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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 25, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 25, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Call P~ 15 words or less ~-- $1.50 PHONE • I 0 cents for each additional word over I 5. • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of 4l ~ THREE (3). )==i I i ' • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday ~ t$ o¢, .st," ,O - For For S=,o Sporting Goeds -------------------------------------Pots. Livosto& WoA Wanted Services snt with floor, 2 6-CYLINDER Dodge truck engine, 2-DAY daytime and moonlight PASSING FANCIES by Jan 19 SABRE Craft fiberglass 75 LOST A shoe? Don't lose y~r HANDYMAN --- PAINTING AUTO PAINTING, reasonable su' 2army cots, 2 1953, plus many extra parts, .$50. garage sale. Clothes, dishes, Danford. An illustrated book of h.p. Evinrude. Sink, cabinet, cool! Horseshoeing, Julie Dill.inside or out hauling, yardwork, prices. Also trailers, etc. All work .rner Coleman Funk and Wagnall encyclopedias, kitchen utensils, knickknacks, verse and prose. $1.95 at the beautiful, $1495, 426-3815. 426-8774. O9/25-10/16 you name it! 426-4594. M9125- guaranteed. Phone 426-4322. lOllaway'~man 2-mantlebed, never[39/25 used, $40 Call 426-8054. AVOnloose cushionb°ttles plUSdavenport,8V2-foot2 floralnew JournaID2/24tfn and book stores. P9/18-25 , ~ ~10/16 ~1202 Cote St. RT/2Otfn hOOd. 426-4997.MEDITERRANEAN. COUCH and . o=r~iL.1 :) rLUMUll~lq~i and I-(epalr Johnson outboard gas tanks, etc. 9 BOAT STORAGE. New 80x100 Cheryl's. Phone 426-9170 for an Lilliwaup and Brinnon area. $3 per c~u Agr,.K~Q7 R1/Affn " a.m. 'til 9 p.m., Thursday, Sept. HAY FOR sale, Nalley Farm, building. Completely enclosed, appointment. O9/25tfn hour. 877-5791. L9125 .............. ' .... Ioveseat. Green ann while velvet25th. 3 P.m.-9 p.m., Friday, Sept. Saturday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Call Sign up now for winter storage of : _~ Hillcrest print $150. 426-6113. M9/25-10/226th. 537 West I Street. (End of8 7 1- 1 1 2 1, Po rt Orchard. boats, motors, campers, traders, ~ ~ PRESERVE THOSE precious old gelding. Must sell, going to Hillcrest area. 426-4159. photographs with fine art copies. , PUD, Thurs- " ....................... street in Bonnie Glen on Mt. View. F9/4-10/30 etc. Union Marina,898-2252. colle~)e. Reasonable offer. 426-8439 $9/18-10/9. Twenty-five years experience. n.-4 p.m J9/25 MOVING SALE -- 38 years ac- U9/4-25 cumulation. Fifth houseon left siDe M9/25 26' CABIN cruiser, bargain, evemngs. A9/25-10/16 ~ Dean's Studio. 3/7tfn Ithes turn tureof lower Leeds Loop Road. Watch AVON COLLECTORS -- Complete Soundcraft inboard gray marine ~ LICENSED DAY care home. All mi ..... ;' for signs from Agate Store. car collection, other Avon decan- engine, fully equipped, top _-_-_-v-._-._-._=_-_------=- $5 apiece. 426-9620. E9/25-10/2 ages welcome, 426-5926. CHAIN SAW sharpenin(~, spee.dy, ~s'~: out, ~KOKSaturday, Sept. 27, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. ters, Stauffer exerciser, Foley saw condition, sale or trade, $5,500. M9/18-10/2 accurate precision grinamg. NOW 26~36~' =~Y o 7,~'~u B9/25 BLUE LAKE pole beans. Pick to filer. 426-8155 or 491-2898. J§/25 426-3241. L9/4-25 Lost & Found ~ at Sa r Motor Shop, H"illcrest * .......... LICENSED CHRISTIAN mother, Phon~e426-4602. 