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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 25, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 25, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Get Your l FULL SPIN EXA r, T=ON I NO OBUGATION • NOTHING TO PAY I I You may have one of these 16 . I I DANGER SIGNALS OF PINCHED NERVES. I I I. LOW Back Pain 5. Dizziness9. Numb Hands 13 Numb F3ngers I I 2. Headaches 6. Sore Elbows 10. Bursitis 14: Hip Pain II I 3. Shoulder Pain 7. Neckpain ]1. Pain Down Legs 1.5. "righthlusdes II • 4. Arthritis 8. Indigestion 12. Muscle Spasms 16. Aching Feet | ~ ~ FIND o{.rr NOWwhether careful, professional I ; car,, can,e, ve, and I1~-u- • • " Thisexaminationnormallycosts$30.00ormore.ltwillincludeanorthopedic Ri(~A. C~m n ~ = _11 test, a neurological test, a blood pressure test, a spinal alignment check, an ...~ .... II I examination for restricted or excess motion in the spine, a test for muscle This entire examination is FREE. I 1 strength and a private consultation with the doctor to discuss the results. Ifyouwant.morecareandtzeemlent, 1 I FREE, ,,,,, oo a. I I Y°u =Pl)°in ,t be°re NEXT SATURDAYI: ,, : i I CALCAI LA Chiropract ] I AtcomerofE 4thandN. Wilson B NGTHISCOUPO I~I Ill/ " ' O~ I~ll~ ~II~ ~I~ ~I~I ~-rH YOU I , , .. Olympia (Nex o Crown Seafood) ~-- • .... '70 Ford ~/~ ton, 3 spd, AT, V 8, Like new: MTD namg mower, ............ " -~: _ -= - hp engine, 38" cutting width in- ~b.uu ut3.u,; King watemeo,, com, plele wire bOOKcase neao cluding extra set of blades and . " h - ........... cleani- ram-" $900 426-8370 board, eater, etc, $350 OBO ] u~u uasner diesel wagon, 4U r~ f J, . • .,~,. ,~ ..... T-:-~.. " ...... • .~ 40-42117 q-/~-U~I'OU, LI./b-IDO/U. MI-'L] "P, very clean, new pain[, 40-42/17 $1650; 1983 36' Holiday Ram- bler Presidential 5th wheel, $16,000; NACO West Charter Membership, no dues, with coast to coast, $2600. 426- 3063. 42/17 7' French Provincial couch, like new, $200 OBO; men's bicycle, excel, cond., $50; ladies brown leather jacket, size 14, perfect, $50. 898-2626. 41-42/17 12x16 Karastan rug, Sarouk design, burgandy, good cond $350. 877-9271. 42.44/17 SUPPLIES FIRST BIRTHDAY Saturday, March 26, 10-5 Free Show at I p.m. 10 must be accompanied by an adult N. 2nd Street, Shelton RV's - Boats - Cars etc 55' Raingo gutters, downspout 3.1 acres fenced storage hdwe., $45; queen size water- 459h-7777 bed mattress and liner, $35; 3 REPO CONNECTION rabbit hutches and feeders, $40; ~ -: --- ~ ~ ~ 31" white bath vanity includes faucets, $75; 9' overhead gar- age door includes hardware, Slate pool table w/access $250. $125. 898-2255 after 5pm. 459-5321. 42/t 7 42-43/17 I ' EASTER CASE I SPECIAL SPECIALS I Rhubarb & Chardonnay I Johannesburg $79.00 I Reisling " 11L llr I Johannesburg I Mix or match Reisling I 3 for $14.97 1[T $42.00 I IYou are invited to try our Premium wines in the tasting room I II00DSP0: V/I II I Highway 101, Hoodspo 'O m% om 877"0894 Floral print colonial style couch & chair, large chest-type freezer. 426-3579. ........ 17' Shasta Travel trailer, sleeps 8, $1100 firm; '73 Pinto S/W, runs, $200; 10' row boat w/3hp Johnson, $300/pkg; Oliver 88 tractor, $600; 15 lawn mowers, as is, $125/a11. 866-1401. 42-43/17 Snapper rototiller, $100; gas powered brush cutter, all attach- ments, Kiontz 302, $100. Both ready to use. 426-6735. 42/17 WATKINS PRODUCTS Dealer now serving Mason and Thurston Counties. For orders or information call 866-8265. 32tfnJ/17 1969 Plymouth Fury II, 4 dr, 318 w/auto, new brakes, '79 eng., $450; motorcycle trailer, 4x8, $250; ICS Fashion Merchandis- FOR ing course, $200; engagement & wedding ring set, $100; re- A FREE buildable 318 engine, $55; port- ESTIMATE able electronic typewriter, $50; box ass't boys baby clothing, CALL 426 $10; Two P225x75R15 tires (like new) on Dodge rims, both for ~1 $90; Two P225x75R15 tires on Dodge rims, both for $30; One Chevy S-10 15" 4x4 rim, $10; two pair Navy Dress White shoes, size 7W, each $20; end table, $10; old copy machine, $5; 10 chickens & 2 roosters, each $2; TimeWorks Word Writer 128, $20. Call 426-0646. 