September 25, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 25, 1975 |
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""'' '" I .,r
men Bowling News bwlm C,UD | Football Predictic
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,season IWllTn J I1 iii
Men's Hi Game: Loren Mercer i~./ ~,,, i ¢
t82. " f Dave I ~" ,, 34 y~ars of pre~!~ Middle
The She!ton freshman Shelton s only score of the Men s Hi Series: Loren Mercer Shelton Swim Club will
football teams defensive re-jamboree came when quarter-499 begin its sixth season Thurs- The Twins, Dan and course and did not compete as a '~Z~ llljl ll|l .e ~,~ :o,~
We men's Hi Game: Nellie ..... " ..... ! "£'.r, =--~JLL~ br'ngng him *o Y~II0 la
cord is st!ll unblemished after back Willy Nutt connected with Rossmaier 162 day, uctooer z, at 3:~u p.m. at Johnson, finished one-two in a team because there were not t kI|:D_~A-~ I1 1 I I • • 82% of the time!.~k,m( ,t with
- t . st T,.,-,
last week s Black Hills League tight end Les Smith on a Women's Hi Series: Nellie the high school swimming pool. triangular meet Thursday, but enough girls from the schools to for the enhre foot, winning sin
Rossmaier 440 The swim club is of°pen to theirshowed Sheltonlittle depthteammateSand the were:have al. team.FrancesThOSeNelsonresults(s),!1 ~a~
jamboree at Highclimber S0-yard pass play against Standings: GrangeIns. 9-3,
Stadium inwhichthelocalstied Tumwater. Crater said his Skokomish 9-3, Pomona 8-4, anyone from the age seven * Home Team ]~0e!ckl^_
[ p,
!! .... ...... SEPCBHB~ ~z ,.,,¢ sides fir:
North Thurston 0-0 and beat offense has good balance Agate 1 7-5, Agate 2 2-10, through high school age, with Climbers lost to Aberdeen 6:19; 2. Shannon Robinson (S), ][~ ~~~!~it°n and
Tumwater 7-0 !n two eight- between running and passing.MatlockGrangel.ll.lns. 3, Loren Mercer" good swimming,, ability. . 34-25 and to ,Montesano 34-25 7:02; 3. Desolee Clayton (S), [_ ~o t%"d~X~.%...-'----~K~alO~. .......... *~J~rs.#" :l~'vUL..j211~t~picked'up
minute games. Lane Jackstadt, linebacker 499; Agate 1 1, Joe Wargarkki "A team members will on Aberdeen s 2.2-mile cross1:17;5. Anita Hoepfer(S), 7:24. n0 ... 31 *MIAMT (VI~.o....
462; Skokomish 3, Pauline oractice Monday. Wednesday country course. The Shelton jayvees lost to I! Pacific (Ca].2f.) ..... lb *Long Beach ar~,l,-~ as the
Trenton SZate ....... 20 *Hofstra ....J'TURSto Oc,,-
The Shelton fresh walk, talk and offensive halfback, looked ER aWm Ap atmoe n2a L and Friday from 5:30-6:30 ancl The next runner for Shelton Montesano 49-15 and lost to It ... SATm6aX, 61 "=
and dream about defense outstanding in the jamboree,
(opponents scored 2.7 pointssaid the coach. Cba,ender 459; Matlock O~Nellie Saturday from 11-12. "A" team after the Johnsons finished in Aberdeen 29-26. The Monte- tt Amen ............... zl can~rax ~ur~, =.. •
AI#.~AK~ .............. 28 *YAI~DF-.,BBILZ ..' wearned he
net ~ame a~ainst them last The fresh now prepare for Rossmaier 440. consists of the advanced com- identical 11:32 times was Bill sand team took the first seven I *AZbrtght ............ 21 ,/tmta~ I~L.~..:::Ta t...
se" -ason) and head coach Gene their opening league game with petitive swimmers. Boggs, who came in 15th. places and had a perfect score ll*AZfred .............. 20 N. ¥. Taoh .... 'i
American InternatLonal 21 *Norwich .... 'I~II~
Field..a-.- ~ team members will Shelton also took ,6th, ,7th, against theothertwoteams. " *AXa. ................ 2]. Sagtn,v'latZ*''l--,.
