $6,399.78 in the student body funds at Shelton High School. Grinnell said the school district had contacted the insurance agency which holds its employees' blanket bond shortly after the shortgage was discovered earlier this summer. Grinnell said the district is working with the bonding com- pany on the loss and that as yet no determination has been made on how much will be restored by the bonding company. Grinnell said the district is still in the process of trying to find out what became of the funds. The Shelton Police Department is investigating the fund shortage and the bonding company is also conducting its own investigation, Grinnell said. Grinnell said that the question with the bonding company right now is how much of the loss will be recovered from the bonding company. The superintendent stated new procedures have been in- stituted at the high school for handling the ASB money. These procedures are being followed, he said, and such an incident should never occur again. School Board Chairman Dr. George Radich commented that the auditor's report did not say too much. The board at this point, he said, had not decided on what other actions might be taken pending the outcome of the current discussions with the bonding company. Shelton police are contin- uing their investigation of the fund shortgage, although no definite information has been developed as yet. When the investigation is completed, the results will be turned over to the prosecuting attorney's office to determine if there should be any criminal prosecution. The report in full follows. REMARKS This report has been prepared pursuant to law by the State Auditor's Division of Municipal Corporations. It presents the results of a special audit of the Associated Student Body accounts of Shelton High School, Shelton School District No. 309, Mason County, Washington. During our regular audit we found a shortage in the amount of $6,399.78 as of June 30, 1975. The shortage noted consisted of the theft of cash after receipts were written but before the cash was deposited in the bank. Analysis of the Associated Student Body records indicates that the cash disappeared during the period from July 1, 1974, to June 30, 1975. Our computation is as follows: Receipts Per Deposits Difference Month Duplicates to Bank Over (Under) July, 1974 $ - $ 1,365.25 $ 1,365.25 August, 1974 13,538.17 10,794.67 (2,743.50) September, 1974 15,430.36 13,802A2 (1,627.94) October, 1974 13,874.95 11,64~.52 (2,233.43) November, 1974 13,557.36 18,186.08 4,628.72 December, 1974 15,893.28 13,211.14 (2,682.14) January, 1975 21,424.99 17,554.94 (3,870.05) February, 1975 9,756.83 10,059.71 302..88 March, 1975 6,807.44 5,344.13 (1,463.31 ) April, 1975 10,219.66 9,652.7g (566.88) May, 1975 12,546.23 12,099.68 (446.55) June, 1975 8,862.90 9,322.15 459.25 $141,912.17 $133,034.47 (8,877.70) Less: Cash on Hand at June 30, 1975 $ 2,528.86 Amount Paid Out of Receipts 49.06 Beginning Cash 2,577.92 (6,299.78) 100.00 Total Shortage $(6,399.78) that in the past some expenses, primarily thespendingcourt work.aim°st full time on of cases salary tbr the municipal court The commission approved a increased clerk and some equipment, con tract for W B Davis the court Judge Fuller asked that the Construction, Ol'ympia, for !, who is commission consider the problem part-time and stated she would be willing to rebuilding the bridge over Goldsborough Creek on Seventh Work is now attend another meeting if further Street. time on it. information was needed. The Davis bid of $49,450 was tl ested thatPolice Chief Frank Rains etk's work commented that with the increase the low of nine received on the project. City Engineer Howard he district in the number of cases in Godat recommended acceptance ,~ n With the municipal court and the of the Davis bid. • Other bidders were McPhearson Construction and , Engineering, Olympia; W.C. The Mason County Com- mission, at its meeting McKasson, Lilliwaup; Woodworth Monday, voted to lease space in , and Company Inc., Tacoma; Clinic During our audit the employee in charge of the Associated Student Body funds and records informed us that she became aware several months earlier that a shortage amounting to several thousand dollars existed and that she had reported to the high school principal that a shortage existed. It appears from statements made later that the two vice principals also were aware of the matter but no action was taken at that time. The money belonging to the Associated Student Body was kept in a vault but a number of employees had access to the vault. We were given a list of seventeen employees who had such access during the period that the loss occurred. We found that a number of receipt forms were missing for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1974, but we were unable to determine whether the missing receipts represent diverted money or whether they represent poor internal control and accounting methods. We recommend that recovery of the full amount of the loss be made from the district's insurance company, the employee's or school administrators' bonds, or any other source of recovery. For improved control of the Associated Student Body funds we also make the following recommendations: I. All cash receipts be deposited intact. 2. The Change Fund be enlarged so that all cash receipts can be deposited intact. 