1/15fin FOR SALE -- 8 windows and sash, SEWING MACHINES, zigzag home desperately for love and ~ristmas=~,~-o'r- order only. 426-5710. W9/25 assorted sizes. Phone 426-8197, trade-ins from $39. Parts and FOUND: BEAUTIFUL young black attention. One tiger stripe male cat experienced and dePendable. ~ ------ j ,., ,.,vv - ke new 4 h.p. ALUMINUM CANOPY for V2-ton 619 Bellevue, Shelton. H9/25 repairs for all brands. Centralmale cat at the nursing home. Very our neighbor, 426-1632.and one multi-color female.19/25Phone Drop-insL°ving care,welcome, reasonableany rates.time. A.BACKHOE'HughesDOZING'constructlon,haulin¢)" F. ~rotector, misc. p ckup, $50 426-1365 $9/25 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Sales, 877-5798. C9/11-10/2 tame and loving, wearing flea Please phone Mary at 426-8480. 426-9486. H9/11-10/2 portraits by Kalan Brunink, TOY FOX terrier puppies for sale. ~ ~s~ii::c~!r:eKetepf:~r~'~: , 3 mi es south~ collar. 426-3648. H9/25tfn Liner L9/25 FREE -- ONE gallon of root ~-~- Mary Campbell, Fir Tree Park No.reputable artist. Done to order GIBSON ELECTRIC range, full from snapshots, 18x24", $50 per size, works good, $20. 87?-5798. ~ Teann Kennels. Phone 426-6152. ust sell 21" 54 from Minor's A&W Drive-n on purse at Safeway phone booth. F5/29tfn '.ombo, $175. Mt. View. A9/25 single portrait. Address: 5200 De P9/11-10/2 Reward. 426-5047. P9/25 ~ SELF-DEFROSTING Longpre, Apt. D Hollywood, CA ~~'16 ............ WOOD COOKSTOVES for sale. COLLEGE-BOUND, must sell. Two 3/4 Arab colts, $150 each. ~ 12/7t n .'-Tnursoay, refrigerator 1 year old, good Gordys Auto Body, 426-2727. ~---=~_=_=~= Purebred Arab colt, $700. All CHRISTIAN WOMAN wants your ~Urday. Some shape. Phone 426-4694 or see ]27 TWO AQUARIUMS --10-gallon, V9/.11-10/2 .... halter broke and gentle. For lease 5-gallon, all supplies, 40+ fish, ~ 0~slllanks . ..... • . Brummltt. Phone 866-1646. -~ 4-year-old 1/2 Arab mare, gentle, baby to love while you work Hot ..... -- .............. ;, m~sc. 1727 "F", Lot6. A9/25 $40 complete, $25, $20 separate.SINGER TOUCH and Sew, all 426-6152. F9/11tfn lunches, lOtS or ~oys, Dig yarD. R4/tnffn ' ' d 426-8548. C9/25 ' overcasts, etC. Sold for $449, truck nir~'~ 1973 28 F=berform cmd. br g. zigzag stitches, buttonholes, Reasonable rates. 213 Euclid -'~'""'" carrie.. %~.',.~ cruiser, twin 165 OMC, FWC, This is to thank the MatlockSPAYED FEMALE red Avenue Phone 426-5627 .... air ~.~ =~uy HW heat, CB and VHF, like new.GOOD 30" electric range, repo. price only $133. Terms and .... -25 " " GUNSMITH S id e-b y-s i d e r e f r igerator, trades available. Central Sales, Bombers 4-H Club and their Doberman, 426-6829. K9/18-25 uv/,~-cu • Repairing Modern and Antiques -. -,=u-uoc..Loaded with extras.426-6492. 426-4098. D9/11-10/2 " 877-5798. C9/11-10/2 leader, Mrs. Eugene Anderson, for , ,eC~l~l=l'3 ---3~-~-u-~,c f.,~m • Precision Scope & Sight Mounting M9/25 the landscaping they performed for FO R S A L E -- Registered L,,- ..... =-~ ....,~, v~.~ .,,v,,;• Shotgun Choke Alterations, ul. 426-2792. ~ REMODELING LEFTOVERS -- *~21 CRUISER. Call after ~.p.m. the Matlock Grange Hall. It gave half-Arab mare, 4 years old, very Evergreen :~cnoo~. want lOtS OT alioeum~ -___.___._____ some furniture, tools and misc. Blue.tone paneling, shower with 42 -5435. H7/31tfn us great pleasure to see a job well gentle. Also large Buda diesel love, care and fun for your • Shooti~gSu'-'ppues {tended frontFriday, Saturday, 10 a.m. 2111 glass door, sliding door pocket ~ done. We thankyou, motor. 426-1287. R9/18-10/9 children? Call 426-2589 ...... e C8/21tfn " warren Ae quIFll~ll'(l or evenings Madison. V9/25 and door, exterior door with 23 CABIN cruiser and trailer, Members of Matlock Grange jamb. Call 877-5534. L9/4ffn #357 - Route 2, Box 7SS Phone 42e-2501 RUMMAGE SALE Friday, Sept. good condition, standing head gh ' - andgalley, $3,800. Union 9125 Farm Slau tering 896-3460 or Olympia 866-0396. ,,_~_-_-_-v--_~-_~_-._-_-_- food sup- 26th, at the United Methodist netics. Biode- Church. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. L9/25 home and G9/25- MOVING SALE -- Thursday- Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 712 Pine Street. N9/25 econ- cleaner. $2. Coast :on. $4 bale. for E Bock ANO CO. notor and GARAGE SALE -- Saturday, Sept. 27th, 10-4. Lots of antiques, round and square oak tables, set of four pressed back chairs, set of six oak chairs, carved oak bed, oak kitchen queen, iceboxes, heating stove, many misc. 919 Pioneer Way, Shelton. M9/25 Square Orl~ PORTABLE SMITH-CORONA typewriter, Corsair 700. 2 pieces Airway luggage. 426-8464. W9/25 YARD AND porch sale, 27th and 28th. Clothing, some furniture, barbecue, toys and games and misc. 2018 Ferry Street. F9125 BARN SALE -- Electric reducing belt, chord organ, 14" Chev. wheels, metal bed, motorcycle helmets, glass gallon jugs, fruit jars, pure apple juice. Much more. Rt. 2, Box 492, Picketing Road, next to winery. One mile past Harstine Bridge on mainland. $9/25 TOP SOIL Skokomish Valley, good WOULD YOU like to sell or get free Sarah Coventry jewelry? Call L9/4-25 426-5859 after 3 p.m. 9/18-10/9 TIRES --4 Atlas radial HR70-15 "SPRING BULBS" available now! less than 600 miles; 2 snow tires For catalogue, send stamped, 8.25-14 with rims; 2 G78-14 snow self-addressed envelope to: Bulbs, tires with rims. 426-8135. 3621-14th Ave. South, Seattle, L9/18-25 Wa~ 98144. B9/18-10/9~ --vTTAMI NS, G RAINS, ba kery and 15 FIBERGLASS boat, 35 h.p. dairy products, all your health Evinruoe, trailer, $525. 877-9443. food needs. Old Healthy's Natural T9/11-10/2 Foods, First and Railroad, 426-5158. O4/17tfn NEW LENNOX gas furnace, 82,000 BTU, $250. 2 gas space heaters, 50,000 BTU, $50; and 30,000 BTU, $25. 426-2774. G9/11-10/2 FOR SALE: firewood. $20 cord, U-haul. Phone 426-8362. F9/11-10/2 MOST POPULAR sizes of tires and batteries now in stock. Call Sears 426-8201. $9/26ffn FOR SALE -- 1974 Honda CL-200, excellent condition, under 700 miles, $750. 426-1803 after 6 p.m. M9/18-25 SONY CAR cassette player, excellent condition, evenings 352-4583. D9/18tfn CEDAR FENCING. Call Exceptional Foresters, 426-1550, for free estimates. E5/16tfn CORDWOOD. CALL Exceptional Foresters, 426-1550. E1/31tfn BARGAIN TABLE--Misc. items, some ½ price. Photo Center, 426-6163. P3/6tfn ROOFING -- NEED a new composition roof? For free estimate call Norm Bunko at Sears, 426-8201. S1/10tfn FRAMES -- FRAMES -- frames. Photo Center, 426-6163. P2/20tfn JX BRAND country-fresh beef. Phone 426-3325 weekdays. 426-2806 evenings and weekends. J2/27tfn 426-8201 sandy loam, no rocks. UPRIGHT OAK piano, good SHELTON JANITORIAL Service, Have supplied this dirt for condition, $375. Phone carpet cleaning our specialty. 877-5296- L9/18-10/9. Phone 426-8936. Sll/30tfn lawns and gardens for 25 ALDER SAWDUST, bark. years. Deliver by truckload 426-4035 or 943-9845. L5/15tfn anywhere. After 5:00 p.m. The Herculite Jungle CAME'-~--RAS -- THAT call 426-2570, F. E. Manufacturer of Boat picture taking easy -- yet give you • Greenhouses. 15 Years 426-6163. P5/ltfn Ogden. 9/11tfn Tops • Patio ~-urtains beautiful photos -- Photo Center, experience. ~-~-----~ 426-2321 Rt. 4, Box312 BINOCULARS -- SPORT, shelton, WA98584 hunting -- move in closer -- .------------ tfn $39.95 up -- Bushnell quality -- Finest In: tto ~ Photo Center. PS/15tfn MiX ~"A~EL F,eld ESTATE SALE TRADE-INS WANTED -- Top allowances for good, clean refrigerators (all sizes) and gas or comforter, beautiful blue king electric ranges (20" or 30"). ~OURs Phone 426-1500 size; 9 ft. custom-made divan, Trade in today on new furniture or appliances. 