Crater said his squad ' played Timberline at home on 1 practice Tuesday and Thursday 19th and 20th and got trounced Jayvee finishers for Shelton R AppaZaehtan State .... 28 .Furman ..-..:.,lIlri'~
fair defense' in the jamboree. Thursday, September z~. = ~ I from 5:30-6~30, and Saturdayin the scoring, were: 8. Brian Willis. 12:54; 14.BN AaZZom*AaIZ0"A .............. ....... 3z3~ ~azomM.~o,zm~0u~.i]]l,. ""~
Other scores were NorthCoach Crater is looking for a aT usnma. from 11-12. 'B' team consistsHere are the results of the Glenn Robbins, 13:07; 16. Brett 0 *ARKANSAS ............ =z ......... !1
Thurston 7-0 over Capital and tough game with the Blazers. , of new members and those varsity meet: 1. Dan JohnsonHaskell, 13:12; 17. DougII ~ *Asmend*m~ff ................ ......... 2~Z1+ WayneVZU~NOVAst. (~t~llll~V'"JIla~=" --
Tumwater 0, Capital 0. "l would say the league's goingThe Lake Cushman Men s with a smaller amount of (S), 11.32; 2. Dave Johnson (S), Richert, 13:24; 20. Barry ~ Beldw2n-Wallace ...... 28 ,John Carroll '.1-"=~1
"The offense is what we to be real balanced, he said . P • B].uffton ............. 20 *kdr$1m ... .... ]~gh ~-~ ,
were p,!eased with, said after viewing the jamboree and Women's Golf Clubs had aex erience 11:32; 3. Brad Hensley (A),Cochran, 13:59; 25. Don Evans, !!Bates ................ ].b *HamtZton ..... It,. u
field day Sunday wRh many New members wishing to 11:50; 4. Dave Blaine (M), 14:51; 28. Oliver Chapman,
Crater. The line did a good job action. ,
openingi holes, but the backs The areas ninth grade members and guests attendlng, join should call coach Doug 11.55; GregCedell (M), 11:57;;A:):°;12~08 ~; Br~;n"'Ha~rti; 15:35;31. Eric Valley, 16:18. !" iiii
don't have their timing downteams have just been organized Women s long drive on cup Hanna at 426-1009 or come 6. Nell Wyrick (A), 11:58; 7. The Climbers take their 0-1
yet. Coach Harmia (Chris) and in a new Black Hills League3, first place winner, was Ann down to the pool any night from Rick King (A), 12:01; 8. Russ league record and 0-2 overall
Anderson and second place was 5"30;6"30 Monday through Sagen (M), 12:02; 9. Ken Lisle record to North Thurston this
coach Millikan (Jack) have done with two divisions. The taken by Bee Hewins. Friday after October 2. (A), 12:03; 10. Tess Ferrier (A), Thursday to compete against a
a real fine job with the offensive Climbers freshmen have never Long drive on cup8 was !2!04,11_Don L evering,(AL tough Ram team which Shelton
line." played Timberline before, taken by Arline Baker and LESAHt%TSO#AP%OINLGS e coach Leonard Stutzman said is
second place by Barbara in the running for the league
, y='a---r oowo,,
...... Won Lost (M), 12:15; 141 Lick Johnson title.
Men's Ion- dri~o ~," .... ~ White Spot 1 1 7 ...... *Clarion State ....... 21 Central Radtu
has leg )roken ~, ......... v" Shelton tnn 10 8 12:25; 18, unidentified; 19[!DRAFT$I
was smashed by Jim Fisher to Spencer Lake 10 8 12:44; 18. unidentified; 19.
take first place, and second a,,ynF!rC°neB.avern o8 ,u10 Brian Perkins (S), 13:14; 20. , ~
went to Gene Stark. Richard Baillie (S), 13:22. SAVE
Shelton s jayvee footballDorcy and Jim Tobin Long driveon cup8 for first Cub-WomenF,r Cone A 55 1313 The girls ran a 1.2-mile I FUEL !
team won a game but lost a engineered six touchdowns place, Stan Trimble;second
,lace, Ben Guthrie WEDNESDAY 9/17175 I CRYSTAL-CLEAR, | Eastern Zentuc]~'::::: 2].*Zest T;~i~**,~g; then ,
ballcarrier Monday afternoon, during the game, all on the ~ • Won Lost | *Eastern bllehigan .... 11+ McNeese State
'~[2-15 I<
On the opening kickoff of ground. The Climber squad Closest to pin on cup four. r.h u,., la Golf winners ' / "'*~""*~
..-.- ........ I ~.~., ::~ ,, PLASTIC • *Evansvi].le ...... : : : : 214• S.g. masoz z t" varsity :
the 37-6 rout of North, Mason s scored twice in the first and firstplacebyRandyBrush; and Shelton Rec- 126 ~ I ~~/ Fl°rl~e A" a a ].1+ *N°rth ~s°°~l'ihe re~"I+:FLOBZm ....... ....... ].7 ~SSISSlPPZ O'Vlltlt~,, ,=~'~
jayvees, Joey Vincent s leg was fourth quarters and once in second place, Glen Butler. Fir.Cone 12 $ ....... , ---,, ~'*
, " " uoo s.avern v o are named
| *Franklin & Harebell . 1+O Ursinua ....... J~.. , t
broken, both the second and third Men s club championship White Spot 9 9
.... ....
Vincent had returned the stanzas. , Runner-up was Bill Robbins. ~',',lY~rTa~ern65 ~2 Recent winners of golf11 ~lllE~'7~;i! WINDOWS.DoORS. / roveORt:~b~'g'::::::::::Ctty ........... !~ ii~F::c~en~La~:''].,
kickoff 30 yards before beingNorth Masons lone touch- competition at Lake Limerick I .... PORCHES& .ttanover ............. ..,,,
tackled. He did not rise from down came in the second were: I
$H$ sports c.lendc ' ' "
the heap. quarter. September 13, best ball: Ed [ ~! DRAFT FREEi / *Hobart .::::::::::::. 2]. Deniaon ...... ::L .