3. A locking safe or cabinet be provided within the vault to reduce the number of people having access to the Associated Student Body- funds. 4. All receipt forms, including spoiled receipts, be strictly controlled. Pertinent surety bond information is as follows: Pacific Employers Insurance Company, Los Angeles, California. Police No. SP045225. Local Insurance Agency: Don Smith, Arnold & Smith Insurance Agency, 117 East Cota, Shelton, Washington 98584. Selby Bridge Company, the former Collier building for the county V a n c o u v e r ; Q u i g g planner's office and the local Brothers.McDonald Inc., office of Intermediate School 29, Rt. 1, She appeared with her Aberdeen; Dale Madden 9eaed in attorney, Cliff Cortis Jr.,Construction lnc Bellevue; District 113. ~rior CourtOlympia, to enter a plea of not General Construction' Company, The commission is also con- of grand guilty to the charge. Trial of the Seattle; and Rognlins Inc.,sidering leasing space in the ~are fraud, case was ordered within 90 days. Aberdeen. o building for the county h aining Ms. Lofgren was arrested byThe commission voted bleengineer s office. sheriff's deputies about 12:15 The building was recently increase the minimum allowa aentitledLCe to p.m. September 17. She posted per diem for. city employees out sold to Exceptional Foresters. and $500 bail and was released ire of town on city business to $35 Kurt Mann, Shelton real estate custody, from the present $25. man, met with the commission to discuss the proposed leases. The space for the planner and school office will cost $250 a month and includes utilities and janitorial service. A decision on space for the engineer's office was held up for two weeks to allow time to study the electrical system in the building to determine how much would have to be done to it to make it suitable for use by the engineer's office. The propoosed cost of the space for the engineer's office is $400 a month. Thursday, September 25, 1975 89th Year- No. 39 5 Sections- 42 Pages 15 Cents Per Copy le noc ee upper O eservolr About 800 people were working Wednesday to contain a fire at the upper end of the Wynochee Reservoir, the U.S. Forest Service reported. A Forest Service spokesman said there were 590 people on the fire line, two helicopters being used to dump water on the fire, two others used for reconnaisance and two air tank- ers being used to dump fire retardant. The fire broke out about 5 a.m. Monday, the spokesman said, and started from a slash burn which had been made September 4 and 5. The burn was not com- pletely out, the spokesman said, and there had been two people watching it since it was started. Strange wind conditions early Monday morning fanned the fire up on the east side of Eison Creek. The fire jumped across a canyon and started fires in the Trout Creek area. As of about 8 a.m. Wednes- day, 657 acres had been burned over. At that time, the spokes- man said the fire was about 50 percent contained and that control was anticipated about 10 a.m. Thursday. Among the equipment being used were 12 ground tankers and two tractors. The personnel fighting the fire were School board sets The Shelton School Board will hold its budget hearing at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the library at Evergreen Elementary School. Forest Service employees from Washington, Oregon and Mon- tana and about 30 to 40 men from Simpson Timber Com- pany. The Forest Service spokesman said about 10 of the ground tankers being used to fight the fire belong to Simp- son. The spokesman said about 78,000 gallons of fire retardant had been dumped on the fire and 3.4 miles of fire trail had been built. An additional 3.5 miles of fire trail is anticipated. The firefighters have en- countered some problems with rolling rocks and logs in the steep area. There have been no accidents and no injuries. ~~~~~H~H~u~L1~mI~m A wrong program for the computer which counted the votes in the September 16 primary election resulted in the unofficial returns announced after the election being incorrect. County Auditor Ruth Boysen said this week the program sent by Computer Election Services, which has a contract to provide the computer election service to the county, resulted in the wrong rotation in the tallies. The computer error did not affect the city or Arcadia Fire District ballot count, which remains the same. When the error was discovered, she said, the ballots were run through the computer again to get the correct tally. Unofficial returns, which still lack a few absentee ballots, show Democrat Robert Corcoran with the highest number of votes in the county with 167. Second in the new tally is Bruce Chapman, a Republican. The third high~t number of votes went to Kay Anderson, 387. The correct and incorrect tallies showed: Correct Incorrect Bruce Chapman (R) 485 164 Robert T. Daly (D) 137 231 Richard Van Horn (R) 72 256 Robert Corcoran (D) 617 205 Kay Anderson (D) 387 229 John (Hugo Frye) Pattie (R) 37 203 Bob Satiacum (D) 75 168 Ronald Pretti (D) 1 I0 ! 16 IIIIIIIHIIIIHIHHHIHUl ........ ...... BBBI~ EVERYBODY READS in Middle School's Pleasure Reading Program. Each school day encompasses a 25-minute session wherein students, teachers and all personnel read for enjoyment only. The pupils above select books from a classroom rack. A story and more pictures appear on page 17.