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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 25, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 25, 1975
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Harstine pies ~,~l~..dvanced In-Line "LINYTRON • One-gun picture tube with ~~tl~ :ek Stripes offers brilliant color ~ xcellent crispness and contrast. ~ll~;~°l!d-State chassis with plug-in II~" es for ease of servicing a nd ]L Mr electric consumption. ~Utton Automatic Fine Tuning ~t~I .eliminates the need to retune ~' Channels are changed. l~l~it'$econd"" start. ition UHF tuner for ~el Selection. easy [~t~t VHF fine tuning. f~ re - a demonstration today ... ~HARP with other makes l~l,iQIs "~Rp ^ 2"" we thinklK you w,ou will agree Offers a oreat deal more, t ,Mr. ,~,~ i¸ i J, table available, in By CARMEN YATES The Reverend Foster of Lacey performed the ceremony uniting Sandra Glaser and Barry Bailey. The bride is the daughter of Bonnie and Dick Glaser of Shelton and grand- daughter of Celia Glaser of Harstine. The bridegroom is the son of Bernie and Doris Bailey, also of Shelton. Mary Ann Gadding was Sandy's bridesmaid and Terri Glaser (Sandy's sister) served as maid of honor. Attendants for the groom were Barry's brother Denny and a friend, Tim Fredson. The bride wore a long dress that featured an empire waist, long sleeves and trimmed with red rosebuds on the cuffs. It was made of off-white muslin. Sandy chose pink and white for the colors of her wedding. She carried a bouquet of long- stemmed pink rosebuds and white baby's breath. The three- tiered cake was white and trimmed with pink and red rosebuds. Wednesday of last week the Otis Dwyer family hosted a birthday dinner in honor of Dell's aunt, Pauline Carlson of Island Shores. Besides the guest of honor and her husband Ike, the Glenn Yates family of four joined the group for dinner and a very nice evening at the Dwyers' new double-wide mobile home located on what Dell refers to as the "stump ranch" where her folks lived when she was a girl, located on top of Jones Hill. Ruth and Harley Yates arrived back on the island to spend a couple of weeks with his folks, the Stan Yates. They had been here earlier in the summer, then headed for Hayden Lake, Idaho, to await the arrival of their second grand-child. Stacy arrived the end of August and joined a is sponsoring its harvest dinner By DORA HEARING Mary M. Knight PTO is sponsoring its annual Harvest Dinner for the public Saturday night from 6 to 8 p.m. It's a roast beef dinner and all the trimmings. Matlock Ladies Club met last week Wednesday with Melba Trenckmann as hostess. The next meeting, October 1, will be election of officers. Pinochle Club met last Saturday night with Dora Hearing and Carl Portman as host and hostess. High score went to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trenckmann, pinochle to Louis Asche and Melba Trenckmann, and low score to Bill Barnes Sr. and June Mitchell. Good News starts October 6 at the Matiock Community Church at 3:30 p.m. for all ages of children. Tammy Colbert and Diane arc representing Mat. of the FFA. y Colbert entered a registered sow and litter of pigs at the Puyallup Fair and Diane Oliviero entered two registered geese. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Anderson of Port Orchard were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Park Board plans meeting The Shelton Park Board will have a special meeting October 2, 7:30 p.m., at city hall. This meeting will concern future development of Loop Field. All those interested are welcome to attend. Helin Thursday. They all motored to Westport in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Lowe of Shelton spent Thursday eve- ning at the R. E. Bradberry home. Dick Cockburn is in the Oakhurst Rest Home in Elma. Mr. and Mrs. William Barnes Jr. and son William of Mercer Island spent a few days this week at their farm here. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Ross- maier were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rossmaier of Tumwater. All celebrated Dorie Lou's 14th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Brad Milan and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Walker of Federal Way, Mrs. Larry Walker and daughters Janet and Sue of Tacoma, and Mr. and Mrs. Terry Avery and children of Shelton were Saturday visitors at the Earl Walker home. ............. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brel : meyer Jr. took Beth Brehmeyer to Eilensburg Saturday, where she will enter college this week. The 4-H Bombers of Matlock, assisted by their leader, Mrs. Eugene Anderson and Mrs. Dick Tupper, land- scaped around the grange hall Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford called at the Sam Butler home Sunday. Mrs. Dick Tupper and daughter Sue were Friday luncheon guests of Mrs. Bill Chrisman in Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. John Tupper and son of Montesano were Saturday dinner guests at the Dick Tupper home. Ill I I three-year-old sister, Shelly. After staying for a few days while their daughter Margaret recuperated and father Jerry, too, they came to the island before heading back to Arizona last Monday. Hartstene Pointe presently has a new "moocher" making house calls. The little white bundle of fur with silver ears keeps hoping to find his lost owners as he makes the rounds of the Pointe. The little free- loader is a miniature male poodle. And speaking of Hartstene Pointe reminds me that Women's Club is on next week's agenda. Thursday noon at Hartstene Pointe, gals. Jim Bowers represented the Quadrant Corporation at the Puyallup Fair last Friday. Wife Edith took advantage of the' opportunity to spend the afternoon enjoying the many sights at the fair. Jim also reports and Edith spotted a coyote in the vicinity of the hall when they were on their way late one evening last week. Gordon and Shirl Larson had as their houseguests two friends from the east coast for a couple of days last week. The couple was taking an extended tour of the states, camping all along the way. Jack and Beth Minor just returned from a two-week trip up to Alberta, Canada. Their destination was Jasper Park. Seeing the glaciers and swimming at Radium Hot Springs were highlights of the trip. The weather was nearly perfect with just one day of rain. That particular night a young honeymoon couple came over to their motor home a bit embarrassed at having to seek assistance after they locked themselves out of their car. A coat hanger soon corrected the situation. But the next morning's experience put the difficulties of the evening before clear out of their thoughts. On this occasion fright far outweighed embarrassment. Beth awoke and got up when she heard a scratching at the door and then a thud that shook the mobile home. A quick look out the window didn't indicate any major problem. So as she put water on the stove to heat she put the incident out of her mind. A few short minutes later a shrill hysterical scream brought her hurrying to the door in time to see the young bride "streaking" (literally) from a small pup tent that was riddled to bits and strewn over a large area. As the terrified girl practically leaped into Beth and Jack's motor home she uttered one word, "bear." Beth quickly grabbed a robe to wrap around her. The girl's husband wasn't far behind, clad only in a pair of shorts. After they were calmed down a bit they admitted they hadn't read the leaflet that was given to them by the ranger. And they had committed the worst one of the "no-no's" . . . having food in their tent. The bear had completely shredded both the tent and their sleeping bag. Unfortunately it was the couple's first time ever camping and they both said adamantly it would definitely be their last. Time and space seem to both be running short. So we'll hold a couple of stories over until next week including an account of last week's Grange meeting and Eshelmans' slides of New Zealand. It was reported that Dorothy Barnett is back in the hospital. FROM PROTEIN BLOCKS WEIGHT GAIN A protein called phaseolamine, found in uncooked kidney beans and wheat, may be the key to future weight-control programs, according to Dr. John J. Marshall, of the University of Miami. He says the natural calorie-cutting chemical blocks the body's use of starch. Neil's Pharmacy Emergency Ph. 426-2165 Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327 Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 Ill Route 1, Box 598 Mason Lake Dr. Grapevie w Phone: 426-3657 Our temporary BB Our temporary driv in wi ndow is open to serve you during the construction of 3 new windows to offer you fast, efficient service. We appreciate your patience, and it won't be long now! The temporary entrance is from 5th Street. Please note that our night depository is still open. Access is from Franklin Street. Member FDIC • .qEATTLE.FIR.qTNATIoNAL BANIT Shelton Branch, Seattle-First National Bank All Deposits Insured to Illl I I I Illllll I III I I I I I Thursday, September 25, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 21