426-4702. Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 07/17tfn :3SS FROM .F COU RSE 6/1 3tfn after 6 p.m. Serving Mason County • Septic Tanks • Backhoe Service • Bulldozing • G ravel P.O. Box 37 Grapeview WA 98546 _ The Pot Shack ! Mile East of Union on Hwy. 106 ORNAMENTAL CONCRETE 2nd Annual Closing Sale Friday - Saturday - SundaY Everything at least 25% OFF 8 Only - Picnic Tables Round with 3 Benches $120 EACH ALL FLOWER POTS 1/3 OFF Closing until March excellent condition; 2 upholstered chairs, gold; 1 Eastman 35m camera; Retina Reflex 5 with polarizer lens; 1-135m zoom lens; 1 projector, Eastman Deluxe Carrousel 35m with zoom lens; 1-15" port. T'V; other items, also. 426-8440. MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/gtfn TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cote. 4/16tfn I JAY'S CUSTOM MEATS (Complete Meat Processing) FARM SLAUGHTERING Custom cutting, wrapping and freezing. Hams and bacon cured. Locker beef available. E LMA 482-2203 6 tg-tfn Call Norm for fast quotes on continuous aluminum guttering. ~atislaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back Evergreen Square Call Norm 24-Hour ShopPing 426-8201 Used Cars. PICKUP TRUCK with camper, $1,850. Call after 6 p.m., 426-6794. $9/25 1963 JEEP Wagoneer, 4 w.d. Good condition. Many extras. Rebuilt engine. Make offer or trade. 426-3361 or 426-5418. H9/25 '70 VOLVO, runs great, looks good, minor body damage. $1,500. 1-898-2363. A9/25 1968 GMC 1/2-T. pickup with canopy. Low mileage. Good tires. Excellent condition. 426-4365. P9/25 1970 F250 pickup, automatic transmission, excellent condition. Asking $2,500. 877-5560. H9125 TRANSPORTATION CAR, '66 Toyota Corona Deluxe. Automatic transmission. 21 m.p.g. Body and motor good condition. $575 275-3587. R9125 1971 Buick Elect., 2-cir., PS/PB, P/W, A/C, C/C, T/W, 60/40 seat and stereo tape. 68,800 miles. $1600. 1973 Buick Centurion, 2-dr., PS/PB, P/W, T/W, A/C, C/C, 60/40 seat, 28,000 miles. 1973 Pontiac Grandville, 4-dr., PS/PB, P/W, vinyl top and power seat. 29,700 miles. 426-8295 Used Cars '68 GTO, good condition, new parts, call 4~6-5935. L9/18-25 1972 MUSTANG Mach I 351, 4-speed, power steering, power brakes, 8-track, mint condition, $3,100. Call 426-1995 before 5 p.m. B9/11-10/2 '59 GMC pickup, needs work, $80. 426-3261. U9/25 WILL TRADE '59 Ford pickup, good condition, for '57 Bel Air Chevrolet. Call 426-3795. $9/11-10/2 Custom cutting and wrapping. Old fashioned curing done and pepperoni and sausage made. Livestock bought, sold and hauled. Home Meat Service Glenn & B. J. Probst 426-1643 Ka milche Help Wanted WAITRESS WANTED, exper- ienced or will train, guaranteed excellent tips. Kitchen help wanted experienced or will train. Apply at Palitos Mexican Restaurant, 131 West Cota. P9/25-10/2 "~ SALESPERSON NEEDED for large Shelton store. Duties to include cashierincj, paints, carpet, cabinet and apphance sales. Send resume to Box 7 c/o Journal. 9/18-25 RELIEF DRIVER, motor route. Must have car. Call 426.1098 ~~ _-_-_-_-_-__-..-..---- after 4. H9/11-10/2 Used 1974 Plymouth Duster Six cylinder engine, power steering, air $~ conditioning ........................... 1972 Plymouth Gran Coupe Very well equipped one owner vehicle ......... 1972 Pontiac Firebird ................................ 1968 Buick Skylark S' Very clean .............................. 1968 Plymouth. S 4 door .................................. 1967 Plymouth S' 4 door ........................ 1966 Plymouth Fury 2-door hardtop .......................... 