Shelton quarterbacks Bruce If Frankenfield and Bobble Peter- I ~ii~....~.~..~ ~.~ / Hope ............. 2]. *maeaton . ..-"R , .. ,
l *H0m 0H "'" z¢ so HZTHODZS '11- I
son, first;Floyd 'Pete" l ~Z "~1!"\'~]'l(Zq-~ I~ .............. ' .....
| *Idaho .... 11+ Idaho Stage .'".l a
Littl L ge .....
Peterson and Lois Roth, ] Indiana ce-tra]. ...... 28 *aelae].berg '~li~ :-ure Uc
e eo o Thursday, September 25: second. ; ,ImplOre ............. trr , its
Cross-country at North Thurston, 4:00 Men s Club: Ralf Hollings- , Ia ~ ~ml . Iz__~'p ] Indiana (pad ........ 2]. *Shtppens_ouf~-~p Bees n~
sh of C Ff leers Girls Tennis, Elma HERE, 4:00 Girls Vollyball, Elma HERE, 4:00 w°rth' first; Dallas Wells' i !second; 1~0WA STAI~ ........... ].7 *FLORII~. ~.~.:~lSo... ""
• Johns Hopkins ....... I~ Muh-l.enbe__rL.'":,| ~reetoa +~
OFt ,ay " ""=o" .............. "
| Only INSTALL! ~'11~! zrJ, m~s sauTE ......... 2g *~ Fo~F~2 "] ......
Mason County Little League division, Bruce Baker; Fresh Football, Timberline HERE, 6:00 Miller and Vern Miller. / ,~# Cutwith1~ ] *KAI~AS .......... 21 OREGON S~ ".l.
Ladies Club standings, 1 tHl'~" shears ~ t *KENTUCKX':: .......... ].7 mRX'I~l~_ .--~;~ere:
l Run F, tack over ny ........ .,, gr0s
elected officers on September activities. . Friday, September 26: medal play: Mary LoB Nault, / (av'~,o~screens, doom ~ Ke, LebanonOn Velley ....... ...... 2].21 ,Woosterolokit~on:;~,::~'.,! a S ---
14. • ~ Bantam division, Dick Varsity Football at Capital, Ingersoll Stadium, 8:00 p.m. first; Bobble Peterson and / FLEX-O-GLASS is the only l .LmnoIt .............. z~ P~__m~w'~,:~,[,~Panaway:
ii iYSome 0flicks were left Swearingen;girls division I, (Oly. H.S.) Maxine Paterson tied for t ~ plastic window material | I, otrm~m a~ll ....... ].~'az¢~ ........ [a,a Valley.
~t:~ause of sparse atten. Ron Jacobsen; player agent, Monday, September 29: second place, il guaranteed 2 yearstAt Hardware, Lumber & ~~ !~ 2!i ~ ~~i~: S.~ ~ ~)r2ss,~
dance at the meeting, according Mary Wood; head umpire, September 14, Esther Wells / Building Supply Stores
to league officials. George Wehnas; purchasing Girls Tennis at Timberline, 4:00 eagled on No. 7, witnessed by | WARPBROS. chicagoa0 Sl
They invited local citizens agent, Bob Drogmund; equip- J-V Football at Aberdeen, 4:00, Pioneer Park four other players.
I Pioneers In Plastics For Over 50 Years
interested in the program to ment manager, Ray Rohwein; Tuesday, September 30: =
volunteer for the positions and training, Joe Bourgault.
also for work that needs to be Positions not filled are: vice Girls Volleyball at Timberline, 4:00
done on the field, president, coast division, girls' Wednesday, October 1 :
Elected at the meeting were
President, Fred Wood;
secretary-treasurer, Helen
Soper; VP senior division,
Glenn Sowers; VP major
Meyer nabs first
lsobel Meyer was first,
Barbara McDoweli second and
Bee Hewins third when 16
members of the Lake Cushman
Ladies Golf Club played bingo.
bingo, bongo last Wednesday.
Bessie Longacre was low net
winner; Arline Baker copped
the low gross honors.
Eclectic winner for showing
the most improvement was
Phyllis Pierce.
with a
Chain Saw
Whether lam'm cutUng for your
Ottm die or for profit, that log pile
grows qulckor when you use a
HOMELITE E-Z ohlin alw.
Come in md try this great saw
Motor Ihop
on HIIIcrest
We Service
!ge 12
We Sell F ifth
.on County
division II, field maintenance, Girls Tennis at Hoquiam, 4:00
women's auxiliary and special Girls Swimming, Timberline HERE, 4:00
activitis. , : ,~ ,, ~
.m~ ~i
~ ~ ~ |i
W,-" g,)t i r~.
New H Custom Muffler
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We can match any muffler and tailpipe. Made right here at Mary s.
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Complete Exxon Products
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We have a new stock of
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Prest0ne II
Limit Gallon
Far Western Batteries
2 year, 6 volt" 3 year, 6 voltcqFI ~i
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Come in and, check the rest of our low prices. Ask your
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iii ii i
- Thursday, September 25o 1975