42/17 Mitsubishi VHS VCR, like new, 20 tapes and extras, $200 firm; birch china hutch, $120. 426- 191 O. 4t-~3/~ I UPHOLSTERY 1 t NOW TH T small, Nothing too big - Free • & eshmates - Free P~ckup & deliverv I t426-6078 426"1372= APRIL 1 ...- =____~ ¢¢ ¢: ¢C :~ ¢;- ¢ Installation is a Sears authorized Four P225-70/R15 tires, very good tread, $180. Call after 6pm, 426-6200. 40-42/17 Harley Davidson elec. golf cart with hydraulic brakes, excel, cond. 826 W. S .ir l "" is. $700 cash. 426- Shelton, 6~'E. 39.41/17 HOUr IS: Mc nda~ See Juli or 13 cu. ft. Coldspot refrig., $250; 3/4 deep well pump, $150; weed eater, $1 O; 2 wheel trailer, $100. OBO's. 426-4948. 4o-42/17 Roebuck =nd Co, TOPP FAST DIET • As seen on TV. Combines extra- ordinary good taste with out- standing nutrition. Call Marilyn, 8984955 after 3 Will deliver. 42-44/17 Garage door and o 4 section w/fibefglass frame, all hardware, 2 operators. 427-9454. I I Name I Address I C ty I Phone II PRINT THIS AD FOR WEEKS I PAYMENT MUST I ACCOMPANY AD FORM II EXTRAS: $1 for each extra PER WEEK II I-'1 BOLD HEADLINE r-I BORDER II BOLD HEADLINE LIMIT 20 characters (include spaces) -SEE RULES AT RIGHT- 1-13 FOR 2 SPECIAL ($5.50) rIREAL ESTATE SPECIAL ($16) I-IBASlC AD ($2.75) r-ICOMM. FRONT PAGE ($5.50) [] NON-COMM. FRONT PAGE ($3.75) EXTRAS ($1 ea. per week) EXTRA WORDS (10¢ ea. per week) EXTRA WORD NOT ALLOWED ON EITHER SPECIAL SUB-TOTAL # WEEKS X TOTAL DUE $ I[ 1 I 1 I t t I I I 1 I 1 I l _LI I I J i ONE WORD PER SPACE Phone or Iddreea MUST be included in cost PHONE#=ONE we D I I ..... I I I I I I I I I Page 2 The Shopper's Weekly Vol.8 No.42 Mar. 24-30, 1988 AD DEADLINE TUESDAY 5pm 1-ANTIQUES 2-APPLIANCES 3-AUTOMOTIVE 4-BABY GOODS 5-COMMUNITY &FARM EQUIPMENT 7-FURNITURE 8-FREE 9-FRONT PAGE 10-GARAGE & YARD SALES 11 -GUNS 12-HEAVY TRUCKs & EQUIP 13-HELP WANTED 14-LIVESTOCK & POULTRY 1EPLOST & FOUND 16-MARINE 17-MISCELLANEOUS 18-MOBILE HOMES 19-MOTORCYCLES 20-MUSIC 21 -PERSONAL 22-PETS 23-PICKUPS & VANS 24-PRODUCE 25- RADIO/TV/STEREO 26- REAL ESTATE 27-REAL ESTATE WANTED 28- RVs/CAM PERS/TRLRS 29-RENTALS 30-RENTALS WANTED 31 oRIDES/CARPOOLS 32-SERVICES 33-T00 LATE 34-TOOLS & MACHINERY 35-TRADES 3~-WANTED 37-WORK WANTED TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL AD DEADUNE' TUES. 51 _. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY: lOAM Wl~ II 3 FOR 2 SPECIAL: $5.50- 3 weeks for the ~ Of 2; MUST be 20 words or less, phone# is o~. ~ word. NO COMMERCIAL, REAL ESTATE, H.=~'~ iI TALS, CHANGES OR REFUNDS. Add $I P.~"I WEEK for borders or bold headlines. 1 30III REAL ESTATE SPECIAL: $16 for 8 weel~L~°'~ • won~ oHee~ ONE PROPERTY per ed. NO~ III OR REFUNDS.Add $1 PER WEEK for borders II bold headlines, _^,~ II FRONT PAGE AD~: $3.75 PER WEEK for ~r; commercial classifieds 20 words or lesS, I0¢ pe II word, PER WEEK, Over 20 words, phone* isOn~ i word. Commercial and Real Estate ads (inclu°" r~ • rentals) is $5.50 PER WEEK for 20 words or I eeee~ II 10¢ Der word, PER WEEK, over 20 words, PhQ~.-d ~ classifieds are ANY a II is one word. Commercial i=l wdh the intent to generate any continuoUS ino0~.. =., CHANGES: No changes or cancallatiOnS wl. ~ II accepted after Tues., 5pm. $1 will be charged tor II any changes after the ad is first submitte~ II FREE AD~: Lost & Foun~ Giveaways, communes II (events free to the public, political and relig~ou II events DO NOT qualify). Ads Jn these catagOrl(~S II run for 2 weeks FREE on a space available baSl=~ ~1 20 words or less ONLY. 13 II PAYMENT' PAYMENT MUST AccOMPANY A II FORM OR AD WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. • CHEC~ YOUR ~: ~o~ = Of ~ ~ I rightaway.TheShol:~oeCsWeeklyisnotrsspon~ Of I any errors after the first insertion. We are alsO n responsible for any losses due to any error in anY I other than the cost of the ad for the hrs I REFUNDS: Will be made ONLY in the event °f ~; error made on an ad submitted in writing. REFUNDS WILL BE MADE ON PHONE-IN ADS OR CANCELLATIONS. 426-4677 OR 1-800-451-7902 8am-5pm M-F