1960 Chev Pkkup Six cylinder, 3 speed, 1/2 ton ............... FRONT & RAILROAD SHELTON 426-8183 |lm ii Now is the time to trade -- we need used carsl 1975 1975 1975 LTD t-dr. (was rental) ................ $5,225 Torino 4-dr. (was rental) ........ SOLD $4,950 Torino wagon (was rental) ............. $4,895 Mustang .......................... $3,595 Ford 4 x 4 ........................ $4,995 Olds Omega ........................ $3,595 Datsun PU & canopy ..... (NOT SOLD) $3,495 Vega ............................. $2,895 Chev PU & canopy ............ SOLD $3,795 Pontiac Venture .................... $2,795 1974 1974 1974 1974 1973 1972 1972 1972 Matador 2-dr ....................... $1,995 1972 Courier, GF2358 .................... $2,350 1971 Comet 4-dr ............ i ............ $1,595 1971 Chev Malibu ....................... $2,395 1969 Westcoaster .......................... $425 1967 Ambassador 4-dr ................... $1,125 1961 Chrysler 2-dr ........................ $550 JIM PAULEY, INC. ! .4 WARD DF_AZ£P ~C~~~.~ Mt. View at Kneeland--Cente Phone 426-8231 48 momh financinfl available BLUEBERRY PICKERS wanted. Transportation from She(ton. Eberhardt Nurseries, Steamboat Island Road. Phone 866-4703. E8/21tfn EXPERIENCED SECRETARY, full-time, for Shelton office. Send resume to P.O. Box 626, Shelton. S8/21tfn Lew's Tree Service Tree Topping Tree Removal Stump Removal Phone 426-2064 Shelton, Washington 9/1 9-tfn Animus Septk Tank Installations Phone 426-3153 5/22-tfn Cleaner Cutting Saws Your maws will cut cleaner. ~[-C~3 I truer, faster when filed on ~- I our precision maehine. Quick ~ J service on all types of sa .... ~/~,I Bring your saws in today, Old saws retoothed. Al s Precision Saw Sharpening 111 W, Cote (Alley entrance tO JAOS) 426-9205 - Eves. 426-1421 Need Second Income to Fight Inflation? Ca. 42 -1468 Red Estate Wanted for appointment. 9/11-25 HAVE OUT-OF-TOWN buyer for 3-bedroom on Mason Lake, with dock -- under $40,000 with half --~--~--~---~=-~----=--~---" cash down. Ask for Vi, She(ton Wanted Land and Homes, 426.5555. $9/11-1012 WANTED BY private party, used W I LL PAY cash for a Pflueger Pakron reel, large two-bedroom the $8,000 pressure canner, misc. fishing range. I~lail particulars to Box 10, equipment, tools, tin can sealer, c/o Journal. H7/3tfn 877-9751. J9/25 " WE BUY and Sell equities or WANTED -- NEWER name brand freezer, somehwere from 15 to 20 contracts. We trade or exchange cubic feet. Must be in good homes, farms, waterfront or condition. Phone 426-1992 afteracreage -- paid for or not. Call Mr. 5:30p.m. 09/25 Mitchell for quotes, bids or further information. Have buyers WANTED-- ~ b-'0-aat for 2 and 3 bedroom homes. 15-16' with motor, not less than 50 Mason County Realty, 8th & h.p. or late model 50 h.p. No Junk. Railroad, 426-4486.8/12tfn After b p.m. 426-4748. D9/25-1012 RIDER WANTED, Shelton to Olympia, round trip, 8-4:30 shift. 420-2690. L9126-10116 [::): H. I~NUDSEN Pole Co., Port of Shelton, John's Prairie. We buy poles~ Ri_hn.g, stumpage and land. 426-635U, home pnone 426-8914. P.O. Box K, Shelton, K2/24tfn CEDAR SPRAYS -- 16" to 24" Wanted WANTED: *'STAMPS and coins, singleS; and collections. As a colli~ctor, I can pay more than most dealers. 426-8007. P4/lOffn length, clean, no cones. Don Lauber, 426-3177, call before cutting. Sherwood Forest Farms WANTED: OLD photos, scenic or Indian. 426-9323 mornings or Inc., Chehalis, Washington. evenings. S9/18-25 $9/4-25 Ir le Minimum lO-inch top diameter, minimum 9 feet long, $3.00 each sapa ! 426-5571 9/18-tfn Thursday, September 25, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 27